
Communication Strategy Quotes

There are 227 quotes

"It's much easier and quicker to make up bullshit than it is to rebut it."
"Use the STAR method to provide a structured and impactful answer."
"If you want to persuade someone, the basic rule is talk to the elephant first."
"That's why I don't use the word 'toxic masculinity' or 'male privilege' when I'm talking to especially red pillers because that word will immediately produce an emotional interaction that will shut down the rational part of their brain."
"The reason teasing and being playfully absurd help build chemistry is because there's another goal when flirting, which is to create emotions."
"The squeaky wheel gets the oil and the quiet wheel doesn't get in."
"Showing not telling: don't explain any more than you really need to."
"They're not gonna outright speak against Gupta."
"It's an antidote to the idea that your message should be targeted at groups."
"Talk to them about things that don't matter so when it comes time to talk about things that do, that pathway is open."
"First, get people's attention and get them interested so you can deliver better arguments later."
"Silence seems like a bad tactic, it's what makes tensions worse between players and Konami."
"We actually are on the right side of the issue. So, it's very plausible that changing how we talk about these issues is a great starting point."
"It's a tool for people that want to red pill people around them without jamming it down their throat."
"Silence is extremely powerful, use it very sparingly."
"It's sometimes about what you don't say, what you don't show. Those moments of silence... making people captivated 100%."
"Define your aspirations, determine your unique value proposition, effectively communicate your brand."
"We should try to ask questions first and spread information later."
"You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar... wouldn't it be better to present an intelligent argument, an intelligent debate to see that maybe they'll understand your position?"
"There's very little that is more powerful than repeating yourself when you just said what you meant to say."
"Threaten them because that's really their, you see, you can't really debate with them."
"Take a loving and positive approach when expressing yourself."
"There needs to be a reason behind what you're sharing."
"My sweet daughter, you have done well. I am very pleased. You have been prepared for every moment and surrounded by those who love you."
"I was never lying. I might have omitted a few details, but you're not supposed to."
"Creating a call to action that isn't super pushy is very powerful."
"I think sometimes the online conversation that we're all in is we spend a lot of time just trying to go after them and debunk their and not enough time pushing out to people what we want our message to be."
"Perhaps the single most distinguishing characteristic of Penn & Teller's act is teller's silence... You can't heckle a person who won't answer back."
"Let's just go slow and easy... change minds."
"Know how and when to end a conversation... people tend to remember how things end more than how they started."
"Always bring it back to the thing you want to talk about."
"Recruiting comedians for effective communication."
"Resilience involves communication, strategic comms, and building trust with the public to counter disinformation effectively."
"If you send that message early and often enough, I think over time you will see or can see at least some cultural changes."
"Allow others to imagine your intelligence by keeping quiet."
"Use humor to bring people in, then hit them with the facts."
"Your job is not to show them how you're different, your job is to show them how you're similar."
"Sticking to one main message will make it very easy for your consumer to understand your values."
"At the end of the day, the product doesn't even matter if you send the right messenger."
"Fear appeals affect how we perceive and respond to messages."
"If you repeat the same lie 9,000 times, you can convince half a billion people."
"We want to be so transparent you can't even see us."
"I cheat and I do two things: I only talk about things I care about, I only talk about things I understand."
"I don't want to give people ammo. I want to disarm them instead."
"Compliment before criticism: it gives your opinion more weight."
"Google Keep integrates with the rest of the Google apps and your smartphone and the desktop version of the app profoundly, making it a really valuable app."
"It is also not a right of entry into the conversation. I try to get to them, I try to bring them up in a manner that's not interrupting of the discussion or distracting, but I don't get all of them."
"Whoever tends to speak last on any subject tends to own that subject in the minds of those listening."
"Keep your mouth shut. I honestly... sometimes it's better because if you give light to it, it makes the story bigger."
"Does your response make you an idiot? Maybe. But sometimes that's what it takes to get through to people."
"A good headline is thinking in terms of benefits and not features, especially when it concerns the headline."
"Just be quiet, let them talk, let them be stupid. All will be well."
"You have to speak in that way to get the coalition needed behind you to pass big legislation of this nature."
"When you say less than necessary, you inevitably appear greater and more powerful than you are."
"Our goal is to get the truth and we believe that it's a more effective way most of the time."
"Do you want the good news first or the bad news first? I think I'm gonna do the bad news first so that the video can end on a happy note."
"Just block out a period of time where you just don't talk to them at all."
"I didn't go and burn down the internet with the cameras and this because if I would have said it nobody would have believed me."
"Send it in writing first and then I'll stop."
"These kind of cases where less is so much more."
"If what you're trying to communicate is a feeling, do it directly."
"Quantity: less is more. Don't text too much about nothing."
"A momentary pause can be a powerful tool to stay in control and feel confident about the information you're sharing."
"There is a way to approach this... don't argue with people directly, just ask them questions."
"Complaining and getting loud is the worst way to get what you want. It makes people want to help you less."
"That's fair, but there are ways you could do it without identifying those people."
"Choosing the right radio frequency is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Schelling points in SETI."
"She's trying to establish some type of frame control."
"You don't have to admit you're wrong, just say 'I've revised my opinion'."
"Hooks are essential: grab your audience's attention within the first few seconds."
"There are a lot of ways to talk about this in a way that is respectful, but it's not slavery. Don't do that because that's the only tool in your wheelhouse."
"Looping is not bad if what you're doing is trying to make sure that's the 10 somebody remembers."
"Life hack: you don't have to say everything."
"Shut up, ask stupid questions until really until the person that you're listening to has specified the problem."
"It's less about the policies with him... the thing to focus on with him... is the fact that he at least controlled the conversation."
"You have the ability to persuade, to acknowledge the other side, to provide a certain energy that they can feel off of you."
"A good talk is like a good paper, it has a structure, a good talk starts out with a big question and then we build content over time."
"We should have definitely addressed it... if we ever get into a sticky situation like this again, we'll fire up a stream immediately and we'll talk about it."
"The more extreme you could make a situation, the more extreme language you could use, the more emotional ammunition you have."
"There's a real opportunity to hit that message home."
"We have to be smart enough I think we are we have to be smart enough to figure out how to platform ourselves forever to build the kind of ark that people will be attracted to and see as an alternative source of information."
"Get them to talk, once someone has said everything they need to say, that's when you want to deliver your information."
"Phil's learning not to speak in absolutes at all times, so he's doing the Never Say Never response."
"You can avoid so many bad conversations and arguments if you just decide to define terms before you get into the actual argument or debate itself."
"We need more people who are pushing out, who are telling the progressive story on our terms."
"It's all about the frame, you know? The frame that you set at the start of the relationship is what's going to govern the way that it goes."
"Take them seriously but not take them literally."
"You know what you need to do is you need to start talking until somebody listens just keep talking and talking and talking."
"I'm giving you my social media scripts that convert... it's exactly what to say when you find prospects on social media."
"Don't call people out. People will get defensive instantly."
"I think it's important dialogue in our community and just as humanity I think yeah so I'll just leave it there just listen to understand not to respond."
"When you lead your point with a story, people's brains fire up and they start to try and work out why the things that you were saying matter."
"The two most powerful words I think we can ever say: 'What else?'"
"If your woman were to say, 'You don't love me,' one effective response might be to say something like, 'You feel that I don't love you?'"
"I kept calling them every single day, literally until they got tired of me."
"Continuing to change those Messengers and putting forth people that look like the audiences that we're trying to talk to is going to be the best way to break through."
"Recognize commonality before difference... establish where you agree with people before you try to establish where you disagree."
"There was some conversation you could have had to avoid this outcome."
"If you're stuck in a talking stage, I'm gonna tell you exactly how to get out of it."
"Saying less is always better than saying too much."
"Always tell the truth, but the second thing is try to find a way to frame things that are gonna persuade people."
"The smartest thing you could do Mary is not talk."
"We don't want any of our primaries talking to people in the media while an investigation is hot."
"It will be time to open up new communications but be very, very strategic about it."
"People need zingers, they need to instantly grasp and understand the arguments."
"Their goal is to sound so absurd, unreal, that no one believes you."
"Never make a point without telling a story, never tell a story without making a point."
"Do these people not even know how to negotiate? Don't send him letters, make demands."
"A dedicated briefing area adjacent to but not inside the talk would be very helpful for getting salute reports or debriefing team members."
"Transparency is interesting... people really find it valuable if it's done in the right way."
"Top tier tactics: when you're going for a new bird, don't text, use voice notes."
"The only way to defeat outrageous lies is you better start telling them some outrageous truth."
"We have the best weapon in our hands which is the truth, it's just a matter of telling it."
"The era of never complaining, never explain must come to an end."
"They're planning on not really saying much...sitting in their authoritative power."
"The conversation is not a conversation, it's more so a chess game of the two moving their pieces trying to achieve a checkmate to make the other bend to their will."
"The easiest thing to do is to tell people what they want to hear."
"In depositions, you want to keep your questions short and concise for this very reason."
"Encouragement is vital; you catch more bees with honey than with vinegar."
"It's okay to be triggered. That's what we want. We want to trigger you."
"If you raise your hand and you disagree with me, then you go to the front of the line."
"Never love. The time has come to speak to them in a language they will understand."
"I think probably sometimes I do reframe for influence, but I never do it for bad intentions. Right, it's usually to make things clear, not the opposite."
"It is the easiest thing ever to make fun of and I'm telling you, you want to communicate with the most amount of people, you make them laugh."
"You can't just cold message someone and expect them to be all in right off the bat."
"We're committed to being more communicative this year about Overwatch and Overwatch 2."
"The long game about starting conversations with people is powerful."
"Are we trying to contain the much more mild version reportedly in order to stick with the more lethal varieties? Is that what's going on? Doesn't make sense to me."
"Don't be aggressive because that tends to turn people off."
"They know exactly what people want. Like having your voice heard more, that's what people want, man."
"Sometimes one of the best ways to navigate tough topics is to be soft with the people and to laugh."
"What message do you want to send with your image?"
"The name of the game is converting. You don't win when you're talking to the same people that say, 'Uh-huh.'"
"Always say less than necessary. Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less."
"Words aren't enough, you gotta really have something ready to go before you introduce an idea to somebody, I think anyways."
"When you actually do speak to them it's so different from what you've perceived that your whatever game plan you had going into it goes out the window."
"It's also kind of saying the same things or congruent things, but in different language for different audiences, as it starts to become a critical mass."
"Timing, tone, and turf are key to initiating the conversation."
"We have chosen to reach out to people's hearts, not with anger but with love."
"We sent a message without violence, just like you wanted. You're reaching out to them when all they feel for us is contempt."
"Sometimes it's best to say nothing, that's the best way to say something. God bless, food for thought."
"Control that message because when you do that, all of a sudden you – it just gives you a power and advantage over those that don't know how to do this."
"How can you help me? Who are you? What are you asking me for?"
"There's a way to catch flies with more honey than vinegar."
"We need to approach people we shut them down to a degree they can't hear the transformative message of the gospel because we started with a condemnation that magnified their sin and minimized our own."
"Don't center yourself in the conversation, say 'hey look over there' and point."
"Always offer to give your number rather than ask for someone else's."
"Take a deep breath, remember what we talked about earlier, don't immediately say what you want to say, restate it and also check in with them."
"Do not answer your enemies' loaded questions."
"Only if it makes emotional sense would people want eventually to sit and listen to an argument why it makes intellectual sense."
"We'll break the moratorium and we'll just communicate when the cameras are off."
"Questions when you're selling, questions are the answer."
"Speaking immediately has short-term benefits, but the silent period has better long-term benefits."
"Silence is very powerful, it speaks louder than words."
"He's not been talking a lot online so just make sure that we stick to our jobs."
"As far as your rights, well, we don't want to incriminate ourselves by keeping that call really short."
"They should have honestly kept their mouth shut, show don't tell."
"Always better to find a way to communicate. Don't hang up, take a pause."
"Don’t ever attend any important conversation where you need to persuade someone without preparing your Logos in advance."
"The single biggest little thing you can do to become a better salesperson is to embrace silence."
"If you say it long enough hard enough often enough and wide enough as well people will start to believe it."
"I'm just never going to do that because if I say sell something, even if I have good intentions, people are just going to aggro dump it and it's bad for everyone. So I'm not going to do that."
"Don't get distracted with the messengers focus on the message"
"What's most important for us is to get the message across, so we try not to be held back by the fear of making some mistakes."
"The reason why I was talking so fast earlier in this video particularly was I wanted to leave enough time to get to this because this is so critical."
"You have to decide: Integrity or saying what you think they want to hear."
"The only reason to not speak is because you have a reason to speak."
"Britain is not in an apocalypse; they know why I have to say that."
"This retrograde is a really important time to actually not hold back that much. A lot of people are gonna be very reflective so if you want to get a message across, people are going to be reflecting a lot."
"It adds a thin layer of plausible deniability where if someone were to call you out for misquoting them, you could just say, 'Oh well, I wasn't directly quoting you, that's just the impression I got.'"
"Alright, everyone, we're going to go to the breakout rooms, and when you start sharing, go by alphabetical first name."
"You have to actually be able to say it all out. You don't say, 'I'm going to tell them a little bit right now and let's see how they react.'"
"It's not about the principle; it's about being engaging."
"It's all about perception manipulation. So what you do is you connect words, you connect themes in the public mind so that when one word is said you think something else in relation to it."
"It's not about what's right and what's wrong, what's provable or improvable. It's about the emotional reaction. Everything is emotion."
"It's important at this stage in the process to be as vague as possible."
"You have to have a communications apparatus absolutely that speaks to the people."
"If you can't give information or knowledge, create curiosity."
"Instead of calling them out or trying to shut down a conversation, try to call someone in to a new conversation if you hear something racially offensive or inappropriate."
"So, the taco method was acronym for text message after, you text, you then analyze the text that comes in with the response, see, you then call them and then, oh, you make the offer, taco."
"We're constantly centering that because when they take this all go back to control of the narrative, this is bottom line, you controlling that."
"My English is terrible. I never learned English. I just watch movies and try to make the same sound I see in the movies."
"For each of them, I put together a communication strategy that ensured they would hear about the change at least three different times in at least three different formats."
"The key to the Columbo tactic is the Christian goes on the offensive in an inoffensive way with carefully selected questions that advance the conversation."
"Wait for them to spew and then say this: 'You know one of the things that you said that I found interesting was X...'"
"Practicing the fluency of moving from this topic to this topic to this topic like five or six or seven in a row and practicing that linguistic flexibility or that ability to switch from topic to topic actually might be a very useful strategy."
"A FaceTime call is so strategic for me."
"Communication objectives be defined and measured for their effectiveness."
"High probability statements and questions lead to strategic rapport building."
"Our solution was what we call smart brevity."
"Guided conversations big thing with desk this year was really working on omnichannel."
"You cannot over communicate a strategy; you can only under communicate it."
"Complexify in a manageable way versus simplify your communication."
"Target your audience using emails to further communicate with that particular segmented audience."
"Prepare your key messages and stay on message throughout the entire interview."
"Keep consistency on your project. Use the same communication for the same types of interactions."
"I've heard some people say, 'I try to have a really good oneliner to leave a conversation.'"
"When the frame is good, the words can come; when the frame is bad, it's very very hard to come up with the right words."
"If you want to get his attention, use a direct but attention-grabbing subject line."
"Keep our messaging simple and broadly relatable."