
Interactive Learning Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"It's a reverse Q&A, so you're the experts and you're gonna speak to us about your experience, and I'm gonna listen."
"Scratch is a really great tool to get kids into programming because it has that immediate feedback."
"Brilliant’s thought-provoking, fun, and interactive courses makes them a great choice for learning."
"Brilliant is the best way to learn math, data science, and computer science interactively."
"I truly believe that to learn a language you really have to immerse yourself and have an interactive experience."
"Discover Tour mode...a 'combat-free living museum' with guided tours that let players delve into its history firsthand."
"It's an interactive globe that can teach you information about all the different countries in the world."
"Hands-on interactive learning is almost always vastly better than trying to learn things by rote memorization of dull facts or assertions."
"Playing games, either in class or as homework, is really important in this class. Math is not always intuitive if you just write a bunch of equations on the board, but if you can see it in action, it's a lot easier to grok what's going on."
"Google Jamboard... a great tool for having students jump in post responses... can be a great teaching tool as well."
"You learn so much faster because you're interacting with people."
"Anybody who goes into marriage thinking that it's going to be like a fairy tale has another thing coming to them..."
"Raise your hand if you learned something. That will also get you into the giveaway. We're gonna pick a random giveaway in just a few minutes."
"Welcome to Inside Unreal, a weekly show where we learn, explore, and celebrate everything Unreal."
"Interactive sessions and engaging discussions make learning enjoyable."
"A scorecard is like testing your knowledge, but in a fun way."
"Interactive resources make the learner involved in the process of learning."
"It's the best way to learn math and science interactively."
"Brilliant is the best way to learn math and computer science interactively."
"Learning interactively actually helps you learn six times more effectively."
"Brilliant is a problem-solving website that helps you understand underlying concepts by actively working through guided lessons."
"...the key idea behind this video sponsor Brilliant. Brilliant is a STEM learning platform that designs these amazing interactive courses that take big and complex subjects..."
"It's a great way for the students to try and convince each other and to have fun."
"By the end of this video, you will be able to make shapes and colors react to music."
"Making history come to life which is the coolest thing about video games and why I think they're so important."
"Gamification techniques transform traditional sterile assessments into engaging and interactive experiences that boost learner participation and motivation."
"Quick quiz multiple choice options inside of teams meetings with your polls."
"Our history curriculum is a curriculum where students learn the past not because they're spectators to it but because they have an opportunity to engage in its remaking."
"Do in-person or online language exchanges, learn by talking with somebody."
"Geogebra can open a world of its own for math teaching."
"This is our opportunity to try to answer some questions in real time right like go way deeper."
"The more you play the game, the stronger your understanding becomes."
"Imagine explaining complex processes with dynamic charts that you can tweak on the fly!"
"Hopefully you guys learned something and we answered some questions."
"It's about the process that they are doing something hands-on with you they're spending quality time with you they're learning how to use a crinkle cutter or a regular knife or they're scrubbing a vegetable they're like living in the moment."
"How can the mechanics teach the player the game by just existing? How can the mechanics just by the sake of them existing teach the player what to do?"
"All you need is a game that you can play and learn those skills through playing it."
"Their interactive approach to learning...has been shown to be six times more effective than passive learning."
"Games are interactive. The ideal way to teach the player something isn't to show them; it's to make them do it."
"Augmented reality can make assessments interactive."
"You just sing back, so however it sounds to you, give it back, okay? Are you guys ready? Yeah, yeah! Okay, let's do this."
"This crash course is all about getting your feet wet. If you think, 'I'd really like to learn more,' perfect timing to join my interactive UI/UX course at designcourse.com!"
"I don't want your breadcrumbs when I deserve the whole loaf."
"Welcome to this Godot tutorial code along series."
"Anyone can play through Dev Simulator for free, but boot camp students play through with me."
"Implementation should be learning outcome based, interactive, and assessment should be embedded with it."
"Just enjoy the journey with us, you know? I mean, we're having a lot of fun but more importantly, we're learning so much from you."
"Now it's Captain fiddle so we have to find stuff so this like we're playing a video game but in our brain that's awesome guys that's awesome."
"The tutorial should never just be lines of text telling you; it needs to be tutorialized by example."
"Say goodbye to dull textbooks and hello to an Interactive Learning Experience!"
"Interactive simulations stimulate learners to connect theory to real-life applications."
"The key is to let your brain learn the way it learns best: By interacting with the world and finding patterns."
"I really love to answer them because my whole goal is for you guys to have a better jaw time and experience painting."
"I hope this clear example of that we've been going for about 40 minutes let's say let's do a couple more of these um and and wrap it up alright."
"I would love to just surprise ask people these questions about game development or about history."
"Reinforcement learning... there's an agent that is learning in some sort of interactive environment, based on rewards and penalties."
"...they've sponsored videos in the past and I'm legitimately always happy to promote their service because it's a great example of how Interactive Learning should be done."
"This interactive platform that teaches you STEM subjects from the basics to a deeper level."
"You actively engaged in your learning by using interactive lessons."
"You can’t find interactive learning opportunities like that just anywhere."
"The pre-created lessons also include an ever expanding list of interactive features to help facilitate active learning."
"Interactive Learning is six times more effective than merely watching a lecture online."
"One of the most effective ways to learn about history is through things like living books and biographies and other interactive and engaging ways to learn about history rather than from a textbook."
"Brilliant is the best way to learn data science, computer science, and maths interactively."
"One of the best ways to pick up a skill like coding is through a service like Brilliant, which delivers comprehensive interactive learning teaching you the building blocks whilst constantly testing you with puzzle-solving exercises and little challenges."
"These touch pools are really, really fun."
"The best part about brilliant is its Interactive Learning approach because you won't just be watching videos but actually engaging with the content through Hands-On exercises, drag and drop coding, and beautiful visualizations."
"It's about the history coming to life and having that experiential component."
"Consider incorporating interactive activities, discussions, and other forms of engagement to enhance the learning experience."
"This piano actually teaches you how to play."
"Hey teachers, do your students love classroom escape rooms?"
"I think when students and parents get on to see this, they're really going to like what they see and enjoy interacting with the different components."
"You can pause the video and try it out by yourself."
"Right students, I'd like to play a game now with you all."
"...it's a really fun way to kind of engage with the history and very different from kind of this static print map."
"Mini hacks is one of the most popular Hands-On areas at Dreamforce and Trailblazer DX."
"Interactive Learning binders really help children with visual discrimination and learning preschool basics."
"Orca Encounter is a brand new presentation, more educational and interactive."
"It's a great attraction slash educational thing, fun for kids."
"Please feel free to interrupt, raise your hand, ask questions. I prefer to get a lot of questions."
"I am a big believer in interactive learning; people really do learn best that way."
"So let's get going if you enjoyed this video, check out designcores.com where you can learn UI, UX, CSS, and more with my custom interactive platform that makes learning fun and easy."
"We've added a lot of animations into the e-book for your students to go through."
"Feel free to ask questions throughout the webinar; that's what it's there for."
"Brilliant is a powerful learning tool and the creators understand that a visual hands-on approach can be key for making concepts click."
"We're going to learn interactively by talking to the machine."
"This book is really useful because it promotes STEM learning through play, exploring cause and effect, builds critical thinking and skills."
"This AI tool lets you learn anything at all with fun interactive courses."
"Games have an amazing potential as a learning tool."
"The great thing about Kahoot is that we can see both what the Kahoot looks like for the teacher and for the student."
"Edpuzzle enables you to flip your teaching by taking video from various platforms, including YouTube, and adding questions to that."
"History Live is a program that brings historical figures to life through portrayals by presenters who have conducted thorough research into their character."
"You can download and watch the four turtles in action right at home."
"For those of you that would like to practice the integrating factor technique a little further, I've created this interactive worksheet in Maple Learn."
"If at any point you do have any questions, please feel free to type them into the question box."
"The fun part about it having live is that we can have a chat going, ask questions, we can discuss things."
"Gimkit offers many highly engaging game-within-a-game features that have the potential to make it hugely popular with students."
"Brilliant offers an engaging and interactive way to grasp concepts in math, data science, or computer science."
"This is what the PowerHouse Museum is all about: it's all about pushing buttons, it's all about tangible stuff, it's all about touchy-feely, it's all about pulling levers, it's all about having fun."
"If you want to interact with me while building this course and provide feedback, you need to enroll in the course."
"Brilliant is the best way to learn data science interactively."
"Learning interactively is the best way to gain knowledge."
"So if you do stuff interactively, that's taking examples throughout this course and actually trying to build them out alongside or doing your own personal project."
"It's great fun because there's programming just in code, and then there's programming things and interacting with physical objects."
"Jump makes the ideas and statistics, the concepts and statistics, interactive and visual."
"Do you want to go on a dinosaur dig with me?"
"The Yamaha Smart Pianist app can actually take your music collection on your device and not only play it through the speakers of the CSP model but it can also analyze the digital information and show you the sheet music for it on the app."
"It feels like a conversation where you do something, the algorithm gives you a result, and then in seconds, you can say something else."
"We're asking questions that are authentically interesting, that they authentically want to answer, and that they can participate in in a way that feels natural."
"The flipped classroom model involves students learning content at home through multimedia resources, freeing up class time for interactive activities, discussions, and problem-solving."
"The very best strategy for teaching children to respond to you is special games."
"Brilliant.org makes learning fun and engaging with thousands of interactive lessons on topics such as maths and computer science."
"Look no further than brilliant.org with their interactive, hands-on approach to learning."
"Kahoots are great to play. They're really engaging. Learners really love playing them."
"That was so much fun playing with you here at the Caton Children's Museum in Santa Monica, California."
"It's better to have the player do than read."
"With brilliant, learning becomes an adventure."
"Part of our homeschool goal is to always include games and activities."
"Data is more fun and therefore easier to learn when it's actually more interactive for us to play with."
"The interactive method of study gives everyone a chance to express his or her understanding of the Word of God and applying it to our lives."
"We believe learning best takes place in an atmosphere in which the children interact a lot and learn from each other."
"They have free courses that have hands-on labs inside of it."
"Facilitate rich interactive discussions with your students, groups of students, and individuals."
"We as faculty commit to making the lectures as interesting, relevant, and interactive as possible."
"And you can read the Bible, it looks like. And sir, can you read the Bible? Read Bible, search it, search Bible, complex search, and Bible games. Wow, that's pretty interesting."
"Trying to make it a little bit more hands-on, interactive, and engaging for my students."
"She loves these books; there's flaps, there's different textures, just a lot."
"Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or anything like that, and I will catch you guys in the next tutorial."