
Global Responsibility Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"Social justice is entitlement... but it also gives us a responsibility not just to other people in this country but to the entire world."
"We should try and be better to the rest of the world."
"If there are ways which we could act which clearly would lift people out of poverty elsewhere, and we can do it without destroying our motive to be helpful, then we should do it."
"We could solve anything and I think that when you bring people who have means and resources up and you show them that view when they get back home because home, Earth is home, then they realize they've got a lot of work to do right here."
"We only have one planet and we only have each other, and so, I hope that we'll take care of both."
"We have a moral obligation...to help everybody in the world achieve levels of prosperity."
"We have an obligation to the people of our country and our planet to use our abilities for the betterment of the world."
"My grandson cannot possibly hope to inherit a sustainable, peaceful, stable, socially just world unless every child today also has that same expectation."
"Space can and must be protected for the benefit of all people."
"Our failure to behave diplomatically on the global stage bears some responsibility for what's happening here."
"We need to fix our problems before we try and save the whole world."
"Speaker McCarthy and the majority of House Republicans must keep their word and secure passage of the support needed to help Ukraine as it defends itself. We are the indispensable nation in the world, let's act like it."
"The world needs us now more than ever. Are you with me?"
"If we in the West don't do more to help the poor of the world, we may one day find that history will judge us as harshly as it does the British government at the time of the great Irish Famine."
"Having liberty is the gift that we should be trying to give to other human beings."
"The world has said 'never again' after the Holocaust. We're not going to turn a blind eye."
"Protect this country and also continue to protect this world."
"It's morally right, but it's also in our self-interest."
"This is not Ukraine pay the price for peace. This is the world should pay the price for peace."
"We are being asked to be guardians not just for our people but for all people."
"Even though we make less than five percent of the world's population, we're storing eighty percent of the world's biodiversity."
"Russia certainly is right that technologically sophisticated nations that aspire to lead have a special responsibility to secure the world order and contribute to widely accepted norms of peace and security."
"We could be productive and figure out a way to help them manage economic growth without committing the sort of cumulative emissions that the United States and China much more recently have put out."
"Protecting people forced to flee is a collective global responsibility."
"The fragility of this planet... and we all need to clean this act up now."
"Now is a decisive moment in the life of our planet and all of humanity."
"I'm so sorry to my world... This is not what we want."
"We must do what's best not only for our people but for all peoples everywhere."
"It is our responsibility to share the word of Allah with humanity."
"We have a tremendous responsibility to bring about a better world order."
"If you want to be a responsible citizen of humanity, you have to protect your country and the world."
"It's a massive failure of the world that we can't get food to a starving civilian population."
"You deserve better as a people and the world deserves better."
"Somewhere around sixty percent of all the increase in CO2 emissions since Greta Thunberg was born are due to China."
"This is our home. This is the only planet we live on."
"All mankind should support peace for the sake of our planet."
"If you want to love yourself, you gotta first look at yourself in the mirror."
"The concept of climate justice evolved within civil society movements and the global south through an understanding that the developed world owes a climate debt."
"All of us can use our voice to protect our Earth and the Universe."
"It feels so great to take care of our planet."
"We've got to make this world a better place and protect it."
"If I could sprinkle the spice like fairy dust it would be to share the love and to respect the planet that we live on."
"It's complicated, it's consequential, and we need to manage it responsibly."
"Every country needs to reach net zero emissions and do it fast."
"Our daily actions are creating misery in the rest of the world."
"Our leaders won't do it, we are all 8 billion souls answerable for what has been created."
"We all have a collective responsibility to ensure that respect for others becomes the global norm."
"It's not Mahdi world right now, it could happen in our lifetime maybe, quite unlikely."
"We owe our lives to those children and to all the children of the world."
"No one human being, no world leader, should have the unilateral authority and power to end all life on this planet."
"We are taking Mother Earth and all life forward with us."
"The amount of money it would take to be transformative for, say, their infrastructure is pocket change for wealthy Western countries. So, we can do it. It's not going to break us at all."
"Inaction is not an option anymore, but climate action in the global north cannot be at the expense of the global south."
"I'm divorcing you. We are done. Go save the world, you're free."
"Should China pay for what we lost during this pandemic?"
"We should all be asking questions, as inhabitants of this planet."
"The fate of humanity cannot be left at the mercy of a limited number of countries."
"More than ever we need to save the world and we can't expect someone else to do it for us we have to own that and do what we can to make the world a better place."
"We should all be awake concerning climate change."
"If we're the only ones who can save the world, we better step up."
"Who's going to protect the world if it isn't people like us?"
"I've got nothing better to do than save the world."
"It is entirely up to us whether we lift the world to new heights or let it fall into a valley of disrepair."
"I'm here because I think it's important in this time when the earth is in crisis, to learn what it is to be a part of it."
"We all got to share the same planet and we got to make it better."
"The threat of climate change calls us into some sense of a common humanity, an obligation to one another."
"The United States has to be helpful not only in that respect but also with regard to humanitarian Aid."
"Once they fix up everything around here, he wants to help rid the world of these pendants."
"I wonder how many people could actually do it? How could we stop the planet, just stop, you know what I mean? Just stop, stop everything, to clean house?"
"So they should get credit for that, right? We're helping out the rest of the world."
"You are the awakened one... from this place of freedom and well-being and peace and compassion, you tend the world beautifully."
"What good is saving Wolf Cove if we don't save the world?"
"We need to figure out a way of powering the future, including of less developed countries and future generations that does not impose a burden on the planet."
"The rulers should serve the whole world, including future generations and foreigners."
"Since the belief has ceased that a god guides the fate of the world on a large scale, people themselves have to set goals that encompass the whole earth. Herein lies the tremendous task."
"Nothing less than the fate of humankind depends on our doing so."
"Somewhere there had to be a golden mean between charity beginning at home and improving the lot of starving millions."
"We really need a sense of global responsibility on the basis of the sense of oneness of seven billion human beings."
"The double materiality concept requires organizations to consider their full impacts on the wider world."
"We are going to play our part in aiding and helping humanity."
"Preventing an arms race in outer space is more important than ever and is the responsibility of us all."
"We are a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation movement... and that means something."
"When you save the world, you have to save every part of the world; you don't get to save little bits and pieces of it as you go along."
"This new structure of peace is rising upon strong foundation. Let us not fail to grasp this supreme chance to establish a worldwide rule of reason, to create an enduring peace under the guidance of God."
"If China is to evolve as a responsible stakeholder in the global community, it's really up to Beijing to decide if their rejuvenation will evolve with international respect or with international condemnation."
"We can criticize, we can disagree with the conduct, with the execution, with the handling of the war on terror, but the world cannot absolve itself from its collective responsibility of fighting and defeating terrorism in the world."
"Every country is just as guilty by this very same principle."
"It's your job, everybody's job, to save humanity and our civilization."
"It is morally unacceptable and politically impractical to let the poorest countries deal with the crisis alone."
"I think the powerful nations now have a responsibility to bring about a just and lasting settlement."
"When with modest effort and risk, we can stop children from being gassed to death, and thereby making our own children safer over the long run, I believe we should act."
"As a global citizen, it's not a future tense reality; I have obligations to people I'll never meet and we're both alive at the same time."
"We as humanity cannot let this happen to any other nation or any other people ever again."
"It is for us to accept this fact, this new terror, and to accept with it the necessity for those transformations in the world which will make it possible to integrate these developments into human life."
"It's a worldwide responsibility to make every effort and make sure that no other person in the world will develop this disease in the future."
"Our continued existence on this planet depends on us taking care of the totality of this planet."
"We're excited about our global responsibilities, not wary of them."
"We hold out similar hope that the world's worst emitters of greenhouse gases... will also come to the realization that in the end it will profit them little to emerge king over a world of dust."
"Our world is interconnected whether we like it or not, so we all have to play a part in this climate change battle."
"We are in the same globe, and we have an obligation and opportunity to strive for finding a solution."
"We have an obligation to someone suffering on the other side of the world just as much as we have to someone suffering on our doorstep."
"The world is waiting on us, we got to get it right."
"Maybe it's about time as a planet we started waking up and saying, 'What are we doing for greed?'"
"We have, and I know we will continue to show that we take seriously the obligation to protect everyone's access around the globe to what is beautiful in life."
"He has an obligation to do right by the world and the people in it."
"I have a sense of Duty to the rest of the world and the rest of the people."
"We have one of the most generous humanitarian programs in the world."
"We have to not just take care of the portion of the planet we live in, but we have to look to the portion of the planet that we don't even remember about and take care of the whole entire planet."
"We have a responsibility to the whole entire world."
"It is essential we raise ambition, we make Glasgow the next step in defining, not what we're willing to do, but what we really need to do in order to be able to get the job done."
"We have a responsibility to our people and the world to work together when we see it in our interest to do so."
"It's about energy, we could run this Earth."
"We have a responsibility to the global community, to Ukrainians, to leave the door to diplomacy open."