
Health Policy Quotes

There are 752 quotes

"Cautiously but irreversibly, step by step, jab by jab, this country is on the path to reclaiming our freedoms."
"The spending is an approved activity, we must spend lots and lots of dollars, but we must make sure that we also shut down your business in case anybody ever gets COVID."
"If you make it a crime to have this virus, people just won't get tested."
"Universal provision against health or employee risks stops the adverse selection death spiral in its tracks, increasing efficiency."
"No good deed goes unpunished... from hero to zero because the very supreme scientific intelligent overlords have determined that having an unvaccinated paramedic is more dangerous than potentially not having enough paramedics."
"The mortality signal emerged on the vaccines... I think a Data Safety Monitoring Board would have shut down the vaccine program for excess mortality."
"The FDA has determined that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has met the statutory criteria for issuance of an EUA."
"Crafting national dietary guidelines that recommend varieties of unprocessed or minimally processed foods."
"Exercise should be part of our containment strategy."
"The right response was on the supply side, let's expand our capacity to deal with surges... and let's work to reduce the threat to vulnerable people."
"The whole point is risk benefit... hospitals don't get overwhelmed... what is the catastrophic societal risk now?"
"The pandemic is over when we say it's over... we have tools, we have treatments... it's time to end every single restriction."
"Solve the sleep loss epidemic, and you could almost double the budget for education and could almost halve the deficit for healthcare."
"We support the immediate implementation of the Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2015."
"Exit poll data from the California vote yesterday shows that voters in the recall believe by a very wide margin that Gavin Newsom's vaccination and mask policies to try to stop COVID were either just about right or they should be even stronger."
"Tonight, I'm announcing that I will direct all states, tribes, and territories to make all adults, people 18 and over, eligible to be vaccinated no later than May 1."
"We have to find a way to live with COVID-19 until there's treatment or a vaccine."
"Now is not the time to be lifting restrictions."
"No more new drug injection sites. We're going to take the allocated resources, we're going to flip them into treatment centers to get these folks off of drugs."
"Aggressive protection of high-risk individuals and the vulnerable... allocate resources so that we prevent hospital overcrowding... and open schools, societies, and businesses because keeping them closed is enormously harmful."
"We should implement prioritized testing for three specific groups: nursing home workers, health care workers and first responders, and patients in hospitals with respiratory symptoms or fever."
"We cannot have a perpetual suppression of this virus."
"On a virus and we will, but we also have other things to do necessary for the good of the nation like filling judicial vacancies."
"My Democratic colleagues are requesting hearings on the effect of the virus in prison, state, and federal detention centers for immigration purposes, and we will try to work together to have those hearings."
"If we get the consumption of sugar down by at least 20% in the next few years...we could very easily reverse the type 2 diabetes epidemic within 3 years."
"Vaccinated versus unvaccinated is the wrong metric here; it should be immunologically protected versus not immunologically protected."
"It's the knowledge that needs to be changed; it's the systems that need to be changed, like getting rid of easy-to-access foods, getting rid of ultra-processed foods."
"Unfortunately, there is a blatant disconnect between the evidence-based scientific knowledge and current dietary recommendations, which contributes to increasing rates of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune diseases around the world."
"If you're vaccinated, you no longer have to wear your mask even if you're indoors."
"Sugar should be regulated like tobacco and alcohol."
"We would like the country to realize... we have to start taking seriously what you can do now."
"Running out of names, the CDC reverses itself on testing yet again, walking back its latest guidance while caught in a firestorm between politics and science."
"Israel is breaking records when it comes to knocking the crap out of the covid pandemic."
"China's strong recovery from COVID-19 is often credited to its aggressive lockdowns at the beginning of the pandemic."
"It's not political being anti-lockdown. The World Health Organization said that lockdowns don't work, that should be a last resort."
"The CDC does not have the power to impose medical sharia law on the entire country."
"This is a victory for progressives, for people who want Medicare for all."
"How many people again had to die because they may have been able to be treated through hydroxychloroquine?"
"If we didn't figure out how to deal with this and open the country back up, the economic devastation would be far worse to our social fabric than anything the coronavirus could do."
"Florida Governor Ron DeSantis: 'We said you can't send a COVID positive nursing home resident back into the nursing home.'"
"For every million persons that you saved with the lockdowns and the whole vaccination scam, you're probably going to kill 50 because of supply chain disruptions and postponed starvation."
"The vaccines don't work which is why you need to get more vaccines to protect yourself against the virus that the vaccines don't protect you against overly well."
"The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself."
"The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself, and I've said it many times."
"Why aren't they testing for antibodies? Like, I mean, the majority of the population should already have immunity now, whether through taking the shots or through having it and recovering."
"It cannot be overstated how huge this decision is."
"Filling children's teeth without sorting out what the problem is, it's just like replacing windows in a burning house. It should never be done."
"The European Commission is set to propose an EU-wide digital certificate that provides proof of a coveted vaccination."
"To bend the curve, yes, you have to test, yes, you have to trace, yes, you have to isolate, yes, you have to phase the reopening and you have to socially distance."
"It's not that the lockdowns are not a mechanism for disease eradication."
"Lockdowns are effective; you lift the lockdown then it just starts growing again."
"Any move right now to reduce levels of testing by changing guidelines is a step in the wrong direction."
"Americans are looking forward to the safe and rapid reopening of our country."
"Mass vaccination will greatly reduce the significance of this disease."
"The mandates have been a cash cow for big pharma which funds the FDA and CDC."
"I think mentioning a six-month it's to give a general look forward about the sorts of links of this type of kin Demick."
"It's time to move on. This has got massive implications for the whole global vaccination campaign."
"Postponement of a second dose is a matter of national security."
"Our way out of this pandemic is vaccination... it's miraculous that we have vaccines at this point."
"What lessons can we learn from this state story of what happens when politics trumps public health?"
"This president is going to continue to take every step necessary to protect the American people and put the health of the American people first."
"I'm pro-vaccine, I'm vaccinated, but I believe in individual liberty."
"That experiment, which was run over 35 years ago now, that result drives much of what we do in health policy."
"I have infinitely more respect for the illegal immigrants who will cross deserts than for these people in the cities who say 'America's racist, I hate this country.'"
"This country is built on freedom... if the vaccine works, if it doesn't, it's an individual choice."
"The best thing we can do to reopen America is to put the coronavirus behind us."
"Once you get a handle on the illness, we have to establish some meaningful definition of emergency."
"And then video started flooding social media of passengers learning the news about the masking requirement being dropped uh mid flights and erupting with joy."
"What I'm going to do is pass Obamacare with a public option."
"I am absolutely committed to universal healthcare."
"The Affordable Care Act is one of the greatest accomplishments of President Obama of the Democratic Party and of our country."
"There is no pandemic exception... in the U.S Constitution."
"Delay helps us... our understanding of this virus improves week on week."
"How many deaths are acceptable to me? None, okay? None."
"The guidelines had undue industry influence, meaning they were blunders from the Dairy Council and from various in the industry groups who are funding the committee members."
"Help is here, and we're on the path towards crushing the virus and rebuilding our economy."
"Now as vaccine distribution and new therapeutics are widely available, it's imperative that we fully reopen."
"We're getting rid of this virus, that's the best thing we can do."
"Cuomo said he wants to stamp out these clusters."
"Ivermectin is not FDA approved for COVID treatment, but it's an essential drug for many reasons."
"You can't cure or end a pandemic by killing our economy."
"We acted quickly and boldly to vaccinate the country."
"The overturning of Roe v. Wade will make women's medical treatment more difficult and impersonal and humiliating."
"Nobody should be penalized in this epidemic for doing the right thing. If you're being forced to stay at home, you should not be penalized."
"If you want to stop the next pandemic, it's gonna have to be truly a global attempt to shut these markets down."
"We cannot let the cure for COVID be worse than the problem itself."
"The mask policy was fully lifted in Disney World on February 17, 2022."
"The decision to be vaccinated should be up to the individual and not to the government."
"Shouldn't the 'we don't have the long-term studies' be 'we need to wait until we have the long-term studies'?"
"We will have 100 million vaccine doses before the end of this year."
"History will eventually show that the countries with the fewest WHO-related restrictions may have done the best."
"Seeding control of our response to an unelected organization."
"This is a great win for transparency and removes one of the strangleholds federal health authorities have had on the data needed for independent scientists to offer solutions."
"There may not be a more important issue at the Food and Drug Administration than the pandemic."
"Preparing for the next great global pandemic involves serious planning and a long-term commitment."
"We need to deal with a mental health problem in our country."
"We have to continue to do everything we can to ensure that people are kept safe from further spread of this pandemic."
"There is light at the end of the tunnel. Things look good but we got to keep putting our foot to the pedal when it comes to public health measures." - Dr. Anthony Fauci
"Ask you stop playing politics with people's lives. The reality is that we will have a vaccine we believe before the end of this year, and it will have the capacity to save countless American lives."
"What the hell is wrong with these people? They're like, 'We need zero COVID deaths.' It's like, yeah, and I want to be zero years old."
"The objective should be protect as many lives as possible."
"We need to change a lot of things, but having access to healthy foods through programs like SNAP can decrease healthcare costs by $1,400 per person per year."
"It's very scary to know that people can be shut out of things simply because they don't want to take the vaccine."
"I just want to say hey, I'm not going to take it and I refuse, but if it depends on your livelihood you're not going to have a choice."
"Biden announces purchase of additional vaccine doses."
"I support the de-stigmatization of steroids."
"More than half the public are keen for a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine."
"European countries are working to prevent a resurgence of COVID-19."
"The health concerns are the economic concerns. If you don't do this right, you're going to risk worse economic consequences." - Chris Wallace
"If you have been living vaccine-free, your time is up."
"Refusing to be vaccinated does not violate Mill's harm principle."
"If you believe malaria could be ended with that, you would then say no malaria should continue, hundreds of thousands should die every year, not one person should think that at some point."
"Immediate benefits from the bill... If your kids have a pre-existing condition, they will not be denied. That's a great win."
"Root cause medicine is the way we need to go forward."
"No country ever saved lives by making itself poorer."
"50 maskless anti-lockdown protesters force their way into LA supermarket after California extends regional stay-at-home order indefinitely."
"It's going to take some time, but we can and we will turn the tide on COVID-19."
"My plan will extend the vaccination requirements."
"The vaccine requirements in my plan will affect about 100 million Americans."
"We deserve to expand Medicaid and offer access to healthcare for over 800,000 of the most medically needy people in our state."
"Nicki Minaj is actually articulating a rather prudent and common sense position that our federal health agencies have been lying to us."
"If the government truly wanted to maximize the amount of people who are you know going to survive or be healthy then they should let people choose for themselves and well there you go."
"You either get a shot or lose your job." - Cheryl Chu
"We're for a vaccine, but we trust the scientists." - Vice President Biden
"The entire presupposition of your argument here is that we were going to protect the older and vulnerable."
"People are being affected by things that they have absolutely nothing to do with."
"Your health should not be dependent on large amounts of children wearing a mask for seven hours."
"These are our health bills in public housing during this coronavirus, what's being done to help those in public housing is anything being done a lot of things are being done you."
"The coercion is just totally wrong. I think it's destroying trust and public health. You're going to end up driving people away."
"But again, people who are even pro-vaccine should be against that stance."
"I'm not going to shut down the country... I'm going to shut down the virus."
"A person can be too ill to work but not actually disabled."
"Tonight, I'm announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees... to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week."
"We need to incentivize people to get vaccinated at a much lower percentage."
"Forced vaccinations are tyrannical. A forced vaccination passport is the stuff of Nazism and Stalinism."
"What's step one? Halt the inbound infections."
"Forced millions of people worldwide to get vaccinated by telling them to do it for your grandmother."
"I fear that some people are going to die because they can't get hospital treatments in January, February, even in our sophisticated western countries."
"That's so important for women that you could keep your kids on your insurance up to the age of 26."
"It is a stark reminder that any policy that obstructs or inhibits vaccine production risks being self-defeating for the rich countries."
"Should the coronavirus re-emerge at any point next fall or next winter, we will be prepared to deal with it."
"Your medical choices should be your choice and no government should intervene." - Ted Cruz
"Vending machines supplying sugary food and drinks should be removed from government buildings, schools, and universities."
"You cannot say you are pro-life when you vote against prenatal care for the mother."
"I think the policy of herd immunity is the right policy."
"This cure could cause more death than the virus itself."
"We reject the biomedical security state that curtails liberty, ruins livelihoods, and divides our society."
"Normally, the best position to deal with a new disease would be doctors, not bureaucrats."
"Many American lives will be saved thanks to President Trump and the great work of Operation Warp Speed."
"Unlike Donald Trump, we'll not surrender to the virus. I have a plan."
"The rate of doubling is already down," Andrew Cuomo reported, indicating potential progress amidst challenges.
"After implementing the Mandate by late October, that number had more than doubled."
"A durable economic recovery is only possible if we beat the pandemic. Health measures must remain a priority."
"President Trump said it from the beginning, you know, the cure cannot be worse than the disease."
"Access to contraception is a basic human right."
"We don't do this with any other seasonal disease but they just keep adding to it."
"These lockdown measures are working," - Host.
"My doctrines exist to rid maternity hospitals of their horror, to preserve the wife for her husband and the mother for her child."
"I believe most Americans want Medicare for all."
"We're gonna live with it forever and what's gonna end up happening is COVID will get blended with the influenza shot."
"President Biden is now unveiling a national strategy to tackle COVID. First of all, I just have to say that it's great that we have somebody that comes out and actually has a plan."
"The impact of COVID-19 will persist until effective vaccines or treatments are developed."
"It is time for the government of Canada to revisit COVID-19 pandemic restrictions."
"This city has decided that if we're already capped out on health, there is no reason to do more. So okay then, if that's how you want to play it, fine."
"The ethical prerequisite for mandates wasn't there."
"Good evening. Three days ago, a federal judge issued this injunction right here against the vaccine mandate on federal employees, meaning that the Mandate as of this moment is officially blocked across the entire nation."
"It is unacceptable that Leon County violated Florida law, infringed on current and former employees' medical privacy, and fired loyal public servants because of their personal health decisions." - Governor Ron DeSantis
"CDC is very much involved in everything we've done. The director of CDC said that protests against Al Mars are not helpful."
"DeSantis began to turn maybe not fully anti-vaxx but certainly anti-vaxx curious."
"Masks are going to be the sole solution to this entire problem."
"But if somebody else has a medical condition or a religious reason or a personal belief or for whatever reason doesn't want to wear the mask then they shouldn't have to wear it."
"COVID-19 no longer needs to control our lives. I know some are talking about living with COVID-19, but tonight I say that we never will just accept living with COVID-19."
"I think any form of universal health coverage, whether it comes in from a single-payer or multi-payer, is preferable to what we have right now."
"This is not an anti-vaccine stand. It's a pro Freedom stand. That's what you're not getting."
"This is resounding endorsement of the one-dose strategy."
"This really is strong support for this one vaccine dose followed by a three-month delay strategy."
"A second booster for anyone 50 years and older from the FDA is coming soon."
"The incoming Biden administration is vowing to distribute 100 million vaccine doses in Biden's first 100 days in office."
"We're not doing mask mandates in the state of Florida, quite properly."
"The science was settled, it was clear that masking worked."
"Chicago police officers defying vaccine reporting mandate."
"The vaccination campaign isn't more important than the truth."
"In North America there's not been acknowledgement of natural immunity you're either vaccinated or you're not."
"This is a package that will help get the pandemic under control."
"It would appear that the president and those advising him are sufficiently convinced of the efficacy of zinc."
"We are moving into this time where there will be a mass vaccination of the population."
"Universal health care is what you do like every other advanced democracy."
"Changes in China's outbreak control measures will boost global economic growth."
"Natural immunity should be considered when you're talking about mandates."
"We passed historic legislation to combat the opioid crisis."
"We eliminated the Obamacare individual mandate."
"We need to abolish the filibuster so we need to codify Roe v. Wade pass the Women's Health Protection Act we need to abolish the filibuster we need to expand the impact of these policies."
"The UK's procurement process and rollout of the vaccine has been right."
"The vaccine is by far the most important thing in British politics right now."
"Zero cases means they will be taken outside of the neighborhood."
"I think if the cdc were to say that there are such things as vaccine passports and businesses that require them including restaurants say broadway broadway they would open immediately and that would."
"In three weeks we went from 300,000 tests total to 3 million tests total in three weeks."
"I personally I think it's worth taking political risk to destroy private insurance as an industry because of their political power."
"This silent epidemic should be addressed appropriately with concrete public health action."
"Universal Orlando will no longer require face masks for fully vaccinated guests."