
Q&A Quotes

There are 239 quotes

"It's a reverse Q&A, so you're the experts and you're gonna speak to us about your experience, and I'm gonna listen."
"Thanks to all of you for asking such great questions."
"There will be a lot of questions that will be asked and answered."
"Answers take longer than questions. That's why during the QA you don't have like equal time for questions and equal time for answers, you got like a thirty-second question, a four-minute answer, a twenty-second question, a three-minute answer."
"Cheers to the freakin weekend and every Saturday and Sunday I go ahead and answer those questions that you submitted all throughout the week."
"Thank you so much to everyone that has been in questions. You made me feel like I wasn't just asking no one."
"Always happy to be here, always happy to be answering your questions."
"I actually had over 350 questions from you guys and there's no way I can cover all of those so I do apologize if your question isn't in the two videos I will be putting out based on this topic."
"It's what fuels this whole thing, so without further [ __ ] around, Sean burger, hit me with the list of questions whenever you're ready."
"You literally just get to sit around in a circle with us and ask us anything, anything at all. It's great."
"Thank you for joining us and asking questions."
"Thanks for watching, I hope I answered your questions."
"Thank you all... hopefully we've answered your questions and... it was a very enjoyable open bar on Thursday night."
"Having those questions on Reddit... prepare to give an answer."
"This is an opportunity once a week to go longer to answer your questions to have a little bit more of a give and take with our loyal viewers so I really look forward to these live streams every week."
"Honestly, it's one of those things I love going live because I'm able to answer any questions you might have."
"Thank you so much for the questions, they were pretty juicy."
"Just saying, if you've got any questions, send 'em to Hat Chat."
"We're going to start the Q&A so you literally you've got Matt and I sitting here telling you guys ask us anything."
"I greatly appreciate it here's how this works we'll go for an hour on the free questions."
"Thank you guys so much for asking all these questions. If your question did not get answered in this video or the one I posted yesterday, don't worry, there'll be more cat chats segments."
"...that wraps up part two of the Q&A series plenty of questions that have been asked by you guys whether that's in our Discord Community or via the YouTube Community tab it's been a good month lots of interesting questions."
"I'll see you guys tomorrow night for Q&A. Have a good night."
"...if you do have any questions please feel free to leave them for me in the comment section I will try to answer as many as I can."
"That's super, super cool, just a quick reminder... very fun Q&A video, there's a lot of questions from you guys in it."
"So yeah so if you get a chance follow me on that um it's free to follow and hang out and I sometimes do q and A's on there that's great um you know and and it's fun two last questions yes one is a weird one yes you're Kevin is right you're no one is like you."
"If you have any comments any questions specific to plungers don't hesitate to comment below and I'll do my best to answer a bunch of those."
"I'd like to take questions from the chat room, that's the one I'm looking at."
"So if you have a question about options, please type them into the Q&A window."
"I'm going to do that at least once a month, going to do a live and just going to open it up for a Q&A."
"Mukbang Q&A is over, let's move on to the next thing."
"Hey guys it's Maggie and I am back today and today I thought I would bring you along to my fluids appointment again and maybe answer some questions."
"Stick around for the Q&A at the end. I want to spend more time answering your live questions."
"Did that ever come up with any of the Q&A's that the Director's Guild?"
"You should have all received note cards and pencils for the Q&A portion."
"Thank you guys for joining us today. We hope we answered a few questions about the Italian menu."
"Q lets you answer questions quickly, with natural language interactions."
"Now in case if you're going to ask me where did I get my scrapbook paper from, I usually get that question a lot."
"I really hope you guys enjoy this Q&A."
"Let's talk about this and I'll answer questions."
"originally I was gonna get hammered filming this Q&A"
"One of the main things we want to get from you is questions, because the last day is gonna be questions from you guys: about things that we haven't covered, or like you want us to kind of talk more in depth."
"Welcome to a different video. Hi, this is now today's video. It's a Q&A. Enjoy, thank you for watching and bearing with me."
"The first hour of Q&A is done, but we've got more Q&A coming. Stick around for that, that's coming up next."
"Question and answer time isn't something to be scared of; it's about collaboration and dialogue with your peers."
"I love fall. So right now before we start this juicy Q&A, because it is gonna get juicy, I want you guys to comment on your favorite holiday."
"If you got a question about the build or the micro Studio camera for kg2 get them down in the comments below I read through all of them and we'll reply to as many as possible."
"If you do have any specific questions that I haven't answered in the video, please feel free to leave them in the comments below and I will answer them for you."
"I guess we're 18, 19 days into it and I wanted to answer a bunch of questions that you guys have been asking."
"We take questions from you guys. How do you do it? Subscribe to this channel."
"The Q&A is only for people that attended this talk. If you're interested in learning more about my entire hybrid photo-video process from start to finish, head on over to the link in the description."
"Alright, guys, so if you have any questions, put them in the comments below and I will put whatever I can in the... all the amendments I put in the soil."
"What a great place to do that, you got your Q, you got your A, your question and your answer, all that good stuff."
"We knew this weather was ahead of us and so we were like okay, we got to take a break, stay indoors, and we'll do a Q&A."
"We're gonna do a dr. Phil Q and a about our experience any questions that you guys have about all of it."
"Now, let's open it up for questions. Submit them in the question box!"
"...and again guys, thank you for watching if you have any question, feel free to ask me regarding anything."
"We're going to do a Q&A, so please leave us questions in the comments, in our community post, or on our Instagram, and we will answer them because why not? That's fun."
"We've got a lot of questions to go over today, so let's get going."
"We're gonna get to cover everything under the sun use hashtag askjr and tune in next week to hear answers to your question right about social media be sure to check us out at Jr grilling."
"Now as Eric said, if you do have questions, I do have a couple of colleagues with me today. Feel free to use the questions box within the GoToWebinar platform and we'd more than glad to answer any questions you have."
"It's time for a good old-fashioned Q&A."
"Great stuff, I hope we answered some questions."
"...thank you so much for watching and if you have any questions whatsoever about the van build pop them in the comments below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can."
"The wizards of wrestling are all in front of me and you can ask them any question you want."
"I just finished filming a Q&A for you guys and you guys had so many good questions."
"If I don't answer your question today, it will probably get answered in a future video."
"So, if anybody has questions, feel free to either use the raised hand function or to put in the chat and I'll read it out."
"...I hope this has been reasonably clear, thank you very much, and please ask questions if you have any."
"I hope you guys like this Q&A. I hope it was informative and I hope you guys are even more excited about Disney than you were before. Thank you guys, I love you so much and I will see you in my next video. Bye."
"Ask me anything. This is Dr. Lori live, and I appreciate all the positive feedback we're getting about the channel."
"We picked the juiciest questions and we're going to be giving the juiciest answers."
"We're gonna be doing a live Q&A with you guys."
"If you have any questions you can leave them down below and I'll be happy to answer them."
"We're going to take you through that structural answer questions if you have any."
"I enjoy getting questions so if you've got something you'd really want to ask me specific about the program, please don't hesitate, just put it in chat and I'll be happy to respond to you."
"I'm gonna hit this stop share video we're gonna go to the questions session pull up some questions here."
"That's one of my favorite parts about the live chat is answering your questions live. It makes me feel like, you know, we're connecting."
"If you make it live, it's even better because you can type your questions out, Jessica's here to write them down, and I can answer them for you live."
"If you want us to answer your question on Ask StreamYard, then use the hashtag #AskStreamYard and we will find it."
"...we're just gonna be answering some burning bookish questions today, that's what we're going to be doing."
"Thank you to everybody who asked questions today. Super engaged, you know, this is what it's all about is being able to kind of get with the community, have people ask questions, get them answered, and that's what we're encouraging."
"I'm also gonna be answering your questions from my Instagram and my Twitter."
"I hope the questions that you guys wanted to know have been like educational. I hope I've helped some of you guys out there who wanted to know the answers to these questions."
"We're going to do our best to answer as many questions as we possibly can without rambling too much."
"Love saying good day to you guys and also catching up with any questions you might have."
"There will be a Q&A video every Saturday."
"If you have any questions, ask me in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer them."
"I'm really excited to be doing today's video. We're finally going back to answering the UK questions."
"We're happy to talk with you and answer questions."
"Thank you again for your questions, this was a lot of fun."
"Welcome back to a brand new Q&A video."
"If there's any questions you have, I'll be glad to help you, just leave them in the comments."
"Thanks for your attention and I'm happy to answer any questions."
"Thank you guys for watching my Q and A, I'm just thrilled to be here."
"We expect the presentation to last most of the time today and will allow any extra time for Q&A."
"Thanks everyone for attending today's live stream and please keep those questions coming."
"I love the community that we've built, and I love answering all your questions."
"We're going to get there though, but this was some real good questions. Y'all got the tea."
"So if you do have a question, please don't hesitate to comment it down below and I'll try my best to answer it as soon as possible."
"If you have any questions for me on this bike, go ahead and let me know in the comments."
"So it's going to be a chat bot where you can ask it questions, and it's going to give you responses to that question."
"Welcome to the show where we answer the questions that you've asked us."
"If you've got questions, we've got answers."
"I love work displacement activities, and this is one of the best ones, answering your questions."
"I'm so excited to be filming this video today because I am going to be answering every single question that I've ever gotten about UVA."
"At the end of the webinar, we'll take time to answer as many questions as possible."
"I'd like to do more of these, I love answering people's questions."
"Happy Valentine's Day! I thought that it would be fun for us to do a couple's Q&A."
"I am truly flattered that you guys think that highly of me to ask me questions."
"Thank you guys so much for watching this Q&A."
"If you have any questions about any Stampin' Up products, put them in the comments because I will do a little Q&A as we create today."
"I hope this has been helpful and that I have answered some questions from you."
"We'll try and do the best we can to address everybody's questions."
"Hey friends, today is the Q&A day."
"If you have questions, I have answers."
"I just wanted to hang out and crochet with you guys and answer some questions."
"We are here to answer your questions and help you be more successful."
"We Mark and I spent a very enjoyable hour this morning answering questions that we've received from the community."
"If you have any questions during the session, please post them in the question and answer panel."
"Feel free to unmute yourself and ask away, otherwise, we'll wrap it up here."
"If you don't know now you know. Welcome to our Q&A."
"Our speaker will do his best to answer all your questions during the Q&A portion of the event."
"If you have any questions during the live presentation, I'm here to answer any of your questions."
"I hope you enjoyed this Q&A, thank you so much for hanging out with me."
"Thanks everyone for some really great questions, and I hope this was helpful."
"I'm excited to do a post-wedding Q&A with you, my friends."
"Well hello and welcome to this English lesson where you get to ask me questions and I try my best to answer them."
"Any questions you have, put them down in the comment section, and I will answer them to the best of my ability."
"All right, what's up guys? MKBHD here and welcome back to another Ask MKBHD video."
"Grab yourself a hot drink and get ready for a Q&A."
"At the end of every quarter, if you want to ask a question directly to our CEO Vlad Magdalin, he always comes on the show and answers your questions directly."
"I really like this format because I'm going to be answering questions that you all have sent in throughout the week."
"Welcome to the Q&A for the big movie premiere."
"I do one live Q&A after each project, and that way you can watch the lessons, try your hand at it, if you have any questions, submit them in our form, and then I answer them with you live."
"The community is great for asking questions, that's where you would find me and ask me questions."
"I'm here with another video series; this one I love because what I'm doing is I'm taking your questions and I'm creating content around those questions."
"We sit down, film another YouTube video for you guys, and answer some of your girly questions."
"Thank you so much, these questions were brilliant, I absolutely love this Q&A."
"Welcome everybody to the super fast Instagram Q&A. I hope you enjoy."
"Thank you very much, we've got some really good questions on the Slack."
"One of my favorite things that we're implementing is more and more Q&As."
"Remember to comment any questions you have, feel free to write them, I'll get right back to you."
"I'm going to take some time to answer questions because I'm starting to get a good amount and I think there's a great way of building a community."
"It's Wednesday evening 8 p.m. if you have any questions, you just throw them in the chat and I will stop what I'm doing and I will do my absolutely best to answer any of your questions."
"Our first video will be a Q&A so that you can get to know us."
"Any questions you have, put them in the comment area in the live stream, and I'll stop whatever I'm doing and try to address any questions I can."
"If you have any questions about this whole setup here, leave them down below, I'll be happy to answer those questions."
"You can ask a question about space science or planetary science or astronomy or physics or whatever, and we'll do our best to answer."
"Hey guys, welcome back to part two of the Q&A series I'm doing."
"I finally have my braces off, and it's the perfect time for a braces Q & A."
"I would like to thank you for your attention, we'll be happy to take any questions you have."
"Once lunch comes out, we'll have the 'ask the expert' panel, so you can write all of your questions on pieces of paper and they'll be brought to the front."
"Enjoy myself and BB King's Blues club for my morning chat here, I'll answer any questions you may have about our report, the ship itself, or just life in general."
"We want to leave as much time for questions as possible."
"We usually base today's Q&A on yesterday's show."
"At the end of that, we will do a question and an answer session."
"We will save all of your questions until the end of the live stream tonight during a Q&A section."
"Happy Days guys, if you have any questions make sure to drop it down below."
"If you have any questions about polyphasic sleep, feel free to post them."
"So in this video, instead of answering a question from one person, I'm going to be answering a bunch of questions from all of you."
"If you have any questions, hit me up down in the comments below and I'll see if I can help you out."
"Thank you for answering my question and for all you guys do, this continues to be my favorite show on YouTube."
"Hey there everybody, welcome back. Here I am, as always, answering your photography questions."
"We're going to just go ahead and jump into a Q&A session."
"If you have any questions, please feel free to leave those questions in the comment section, and I'll be more than happy to answer each one of your questions."
"Hello friends, and welcome again to another edition of 3ABN Bible Q&A."
"Sometimes I forget how chill and calm it is to just sit back and answer questions."
"I'm just calling it 'Ask Me Anything about 3D art' so make sure to post any questions you may have."
"We're going to end it there. So if you have any questions, get them in now because we're at the end."
"We're going to take this on and try to answer as many questions as we can."
"It's super fun to be able to answer them."
"They are here to answer all your questions."
"I'm going to be answering questions about the book, about cooking, about love and life."
"Hello, happy Friday, what are we doing today? Question and answer time."
"For now, like over to Martin so we can get our Q&A and giveaway rolling."
"Welcome back to my channel; today's the day we are answering all of those questions about all of my monofins."
"We are going to answer some of the frequently asked questions to make this boat sort of make sense in the grand scheme of the channel."
"It will be a bring your Song of Ice and Fire questions, anything you want to ask, I will do my best to answer."
"After this presentation, I will make sure we get some time to answer your questions."
"I'm hoping these live streams go more along the lines of Q&A instead of me demoing stuff."
"We'll start with a presentation, do Hands-On, and then we'll go to an open Q&A at the end."
"I discovered that an easier way of doing Q&As is to just get you guys to ask me questions on Instagram."
"Please ask them in the comments section; I'll do my best to answer any of them."
"If you have any questions, just type them in and we'll get them at the end during our live Q&A."
"We just have a great time talking with you guys, answering questions, and posing some questions as well."
"Heater insights answers popular questions for using heaters in the home, garage, or office."
"We're excited to be here today and see what questions we can answer."
"Hey everybody, and welcome to a brand new Q&A video."
"So guys, it's time for a Q&A; through these Q&As, we figure you guys can get to know us a little bit better."
"I'm just going to be me by my lonesome here answering all the wonderful questions that you guys sent in."
"We have an expert who will be doing a dedicated Q&A session at the end of the event."
"I'm more than happy to take questions and see if I can answer them when it comes to music production."
"The purpose of the fireside chat is basically to let you guys ask questions."
"We answer questions from the community."
"I feel like Q&As are always popping because you guys always have a lot of questions, and I always have a lot of answers."
"This is where I answer your questions that you so kindly send in."
"We're gonna do a tipsy Q&A because I thought it would be fun."
"How can I use machine learning for game development? The most obvious one is actually for QA and testing."
"I'm excited to clear the air and answer a lot of much-asked questions that I've had in my DMs."