
Self-sustainability Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The Amish diet reflects their values of simplicity, modesty, and self-sustainability."
"The more people that choose to be more self-sustainable, the impact has a widespreading effect."
"Dash's Treasury is a self-funding mechanism."
"We eat so pure, you guys follow our channel, we grow 90% of our own food."
"Self-sufficient energy, attracting material gain."
"Stay out the way and become self-sustainable."
"It's your responsibility if you are one of those who are charged with teaching, your job while you sustain yourself in life, to in order to be able to do it."
"The ultimate goal of most Preppers would be to be self-sustaining."
"I absolutely made woodworking pay for itself from the very beginning."
"The trickle-up economy largely pays for itself."
"I'm so passionate about it now because I just think that everybody should be growing their own food."
"Having your garden just out there doing its thing, whether you show up or not, is an amazing thing."
"Our colony is self-sustaining, which is another reason why I don't mind putting all the duplicants on vacation."
"We're gonna keep moving closer to our goal of raising all of our own food and being as self-sufficient as we can."
"Nature's own free energy device: galaxies feeding and growing themselves."
"You're not going to do it by growing everything you want to consume."
"To live on Mars, we must have a self-sustaining city."
"Anytime you grow something at home, as long as you grow it correctly, it's always better than at the store."
"We have a farm so we do raise a large amount of our own vegetables, our meat, our eggs, and our Dairy here ourselves."
"It's just kind of a lifestyle because we're farmers and we grow a lot of our own food, we naturally have a lot of food on hand at any given moment."
"My goal now is to live on what I grow so that I could live 365 days a year off of what I only grow in less than a quarter of an acre."
"I'm trying to get better at just growing things that I know we'll eat."
"The Marine Corps is probably the most effective self-sustaining unit or branch in the military."
"We're feeding almost 15 people year-round and growing a huge percentage of our own food."
"What could be more important than growing the food that you guys, you and your family, are eating?"
"The best $1000 you will ever spend to grow your own food."
"Foods like this are just wonderful that you guys can start growing yourself and if you can't grow them you can get them from us anytime or other growers around the country."
"Being able to harvest and cook with fresh food that you've grown yourself."
"Bring enough to make yourself self-sustaining and then you can help other people. You can't help anybody if you can't help yourself."
"I think that I may have finally made my goal of having enough onions to last our family all year."
"I'm going to grow my own food and build my dream kitchen."
"Fortunately, we're blessed enough we can raise our own livestock and raise our own meat."
"I don't like paying electric bills and for tornadoes and fire, so I built it once and now I'm good for the rest of my life."
"My whole goal was to grow as much food as possible"
"Jeremy and Melissa provided a breakdown of their initial expenses and saved costs by being self-sustainable."
"Our bandwidth to grow food here on the homestead is enough for 12 to 24 months."
"There is a real chance that you can raise enough healthy food for you and your family and take some of the pressure off of not having to buy meat."
"We also immediately got to work on our garden area so we could start growing our own produce."
"If I win a million dollars or anything close to it, I am gonna move to Montana and build a self-sustaining farm."
"We're self-sustained, we're self-powered, the electrical system and the connectivity systems are making it so that we can continue our work full-time on the road while getting even further out into nature."
"The research I've done has shown that you can raise your own animals for a fraction of the cost as it would be to buy an organic package of meats or eggs or milk at the grocery store."
"Someone who has saved up their seeds and they have all of this stuff going on, then that person is gonna be a lot happier than the person who got a Lamborghini but ain't got nothing growing out there in the yard."
"The main goal with cutings is to get the stem or other plant part to the point where it is self-sustaining."
"We want to eat our own meat. We want to raise our own food, you know, we want to know what's in it."
"I'm really gonna start developing a lot of meals out of the garden starting this week."
"I mean, I'm big into eating healthy. Like, my wife and I haven't bought meat from a grocery store in probably 15 years, so we only eat meat that I harvest."
"If you're concerned about eating like you need food, you can go out in your yard with handfuls of grain corn handfuls of beans handfuls okra seeds pumpkin seeds you can go out and start planting right away."
"It was really important for me to grow vegetables to eat."
"We're able to produce our own food, our own fertilizer, we can grow our own crops."
"Living off the land, growing your own food for the family and to sell, sustaining yourself through your own hard work and sweat. It's satisfying but it sure can be eerie."
"I am very keen on growing my own fruit and veg."
"One of the biggest draws for me to this life in Portugal was the chance and the possibility of being able to grow our own food to feed our family."
"It's a carefree way of growing your food, and it's just wonderful walking out your back door and having greens whenever you need it."
"But anyways, unfortunately, we had to leave, we moved to Missouri, had a big piece of land, had the timber rights, and we, you know, cut and processed all of our wood, had a huge garden and were very well self-sustaining."
"North Kohala has come back from the closing of the sugar industry to be a thriving community focused on becoming self-sustainable."
"Purchases in bulk and growing everything that I am able to here, raising some of our own meat, it really does cut costs for us on our grocery bill and it also helps us beat the insane amount of inflation that is happening right now."
"Florida is a state where most people go to the supermarket to buy their food, but they don't realize that they can grow most of their food right at home."
"You know we're trying to set up to where we can raise our own food where we can uh produce our own food here and we can give God the glory by taking care of the land that he has blessed us with and using the things that he's blessed us with like the manure from our animals."
"Start eating off the land from day one."
"Growing your own food, having your own chickens, I mean, that's enough to feed a family right there."
"Your garden is worth a lot of money, and that money goes into feeding you and everybody wins."
"One of the biggest myths is that you can take five or 10 acres and raise animals and be self-sufficient. That is a myth. There is no way you can raise a couple of cows, any kind of sheep or goats or chickens or pigs on 10 acres or even 20 acres hardly and be self-sustaining."
"There is just something very satisfying about making meals or little dishes like this with ingredients that you have raised and grown yourself."
"Being on a dairy farm and making cheese from that milk... you're eating what you make."
"Growing your own produce is a great idea because you know it's gonna be healthier for you."
"Once people become wise, their work goes better, their relationships go better, they get more and more eager to get up in the morning and do tomorrow more or less what they've done today. And that makes it self-sustaining."
"...we have developed a greater and greater desire for self-sustainability."
"I want to be able to start off self-sustainable artists... I want you to be able to do this on your own because you have your own children, you have your own mama, and the people that you need to feed on your own."
"We had our own vegetables, and all that sort of stuff, and our own meat, and our own eggs, and our own milk, and our own butter."
"Life in the countryside here seems very interesting to me because of allowing oneself to plant some things, have some food, be self-sustaining in some way."
"There will come a time when Mars will not need Earth to sustain itself."
"A lot of famous restaurants around the world grow their own ingredients to have the best and freshest selection possible."
"Canning is one of those skills that some people may consider a necessity and I think that in the long term it's going to be a necessity."
"Organizations like ours can actually become businesses in the sense that they can cover their own cost through earned revenue."
"We're going to build a compound, we're going to be self-sustainable."