
Ideological Differences Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"These three schools of economic thought, classical, Austrian, and Keynesian agree on far more than they disagree on, but as with any competing ideologies, they are defined by their differences."
"Iran is just coming, you've got ideological motivations that are completely different."
"The left is generally a much more political culture than the right."
"The two parties are not they're no longer two sides of the same coin they are two entirely different currencies."
"It comes to a point where even the devil and the Saints all aggregate at that ceasefire Zone where the common good becomes the summer."
"Democrats don't want to campaign with a socialist. Biden's points about Sanders are exactly true."
"Truth is a liberal value, truth is a conservative value, truth has never been a left-wing value." - Dennis Prager
"I'm a hardcore libertarian that doesn't matter if the American experiment itself is on the line I am more than happy to go team up with a Bernie Sanders you know Democrat that's the antithesis of my world view if it means protecting our country."
"When's the last time you saw a communist and a capitalist sit down together and have a good conversation?"
"Real people are ideological; they have opinions about how Society should be organized."
"Ideological diversity within academia may not produce revolutionary information, but it gives potential for falsification."
"It's a fact that the right knows what the left is thinking, but the left does not know what the right is thinking."
"Justice Ginsburg's close relationship with a friend of ours, a friend of mine, Justice Scalia, is also a powerful reminder that we can disagree on fundamental issues while treating each other with decency, dignity, and respect."
"If we fundamentally are not understanding each other and we're standing on two separate sides of this issue, we can't be friends anymore."
"Everyone wants to save the world; they just disagree on how."
"Just like the left, the right has its own crazy madness, but their stuff is just fun though."
"What if the people you're fighting along have different ideals than you though?"
"It really shows how the ideologies of the Jedi and the Sith veer off from each other."
"Underpinning it is a very serious difference in ideology and a very serious general intergenerational shift."
"The fundamental difference between socialism and capitalism is that capitalism is impossible without racism, while socialism is impossible with racism."
"There is an ethno-nationalism component to the Chinese Communist Party which is civilizational in a way that you didn't get out of the Soviets."
"Live and Let Live, work together on economy first, work on that, you know, but why would you impose idea on people, you know, idea concept was completely different."
"The dangerous rise of men who won't date woke women? Oh, calm down, dude. Can't find a man? It's not dangerous; you just believe kooky things and nobody wants to be around you."
"Don't cut your red pill friend off. Show them unconditional love and support that doesn't hinge on them being the right type of men."
"The populism of the left and the right, uh are individuals who will are fighters for those constituencies and there are very different values very different approaches."
"I guarantee you he would thousand times rather have a dinner with Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham than two progressives that are actual voters."
"How can we not agree on that? We might have slightly different sort of ideas about how we get there..."
"I think there's a big ideological disconnect between the traditional labor movement and actual heavy industry workers."
"Hank does seem to really love Peggy though, but due to his conservative lean, he doesn’t always enjoy some of her exploits."
"Usually when you get dual perspective they're both kind of sassy or they have similar compatible personalities but these two people have different ideologies and different stances on love."
"Different tactics work on the left than work on the right... a tactic that works on right-wing people might not work on left-wing brains."
"Liberals, great. Conservatives, great. Leftists, see, they don't do well. Liberty is a value, not an instinct."
"But that's exactly how it happened, you know, 800 years ago when Jayanika wrote the Prabandha Chintamani, it's a great poem and it's also history."
"How do you convey to a teenager the core difference between the left and the right?"
"Team Aqua and Team Magma are made up of people of completely opposing ideals and goals, but perhaps even they can learn to meet halfway, one small concession at a time."
"Cruelty is a conservative value and kindness is a leftist one."
"They have an ideological belief in the private sector... just like there are socialists who have an ideological belief in the state sector."
"Unity isn't about ideological purity, it's about finding common ground where it exists."
"Because what we are having right now is kind of like a um a style night between the Deep State and the white hats in the military."
"Just because I disagree with your ideologies and don't believe in your religion or your God or your holy book does not mean that I hate you."
"I'm far left and you're far right."
"They're ideologically opposed, but they genuinely respect each other."
"Just being a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen to is more important than ideological differences."
"There is no conflict between two generations, but a conflict between two ideologies."