
Economic Goals Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"But for now, at least remember that amongst all of these disagreements, economists are still all working towards a common goal: solving the central economic problem."
"Our intention is to bring inflation back down to 2% while still sustaining a strong labor market."
"We should be trying to do anyway is we've got to get growth up, we've got inequality down, and we need to stop pretending those things are in tension."
"Every economy has three goals: to grow over time, to reduce unemployment, and to keep prices stable."
"We understand the hardship that high inflation is causing and we are strongly committed to bringing inflation back down to our 2% goal."
"It is essential that we bring inflation down to our two percent goal if we are to have a sustained period of strong labor market conditions that benefit all."
"The goal of economic life is absolutely not to look good on paper; it's not to have a high GDP."
"We're committed to bringing inflation back down to our 2% goal and to keeping longer-term inflation expectations well anchored."
"Our new internal mission is at some point in the next few years to have our developer community earn over a billion dollars from the Roblox platform."
"The goals of every economy are economic growth, to limit unemployment, and to keep prices stable."
"The Australian public debate, our policy debate, our political debate has literally told Australians for decades that the number one goal of economic management, the number one reason to be treasurer is to deliver a budget surplus."
"I'm cool with that phrase 'I'm gonna get that money'... in order to actually change the condition of our community."
"Everyone is trying to get paid, everyone is trying to make bank."
"The goal of an economy is not to create jobs; the goal is to create an economy."
"Our government stands committed to strengthening and expanding the economy with high growth and to create conditions for people to realize their aspirations."
"Inflation has fallen well below our symmetric two percent objective."
"We need to generate a lot of wealth so that all the world can have like what you're essentially arguing for is a middle class lifestyle for the world."
"Our number one goal is to share the gospel of black economic empowerment."
"Lifting people out of absolute poverty is the most important piece of the puzzle."
"Our goal is to humanize our economy and our planet as fast as possible."
"All we want to do is just become prosperous, that's the game plan."
"The Trump administration seeks more than just reducing the surplus; it seeks to eliminate the cause of unfair trade."
"The goal of an economy is not to create jobs. The goal of jobs is to create an economy."
"We want to make wealth standard instead of it being so revolutionary."
"We want the United States to compete and win in the 21st century."
"Redefining economic progress to actually line up with our own human goals and values."
"This is just what you dream of, is this kind of growth."
"We want people to make more money over time."
"The goal is not to increase taxes, it's to decrease taxes."
"It's not just about Adani and his company, it's for the future because if the government wants to do a five trillion dollar economy, you can't do it if you have these kind of bogus things happening."
"We're absolutely committed to getting inflation back to our two percent goal."
"Our goal is to use our tools to get demand and supply back in sync so inflation moves down."
"It will take us several years to get rate and yields to the point where everything that we've discussed is achieved."
"Elevate the financial well-being of humanity."
"Everyone wants to be financially free, period."
"Financial rewards, financial rewards, financial rewards."
"We want to see compelling evidence that inflationary pressures are abating and that inflation is moving back down."
"Our job is to bring inflation down to two percent and sustain maximum employment."
"It's a puzzly game... trying to make a profit."
"Every black person I know absolutely wants to be wealthier not everyone wants to make the sacrifice in the trade-off to become wealthier."
"China's goal is to foster a $1 trillion U.S. dollar AI industry by 2030, and today it's home to tech giants like Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu. But China's dazzling AI advances are increasingly seen as a threat to the United States."
"Making more money, gaining financial rewards."
"My commitment was to restore broad based prosperity to the American economy, to give people a chance, and the circumstances had changed."
"Getting everyone above the international poverty line is not a high bar - it's the lowest, and it's one we should be able to clear."
"Achieving five percent of share of the GDP could generate 20 billion dollars of exports and it is possible we should do that."
"The Federal Reserve Bank wants to see inflation at 2% not just going down to 2% but they want to see it steady at 2%."
"Ensure economic opportunity for everyone."
"Their goal is to grow the economy without inflation."
"We will get inflation down to 2 percent in time."
"Our objective is to get inflation back down to 2 percent."
"We're optimizing GDP kind of as our cultural goal, and AI and corporations are underneath that."
"The overall goal of these policies is generally stable economic growth and low inflation."
"We're not seeking a recession... we're targeting inflation."
"We think that we are on our way to achieving that 2% inflation over time."
"By influencing interest rates throughout the economy, the fed's monetary policy works to achieve its goals of price stability and maximum employment."