
Strategic Communication Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"It's entirely possible to challenge Russia in the information warfare space."
"Since my platform has grown, I have to be strategic about who I respond to."
"You convince your opponent that if he does something you don't like he's going to end up in a worse position if he does it."
"Remember when these people tell you what their plans are to your face, it's probably a good idea to take note of that."
"It's not the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but if you're debating with somebody, my objective is to win the debate."
"This ad campaign... is deeply, deeply important."
"He's a pro amongst Pros to pin who against who he knows how to talk to the Evangelical and kind of persuade this I'll strategize he's he is he is the credit goes to him as a strategist."
"Once you change the conversation, you change the compensation."
"Silence is extremely powerful, use it very sparingly."
"This sends a clear message that Ukraine is ready to defend its airspace effectively, making any hostile air strikes a high-risk endeavor."
"This is an important opportunity for us to lay out in very frank terms the many concerns that we have with Beijing's actions and behavior."
"Surely strategic to actually see the name and the image of the guy... part of the reason for that is that of course if you're gonna share an article on social media they don't want an image of this guy showing up."
"Info is the greatest game changer... relay info even if that means spectating a teammate."
"I think this is good news regular people we're trying to win this is the information war of the fifth generational conflict that we're facing the cold civil war you can say we're in the recruiting phase."
"Strategically choose the narratives that we tell about what happened."
"If you want to reach young people who actually trust Crystal and I in order to deliver them the news, then you need to come here."
"You think about the kind of intelligence that the White House was putting out publicly declassifying in the early days."
"If you've ever been in a negotiation they always are gonna try to lowball you literally the cops coming out saying we love everybody is the lowest ball like it's the lowest offer that they will ever give you right."
"The more chaos that is sown here, it will disincline people to show up. Every time I speak about it, I feel like I'm playing his game. Does it make sense what I'm saying?"
"We should never acknowledge broadly to our adversaries that we've got a weakness or a shortcoming. We should project strength. Weakness is provocative."
"Bismarck deeply understood the growing power of mass market media"
"They're doing that for a political purpose... creating a base of voters who tend to vote in their direction."
"We need to change the hegemonic discourse in our favor."
"You can either win the issues that matter yes right or you can win this workplace game this nonsense game and if you play this word police game you're losing so many people."
"No such thing as bad PR, but they've certainly made it the conversation."
"The purpose of August 2022 PSR submission representation in respect of Stadium debt interest was to persuade the Premier League that there was."
"The goal of TikTok is to influence through popular culture."
"With Joffrey in particular, this was a strategy that won him over."
"Biden made the strategic choice to put it all out there, releasing what proved to be highly accurate U.S intelligence to publicly reveal all of Putin's intentions before and now during the invasion."
"We're talking about the ability to really, the way I look at it, and I mean this sincerely and I've said it last night in a more casual way, we are at an inflection point," he said.
"Control your own narrative. This is where the bag is now."
"Elon is just being opportunistic here and pretty creatively using this poll as a way to shape the narrative."
"Language games: winning the battle of discourse is crucial."
"Xbox's first party has a lot to say and Bethesda has so much to say."
"Just change the subject immediately; it makes you project higher value."
"We've got to use every platform that we possibly can knowing that we live in a world of censorship."
"They did a smart job of putting the political context in it."
"Rather, it is about convincing Moscow that Kyiv’s perception about the war’s outcome is the correct one."
"And at this point, at this point, not earlier, not back at Wall of Reactance, not at Test Drive, not at Riding the Dragon, but only at this point. You can draw a line in the sand and tell your ex, you know, no, I don't want her to other people."
"It opens up an opportunity for us to switch that narrative."
"Google gives so much that they stagger CTA points in this complex web."
"Expose, explain, articulate alternatives... that's how you can fight back." - Dr. Lindsay
"It was actually a pretty smart announcement to make on a Saturday."
"Shock value is fine if the purpose outweighs the offense it's supposed to provoke."
"Everything that Putin says has meaning and he has never... said things to bluff."
"The world stage, where every move counts, and every word spoken reverberates."
"Don't take the bait. Don't take the bait. Allow me to call out the absurdity once in a while."
"Stop giving her attention. We've got to ignore it. Yes, from time to time, we've got to call out these journalists."
"Was this a publicity stunt intended to cast a more positive light?"
"If you're gonna debate him, you're gonna have to come prepared." - Ben Shapiro
"Continuing to change those Messengers and putting forth people that look like the audiences that we're trying to talk to is going to be the best way to break through."
"Nothing has been shared yet but there is a reason for that, an important one and one which I'm here to share with you now: There is hope."
"The way you choose to respond to a situation can ultimately frame their perception of your brand going forward."
"In a group, the team that shot calls better is probably gonna win."
"Networking is the most effective way to win a culture War."
"Most people can change their minds if you have a more strategic way of communicating the message to them."
"Use your internal knowledge to pick your timing and speak up at a time that matters the most."
"We are privileged to be observing a conversation between Patriots inside the military. This operation is targeted at the bad people, the bad guys that they know are watching the boards, trying to figure out what the Patriots are going to do next."
"Show don't tell. You've got to put it right in front of them. You've got to have the proof points lined up."
"The conversation is not a conversation, it's more so a chess game of the two moving their pieces trying to achieve a checkmate to make the other bend to their will."
"Never underestimate the power of a well-timed comeback."
"That is dealing, that is called scheming people open. Take a peek, let it wash over you."
"The perfect intelligence delivered one minute too late is absolutely worthless."
"Attention is the most valuable commodity your church can possess."
"This is good, this is fantastic for the base."
"The controversial stuff does no one any good if you aren't going to be both smart and firm when push comes to shove."
"The single best way to get journalists to pay attention to you is to follow them, go to their posts, leave comments, retweet their blog, reach out to them, and don't ask for anything. Do things to help them out."
"I'm glad that he did, I have to, I have a great admiration for that little jab." - Kellyanne Conway
"We need to be able to control those narratives."
"Now people know, so it is something you need to get out in front of."
"It's all about trying to get ahead of the narrative."
"Control the narrative, that's the name of the game right now."
"This is a major turning point in this interview."
"Let's talk about what they're doing now... that's how you counter the environmental fud not with maybes."
"Anytime your enemy fears something that you're saying or doing, that is a good indication that it's a good thing."
"A well-delivered threat is perceived as, 'Oh, you're not just going to do it anyways, right?' It makes the person receiving the threat go, 'No, they're serious about this threat, but if I cave to them, it'll be okay.'"
"Let your words be your weapon. All vendors permanently have 100 more caps for bartering."
"Ultimately sometimes there's an element of changing the narrative."
"The attack on the Kremlin speaks volumes, it's a morale booster for the Ukrainian Armed Forces."
"It's not guns and weapons and violence that get the job done it's the press it's PR it's marketing that is the true power of protest and the single strongest weapon you have against corrupt systems and evil people like Anton."
"We cannot let other people set our narrative because if you do that, most likely they're not giving a good narrative out there."
"It is a signal, not necessarily for a pardon. That's not what my reporting shows. It is a signal he is finally ready to say publicly that this is basically what I am going to do."
"In order to engage in fifth generational warfare... you need access to the platforms for which you can actually argue with people."
"Xi Jinping emphasized four words in Chinese, revealing his concern for military readiness."
"It should be taught in the history books as like a genius psychological operation. It's genius."
"Nafo is a living example of how to disarm Russian disinformation with humor, intelligence, and enthusiasm."
"I'm definitely good on my feet and you know I'm not going to give too much away I could oh walk how a quad's gonna win a boxing fight they are significant I'm gonna Dash you out."
"You gotta give him credit because he's created this situation where he has such impact with the media."
"The truth is the most powerful strategy you can employ."
"That's why it's important for us to take control of the narrative."
"I think what's important of reconciliation and being a gracious winner is you kind of want to play towards the people that are undecided, the people that are liberal but understand other people's points of view."
"They push the agenda much more subtly because they didn't want to push people away."
"Debates with popular figures like Vosh are opportunities for dawa."
"You will be on the safer side, the better side, and the winning side if you let people know very little about you."
"Communication with your monkey bombs is probably a better bet."
"Trump always outmaneuvers and makes the media and Democrats look pathetic."
"Bait expends ammunition. Evil has no place here." - Q
"Moving in silence is not always the best option because silence breeds violence."
"He's showing you the blueprint on how they they talk like their marching orders right marching to the same beats Q is also showing you as I said this amazing blueprints from A to Z how they're using these big tech companies to get it done."
"If you add talking to your game I swear to you you run less and you don't have to work as hard sometimes."
"Every single time he gets them to show their butts."
"We speak for ourselves when we find it appropriate. Short-term interests and emotional outbursts are not what we base our public statements upon."
"Learn how to be strategic around communication."
"The idea supported by Ted Kennedy before he died and the idea supported by Bernie Sanders now, that would be the most shocking policy gem in any other book."
"She's very cleverly and brilliantly political about what she's doing."
"He needs to stick to the stuff that he already knows and can sort of spout off automatically."
"I can't think of a smarter piece of advertising that can exist."
"If you can identify their personality type through a conversation, now all of a sudden you know way more about them than they know about you."
"Guard your tongues," Arianne warned her company as they disembarked. "It would be best if King's Landing never knew we'd passed this way."
"In the realm of diplomacy, a powerful Triad governs: truth to maintain authenticity, tact to avoid offense, and wisdom to foresee consequences."
"Regular communication is maintained with them and not only is communication maintained, but in fact, in this instance, the key players' goals and objectives must be included as part of the organization's strategy setting process."
"It's about testing the water, so one side you could say it's propaganda, on the other side you could say well we're just doing a very high level focus group."