
Narrative Impact Quotes

There are 733 quotes

"Arthur's last ride is an emotional wreck for myself, Arthur saying his goodbyes after rescuing Abigail, his last thank you to his horse, his passing of his iconic hat to John, and his final scene with Dutch."
"Doflamingo is one of the best villains, if not the best villain yet."
"Injuries need to mean something again, and it can be used for epic returns and fun revenge storylines."
"All of us could point to these unwritten stories, and they're transformative and impactful, and they need to be told."
"A movie can live and die with its antagonist."
"Maya cried tears of joy before realizing that Gamora and Wardy were truly gone and had sacrificed themselves for her sake."
"Death means nothing, true, but it's still a beautifully done, if not immensely brutal moment."
"In really good stories, the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts."
"It's like Metal Gear Solid 3. The ending and the journey actually hits you pretty damn hard."
"The consequences of this narrative are all too real."
"Granny Chiyo is one of the most important cogs in the tapestry of Naruto's timeline."
"You could have the most perfect, grandiose story imaginable, but if you have no compelling characters to populate it, then its impact really wouldn't be felt."
"This death has real lasting consequence and is the end of our Gamora's story."
"Far Cry 4's ending works for me because it's beautiful inside and out in every way."
"Disco Elysium confronts you with fundamental choices over and over again."
"Don't be afraid of making villains that shake people down to their core, that challenge their mindsets, that are bad to the bone."
"It felt like Legends arus was a whisper and Scarlet Violet was a shout."
"Zoro's power-up being like the best story seen so far in the verse by far."
"Their story wasn't just a really good Side Story of some villains that we fought but it actually shifted and changed the path that Naruto and Sasuke chose to go on from their moving forward."
"This explanation grants us knowledge over the width burning out incident in part one but also grants us a much more important piece of character information on ban, his heart and his utter love for Elaine."
"This was one of the best scenes I've seen in this season both of them in tears for oddly similar reasons this one that hit me hard man."
"The Barry story is the best part of the film."
"It's hard to play FF7 and not get swept up in the emotion, the melancholy of this world on the precipice of death."
"Joel's actions continue to be highly debated, but many can sympathize with his decisions."
"The potential for that, but as you do those side quests and stuff, that affects the main storyline and that can change things."
"This movie is the conclusion of a compelling story."
"Other characters inevitably fall for the sick girl, and usually, so does the audience."
"Did our character choose fire, did they choose dark, or did they do something else?"
"Damn dude, now some of the evidence for indoctrination theory is pretty compelling and if it's true, this would be a mind-blowing ending."
"We are witnessing here isn't just a formidable foe; we are fighting what could very well be the main antagonist of the series as an event of historical proportions."
"And despite our antagonist being so fierce in his opposition, he is without doubt one of those people."
"The deaths of these characters are indicative of a much bigger picture, there's something far more significant going on here."
"The mix of storytelling, survival horror, and action resonated with fans."
"What Peter Parker needs in order to be his own hero and not just Tony's successor is a villain that hates him enough to form up a whole squad determined to take him down."
"The weight of his character, the way the story was written; he says death over slavery at the end."
"Games centered around big impressive power fantasies are great, but the price they pay for this is that these kinds of experiences often gloss over and overshadow smaller scale, less intense, and more personal stories that are just as worthwhile."
"To Reie, this means that he more or less gave up on her, wanting her to pass on to make things easier elsewhere."
"An arc that could be considered the greatest of all time and completely change everyone's perspective on the series."
"Seeing Cross Guild make their claim to one piece was the moment that truly felt like the throne Wars that doflamingo promised was officially being delivered on."
"Cross Guild isn't just great because of the narrative impact that it can have; it's also easily the most interesting crew in the story to actually read about at this point in time."
"Mother 3 is full of joy, full of sadness, it'll make you laugh and yeah, it'll make you cry."
"Bolas will take a lot of planeswalkers with him, but I guarantee he's going down."
"The true ending of the game is the final conversation, determined by your choices."
"Togashi needed an antagonist in this arc that could display how punishing this world is and show enough power to mark how far Gon was and where he had to get to be."
"You wanted darker, we kill the flame." - CGI Trailer Narrator
"If what you miss about Joel and Ellie's story are the emotional gut punches, the writers knocked you breathless with, A Plague Tale is happy to serve up a second helping."
"The core experience of playing through and experiencing the story that first time."
"The gameplay karma decisions were relatively good but the story decisions had some of the best in the series."
"Full of deceit, truthfully barbaric, and so many twists—one twist at the end that's like a gut punch nobody saw coming."
"Each game had enough characters who I genuinely rooted for or were otherwise sad when they died."
"Robin´s past, the genocide of her people, her lifelong run from the grasps of the world government and the loneliness and heartbreak she experienced, really hammered in what One Piece was going to be about in the long run."
"Being able to have mystery in a story like the way that Elune was mysterious actually makes a story way bigger than what you might imagine."
"The final boss fight with Adachi and his Lovecraftian shadow Ameno Sagiri are incredible."
"The most important characteristic of a plot twist is right there in the name: It has to twist the plot."
"By surviving the gamma bomb explosion, Hulk showed the world who the strongest mortal on earth really was." - Narrator
"Childhood friends sometimes don't get their Happy Endings in stories, so I had to do something big to cause action."
"Most of the stories are so good they make you forget."
"The revelation of such consequences adds a chilling dimension to the narrative, highlighting the potential risks associated with unveiling classified information."
"Kaido wants to be remembered so I feel like something is going to happen which will make Kaido's defeat great."
"The war is a complete and utter loss for both our protagonists."
"Thanos was the appetizer while Jonathan Majors' Kang the Conqueror is the main course."
"Low chaos means the good ending, and high chaos means the bad ending."
"I think something that's really kind of awesome about Divergent is that it is about young people and gives importance to the decisions that they make."
"The Flash may have the most compelling arc in the film."
"There's some shocking dialogue and some very funny dialogue for sure."
"By the time chapter 907 came around you'd think that shanks could no longer surprise us but he does in a big way."
"It's quite ironic and in a way quite fitting that having insulted Spider-Man by calling him an insect in Avengers infinity war Thanos's big victory will be undone thanks largely to the actions of a guy who goes by the name ant-man."
"A good twist impacts characters and the plot."
"Every character is gonna react differently to this, probably."
"Poor Lion, seeing what happened on Terra's got to be just the biggest disappointing failure of his life."
"Characters are great really great the plot only did so well because of it."
"It actually was something that was really good that happened because I think it made for a very interesting story and let all this other stuff grow. It pushed things forward."
"It takes a Palpatine to destroy a Palpatine."
"His scenes with Arya are that much more special because we see a glimpse of the good side of Tywin."
"This ending gives a whole new context to every single chapter in the game, making you realize just how terrible Henry's situation is."
"Palpatine coming back to life influences every other insane and awful idea this movie throws at us."
"I'd never seen the poison work before. Tell Cersei, I wanted to know it was me."
"He felt important at last but beyond that he also felt complex and conflicted and he even came across as a genuine threat to the heroes for once."
"All of these stories in their own way are interconnected and have ramifications." - Mike Waldron
"Nothing destroys the hope of a species like killing the one that saved them on countless occasions."
"It turns out that she's probably the most important character in this whole story."
"I can talk about Dead Space 2 all day, but if I had to say anything more about this phenomenal game..."
"We get to see Luffy crushed when his spirit is at its absolute highest."
"The outcomes of these splatfests actually impact the direction of the story."
"Mass Effect has a lot of these moral choices at the end of every major mission."
"Zeke begins to gloat about how close he and Aaron are to achieving their dream but is silenced after spotting the charred remains of the Cart Titan."
"His world never felt more alive and thrilling to be in than it did here."
"Actually being Pink Diamond forces characters to rethink who they thought she was as well as question their entire relationship with her. I think that's a really, really bold move."
"So Thanos basically has an extra-long cameo but he's are broad enough that we should be scared of him."
"She's a threat like the White Walkers, like the thing that's been coming since the beginning."
"Littlefinger dying is like the most significant death we see... it's everybody feeling like how a fan should feel."
"An ending often determines a story's takeaway."
"Witnessing this incredibly emotional and powerful moment between the straw hats serves as a sort of breaking point for him."
"Make no mistake, no power or force in the world of attack on titan at the time of the rumbling could have ever stopped Aaron's founding titan form if he was fully committed to destroying the world."
"Phantom Liberty absolutely offers real choices."
"Knowing what you know about those two characters being brother and sister boys, it's quite hellacious."
"That ended up sticking and kind of was adding so much more meaning to the tale."
"It just doesn't make sense for us to allow that narrative to reduce her."
"Coincidences, plenty of coincidences, no consequences."
"Sakura's sacrifices thus solidified as meaningfully impactful. What she set out to do, she succeeded at."
"I think the burning of Teldrassil is one of the most pivotal moments in WoW's history."
"There's something special about a really great story told in 150 pages."
"This flashback and climax was amazing; it recontextualizes everything."
"But I thought that like generally the storyline was great."
"I just love that decision as well, like just having that chain of violence and it's like, and the end of at the end of the movie, the letter that she gives to her children says it's your turn like you have to break the chain."
"How does it feel Sam knowing you're gonna go down in history as the man who assassinated President Caldwell?"
"The first time around in 2B's campaign it's this flashy cinematic boss fight that satisfies every tiny part of your soul."
"Genna has three main advantages over the king: her moveset isn't as predictable without nine fights backing its design, higher story stakes, and deep ties to Freya that are important for her to resolve."
"He did the one thing that was the best for him in his entire life."
"Belos is horrifying because Caleb exists, and no, not because he murdered him."
"I love it when people go beyond the show and take something from it."
"The comet exploded shower and ghost matter across the entire galaxy, killing the entire nomai civilization instantly."
"Levi's reputation precedes him to the point that the Beast Titan has to be warned in advance, and is so cocky that he loses to him every single time they fight in the entire story. Just one of the biggest flexes of all time."
"Arguably the best villain that The Wheel of Time ever had."
"Subverting audience expectations about OP heroes can also have a powerful impact in more serious stories."
"Abandon his humanity, gives it a spot on the list."
"The greater the conflict, the less visible the exposition."
"The fight between the Geth and the Quarians has been relevant in every game and all of our choices culminate in the final decision."
"The party in Anderson's apartment is probably one of the greatest missions in this Trilogy."
"The major narrative reveals fall really flat without at least a little bit of voice work."
"Joel is a father again but at the cost of so much and possibly the cost of potentially ending the zombie fungus that created The Last of Us."
"I've said it before, this is the kind of game where the story will stick with you well after you play it."
"The far-reaching consequences of Walt's actions."
"Story plays a major role in the aesthetics of 14 vs WoW as well."
"It deals with topics of fate and destiny so well and just so masterfully."
"The fire-god returns... threatens the very existence of tyria."
"It would have been less impactful if he did this any other way."
"The pages in this chapter were just absolutely stunning."
"Big news Morgans... becoming by far the biggest ally of truth as well as biggest ally of Luffy."
"A good ending has to be the right ending, whether it's good or bad."
"Adding a new character that is this essential to the plot... gave me good reason to have some doubts. Fortunately, her performance and her character were hands-down the best thing about this season."
"Even after everything Link did, all the effort he put into helping as many people as possible, ultimately he couldn't save everyone."
"What truly was her sense of regret and her pride was the thing that gave me emotion for the story."
"It's truly amazing to me that these little moments early on in the series... come back around to not just be significant to the story but to actually pack such an emotional punch."
"If they had taken those flashbacks with Ellie and Joel and put them leading up to his [death], that would have had so much more of an emotional impact."
"Ahsoka Tano's departure from the Jedi order was not a mere narrative twist but a pivotal moment."
"This is meaningful trauma that they share and it makes Shiro's connection with the black lion feel real."
"This is the moment when the whole freaking house goes on fire."
"I kind of like to have the decisions you make not only change the powers you get but then also the story machines you play through."
"Goodbye. It's a heartbreaking scene. I remember this shaking me to my core the first time I played."
"The story of Haru and his uncle Set set the standard for the historical battle between the forces of good and evil."
"Dragon is the leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon is the guy that's probably going to take down the current standing of the world government."
"By roasting the Manson family in a scene right out of one of Rick's movies, he's explicitly using the power of film to write a historical wrong."
"There is no doubt in my mind that the true narrative here is Walker mentally torturing himself in order to confront his horrific actions."
"I think the outcome of this is going to push Walter into an even darker place."
"That's about as definitive an ending as you could possibly get."
"Humanity's ability to inspire, the only force powerful enough to not only lead us into the Collector's inferno but to lead us out of it."
"This ending scene leaves you with the idea that something has changed."
"It still leaves people with a bad taste in their mouth."
"It still feels like the choices you make don't mean anything."
"It's a celebration of fun over function, and it doesn't care if you take it seriously because it's playing by rules that only it knows."
"It's more surprising now someone stays dead. People didn't tend to die like this outside of origin stories, certainly not supports or love interests this close and so brutally too."
"The game's ending is so powerful not just because Nova breaks free of her purpose and becomes her own being that gets to experience the wonders of a meaningless life with all the freedom in the world."
"However, the true impact of Eren's decision to attack Liberio is evident when we take a look at Eren as a character."
"Everything fell apart after the Evan Peters cameo."
"Her fate is tied up with the fight against the Night King rather than who wins the Iron Throne."
"Marie's revelation: the twist that flips everything."
"A soaring, searing, scorching chapter in The Saga."
"That'd be amazing, that'd be a great story, right? That would be a fantastic story."
"Either way, I end up caring about their relationship."
"This series is not perfect but the overall story and presentation gave a strong and powerful impact in the anime community."
"You can really influence a game by how you describe failure."
"Death Stranding is a slow burn for its first few hours... but by the time the credits rolled I was legitimately blown away."
"Focus on watering things that grow in your life."
"Cyrus does not mess around; his main goal is to use the creation trio to destroy the entire universe and recreate it without spirit."
"Gaunter O’Dimm is the most compelling antagonist in the series, and maybe just in video games in general."
"Ghosts of Tsushima's story hits hard in the game's third and final act."
"The tva is formidable... it's like the infinity stones are nothing but paperweights to them."
"There's nothing better than a good hero's death."
"It made me feel bad in a way that was intended."
"Samira comes fully equipped with a way to deal with danger on her own."
"My choice was to keep her alive or kill her." - Sherry
"For me, it makes the deaths that occurred during the war and the victory at the Battle of Hogwarts feel a little pointless."
"Sure, we might eventually meet someone or something with whom his ability has no effect, but then to Nerf it would negate the whole point of having it as your main plot device in the first place."
"What happens when he connects the dots... it's kind of a mind-blowing ending."
"Two of the most effective villains we've had are just regular dudes creating chaos in very different ways."
"The white walker plot was this existential threat that had been built up for eight seasons, predicated on a historical long night that lasted an actual generation and nearly wiped out humanity."
"Father Time: preventing some bad futures for our characters."
"A good narrative can enhance gameplay dramatically."
"That when Joel is looking at this woman, and we hear that theme, we feel it. We feel the loss. I feel it every time."
"Big Mom's absolute refusal to wait even one more day to eat the sweets she wants right now makes her incredibly strong."
"Aaron is now essentially repaying the favor by sacrificing Humanity itself so that Historia can survive."
"Luke buys the resistance enough time to be rescued by Rey before Kylo realizes that he is only a projection in the force; the effort of creating the illusion causes Luke to become one with the force."
"It goes back to Jon Snow's heritage being this great secret."
"He brought a kind of wisdom and a kind of hope to the Flash family that really wasn't available from anybody else."
"I like the death, I feel sorry for Doreen and it added a nice layer to Mike Norris' character."
"The ending is paramount. Does the ending make you feel like you want to ride the roller coaster again?"
"There's a feeling while you're escaping the planet that Samus really is a threat to the universe."
"The story itself is just... it hits maybe even harder now."
"What made this chapter so good to me is how big the talking points were."
"Vivi became one of the most beloved characters in the franchise."
"We're going to become whole again, Norman." - Emotion and intensity in one line.
"Crash is inevitable... What a neat way to make his final encounter."
"That's the point. Have you ever seen Dr. Eggman? He could kill Sonic at any time. It's about sending the message."
"For once he isn't allowed to, and Gina plays along, because in probably one of the more subtly heartbreaking moments, she doesn't want to be part of his story."
"It's more important for this show to impact its characters rather than its audience."
"Android 17 being revived ends up playing a really big role."
"If you can tell stories like this...then I think that this is really good TV."
"Just before May dies, she says the iconic line: 'With great power, there also must come great responsibility.'"
"Sly 2 tells a powerful tale from start to finish."