
Military Preparedness Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Because just as with preparing to repel a purely conventional military threat, preparation can make all the difference."
"There's always the latest rumors that the Russians come back, but the evidence is Russia is rearming, is rebuilding, is remobilizing."
"The Israelis have now called back 300,000 reservists defense minister Gant asked the government to call up 300,000 IDF reservists preparing for a potential large scale war in Lebanon."
"We know that China is prepared right now to take Taiwan." - Video Narrator
"We don't want to give the Chinese Communist Party the impression that it's going to take a week for us to respond to their aggression."
"We must prepare to fight the Russian army in a potential world war."
"Being prepared for war is one of the best ways to preserve peace." - George Washington
"Moscow is preparing for the next attack as well as fighting for their independence." - Anonymous speaker
"Speed would be essential to strike before the orcs could properly respond."
"They're ready to fight back and they think they've got some pretty advanced military to do so."
"Brutus’ ships were crewed by legionaries who had specifically volunteered."
"Let's keep prepping the same as we always do, regardless of what happens politically." - Anonymous
"China is moving massive amounts of military equipment... they are getting ready because they are not screwing around."
"British troops must be ready to fight Russia and should prepare their families for the prospect of an extended deployment."
"America is fully prepared, prepared with our NATO allies to defend every single inch of NATO territory."
"What Russia is fighting right now is the single war that Russia has been preparing for."
"The cornerstone of any good military force is its equipment - guns, tanks, bombers."
"We're not really prepared for the first time a U.S. aircraft carrier takes a ballistic missile and it blows up on an aircraft carrier."
"Poland is doing its utmost to deter Russia by arming and equipping its armed forces."
"They do a good job. I just don't really see the value in that kind of money for something that I'm definitely gonna destroy."
"NATO chairman John Stoltenberg is saying that we should prepare for some bad news on the Ukrainian front."
"You tend to go fight the next war with the equipment from the last three years."
"To buy the best stuff, to have the best equipment in the world, and to never have to use it would be a really great part of my dream."
"Ukraine will not be afraid of foreign aggression by dramatically demonstrating their capabilities."
"How does one prep, brief their forces, and deploy a battle group within 2 hours? They don't."
"Simpson and Sufi were wearing body armor and were equipped with three assault rifles."
"To deter China, Taiwan must prepare for war now."
"There's no use having half-built Battlestars if we can't defend them."
"If we go into World War Three then I'm gonna want a more reliable asset."
"Would Americans be happy if the US Army started dusting off old Vietnam vintage M-60 Pattons from storage, slapping on a fresh coat of paint, better comms, and a pair of thermal sights, and said, 'Go to—and prosper!' Of course not!"
"Uncommon Goods is an online shop filled with unique, totally unexpected gifts..."
"Ukraine was actually really well-equipped and prepared for such a war, they had been preparing for eight years."
"If everybody had known that there would be another world war in 1939... a lot of these countries would have had semi-automatic rifles ready."
"The U.S. has decided to equip a squadron of its A-10 Warthogs in the Middle East with 250 pound bunker bombs."
"Israel cannot afford to be attacked by all these weapons, even non-nuclear."
"We're an army of the Republic, we're ready to fight."
"The United States right now is basically trying to figure out how they're going to get their artillery levels back up to a point that they could actually even take on one enemy, much less maybe two between China and Russia."
"The Russian forces who are more anxious about the upcoming winter anticipate serious action from Moscow."
"The Pentagon is putting 8,500 troops on high alert for potential deployment to deal with the situation in Ukraine."
"The British were well-prepared, and within 48 hours, the German Panzers had bogged down in an extensive range of minefields."
"Maxed out our doctrines once again, not a single shot's been fired yet."
"The Russians are keeping a reserve in case of escalation with NATO."
"The Ukrainians are extraordinarily Brave... very well equipped... putting up a heck of a fight."
"This is practice for a WW3 scenario where they would have to use U.S. highways as runways."
"If you enumerate the various things that have to be done in order to produce a combat ready army to meet the demands of our country in case of emergency, I believe you will find that these necessary operations pretty well cover the field."
"Poland is arming following Russia's invasion of Ukraine."
"We're looking for you to fly the aircraft confidently; we can't afford to send anyone to the frontline that's going to need to be carried."