
Evangelism Quotes

There are 4475 quotes

"This wonderful presence of God is to be taken to the world."
"Your gift can make a way for so many people to hear about the good news of Jesus."
"The gospel must be preached, the sick might be healed, that the oppressed might be set free."
"The time shall come when the knowledge of a Savior shall spread throughout every nation, kindred, tongue, and people."
"What if we change the world through music, media, technology, and leveraging these platforms to clearly and plainly articulate the good news of Jesus?"
"We want to bring as many people to heaven as we can. That's why we preach the gospel of Jesus."
"The message of God's merciful love... may be made known to all the peoples of the earth and fill their hearts with hope."
"St. Mark as in the evangelist St. Mark went to Egypt and did a great job and he preached and thank God he did. He preached Christianity to Egypt."
"Vatican II's decrees on ecumenism show that we need to evangelize but without sacrificing the truth."
"If by earnest, prayerful, Christ-like efforts you can bring one minister into the truth, you through his influence may be able to convert a score of souls."
"Penn Gillette was right when he said, 'If you believe in hell and you've found everlasting life, how much do you have to hate someone not to share the gospel with them?'"
"Matt, it's my deepest prayer that you consider what I've said today because my motive isn't to win a debate, it's to win you because I love you and I care about you."
"God's grace should also be the reason we have boldness to proclaim the gospel to the world."
"Preach Jesus to find some way this week to spread that good news about Him."
"The most important thing for a non-believer is a relationship with Christ."
"The Gospel is free; we're not charging for the Gospel, but the means to deliver the Gospel on a mass scale, that's what costs resources."
"You can't get in His presence for just a few minutes that you won't walk out of there and want to share with somebody and tell somebody Jesus is alive."
"The best work I can do for my own salvation is to share truth with others and to work toward bringing people out of darkness into the light."
"I am standing here ready to give everything I ever wanted up to follow Jesus and win more people to Him."
"We have the sacred responsibility to share the power and peace of Jesus Christ with all who will listen."
"The gospel shall be proclaimed to all nations, and the lights of God will shine."
"I'm not saying this is a proof of my faith. I'm saying because so many people around the world from these different faiths are so thankful that we came and brought the message to them."
"The gospel will not advance from a stage; it can only advance through friendships and through families."
"Sharing the gospel... really make sure that the heart of it is getting the word of God into the lives of people."
"I want to bring as many souls to heaven as possible." - Father Mike Schmitz
"Evangelism is more important than arguing with people who are already in the kingdom."
"The tribulation is going to be the greatest time of evangelism in the history of the world."
"Training in apologetics is useful for shaping culture, strengthening faith in times of doubt, and effective in evangelism."
"What delights our hearts more than anything else is that this is a conference or a series of meetings that centers on evangelism, that's the heartbeat of God."
"Preach the word of God with greater conviction, greater passion, pour yourself into that work alone, and God will fill your church."
"Be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."
"Why should we evangelize? Why are we comfortable with not talking to people about Jesus?"
"We're not going to give up. The gospel has got to get out no matter what."
"Jesus is coming again. Now, I want you to help me with the sermon. Turn to the people around you, at your table, look them right in the face, whether you know them or not, and say 'Jesus really is coming again.'"
"This world is temporary and that more than anything what matters is storing up treasures in heaven which also means bringing other people to heaven with us."
"Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary, use words."
"We don't know who we're witnessing to. We don't know whose heart we're touching."
"Allah has privileged you and I with the truth, and this is an opportunity for us to do a prophet's work and earn a prophet's reward."
"This is a matter that will reach every home, and now is your opportunity to be involved in such a thing that the Prophet Muhammad prophesies which will impact hundreds and millions of people and generation after generation to come."
"For more than 50 years, to more than 210 million people, Billy Graham passionately proclaimed the certainty of hope found only in Jesus Christ."
"Our focus is not on trying to get civil power; that was not the goal of Jesus Christ. Our goal is conversion of men and women not by force but by preaching and teaching and working for people with the love of Christ."
"Never give up an opportunity to testify of Christ."
"If we have tasted of the water of life, then we need to cry aloud and let this be our message: 'Come, whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.'"
"What a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel and the selfless love of Christ."
"It's a show-and-tell gospel. You preach the kingdom and heal the sick or you heal the sick and then share the kingdom."
"Before you talk to anyone about Jesus, talk to Jesus about them."
"I just don't want to gather any more without giving opportunity for people to come to know Jesus. It's the most important part of the day."
"This is a massive open door to tell people about the truth of Christianity."
"At the end of mass, we are sent out to bring the good news of God into all things."
"The first step of being a good evangelist is being a saint."
"Our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ."
"But Lord, you've left us here to influence as many people as we can with the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ."
"If I were given a stage, if I were handed a microphone, if I were afforded the opportunity to stand in front of the world and speak, I would speak of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"Begin to boldly share Jesus with others using the gifts of the Holy Spirit."
"This is a perfect opportunity for us to declare the gospel."
"We declare the gospel, we proclaim the gospel and let the Holy Spirit take that and do what He will as He has ordained."
"How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?"
"Are we going to heaven alone, or will we take many with us, snatched from the fires of Hell through our witness and testimony?"
"You don't have to be a perfect Muslim to spread this Deen to others."
"The gospel will go forward in power and in truth."
"I'm using what gets the world's attention, but only so that I can tell them about my God."
"Proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ, show that we can defend our faith."
"Have you definitely, by an act of faith, received Christ? If you haven't, do it tonight."
"Praying in the Holy Ghost, finding souls, pulling them from the fire, one church, one person, one family, one nation at a time."
"God doesn't just call us to a personal relationship with him for the sake of that relationship. He calls us to himself so that we can then be sent out to be an evangelist to share the good news to all ends of the earth."
"If we want to evangelize people around us, we need to build relationships and then we earn the right to talk to them about it."
"As Catholics, we recognize that we're responsible to tell everyone but that there's more to it than just 'I've done my job.'"
"We need to tell everybody we know about Jesus."
"Together we can introduce Muslims to the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Our duty is not to tickle ears but to share the truth with as much love and humility as possible."
"We're called to speak the truth in these last days."
"Ether endured a period of time in which he preached the gospel from the morning to the going down of the sun but he went unheeded."
"How fervently would we share our hope in Christ? That's the one thing the early church had on us."
"This is exactly what Jesus and the apostles were trying to share with the world."
"To ease the spiritual famine, we need to be evangelistic, always ready to share the reason for our hope."
"Do it today because of the work of the gospel, do it today for souls, help us continue to go and grow."
"Souls are Eternal and the great thing for us to understand is that even in these situations here... the more we share, the more we explain to people that there is salvation in Jesus Christ, more and more people are going to come to him."
"The more we share, the more we explain to people that there is salvation in Jesus Christ, more and more people are going to come to him."
"Using sci-fi, we could use that popular cultural subject to lead people ultimately to the gospel."
"Christ is life, so that no matter where I look, what I see is an opportunity to love Christ and make Him known."
"The Everlasting gospel must be preached, but it's been divorced of its setting."
"Obey the voice of God and tell people what I saw because it will help also to make people know what God requires of them and also to save lives from perishing."
"Jesus said all believers are supposed to go into all the world."
"Put our light on a hill, there's an opportunity here for revival."
"Spreading God's words, not love, that's the ultimate showing of love."
"Bringing the gospel to light is the purpose of the restoration."
"The gospel is being spread throughout the Nations, people are getting saved, delivered, and healed. The Lord Jesus Christ is being glorified."
"Our Lord Jesus Christ is your the light of the world and the salt of the earth, so go out there and be salty."
"When it comes to bringing in the culture of God and bringing in Christianity and talking about Jesus, I see that more at The Blaze."
"On evangelism: 'Our message is the greatest message.'"
"Authenticity in evangelism: 'Christians need to look like what they're talking about.'"
"What Jesus is waiting for today is a people so committed to Him that they go out into the ends of the earth filled with the Holy Spirit." - Speaker
"The hope is in Jesus Christ, and that's why we're planting churches, trying to reach people with the gospel, and really change the culture in that sense."
"The conviction I feel, not only for how real hell is, but guys, we have to be sharing our faith."
"I would say to anybody listening that is not a believer in Jesus Christ to get right with the Lord today."
"The harvest is out there, it's coming. Friends are coming, they're coming, they're coming."
"It's three loaf time. They're coming. Turn to somebody and say, 'The lost are coming. Your sons and your daughters are coming. Your grandchildren are coming.'"
"We need to bring the light of the gospel into dark places where the culture passes by."
"We are all called to evangelize, but it starts with our own family."
"Every Christian should devote his energies to the Great Commission and the Cultural Mandate."
"I love being Catholic. I think everyone should be Catholic because it's objectively true. It's the early church, the Apostolic Church, the biblical church."
"Our greatest need is a change of heart. Our greatest need is to hear the good news of the messiah yeshua in a way that our families our friends our people can understand and they can relate to."
"Listen, the Bible says that we should be not ashamed of the gospel."
"God is calling you home to the real thing, the real gospel, so you encounter the real Jesus."
"Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Christ," illustrating Philip's evangelistic efforts.
"I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God."
"Boldly and without hindrance, he preached the kingdom of God."
"We're not called to hide... we're going to be called to preach the gospel during this time."
"It's all about pointing people back to the Father."
"In every Marian apparition, Mary gives a message. What was her message? Evangelize, spread the word of my Son."
"Let's love people enough to tell them about Jesus."
"Now's the time now's the time to make a move make a move do it now do it right now come to Jesus Christ come to Christ Jesus tonight makes the Lord the Lord of your life look time's running out."
"Be a part of what God is doing, help us continue to spread the gospel."
"Sing to the Lord all the earth, proclaim the good news of his salvation from day to day."
"Have you truly accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If not, this is the right time to do so."
"Jesus Christ himself said whoever lives by the sword dies by the sword. So we're not here to pick up the sword, we're here to save the lost. That's why we preach the gospel."
"Talk about your faith with someone... Spread God's message of love to a world that needs it."
"The only competition we need to really be doing is with our old self to do better."
"Do everything you can to take as many people with heaven with you as you can."
"The gospel is not a suggestion. It's God's good news from the Creator Himself."
"The gospel is the power of God for salvation, not our personalities or methods."
"I love that as you reach out to instill in someone else a belief in Christ, you are helping to extend salvation to that person."
"We can be salt and light and delay the decay and we can spread the gospel while we still are able."
"No other person has spoken to more people in an evangelistic conversionistic gospel way than Billy Graham has here in the 20th century."
"We have seen many, I mean hundreds have come to Faith in Jesus Christ."
"Let the Lord use you to speak the message of truth to somebody else."
"Share the truth in love and then let the Lord do the rest."
"Whitfield preached with an evangelistic thrust: 'The whole world is now my parish.'"
"I believe I was never more acceptable to my Master than when I was standing to teach to those here in the open fields."
"You don't need man's permission to make disciples, to share the gospel with the world around you."
"What really happened? Videos like this try to provoke this sort of sentiment that you see in America among some evangelical Christians."
"What God is doing is he's going to save... spread around the gospel."
"Let's emphasize the blood. Let's tell people that they're saved by the blood of Christ."
"Many people have heard that Billy Graham recently passed away... Billy Graham was probably the greatest evangelist in the last 100 200 years."
"God is dispatching from this broadcast a generation of SEAL Team six Christians."
"Ultimately Jesus has the victory. He's seated upon the throne."
"We expand our kingdom by sharing the gospel, and every time a life is transformed, that life touches a family, that family touches a region, that region shakes nations."
"When you're growing in the Lord, you want to tell it. You can't keep it to yourself."
"These are just the universe of values and our job now is to proselytize the world and evangelicalize them to our way of thinking."
"Remember, now is the most important time to preach the gospel."
"If you don't know for certain where you're going if you were to die right now, I beg you in the name of Jesus, why don't you get up, walk down here, come on down here, let somebody open a Bible and show you how to be saved?"
"We go around doing good, pointing them to Jesus."
"This is our opportunity to give hope to others through the message of salvation in Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ alone."
"When you preach the gospel, you're basically preaching the kingdom."
"Everybody evangelize people. You didn't rely on the great preacher, you did it yourself."
"We know the three angels' messages of Revelation 14 are going to the entire world."
"In and through your career, men will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Bottom line: souls are being saved, believers are being strengthened, the gospel is being preached, and the world is being changed by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Help me win Souls by spreading the gospel through events and media."
"Is there anyone who will stand for my Jesus?"
"God, here I am, use me, possess me. I want to see this world come to Jesus and the only way I'm going to do it is being clothed with you, filled with you, and possessed by you."
"The love of many will grow cold, and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations."
"If ever there was a moment in a time surely it's this moment, it's this time to go out and lovingly kindly imaginatively creatively crazily say to people, I've got a really good friend and I'd love to introduce you to Him."
"Our resolve to spread the message of the Gospel to the approximately 8 billion other people on Earth must be uncompromising."
"Thousands of people have come to Jesus Christ."
"We're not just the salvation station, we're now the global revival to the nations."
"The gospel must be proclaimed to all nations."
"Any Christian who actually believes that people are going to hell hasn't completely devoted almost every aspect of their life to telling people about Jesus."
"If each of us can evangelize seven people in our whole lives, we would take over the whole planet."
"Apostles preached the message for the people to get on God's side."
"Revival has hit this land Revival has hit America come on babies babies Sons and Daughters will be saved."
"Jesus was the best thing that ever happened to me and I wanted the world to know."
"Jesus Christ is the only way to the kingdom of heaven."
"Keep looking up, the King of Kings, the Lord of lords, the son of God Jesus Christ is coming soon."
"Keep planting seeds and telling people about Jesus, God bless you."
"Anybody can speak God's word if you're saved."
"Live your life to bring your generation to Jesus Christ."
"You were delivered, healed, saved so that you can bring your generation to Jesus Christ."
"You were called to win souls and make disciples."
"Your calling is to win souls and make disciples."
"You were not called to win arguments, but to win souls."
"God doesn't just want to fill this place, God wants to empty hell."
"Our goal is not to impress people on Instagram, but to shake the devil."
"Every opportunity I get a chance to preach, I will give a call to salvation."
"God is calling you to witness, not just to be successful, but to be fishers of men."
"Come to Jesus Christ and be saved. If you are saved, why not go out and tell others?"
"Let's make this message of the kingdom go viral on social media tonight!"
"Every single person, all of us, we have to become bold, fearless Christians, unapologetic shares of the gospel."
"May we repeat what Jesus says every chance he does or every chance he has: come and see."
"Preach the gospel at all times, but only use words when necessary. You are a living testimony."
"God sent me to you so you can have a chance to escape going to hell."
"The greatest message on earth is the message of the cross."
"We're supposed to be giving the truth to the peoples of the world who don't know him."
"Try Jesus... if you're unashamed, put me in the comment right now."
"It's a good time to share the gospel with people to show them the hope of Jesus Christ."
"The purpose of this meeting is to teach Christians apologetics so that you can share the gospel."
"33 salvations today. The best that we can calculate. Something biblical is going on, okay? There's no doubt about this."
"Evangelize, bro! If you're saved and you know the gospel and you can be able to communicate it, your testimony, you have... go fishing!"
"We just want to be able to get the gospel to the whole world."
"Jesus says, 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.'"
"I am here to introduce people to Jesus Christ, and according to Christ, racism is wrong."
"We Christians are not selling a product, we are communicating a lifestyle."
"All you need is Jesus. That's the whole thrust of my message tonight."
"If you're gonna call us, shouldn't your goal be to defend the gospel of Jesus Christ, to go forth unto all the nations, to follow first Peter 3:15 and be prepared at all times to give an answer for the faith that is within you?"
"That's how it works, that's Christianity. You're affected by it, it transforms your life, you go home, you speak about it to others, and it spreads like wildfire because people are looking for hope, people are looking for meaning."
"Christianity was not created nor does it thrive in a vacuum. It's got to be let loose."
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline... So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord."
"Stir it up, fan it into flame... Never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord."
"We want a billion people to know and see the authentic Jesus."
"Help us all to be set on fire for you and to be more bold to be unashamed as we go out there and proclaim the truth of your word and the saving gospel."