
Self-questioning Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"Thinking critically makes you a better leader, even if that critical thinking makes you question who your adversaries really are."
"The quality of our lives are directly proportional to the quality of questions we ask ourselves on a consistent basis."
"What do I want my life to look like? ... What do I want this to look like?"
"Realizing your talents and gifts and becoming so confident in yourself that you don't question yourself."
"Thinking isn't just saying that what I think is right. Thinking is questioning whether or not what you think is right, is right."
"The first question that you're going to ask yourself when you get rejected is: Why me? Why am I the one?"
"Ask yourself, what am I getting from this? When you are in the middle of worry."
"We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?"
"If you can't ask yourself what it would take to change your mind on a position, then you don't believe that for a reasonable reason."
"Is this true? Well, I don't know, probably if your end goal is greatness."
"Do you really think I would be out here having this YouTube channel if I didn't take the step to question my beliefs and consciously change them to 'I am confident' and 'I am extroverted' and 'I'm outgoing and socially charismatic'?"
"Why did I try to shoot at this thing? Why didn't I try to make friendly contact? I tried to shoot at it, why did I do that?"
"Is this really the direction I want to take this? Is this really where I want to go? I don't want to end up in this stalling battle."
"Take time to reflect and ask yourselves questions."
"They are trying to release the bondages as they are questioning their own judgments."
"I thought, why not me? Why can't I be one of these people?"
"Does it serve a purpose? Does it bring you joy?"
"Through all of the disappointments and controversies of the last few years many have questioned if I actually like Pokemon at all. And you know what? I’ve asked myself the same thing."
"Questioning what is true for you, what is your truth."
"Generally if I can be if if I'm sitting I ask myself can I be standing if I'm standing can I be walking so on and so forth and those are questions you should be looking at because you know it helps and it totally helps."
"At this point, you're probably asking yourself..."
"I can't change how I feel... But what I can do is ask what am I going to do about it."
"It's a very mysterious feeling and I kind of want to understand why I'm feeling like this, why I'm feeling like why am I actually here."
"We would challenge ourselves and ask ourselves the question: What happens if we go all in?"
"When you think about your motivation right... is the fire coming from a place of fear is the fire coming from a place of love?"
"You're starting to question where did I go wrong, what did I do or not do, when in fact those are all of the wrong questions to be asking."
"What happens when you become the biggest, the best, the baddest?"
"Remember how bad do you want it? How bad do you need it?"
"Ask yourself who's benefiting from any sort of line the MSM is spitting out or any proposal that our politicians making."
"You gotta take action... keep asking yourself how."
"Has anything ever happened to make you question your entire existence?"
"Belief and that sort of inner sort of decision of can I, can't I, will I, won't I, it's the most important thing."
"Closing your heart is not the answer. You have the power to heal this wound. Ask yourself, what would love do?"
"How can I feel different? You have that latitude."
"Some areas of your life that have been cemented and set in firm concrete are going to start getting questioned."
"I was already kind of questioning all my right-wing positions and sort of thinking, could I be wrong about this? Could I be wrong about this?"
"What am I excited about today or could I create to be excited about today?"
"Can you ever... stop the noise? Do you have any peace?"
"How can I live my purpose more when you go to make a decision about doing something?"
"What would happen if I gave in to my evil desires?"
"What do you want to feel? What do you want to do with the life you have chosen?"
"Every time you hold yourself back, you have to remind yourself, 'What am I doing this in exchange for? Jannah.'"
"Answering that question of like who do I want the AAB what do I want the object of fear to be..."
"What if my actions can create a ripple effect that will transcend space and time?"
"Is this actually my job? Like, is this what I do?"
"As a society, we're shifting from orange to green, questioning our motivations and desires."
"If it's not hard, am I doing the right thing?"
"Ask yourself where and how can I show up more authentically in my life?"
"I could be wrong about anything, I could even be wrong about Christianity being wrong."
"I sometimes scratch my head because it's like, why am I doing anything else? I should just be doing that trade."
"Are you playing in the way that you actually want to play?"
"What am I truly interested in? What do I truly enjoy doing? Like what do I truly want to?"
"Desire is a more mature coming-of-age... you start to desire what is in front of you and your question yourself in front of the other."
"Look at yourself in the mirror. Really ask yourself, 'What is you doing?'"
"A divinely guided event situation, a truth, something came in for you to be like 'what, why am I still here?'"
"The most important question is not 'will I use this?' but 'what would my life be like if I didn't have this?'"
"Every single day, when I'm failing to make that extra million, I keep asking myself, am I doing all that I can?"
"Nothing will work properly, so the first thing you want to ask yourself is why do you want to lose weight."
"How does this serve me? Ask yourself that question."
"Everything starts with your ability, your courage within, to ask the questions that you are afraid to ask."
"Deep down, I feel this is about asking where you feel like you belong."
"Honestly, is anyone just like wander aimlessly and not remember why or where they're going?"
"Anyone who is unclear about their life purpose, vocational aptitudes, what you're supposed to do with your life, if you don't know, ask yourself."
"If you really want what you say you want out of life, you gotta answer the question why."
"It's okay to question, to disconnect, to not be happy all the time."
"Questioning what you stand on is essential for growth."
"Look at yourself in 10, 15, 20 years time and ask yourself the question: Is that where I want to be?"
"Am I pursuing finances to pursue my kingdom or am I pursuing finances to build his kingdom?"
"Why you procrastinating? Why? It don't make sense to me."
"Question your limiting beliefs and be open-minded."
"He can only get to that place when he questions everything and anything that is unaligned must go."
"What do you want out of life? Where do you want to go? How do you want to... which direction you want to go?"
"You should never lose hope... my question is not 'do I have hope,' my question is 'what do I have to do?'"
"I was asking myself, is this it? We done? Time to move on?"
"Don't be one of those people who will be sitting there questioning yourself 30, 40 years from now, what could have been, what could have happened, what could I have done differently?"
"I know how much more I can do, but will that make you happy? I don't know."
"It might behoove oneself to kind of ask, well why is this, why am I getting so lucky all of a sudden?"
"Ultimately, I think the question is just if you can."
"You could be Beyonce one night, you know what I'm saying, and the next night you'll be like why do I even do this?"
"It's really about alignment and alignment for what? Well, whatever the [ __ ] it is you're manifesting."
"Ask yourself, 'What are the opportunities here for me?'"
"Why can't I be great? How come I can't be greater?"
"At some point, I have to stop asking, 'Can I be great, can I be brilliant?'"
"It's clarified it kind of leaves me more and more confused of how I should structure my date in life."
"What is it that you want? What is it that you want? What? Come on!"
"Do you think you're addicted to unhappiness?"
"Am I mad enough to take what I want in life and keep it?"
"Every day, ask yourself: 'Is this what I really want and why?'"
"...a very natural little setting to say okay what was I doing with my night last night?"
"If you insist on staying, you will have to adapt. Question is will you want the same things… when you become a different animal altogether?"
"If there are things that would change your mind and you know that they would change your mind about your behavior, how can it be rational to disregard them?"
"This is what this is designed to do: it's designed to put yourself into question, especially the set of presuppositions that we have been given to us by modernity, and therefore get you to wonder into the Socratic shift."
"What would I do? This is the question to wake up to."
"If you're having a hard time being disciplined or something, you gotta ask yourself, how bad do you want it?"
"So you gotta ask yourself, is what you're going after is that what you really want? That could be weight loss, that could be weight loss, anything."
"Can I still operate at the level that I am accustomed to that I want to that I Aspire towards and maintain all of this over here and nurture it and recognize it is obviously in the end of the day more important?"
"I didn't know if I was working for the good guys or the bad guys anymore."
"I'll do anything. I ask myself the same question: Is it worth it? Brother, yes."
"Ultimately, it comes down to the questions we ask ourselves."
"Are you a cyborg? In what way are you a cyborg? And what kind of cyborg would you want to be in order to change the world?"
"I'm trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do, what am I supposed to do, what am I supposed to do."
"There's a little voice in my head saying, 'Is this worth it?'"
"You constantly have to question your intentions."
"You need to challenge this idea 'I am a person'."
"Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us?"
"I think it's always useful to question yourself."
"Am I happy? If I'm not, change it."
"Who the [__] am I? Who do I want to be?"
"How do you answer the call to greatness when you don't know who the hell you are?"
"At some point during your recovery, you are going to say to yourself, why the hell did I do this to myself, but it will get better."
"Why can't I be different? Why am I so stuck in my head?"
"How confident are you in your memory?"
"You might be asking yourself, why am I doing this? Simple answer: I want to."
"When you can see somebody that looks like me, it's beautiful to see and when you don't have that, it kind of messes with you and you start to question yourself."
"You'll have the feeling, you'll say, 'Okay, well where does that come from? Why do I feel that way? And what is the actual thing?' and interrogate there."
"There's a feeling of uncertainty that comes from 'How will I know that I'm gonna be okay in five years, in 10 years, in 20 years?'"
"The core question of the masculine soul is: Do I have what it takes?"
"I'm busy doing what it takes to create a life so good I question my reality."
"Life's not overly long, and before you know it, you're in your 40s, 50s, 60s, and you're wondering what did I do with the years behind me."
"Baby, what can I do when I'm alien?"
"Ask yourself questions in your own head that can flip and change your perception of people or the information or idea that people are sharing with you."
"I use this formula to solve and create questions. I ask questions. I question myself more than anybody ever has."
"Where are you in life? It's a question that you ask not just once, but you ask throughout your life again and again."
"Asking yourself, 'What do you want to want?' is such an unbelievably powerful question."
"Get your mind right. Ask yourself this question: Why do I want to become a millionaire?"
"You've got to question yourself all the time."
"The Kung Fu Panda Trilogy is always asking the same question: Who are you?"
"What would I do if I was fearless and knew I could not fail?"
"The toughest questions you should ever get in life should come from yourself."
"Always stop and ask yourself, 'Why am I doing this?'"
"What is the psyche asking of me? What is the soul asking of you?"
"These are historical questions that you need to start asking yourself."
"I realized that I had this lingering question: Who was I independent of the last name?"
"Who, as you say, am I to pit myself against the decrees of fate?"
"What is gonna make you happy? What's gonna make you happy?"
"Ask yourself a question. Stop. Stay conscious."
"Can I become a hero with my quirk?"
"I've done it before, can I do it? We'll find out."
"Why not me? Why not my family? Why can't I do something about it?"
"Therapy is doing what you would be doing in that situation, asking those questions to allow you the growth."
"Sweet 16... the one in which I start to question all of my life choices."
"If you ever look back at your past and say, 'What was I thinking?'"
"When someone says no to me, are they bad or am I sad?"
"I think to myself, huh, yeah, am I? I didn't know I could be like that, maybe I am. Spoiler alert, I was."
"Losing my identity, wondering have I gone insane."
"Who do you wanna be? Who you dream of being?"
"Psychedelics lead to questioning about everything about ourselves, about our place in the world, and about social structures."
"What do you want? Let that question interrogate you."
"It began with a dream, so ask yourself, why not you?"
"How or what do I want to feel today?"
"In the moment before a duel, you ask yourself a question: Do I have the heart to win?"
"Every day I ask myself if it is worth it, and every day I have a new answer."
"Question your labels... ask yourself, do I actually like this or am I doing this because someone else put me into it?"
"I think that this is an experience that a lot of POC Americans go through, you know, am I Asian enough? Am I black enough? Am I Latino enough?"
"I cannot be Peter Pan forever, I suppose, or can I?"
"At some point, you got to ask yourself like, what is my life? What has it become?"
"It became more important to me to answer the question of whether I could finish that race than anything else."
"If someone says you're angry with me, ask yourself if you really are."
"Why ain't I pretty? Why ain't I lovely? Why ain't I sexy? Why am I me?"
"Are you capable of peace? Are you capable of love? Are you capable of joy?"
"What sort of lifestyle do I really want for my life?"
"Am I really serious about the goals that I claim I have?"
"Sure it's great that he has this controlled state now, but he wonders if he can go even above that somehow."
"What am I doing here? How did I end up here?"
"What is this experience here to teach me?"
"Can we approach this with a 'Lord, is it I?' mentality, so that we can actually learn something?"
"Ask yourself a simple question: why do I get out of bed every morning? What do I hope to achieve?"
"What am I doing? I don't know what to do."
"Did you really push it to your limit?"
"Are we the good guys? I think about it a lot."
"When I make it big, what is my why? What do I want to be doing with my life?"
"If you can now do anything, what's the anything you want to do?"
"Wait, am I starting to like this, or is it because of my childhood memory?"
"It's time to live life boo, question is how are you going to live that life?"
"Am I a human, am I a monster, or am I something in between?"
"A challenge is a gift. Every time someone challenges me, it is an opportunity for me to think, 'Is this actually what I want to do?'"
"One day I grew up, and I was like, 'What does it mean that I can't get my nails done? Who said that?'"
"You're thinking, 'Do I really need to do this?' You should be doing it."
"To lose that certainty is to question what it even means to have a self."
"It's always constantly asking yourself the question, am I doing the most important thing right now?"
"One of the signs of a person who's sincere is a person who's constantly questioning his intentions or her intentions."
"We needed to ask ourselves one short question: Do I now believe, or am I even willing to believe, that there is a Power greater than myself?"
"I want to do a Q&A but of questions that I would ask myself if I was not me and I watched my YouTube channel."
"Keep asking yourself that question all the time."
"I just want to be happier, is this a big greed?"
"I'm always saying follow your dream... did I go after everything that I said I would?"
"Help students build habits of questioning themselves while they read."
"You delve deep into your brain space and ask yourself a question."
"Ask again and again yourself, 'What can I do about it?'"
"Just ask yourself what's going to make you the happiest right now."
"I suppose I'm asking myself the age-old question: Should I stay or should I go now?"
"Why not me? Why can't it be me as long as I get around these obstacles?"
"I don't know if I fell in love with the idea of marriage, and that's why I'm trying so hard to make it work."
"What else am I wrong about? That's the ticket to freedom."
"Thinking is asking yourself questions and answering."
"Are you going to be a thriver or a survivor? This is the question to ask yourself."
"Why put yourself through that if you're not going to give it your best?"
"Is the community for me? That's the question."
"Why not me? Why not any of us? Why can't we have our dreams?"
"You ever just feel like you're going crazy?"