
Employment Challenges Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"When you applied for a job flipping burgers, your application was rejected. Reason: overqualified."
"I made a very bad employee. I've never been promoted and I've been fired... I think I'm much better as a founder than I am an employee."
"A difficult time for everyone, not a great time to be out of work."
"It's a very difficult time to hire if you're an employer. You would have thought, well look at all these people who are unemployed, I mean that's a huge pool of people to choose from."
"Companies grow weary of trying to hire people that will just do what..."
"He doesn't want to go back working three, four jobs, not be able to put food on the table at the end of the day. It's about being able to take care of your family, pay your bills."
"You know, it's most of us live paycheck to paycheck because that's just the nature of this business..."
"The worst situation to be in is where you're tied to a job because you have no other choice."
"The reality is now we're not in a place where we can employ people like that."
"Harder to prove whether the good or bad until you work with them directly, you don't really, really know where it's like pretty easy be like, well this guy stinks."
"You have these kids that are graduating colleges every single year... and they can't even get a job."
"He's got both, but somehow they still deemed he was unqualified."
"Self-employment is the Dark Souls of having a job."
"A 114-year-old amusement park in California is short on staff just as it reopens after lockdown."
"Once people get out, too often they return because they can't find a job. These aren't bad people, they're people who are trying to survive."
"I think I was having trouble getting my first job."
"The fact is Ana was willing to tolerate working for somebody who denied the genocide of her people." - Ana Kasparian
"No matter how qualified you are... you may be the last to be taken in and given a job."
"We're in a rough spot, we need more money, we need some more tips."
"I don't like the idea that as soon as you have a criminal record you will not be able to get a job again."
"The majority of the planet goes on a job interview." (Repeating, but it's a good standalone quote.)
"You're done, no job, isn't even... even if you use like, 'Hey look, I have proof that it's not true,' and they're like, 'Nope, it's too stressful.' We'd rather just hire some guy off the street that we don't have to worry [about]."
"People aren't stupid... even these people in these low-skilled jobs can recognize the struggles they face."
"Nearly a full quarter of Americans can't find a job that pays a living wage."
"Let's start from the top and go to the bottom. Her firm that she works at, her workplace, she accused them of entrapment. Okay, how many of us can get away with accusing our workplace of entrapment?"
"This younger generation has never experienced this but this was how it always was hard to get a job."
"We're in a historic economic hole this pandemic has hit the economy and put us in a place where that same CBO report said that if we do nothing it will take until the end of 2024 or 2025 to get back to pre-pandemic employment levels." - Brian Deese
"Employers have a priority to ensure that immigrants of all skill levels are able to come to Canada for jobs where they struggle to find Canadians to fill them."
"The US is going to find it increasingly difficult to get back to full employment if they don't weaken the dollar."
"He loved his family so much that he gave up his personal life."
"One of the troubling pieces of all of this right now is that for every job that's out there, five people are competing for it."
"Nobody wants to work 40 to 60 hours a week, I mean it definitely 100% is possible to make a good solid income."
"I don't hardly turn TV on to watch anything. You don't get time to run, I mean, for you, seeing so many of these younger workers here having to work five, six, seven years to get full pay, what's your thoughts on that?"
"Getting a job just isn't as black and white as most people think it is."
"I think my generation is unique. We're the most overqualified generation ever, yet we face unique employment struggles."
"The true Sisyphus of life is the recruiter feels bad hashtag I can't imagine it why they had them go through the resume screen they're not just rooting for them they want to help them"
"If you've been convicted of a drug-related felony in a place where there are no jobs to begin with, your chances of getting gainful employment are pretty bleak."
"I promised God I would never go back there, but I had faith. No one was giving me jobs by the way, criminal record, criminal record, criminal record everywhere."
"Finding a job for someone on the spectrum is difficult, and then finding a relationship, be it a friendship relationship or romantic relationship, those are two difficult things."
"It's hard to get a job and 'pull yourself up by the bootstraps' if you are homeless and or living in poverty since most jobs require you to have things like a residence, a phone, reliable transportation, etc., before they'll even hire you."
"The longer that people are out of a job, the harder it is to get back into the workforce."
"Looking for a full-time job is a full-time job in itself; it takes work, it takes time."
"What are the blue-collar of America supposed to do?"
"It doesn't matter how smart you are, especially in the job market today, if you're not hyper social, it is extraordinarily difficult to be hired to anything."
"In Pakistan, getting a job is like impossible unless you have connections."
"Any physical, mental, or emotional conditions that make it hard for a person to do a job or get a job may qualify that person for VR services."
"We are being told that the economy is great, the job market's good, but anybody who's gone out there and tried to find respectable full-time employment can't do it."
"Writers are used to being out of work because that's what a writer does; a writer waits until they get work."
"Our current health care system makes it harder to hire, treat people well, and give them benefits."
"The minimum wage is not a floor under wages; it's rather a barrier over which you have to jump to get a job."