
Social Bonding Quotes

There are 286 quotes

"For everything we need, we're all better off with an ally."
"Bonobos use sexual behavior for social bonding, conflict resolution, and establishing harmony, illustrating diverse reproductive strategies."
"Laughter is occurring because it's a signal of like really rapid attunement between two organisms, where they're actually learning each other on a much deeper layer than even verbally is going to offer."
"I've found deeper relationships through gaming than anywhere else. I'd say my best friends ever, and even if the game is done, we've already built a bond past that."
"We're building so many more, I would say, the bonds just strengthen."
"In general, nerd communities and fandom spaces are happy places where people can make friends with others who have the same interests as them."
"Nothing brings people together like good food."
"Gossip in the academic's view is not bad. It's simply talking about someone who isn't present. That talk could be positive, neutral, or negative."
"Can a Hormone Sprayed All Up In Our Nose Make Us Feel Closer to Our Chums and our Bros?"
"I adore how much her and Jamie kind of clicked very quickly. I don't know, I'm finding that adorable."
"Thank you for being such an amazing part of this community."
"Eating together and sharing food is a human universal."
"This goes to show Chinese Community is such a big thing and they really put a lot of importance on staying fit, staying healthy, and getting the social connection."
"Laughter brings people together. Shared humor is a sign of intellect."
"Food brings us together to be able to open up to one another."
"If you want to bring out the best in a human being tell them that you love them support them make them feel safe surround them with other people it's impossible to be the best version of yourself by yourself."
"I think shared experiences coming out of voluntary behavior are much better."
"I was like, 'Oh, I'm out,' and she starts swimming away, but meanwhile, she was yelling back to them, 'Yeah, I'm with you guys, still in the boat with you.'"
"I feel like this group of people is really fucking cool."
"I really miss the camaraderie, like with sports stuff like that." - "Just having a group of people around you."
"Relationships that people are building, yeah, and just that camaraderie. I really think that's what it comes down to."
"Having shared experiences is a lot of what life is about."
"When miracles are presented as currency, they show us they're not in the business of providing explanations, they're in the business of selling stories."
"If you've never been camping you don't understand how good of a vibe moments like this are in the wilderness with a friend or family member and some beers reminiscing about good times and vibing to music."
"Bonding and being part of a club and doing a group activity, those, that's not a bad thing, that's a good thing."
"I said community, that's the [__] that make good jokes."
"Daniel and his classmates affectionately nicknamed him Drummer Dan."
"Be for the boys, biggest of hugs and tiniest of kisses."
"We all want to be part of the joke, humans are a social species."
"It's really important to have these conversations... leads to more connection..."
"We have inside jokes, you know? So it's like so easy to hang out with."
"We've established kind of a lifelong friendship out of this."
"We're like a family there. Like, we do everything together. We eat together, we get high together."
"Music is the thing that can really bring people together."
"I just feel so grateful for all of my friends that I have in my life like I just love my girl group so much."
"They're doing a face mask together! Oh my gosh, I love that."
"It's a very strong community already just after two months."
"Stories bring joy, bring people close, and break barriers."
"There's something incredibly powerful about a group of people sharing an in-joke or sharing a meme that makes them continually come back to that channel and that community."
"Because food has this uncanny ability to bring people together."
"I suppose this must be the power of camaraderie."
"Mirthful laughter makes you go out and hug everybody. That's science."
"This shows me that they've done a lot of work on how to bond without needing to be intimate."
"There's this sense of community, and it has to do with the history of these states."
"Every group is bound to develop a type of insider language."
"Ultimately leads to some kind of reunion or a deeper sense of community."
"There's definitely more heart in the country where your community comes together."
"It's like if you're doing shows with people on the road, you want to stay in the same hotels and that's like the point so you can like hang out and go do stuff together."
"Start communicating with others, start building a bond, start making friends."
"It's the community you've created, big love everyone. It really is Big Steve, it really is."
"We realize that humor and making fun of each other is actually a way for human beings to connect."
"I almost just had a hard day but guess what, we're vibing, the boys are vibing right now."
"Awkward right now, at least, but I just feel so close as a friend with you."
"Food always has a way of uniting people man even back that far. Food and music, two things can solve a lot of problems bro."
"I think there's definitely a general consensus that we're like family now."
"We're in the business of bringing people together over a beer."
"Everybody is all about the community, and it feels good."
"I honestly had such an amazing time this was like one of the days where like all of my girls side got to know the boys sides cousins and friends."
"Who doesn't love Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? It just unites you as family, friends, and good times."
"You got to make them feel as popular that they're part of a family."
"The ritual of putting in a dip and having a conversation is maybe one of the best rituals in the world."
"Sharing bread, sharing a meal with someone is very endearing and you'll see a lot of partnerships, a lot of relationships are formed after two people have shared a meal."
"It's always true that having some kind of common enemy is a good bonding experience."
"We're not chefs, we just enjoy cooking for the people we love."
"It's incredible that we live in a time where I've made better friends in the last year and a half than probably my whole life and like stronger bonds."
"An air of unexpected camaraderie lingered as connections formed amidst a sea of uncertainty."
"Laughing together is life-giving. I love laughing because I know how healthy it is."
"Cook some good food and enjoy it with the ones you love."
"Memories like this with cigars and great company, heirlooms like that, really are so meaningful."
"The best thing is going together, right? We are the VIP Pets, no drama."
"Food is just a great way for people to bond as well as recovery."
"Celebration is key... celebrating friendships and celebrating your spouse... there's power in commitment."
"There's a level of camaraderie there's a level of tough guys that accept you."
"It's fall time, so make sure to stay warm and cozy with friends and family."
"People tend to find those that are more like them, and that's how you make your best bonds are made from the inner connections more so than the outer connections."
"You're going to be celebrating, uh, with people that you love, people that you call your family, chosen families here, just like your last card, the tanker said, fun celebration here."
"Lovely to have this beautiful community of ours."
"The most important part of the evening is the time we spend together with our friends."
"I fell in love with the community. I fell in love with the people."
"Walking and talking pushes people to be more present and mindful, and paying for the experience almost guarantees it."
"I feel like I've made a couple old friends here."
"Sandwich shop...that's what we call a friend."
"We’re laughing about the same things...it’s a real truth serum."
"It's been a dream experience so I've been trying to just soak that all up and enjoy it with my friends and family."
"That's awesome, I love that sense of community you guys have developed."
"I am hoping we can gather some real true friendships get to some understanding."
"Thank you for being part of this wonderful community."
"Authenticity is a great way... authenticity as one of the greatest ways they've been able to build that human connection."
"Parasocial intimacy can become deeply meaningful, a legitimate part of human sociability."
"We have all been there since the beginning of Corey's and Eric's relationship...we welcomed her into our family and treated her as one of us."
"It's like an inside joke that we're both in on."
"Hug your friends cuddle with your friends lay your head on your friend's shoulder hold hands with each other when you walk down the street."
"Laughter is just pure joy for free and a good laugh can really do wonders for you. It can turn around a bad day, make a bad situation bearable, it can even bring you together with people."
"Life is short. We need bonding and community time now. We need peace now. We need happiness now. We need love now."
"Around the fire they started telling stories and talking communication language."
"This offers a safe environment in a beautiful tranquil setting creating a relaxing and therapeutic environment for people of all skills or disabilities to re-engage with the natural world and maybe make some fisherman friends."
"I love this game, I love hanging out with Chelsea."
"Reject the slave mind. Think for yourself. Get a strong network of brothers."
"Religions fulfill a very important role... religion meaning of the term religion is to bind people together."
"Nothing brings us together like a common enemy."
"I want to build him like a little cool gaming area where he can invite his friends around."
"Everybody take a sip together, it'll make us feel like we're all sitting around having a cup of coffee or a glass of water or whatever together."
"I love comedy man you don't understand I love comedy and I'm gonna tell you why when you look around man it's the only thing to bring people closer together."
"Belief becomes the glue that binds us together with other people."
"My favorite philosopher, Montaigne, fascinated by our ordinary humanity."
"Food can really bring people together, be it a restaurant, take away, street food, or home-cooked food. It's just amazing."
"We've been doing a foamer family happy hour every day at 5 p.m."
"Give me a high five, man. Hey, bro, damn, thank you very much, yeah, brother."
"People want to see people together. They want to know that you have a human interaction."
"I would go through buds three times just to hang out with them just to hang out because think about the the people that you meet from all over the place and the caliber of personalities."
"Laughter is contagious because strong emotions synchronize brain activity between people."
"Now it is time to find your family, to find those you belong with and gather together."
"If you can validate that, people feel bonded to you."
"You guys are amazing, your support means the world to me."
"So, what movie is your favorite from the theater, and have you been using the theater to help you build up your friendship faster?"
"Comedy is a coping mechanism, comedy is medicinally great for you, comedy creates an intimacy among strangers in a room."
"Being around my friends, being around my family, cooking good food..."
"Closer after a fun party! Oh my gosh, okay, for once in our lives, we've had a good party."
"I love my guild, they are wonderful and funny and kind."
"It's time to get extravagant and I always feel that there's one drink in particular that really hammers home that feeling of camaraderie of friends sitting together sharing ideas and you know feeling like a proper team and that drink is whiskey."
"It's fun to complain okay I think that we can all relate to this."
"Spending time together, it's always good vibes."
"You don't bond and connect when you're sitting with four guys over drinks at a bar of the Four Seasons."
"The next day I said... 'I want to thank... McDonald's for poisoning you... because it made you call in sick for work and we got to hang out all day and watch the Derrick Chauvin closing arguments.'"
"When you don't have a lot and all you have is each other, you can appreciate each other more."
"Meals bring people together, not only does it offer us an opportunity to widen our palate but also our awareness."
"Laughter as a non-verbal cue for connection."
"Everybody wants to bring it back... They want that old family camaraderie."
"Evan, you did this to yourself and that's why we love you."
"I feel accepted, I feel warmth, I feel an intimate connection without being sexual just completely platonic."
"Cook together over video calls, eat dinner together, or try cooking the same meal."
"It's amazing how sitting for just a short time at the table with people can develop friendships."
"It really is such a good feeling to know you're not alone."
"Look at us in our spirit jerseys, we look so good."
"Anime has connected a lot of people with me."
"The ways in which black women bond with each other has probably been the key to our survival."
"Food was very similar in its ability to do just that to bring people together to connect us through something that we all share but also to explore bigger life questions."
"Thank you everybody, thank you. A place where life, the best place to make friends."
"Nothing brings people together like a delicious meal."
"I'm just trying to finally get male bonding for the first time in my entire life."
"I keep talking about having like a hug mosh pit... I'm gonna go into the crowd and start hugging people, be like, 'I love you, I missed you, please be my friend.' We need people."
"All those guys had humor, man. Like, they were so... yeah, all those guys knew how to crack jokes."
"I need more father friends, I need more babies."
"What enables us to cooperate with strangers and foreigners is storytelling."
"We have been together for 14 years, but we have been legally married for five years now."
"It's always a good time to share these experiences with your friends."
"There's something really cool about everybody working on a puzzle together."
"If we can all laugh together, then I think there's something collective about that."
"You're even more, you feel even more like opening up, and you're even more accepting of their problems, and you want to bond and connect even freaking more."
"In the tf2 community it's so tight-knit and so small."
"Sharing a meal is sharing a bit of ourselves."
"You're gonna have to develop a secret handshake."
"Female bonobos mate with multiple males; sex in their society doesn't solely serve reproduction but functions as an anti-stress and reconciliatory tool."
"Having a community gives you the ability for people to have each other's backs."
"Connect with the people that you care about most."
"Being able to laugh at one another is what brings us together."
"I know that one. Two-two, this is heaven. This is Guy heaven."
"Unexpected moments: dancing to Jamaican music in the rain with newfound friends."
"There's a camaraderie, a connection, a partnership, a shared experience."
"I love sharing love with my friends and family with homemade treats."
"Music can change your situation... connect people all around you."
"Throughout our travels, we've come to realize one significant fact: food brings people together."
"We're laughing, we're bonding, it's a nice break from thinking about homicidal assholes."
"I hope we could do more sit-down moments and get real and connect with each other at the same level."
"There's a sense of community amongst cannabis enthusiasts."
"Sharing the fun is the best fun of all," everyone agreed.
"I firmly believe it makes a difference so uh yeah I'm glad you guys you and Pat get drunk on TV and play golf together might be why you guys are so good on the football field." - Travis Kelsey
"When you're a good person, no matter where you go, you're going to make friends."
"Oxytocin is released in the body during intercourse, a hormone which is linked to positive social functioning and is associated with bonding, trust, and loyalty."
"Humans like other people who are like them."
"Maybe we make some friends with people who like music."
"Laughter serves as a social glue, breaking tension, connecting us with others, and helping to establish bonds."
"Isn't food something that just brings everybody together? You know it's food and it's wine, of course."
"Social bonding starts with laughter, moves into singing without words, dancing, religious rituals, feasting, eating, drinking alcohol together, and storytelling, particularly tragedies."
"We need laughter. Laughter is a power. It's something that can be a band-aid or a medicine for us in times like this."
"We used to do Yu-Gi-Oh and dodgeball, one of the best day camps."
"Whiskey has this amazing ability to connect people regardless of whatever their ideologies are."
"Why do we like people more when we share their pop cultural preferences? I think it just lowers your defenses. It makes you realize that they're real."
"We will use laughter to make and maintain social bonds."
"Laughter is both a lubricant and a glue."
"The dynamics of laughter: it's infectious and brings people together."
"There's just something about Wachuma that surpasses even that of ayahuasca in that particular context."
"There's this complaining culture in Dutch Society, but complaining is actually something that bonds people."
"Pumpkin rum cake with maple whipped cream, my friends are going to love me this year."
"This right here does not sound bad to me. I think that this is a good thing in general. I don't have any problem with people finding community and you know togetherness and stuff like that. That's always very, very good."
"I feel like that's like the beauty of eating together is it brings people together."
"Everyone knows everybody and we truly are a community here."
"Language is partly about communicating, providing information, but also, it's a sort of social cohesive device."
"Legends such as this one became so deeply ingrained in the culture and formed a basis for entertainment and social bonding."
"A man that had friends must show himself friendly."
"Trust is connected to warmth and likability. Respect is connected to competence."
"Like-minded people make nice places."
"Oxytocin shifts your body and your mind to want to connect with people and cooperate."
"Everything's better over good food."
"Once the crews got named, we started doing crew dinner. That's team bonding."
"One of the best things you can do with friendship is to give it to others and help them find it themselves."
"Some people are driven to be around others like them in social groups; that's the drive to bond."
"It's not about the food that they're eating, it's about the camaraderie."
"You're able to find people that you spend time with and you don't even realize how much time has passed."
"Just really, really forge that friendship to maybe a best friendship."