
Extremophiles Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Deinococcus radiodurans, nicknamed 'Conan the Bacterium,' is the toughest life form on Earth."
"Even though there's very little water or oxygen in its 'waters', Pitch Lake is actually teeming with life."
"Even here on our planet, we have extremophiles, organisms that are able to survive and thrive in extremely harsh conditions that would be lethal to other forms of life."
"Europa's hidden ocean could have life forms similar to extremophiles found on Earth."
"Life is pretty tough and it can survive completely isolated from the energy of a host star like our Sun."
"The mere existence of these entities We Now call extremophiles has brought about the idea that perhaps life can Thrive throughout the Universe under conditions we didn't think were possible."
"Tardigrade, microscopic animal surviving freezing temperatures close to absolute zero, pressure six times greater than at the ocean floor, and the vacuum of space."
"Life thrives in extreme environments, from the bottom of the ocean to the desert to the ice."
"In mid 2018, researchers reported the alleged discovery of two ancient nematodes...who came back to life after spending roughly 40,000 years frozen in the Siberian permafrost..."
"Tardigrades can survive anything and everything. They are the most resilient creatures on our planet."
"Life is more than capable of thriving in extreme environments."
"Don Juan Pond: the saltiest water on the planet, remaining liquid even at temperatures of -58°F."
"Tardigrades might just be the toughest things in the universe."
"Tardigrades are among the most resilient animals known to man, surviving extreme conditions including radiation and boiling liquids."
"Tardigrades are very tiny yet microscopic eight-legged creatures that are known to survive extreme temperatures."
"The oceans are full of life, even in the coldest of places."
"These subglacial lakes exemplified by the renowned Lake Vostok serve as profound testaments to the tenacity of life beneath 3 km of ice."
"While thermoacidophile enzymes may one day help pioneer a biological industrial revolution, their existence also raises questions about other extreme environments where life may exist both here on Earth and throughout the solar system."
"Spirit has discovered evidence of a habitable zone on Mars, a place where extremophiles like those on Earth could have thrived and may even exist today."
"If extremophiles can be found in similar environments on Earth, then why not on Mars?"
"Extremophiles offer analogues for livable environments on other worlds in the solar system."
"Europa provides an extreme environmental challenge for life."
"Life thrives in extreme conditions."
"Clearly, life is impossible in places like that, unless you're a tardigrade."
"life may never form on a place so cold it has hydrogen hear the emotions"
"Archaea tend to be extremophiles, meaning they grow best in extreme environments."
"It's hard to imagine that a place where the air is hot enough to melt lead could have once been home to life, yet that's exactly what scientists are suggesting."
"Biologists have found flourishing communities of tube worms, crabs, and even squid despite complete darkness, extreme cold, and the pressure of the deep ocean."
"We have life very deep here on Earth, miles down; there's plenty of life and bacteria down there."
"Earth life is incredibly hearty; it can handle being dried out, radiated, heated, frozen, and it just keeps coming back for more."
"One of the most hardy of these is called Deinococcus radiodurans."
"Why is it so hearty? Based on recent research simulating the conditions of Mars, it turns out this bacteria could handle living under the surface of Mars for hundreds of millions of years."
"Tardigrades are capable of surviving nearly everywhere."
"Plants can live in places without us; they can live in harsh environments."
"Hear the laws of life as we know them are rewritten by the inhabitants that call this place home."
"Life can exist in extreme locations in extreme environments on this planet, so that might encourage us that life on other planets could exist because maybe conditions don't have to be as ideal as I was saying earlier."
"They adapt to heat, salt, acid, pH, pressure, and atmosphere."
"Scientists looking for life on distant planets search for water, even frozen seas, under the most extreme conditions, thinking they may be the best place to find life."
"The Earth's toughest living thing is so small you can't see it: water bears."
"Extremophiles are organisms that thrive in extreme environments, pushing the boundaries of where life can exist."
"Extremophiles continue to reveal their adaptability and resilience in new and unexpected ways."
"The real miracle of volcanic hot springs is the amazing life that emerges from them."
"The hydrogen-rich atmosphere of K2-18b offers unique conditions for previously unexplored life."
"The study of extremophiles expands the range of conditions in which life can exist."
"The potential for a subterranean ocean and hydrogen-rich atmosphere makes K2-18b an attractive target for studying extremophiles in the exoplanet environment."
"These little creatures can last for 10 days in the vacuum of space."
"Some of the little bears once even managed to survive unprotected in outer space for 10 days without a problem."
"Extremophiles really love extreme environments; they can survive where most other life may not survive."
"The Dead Sea is dead; nothing beyond microbial life survives in there."
"Life can turn up practically anywhere."
"We keep finding that life lives in places that we used to think were inhospitable."
"The strength of life which had survived two snowball Earth periods had changed the planet."
"But here on Earth, we're constantly finding life in the most extreme places."
"There are bacteria that can live in boiling water for hours."
"Extremophiles are organisms thriving in extreme environments, pushing life's boundaries."
"Life can exist in places without oxygen, which changes our perspective on where we can find life."
"Life has explored extreme environments."
"In the coldest place on Earth, life has no problem."
"It's shocking that so many sharks are living in the volcano, and it's made his team wonder just what kind of extreme environments the animals have adapted to over millions of years."
"Archaea... probably the most ancient form of life on Earth."
"It survives in extreme... it could survive in up to 150 degrees."
"These thermally heated pockets could potentially support life in one of the most extreme environments on Earth."
"She's been searching for life in the most inhospitable place on Earth, and they'll need her expertise when they get to Mars."
"These species are known as extremophiles, demonstrating a shocking ability to survive in temperatures and conditions uncharacteristic of virtually any other type of creature."
"One of the most intriguing things to note about the vents is that they can support life no matter the condition of the surface."
"Life will live in space, it'll live on the surface of these things, it will live in nuclear reactors and geysers."
"What nobody thought was that an organism could live frozen for over twenty thousand."
"Archaeans... tend to be extremophiles which just means they like harsh conditions."
"Everywhere we look on Earth, we find life, even in the most extreme environments like magma pits and the great depths of the oceans."
"Life forms are being found and these have been grouped into what is now known as extremophiles, that is organisms that can survive in the most extreme environments."
"There are many different kinds of ways that life has figured out to exist in places that we as humans are certain could never happen."
"The life that lives around geothermal vents doesn't require sunlight."
"It's amazing to me that even somewhere like here with little liquid water, almost no soil, and a moon actively bombarding it with lava, we still find a few life forms flourishing."
"We have such a wide variety of life here on Earth that tends to survive in such extreme situations."
"The discovery was surprising as experts did not expect to find life in a place that lacks the conditions necessary to life as we know it, almost as if it were on another planet."
"Extremophiles are organisms that can survive in the most extreme environments."
"Even in this dark and cold place, something amazing can be found: life thrives."
"Aliens may lurk even in areas where neither terrestrial nor silicon nor methane organisms can survive."