
Fair Wages Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"I'm not saying that you have to pay these workers a luxurious CEO salary, but how do you keep going to work if you don't even make enough to stay alive?"
"Outer known only works with factories that pay fair living wages."
"Pay your workers a living wage, you douchebag!"
"If you can't pay people what is legally required... you don't deserve to be in business."
"Paying fair wages within a supply chain is intrinsically linked to fighting the climate crisis."
"Nobody wants to pay fair wages if the price of the stuff that you're selling is exploitatively priced and only priced that way because you are exploiting someone."
"360 workers on strike are demanding fair wages."
"Pay your employees fair wages or pay them the bonuses, but pick one."
"You should actually be paying them higher wages."
"No, I'm not entitled. It's not entitled to expect an agreed upon wage. It's extortion to expect me to work for less than agreed."
"Nobody should ever have to tip. Do not engage in a financial contract with an employer if the employer is not giving you adequate wages."
"To the striking workers, I support you in your goal of fair wages and greater stability."
"Let immigrants in, pay them union wages, pay everybody union wages."
"Give the small business people a subsidy. Let them be required to pay better than the minimum wage."
"We're here to ensure everybody has a very fair, livable wage and can go home to their families and look in the eyes and be proud of where they work."
"We believe that in America, the richest country on earth, that if you work 40 hours a week, you should not live in poverty."
"I don't think that means that employee deserves to be exploited, I think that means that they should be able to find a job on the job market that will pay them that."
"Everybody who works for a living deserves to be paid a wage that honors the value of the work that they're doing." - Michael Shields
"My message is: pay your goddamn animators. Pay your animators. Stop trying to get these people to work for 10 cents and giving them nothing."
"Making sure our daughters get the same pay for the same jobs as our sons is every father's bottom line."
"Paying folks a livable wage is how you get people to want to stay. Not being greedy."
"It's about rebuilding the arteries of our economy. Hard-working Americans on the job. Prevailing wage."
"I think that the waiters should be paid minimum wage or you know a wage that... I don't think there should be an exception to paying waiters a minimum wage."
"Nobody in this country ... who works 40 hours a week should live in poverty."
"It is time to pay people what they are worth."
"I don't believe it is a terribly radical idea to say that someone who works 40 hours a week should not be living in poverty."
"What they're trying to do is what every worker tries to do: get paid fairly for the work they do."
"No one should work 40 hours a week at a job and still live below the poverty line."
"I do believe in paying people that type of wage where somebody could live in their apartment, pay their apartment rent, and be able to have some type of life off a living."
"I want the people that make these clothes to be paid fairly and for those clothes to not pollute the environment."
"Paying a decent wage improves their odds of getting staff."
"I really just hope you grasp that this isn't people asking for buckets of money it's asking for living wages."
"If you ever see a crochet piece that is like four dollars, probably the person making it is not being paid enough."
"Artisans should be paid appropriately, especially considering the rising cost of living."
"I want to do what I can... to show two production companies that if you do give your writers and actors and everybody that's involved within the movie making scene Fair wages then we are going to support you."
"In conclusion, no matter where you live, servers need to be paid more, and they need to be treated with respect"
"The more that we do it for various different things, the more we reinforce companies being able to just pay low wages."
"This strike for a fair contract is not about the one percent of performers who are making a fortune, it's about the 99 of performers who are just trying to make a living."
"You can still run Amazon and pay these people a living wage."
"We need an industry where everybody involved in the club is on a wage."
"You need to pay a living wage, 12 and 25 cents is not a living wage to anybody."
"People working full-time deserve a living wage at the barest of minimums."
"We know that a worker in Scranton has to be paid fairly for what he or she does at work."
"Pay your workers a living wage, 15 bucks an hour."
"They are one of the last factories left in South Africa that pay their workers 100% of the legal wage rate."
"We have more people coming into our shop as a result of raising our wage because people want to support a business that's taking care of their employees."
"We're wanting to work within the capitalist system; we just want fair wages."
"Henry Ford said, 'If I don't pay these people well enough to buy my car, who will buy my car? I'll pay them all really well,' and he did."
"We wanted to make something that we can make enough money that we could pay the people who are making the product well, they could live good lives, and we could also create something that was an incredible world-class product."
"They were workers entitled to a livable wage, to safe work conditions, and to dignity."
"People want to work. Pay someone a livable wage, they'll work, I swear."
"I want to maximize value subject to the constraint that I pay a decent living wage to my employees."
"We believe in a living wage, we believe in safe working conditions, we believe in reasonable hours, we believe in pro-union."
"Mission is to harness the power of a living wage to drive prosperity for workers, local businesses, and the overall economy."
"No business which depends for its existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country."