
Western Values Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"What we're seeing is the great strength of the West, that we have open debate, but that's also the great burden."
"The fundamental spirit that has imbued the West is the only spirit that has ever actually lifted people who are oppressed out of their oppression."
"The West's values are under threat, and we need to recognize that a large chunk of the world does not follow our value system."
"The West at its best acts out the claim that the truth will set you free."
"Western values include democracy, the rule of law, and equality between citizens regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religion, or sexuality."
"What we have seen in the case of both Russia and China is investment, big investment from Western countries and capitalism, which was meant to sow this seed of Western values and instead what has happened is it has engorged them and has enabled them to act effectively with impunity."
"The fundamental low resolution grant narrative that we've oriented ourselves around in the West is one of the sovereignty of the individual."
"Freedom of speech is the bedrock of Western liberties."
"Free speech is not just another value, it is the foundation of Western civilization."
"Return to the values of traditionalism that made the West great again."
"This is the West... it's an idea, it's a concept."
"What we have in the west, the freedom, the prosperity, these they didn't fall out of the sky, they're not random occurrences."
"The West got it right with the idea of the sovereign responsible individual. Meaning and responsibility are the same thing."
"Free speech is something that is held in particularly high regard in the west albeit slowly eroding."
"For years Western values have been used to try and control, manipulate the very people they claim to be liberating."
"We need to stand up for our interests and show the West isn't decaying."
"It's a failure of the Western mind to get what you want and still hate yourself."
"Islam today... producing citizens... ready to get on the Western values bandwagon."
"Freedom is the foundation of Western society, the freedom of thought, expression, and creativity."
"The West is the best place if you want to have individual freedom and government by consent."
"The reality is the West is the best place if you want to have wealth and prosperity."
"The West and its freedoms are not only still worth fighting for, but basically they're the only things that are worth fighting for." - Andrew Klavan
"Ukraine is striving toward freedom. It's striving toward Western values."
"All of the successes of America and the Western values that gave birth to America are being eroded as we speak."
"An informal and internalized recognition of the dignity of our prophet within culture, art, literature, and the moral values of the West would be no mean achievement."
"Free speech is a principle. It is a social and ethical principle that applies to Western cultures."
"In the West, there's respect for individuals and recognition that the state has limits."
"The threat that this poses to the values on which the West is built really could not be overstated."
"Equality before the law is one of the central most assertions, value assertions, of Western civilization."
"Where are Western values not in retreat? Where is democracy not in retreat?"
"India's choices in 1947 and thereafter actually took what were Western values and Western practices and made them near-universal."
"The magic of the Western experience has been that we created a set of foundational values, including elevating the individual above the collectivist tribe."
"The west is built around the ideas of free speech."
"It's about defending reality, defending Western civilization, defending the Enlightenment."
"The west is not perfect it's got a lot that could be improved but it is tremendously dynamic and productive and overwhelmingly fairer than the other alternative systems."
"And you need to articulate a defense of Western civilization."
"We need to be cognizant of the contingent and fragile nature of what we have in the West."
"What makes Western civilization amazing is that we can have this conversation without either of us getting locked up."
"That's not the sort of free and open atmosphere of intellectual inquiry we aspire to in western universities."
"The West is absolutely dependent on the idea that we agree on the project more than we support our team."
"Freedom of expression... that is what we protect in the West."
"The beauty of the western project is we have been able to ameliorate some of the ugliness of that approach to society."
"The idea of human freedom is a revolutionary idea still unpracticed in most of the rest of the world."
"If you care about speaking your mind freely and testing received orthodoxies, then for that reason alone you should care about the West."
"Most of us know in our hearts that the West continues to bring peace, prosperity, and openness to more people than ever before."
"This is the essence of the West, this is the essence of the idea that free people and free societies must stick together."
"We feel that we belong to the western democracies, and we want to defend democracy because we think that's the only legal common government in the world today."
"There's something about Western values, there's the image of America, the reality of America in addition to the nightmare, there's the dream."
"Hype has already tapped into something that is important in the majority of Western countries, and that's the illusion of authenticity."
"We can restore some of the luster to our Western ideals."
"Just as Poland could not be broken, I declare today for the world to hear that the West will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail. Our people will thrive. And our civilization will triumph."
"If you want to measure everything against the western value system, that's what you are suggesting, and I'm suggesting that the western system doesn't provide every solution to everything."
"The most important thing that can happen for the preservation of the West and its values is for the U.S. military to be by far the best in the world."
"Free speech is not just another value. It's the foundation of Western civilization."
"Prosperity is not a given, it is a product of the things that we have been very lucky to enjoy in the west and the values that we have are what has allowed us to build it."
"The West will never be a home for people who want to live in peace unless they can depend on the law."
"Freedom of expression is the bedrock of the success of the West."
"Our Western world was built on the premise of individual rights."
"I'm always a big believer in America and in the West."