
Societal Strength Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"What we're seeing is the great strength of the West, that we have open debate, but that's also the great burden."
"Freedom of speech, baby, it's what America's all about. It makes America a stronger place, a better place."
"The reason we're the country we are is we've been able to cherry-pick from the best of every culture."
"What strengthens the family, strengthens society."
"To make country strong, you have to make mother strong, sister strong, woman strong, and then country strong."
"A society that values social cohesion and cultural understanding is stronger and more unified."
"It would be in this darkness that the Romans would find their strength, warfare was endemic in Italy, this constant fighting between neighbors meant that only the toughest could rise to the top."
"There's value in suffering... But this is a false promise. Not only is it a false promise but it will create a weak society that is unable to sustain itself."
"Our diversity is our strength, our unity is our power."
"But the arc of history will be on your side, and our nation will be stronger for it."
"Our patchwork heritage is an enormous strength."
"Diversity of opinion and viewpoint is important to the strength of a society."
"I embrace open discussion and open dialogue... that is a fundamental element of our republic that makes our democracy strong."
"Lift up your nations, cherish your culture, honor your histories, treasure your citizens, make your country strong and prosperous and righteous."
"Show the world that a unified people can forever stand the test of time."
"The more we stand up for the value of free speech and open debate, the stronger our society will become."
"The strength of our country is in a vibrant, robust middle class... rather than a surveillance state or a garrison state."
"Diversity is not a weakness, diversity is a strength."
"We think diversity is not a weakness, diversity is a strength."
"We cannot become a strong people unless we become a disciplined people."
"We are only as strong as people recognize the dignity of all people."
"Equality comes with responsibility. That's what makes you strong. That's what makes you bulletproof to these nonsense issues."
"The genius of Israel: weak government, strong Society."
"I believe in immigrants. I believe that diversity is our strength."
"Our economy is booming, wages are rising, crime is falling, poverty is plummeting, and our nation is stronger and more powerful right now than it has ever been before."
"Is this what Clayton calls in superhero movies our training montage maybe where we're like hey no more critical race stuff no more gender neutral Fitness stuff we got to stop this and be strong again."
"Wake up and strengthen the things that remain."
"Diversity is our strength, trust me it brings benefits."
"Hard times produce strong people... easy times don't produce much of anything."
"Maybe you don't want a society full of weak men who can't do anything."
"Immigrants make our country stronger and more dynamic."
"Young people today, when we talk about youth, we talk about problem segments of our society. But young people are not our weakness, they are our strength."
"Our differences have always been our strength not a weakness."
"The strength of this country is actually in the family."
"This problem gets resolved at the individual level we need a strong populace of regular people who stand up for themselves in order to give birth to the kind of person who is brave enough to figure out answers to the big problems."
"Free speech is what's made us strong; it's the difference between us and authoritarian counterparts."
"It's all coming in, I think the people understand it. I think that in many ways we're stronger now than ever before. They understand the deception and the horror that these people put this country through. It's really very sad actually."
"Diversity is neither good nor bad I'm not against diversity I'm not for it it's a state that's neutral morally but it's definitely not our strength."
"It's good for everybody, it strengthens your society."
"Our strength is our multi-ethnicity."
"...so much of defending ourselves really starts with strengthening ourselves at home..."
"A stronger society is an opportunity society, and this conservative government is delivering."
"This is not a time for mushiness among decent people; it's a time for firmness and strength."
"The rule of law, civil liberties, civil rights are not our burdens; these are what make all of us safer and stronger."
"The strongest society I can imagine is one where responsibility is not deferred to others; it's a personal journey."
"Oral traditions have always been the strength of societies."
"Our diversity is our strength. We can never forget this."
"We as a society and as a human being, we are far more resilient than I think anybody really gives themselves credit for."
"That's why I'm so against the Republican thinking, 'Oh, we got to exclude this group, that group.' It makes the society stronger."