
Community Activism Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Our mission we say is twofold: like it's obviously to protect children and it's also to reclaim our name and community from these radicals who have completely infiltrated it and destroyed it."
"The key to American history is not actually charismatic leadership, it's the ordinary citizens... their ability to solve problems locally."
"Residents organized over the years to pressure the city for assistance but also to protect and support each other."
"School boards across the country are lighting up as parents say no to the cult ideology."
"San Diego community activists are proposing that city planners and designers breathe new life into the city by connecting neighborhoods."
"You're not alone, and that there are so many people out here who are fighting for you."
"The only reason why it's being legalized is because of the push by our community."
"Go look at what's going on in your cities and start there. Make the change in your immediate neighborhood."
"Customers are the ones with the power. Unless the community rises up... companies like EA will continue to do so."
"We have gotten accountability and that's what we've been asking for from the beginning all the way up until today."
"When any community is speaking up and saying we're being mistreated by law enforcement by people in power, you should believe them."
"Having a protest is constitutionally protected. You and your community gathering is First Amendment protected."
"My community is fighting back. We're standing up."
"It's creating a community to stand up to corruption and the crooked free market. It's incredibly beautiful to see all kinds of people come together because of that."
"May we be a light in the darkness, shining forth God's love, mercy, and grace to a world in desperate need."
"White supremacy creates divide and conquer scenarios where you as a black man who's trying to do something better for the community end up like a person trying to get drugs out of your neighborhood."
"We got the word out in our churches with the civil rights movement. We got the word out. This is another sort of phase of that chapter."
"There is no substitution for real grassroots energy out here."
"The real heroes right now in this country are the parents of every race and class all over this country who are going to those school board meetings and standing up against this nonsense."
"Don't let the screamers who monetize hate have the final word. Instead, organize, persuade, but most importantly, love your neighbor."
"It's time for us to fight back as a community."
"We are not going to stand by any longer and let our community be dismissed, belittled, and discriminated against."
"One person cannot change everything overnight, but a Bottoms Up movement can."
"All of us have to use our power, our voices, and our votes year-round to ensure our communities, our families, and our stories won't be silenced."
"I think the pandemic was actually a really good experience and it activated a lot more people around this idea of cooperation and solidarity economy."
"To some extent I congratulate black people because this is grassroots."
"Fight for your communities to push towards free education and at the same time please fight for your dumbass friend communities to give away wins in friendlies."
"All resolutions, all major movements start on a local level. They don't start on a national level. It starts on a local level." - Roland
"Please share this video with friends in Nebraska. We need to keep the awareness raised on this, keep people talking, keep people looking for Ryan."
"With community pressure mounting, the frustration grew."
"Wendy Bowman's enduring legacy serves as a testament to the power of community in the fight for environmental justice."
"Act locally, encourage people to vote, find candidates who prioritize election integrity."
"Parents are standing up everywhere, and your neighbor agrees with you."
"People before Highways Day was a manifestation of bubbling frustration."
"The MVP of the protest was a black woman directing traffic in a bright pink hoodie."
"In a city plagued by police brutality and the chaos of black on black violence, who will speak up for the next generation?"
"I organized my community because the state of North Carolina had chosen Warren County to bury over 30,000 gallons of PCB-laced oil."
"It really was about individuals just not accepting what corporations were doing but also challenging politicians and saying you have to do better to protect us."
"Our lives are just as valuable as their lives on the other side of the tracks."
"We're going to exert our power as a people, walking our rightful place, we're going to change our communities, fight for our communities, and build our communities."
"It's a grassroots level thing and that's the way it has always been and that's the way it will always be."
"Black communities and other black organizations have been addressing all of these same issues for decades."
"We're going to hold our leaders accountable, we're going to show up in Colorado and across the nation and make our voices known."
"It's time for us to take a stand for our children."
"The community movement, the rank and file movement is just growing and growing."
"Can you do something about high rents? Yes, it's not whether you can it's really a political question will you." - Richard Wolff
"The people have spoken. Not only did we come out to Council meetings in Mass, we have collected more than 108,000 signatures on a petition."
"Every single school board meeting, every person that goes up there should be specifically calling for Scott Ziegler to step down because of this issue until he does."
"The real fight is at the local level, getting involved, people rolling up their sleeves, going to the school board, going to the County commission, becoming poll watchers, becoming poll workers."
"I believe that banding together on the basis of common identity to seek redress for discrimination and exclusion is everything that's best about our democracy."
"We need to speak up and speak out about the injustices and the suffering that we see around us in our communities."
"We have a fight here, and I believe that it's us, it's the churches, that we need to fight. We need to be prepared."
"Malcolm lives in each of us, and we must all work together for the community."
"We want people to remember Parkland as the city where people stood up and said we need to do something here."
"Even so, the leader of New Era Detroit says he is open to having a sit-down with Bishop Wayne T Jackson and the pastors of other churches that New Era Detroit has protested."
"Equality truly means equal rights, equal abilities to congregate, gather, advocate for their own best interests."
"I want to try and use the platform I've had... I'm just tired of seeing young people getting hurt, murdered, and sent to jail over knife crime."
"If you're really for the universal solidarity and resurrection of African people, you gotta call a [ __ ] when you see a [ __ ]."
"I challenge us all here today to denounce the stereotypes."
"Nipsey Hussle was more than a rapper, he did a lot of things for his community."
"This isn't for me. Well, my lesson for you to take away is that this is for you. This is for all of us who care about our neighborhoods."
"There is definitely a movement for people being very angry about the rise in the actual number of second homes and homes that are vacant for so many months in the year when you have people that are desperately in need of property."
"Who has the will to really just fight all the time? It's really hard, but I implore people to try to stay in Brooklyn and try to meet your neighbors."
"Housing is a right, and if we start treating our dollar as it's powerful and start making sure like we are active in our community, nobody can stop us."
"If you want to be part of building a more equitable and connected Cleveland, join Clevelanders for Public Transit."
"In one of the earliest conservation movements, San Bernardino Valley residents got involved; they lobbied to save what was left of the timberland and forced replanting the areas that had been cut."
"River Heights is an incredibly vibrant community; it's got so many grassroots activists. They're engaged, they're thoughtful, they understand the issues in a deep and profound way, and they want to make a difference across the broader community."