
Lying Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"Lying is really about one thing, and that's about control. Any time someone tells a lie, they're actually trying to control the behavior of another human being."
"Being a good liar makes you a good writer because when you're a writer and you write for other people, you need to tap into their stories. You need to convey a story that you might not even feel or agree with."
"We know they are lying, and they still continue to lie."
"They convicted because of the lie. If he hadn't done it, he wouldn't have lied."
"When a Man Lies he murders some part of the world."
"He's not lying for the sake of lying. The things he chooses to lie about are important." - David Robinson
"I've never met a narcissist that wasn't a pathological liar."
"If you're a person who doesn't lie, it's hard to imagine why would somebody just lie."
"Lying is just part of war propaganda. It's happened since literally the beginning of war."
"She's gotta become a better liar. Keep it vague, don't say it was the one South African cast member, because the Daily Mail is 100% gonna go find that guy."
"Humans lie, why are humans the only animal that tells lies?"
"Practice makes perfect. If you lie all the time, every day to everyone, you're gonna be an expert liar."
"When Donald Trump's lips are moving he is either lying incriminating himself or both."
"Alexander Solzhenitsyn: 'We know they are lying, they know they are lying...and they still continue to lie.'"
"I think this is a great example of seeing somebody who thinks they're a good liar but they're not good liar at all."
"There's no really great necessary reasons to lie unless your safety is at stake."
"Frequent lying is designed to help people feel safer either from abandonment or from harm."
"Lying is a sin I knew that from a little boy, but I had an affinity and I was kind of good, kind of an expert, kind of a savant at lying."
"Pathological lying is a mental disorder."
"It's just so much easier to not lie."
"It's better not to lie because once you lie, then you have to keep lying to cover up that lie."
"He's such a good liar that it's almost kind of praiseworthy."
"It's like everybody in the world knows that water is wet, the Sun is hot, and Paul Heyman lies almost every time that he speaks if it serves his purpose."
"The more you lie to yourself, the more there's pain."
"You're a better liar, more generally, if you believe the lie that you're telling."
"The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy."
"When we are lying we are operating in agreement with Satan because Satan is the father of lies."
"You can always tell not always you have to be really good at it it's really hard to tell a liar from a Survivor but there are certain things there are like certain things they say."
"Lying is a consistent element we see in narcissistic relationships and it drives the betrayal and the lack of trust that festers in narcissistic relationships."
"A liar caught in a lie, when they're given an evidence base, they will gaslight you."
"They have lied about the Lord, and said not He."
"Hell is full of liars. Heaven is full of forgiven liars who are transformed into the people of the truth."
"Hell is full of liars, heaven is full of forgiven liars."
"Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord."
"If you lie, you make it impossible for the body of Christ to function."
"The consequences of lying are the most dire."
"Most people admit to lying at least once a day is that true or false it's true I lie every day I wake up say good morning every single day."
"...why would you try to lie about this in the first place? Is it really just for a little bit of that tasty clout?"
"When you lie, who are you really fooling? I think you're only fooling yourself."
"Studies seem pretty conclusive about this: lying is more common than we'd like to believe."
"The reason why lying is looked at as a bad thing is because it's strategy."
"Lying is gonna get you further in any relationship, it's gonna get you further in career, it's gonna get you further in life, period."
"In both gaslighting and in lying or deception, the person who commits these misbehaviors is aware of the distinction between fantasy and reality, is firmly grounded in reality."
"The amount of lying that she does to get followers."
"They're very manipulative and deceitful. So lying to a psychopath is like second nature. They don't care if someone else knows that they're lying."
"They mean to lie. It's their job description. They lie about the most serious things."
"The promiscuous lying. The lying with no purpose."
"...the majority of the suffering we do in life is created by lying..."
"I'm not going to tell you it's going to be the last because I would be lying."
"...lying creates distrust and distrust in the institutions is ultimately destructive that's your sense that lying is not okay..."
"When a man lies, it's not about you. It ain't even about you. It's about his own pain. It's about his own fear. It's about his own insecurity."
"Frequent lies, like frequent flyers, constantly lying over everything, destroy marriages."
"It's one thing to lie, but to admit that you're lying, now they're gonna question your integrity."
"Fred knows she's lying which leads him to threaten her using his powers."
"Liars speak in conviction with big, powerful words because they're trying to sell you something."
"When you lie, you better be sure that you're right."
"I acted in desperation to quickly fix my mistake and tried covering it up by lying."
"Lying tears people apart, breaks bonds of trust, and causes hurt. Speak the truth in love."
"You're lying to me and what's worse you're lying to yourselves."
"The toxicity comes from the lying, the misinformation, and not being on the same page."
"The most dangerous of all sins is lying, so that Satan has presented, Satan is the Prince of Lies, he's the principal of untruth, it's not the principal of sex or darkness, he's the principal of lying."
"If you lie long enough, eventually you believe the lie, and you can no longer tell the truth from falsehood."
"They were lying in the bed presenting no potential threat."
"...his problem got so bad he started lying to his family about how much he was spending."
"If you're lying for a good reason, it's just called strategy."
"Everybody lies, but who's lying and getting ahead?"
"It's not really the lie, it's what are you doing with the lie."
"He's the most unbelievable liar I have ever seen in my life."
"They never spoke outside of work. Sure, I thought she might be lying and covering her tracks."
"You visualize the reality you want. If necessary, you lie to bring it about."
"There is a difference between lying and faking someone who tells a lie deceives his victim that's the whole point of it but a fake is someone who deceives himself."
"If God is morally perfect, he cannot lie."
"Tell your buddy the Rock is actually pretty cool, I mean ask your buddy if he even saw that movie, because that sounded like a cool movie."
"Some people are so good at lying that they double down on the lie."
"We never want to come into this and say it's a good lie or a bad lie. It's problem-solving."
"The danger of willful ignorance is that it is lying. That's the problem. Willful ignorance is lying. It's you lying to yourself and you lying to others and expecting them to be okay with it."
"She lied twice, which is honestly kind of impressive."
"What do they look for to see if somebody's really lying? So that's a really good question."
"Deception through lying is likely to occur in a subtle and thought out way. A skilled deceiver is likely to embed their lie into truthful information over time."
"What are you inclined to lie about assuming that the truth might be intolerable?"
"There are different levels of wrongness, there's different levels of lying."
"Pathological Liars lie for no reason and regardless of consequences."
"Pathological Liars lie all the time, so each lie should fit with previous lies and with future lies."
"Lying is a Mega Money earner, so there's a strong incentive to lie."
"Pathological Liars compensate for the poor quality of the lies by sheer quantity."
"Liars give you too many details. The typical liar would inundate you with facts most of which are totally irrelevant."
"Pathological Liars Lie For No Good Reason. They just lie, they're not goal oriented."
"It's very manipulative and in this case it's just downright lying."
"If I'm ever asked about your chin, I'll lie with all my heart as if it were an ugly newborn."
"With close relationships, when people are lying, it's like I can't trust you and it's not a me thing, it's a you thing."
"Guys, lying about your work experience is already bad enough, but not knowing that you're lying to someone who knows about your prior work experience is pure gold."
"A trigger is that feeling that someone is lying or trying to manipulate you."
"95 percent of all relationships that come from lying and cheating end in lying and cheating."
"A liar will always lie but they become better at hiding it."
"If lying's always wrong, then you shouldn't do it whether or not it has a good or a bad outcome. The outcome ought not to matter."
"The more you lie, the worse it gets."
"Literature is just another word for lying. Yes, that's what it means in French."
"Always lie. That's the takeaway from the cobbler and the takeaway from my life."
"It's just a habit. It's a bad frickin' habit. I literally went from lying about who I am and what I look like to other people, from since I was 14 years old til this past January."
"Lying is more work. Lying is absolutely more work. You know what it is when I say lying and truth, you understand. I mean omitting."
"That's the worst thing to ever be known for is to be known as a liar."
"It hurts my feelings when people lie to me."
"You can tell a bald-faced lie and still sound sincere."
"Sometimes the story is just it's better when you lie sure it definitely can be true yeah I feel like any story could be improved yeah would you lie on your stand up at all yeah I do that yeah."
"The consequence of lying is a loss of trust, and trust is the most valuable thing that you have."
"When we lie, we come into agreement with demonic spirits. We're in a covenant with death and hell because we made lies our refuge."
"Why do people lie? And when one lie leads to another, it makes me wonder."
"Narcissists are liars, and you know what judges hate more than anything? They hate liars."
"Why do public figures lie? This gets to the crux."
"We just have to acknowledge that lying works. It's effective."
"Only liars think everyone else is lying."
"Once you start lying, it's hard to break away, and that's why cover-ups often become bigger than the lie itself."
"...it wasn't that hard for my father because my father never knew that I became a comedian I kept lying then because my father was living in his own world of of the rabbinate about the Ducks Judaism..."
"If you're going to lie badly, just don't lie."
"He's like a pathological liar where they believe their own lies."
"Anyone can lie," they continued. "It suffices to say something with the intention to deceive. Faking, however, is an achievement. To fake things, you have to take people in, yourself included."
"The liar can pretend to be shocked when his lies are exposed," they added, "but his pretense is part of the lie. The fake really is shocked when he is exposed, since he had created around himself a community of trust, of which he himself was a member."
"I had a lie through my teeth, because he could never call me a liar, but I had to stand up for Jerry, so I lied."
"This is just obvious lying, just on the face of it, just obvious, obvious lying."
"When you tell one lie, it leads to another."
"Lying is a great disservice to the people around us."
"Nobody wants to lie. Nobody are compulsive liars for the sake of being compulsive liars, everyone lies because they think that the truth is not safe to be expressed."
"People lie because they don't want to hurt someone or they're scared of that person's reaction."
"You're a preacher and you lie like it's going out of style. What the hell is that? And then you treat us like we're stupid."
"Lying chains us to the lie, lying oppresses us, lying limits our freedom."
"Can lying be overcome? I stand before you today with a resounding yes."
"It's not the cheating, it's the lying."
"I told them that the handbag was the only hand luggage that I had, but I lied."
"People learned to lie because you can get into danger if you told the truth."
"The devil is a liar. When you lie, you speak his native language."
"I guess he's saying I'm lying. Yeah, I'm lying."
"If you hear 'doesn't make sense' over and over again, there's a good chance the person is lying or they don't know what they're talking about."
"...the best Liars put in little truths to make it seem like the lie is verifiable..."
"Any apparent admission of lying is merely another form of manipulation."
"...he was a compulsive liar everybody said oh Timothy tells Tall Tales that's just what he does and making things even worse for Timothy was the fact that he had a very clear motive for why he might harm his family he was under crippling."
"The only time kids lie is if like they're trying to save their own tail."
"A seasoned liar's little secret: my name's not actually Laurie."
"Lying is a very important part of being a superhero. You have to learn to protect your secret identity-ty-ty."
"Narcissists make lying a way of life. They take lying to a whole new level."
"Narcissists are constant liars, running away from the idea they have in their head of what a horrible, shameful piece of garbage they are."
"Gaslighting is definitely one. Lying is definitely one as well and intimidating you in some ways is one as well."
"Some demons are just bad liars. I mean, they're like human beings in the sense that you can just look at them and when they're telling you something you're like, okay, you're just telling me that because you're hoping that I'll let you off the hook."
"The most surprisingly good liars I have ever met in my life are all in the same Zoom call right now."
"Lying may typically be wrong to the consequentialist, but the ends justify the means."
"A faithful witness will not lie, but a false witness will utter lies."
"I find it endearing when someone's bad at lying."
"Lying became a safety mechanism that I latched onto really quick."
"Is it ever okay to lie? Well, according to [source], if you're lying to make someone feel better, then the answer is yes."
"I just hate lying so much, I hate it."
"The average person lies about one to two times a day, 1.65 to be exact."
"Welcome to Chump, everybody. The game show all about lying and deception."
"When you lie, when are you telling the truth? If you are a liar, when do you decide when you're going to lie and tell the truth?"
"Omission is the easiest way to lie," Neil said.
"Everyone lies," Shep said, as if it was indeed the norm.
"According to research scientists, if a person's eyes move to the left, they're retrieving factual information; if they move to the right, then they're lying."
"People really be lying and some people are great at it."
"The reason why people lie is because of power."
"To be a good liar, an essential requirement is to have an excellent memory."
"Let me tell you about the time that I lied, y'all. Y'all, I lied, and I got caught; I got caught up in my lie, I could not keep up with the lie any longer."
"When you're lying, your pupils dilate and your heartbeat quickens."