
Economic Success Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"I want you to have a good education. I want you to be successful economically. I want you to live in a safe neighborhood."
"The most important thing is prior to the virus, the greatest job numbers in the history of the African-American community, the Hispanic community."
"There is a correlation between economic success and living in a stable two-parent household."
"We're learning from many of these Republican governors; their economies are doing pretty well."
"We can't risk undermining one of the successes of our current economy: For the first time in decades, workers are finally starting to get a little power in this economy."
"We cannot risk undermining one of the successes of the current economy: for the first time in decades, workers are finally starting to gain a little power in the economy."
"Did you know that the industry had become so absolutely influential that the chicken-selling part of the fast-food industry is actually far more economically successful than is McDonald's?"
"Despite the economic hurdles Black people have faced, many have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams."
"The core of our economic success is the fundamental truth that each American does better when all Americans do better."
"There are also nearly 2.4 billion people living in Commonwealth countries, many of which are doing phenomenally well."
"The Chinese government has implemented the most successful poverty reduction program in world history, helping to lift 800 million people out of poverty."
"We want to create an economy that works for every American, and it's working."
"Matching markets have been really, really successful."
"We're going to do it again, and you see the kind of numbers that we're putting up. They're unbelievable. Best job numbers ever!"
"There's never been a better economy for this since the Second World War."
"President Trump presided over an amazing economy."
"It's almost not understandable... we have the best economy that there has ever been, let alone for an election so I think we're gonna have tremendous success tomorrow." - President Trump
"We had the greatest economy in the history of the world."
"Who doesn't know about Snickers, Twix, or Mars Bars? Who could have guessed that mixing chocolate with caramel can bring you 126 billion dollars?"
"Every successful nation in the world got that way with free-market capitalism."
"Forget everything you think you know about mobile gaming because Candy Crush is the fifth highest grossing mobile game of all time."
"Our employment numbers are the best that they've been perhaps ever."
"We've gotten everything we wanted and we've also gotten a great economy."
"The revenue for wearables is already more than 50 percent more than iPod was at its peak."
"A stable competitive European Union can reconcile economic success and social responsibility in a lasting way."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we've done it! The money is just absolutely flooding in. We have broken every single thing this game has."
"We achieved record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women - almost everyone."
"China has eradicated extreme poverty in their country. They have lifted like 780 million people out of poverty."
"We now have the biggest budget surplus in the history of."
"Florida, we have a 2.5 percent unemployment, second lowest on record, and we just did the biggest tax cut in Florida. Thank you, Governor. That's time."
"The president's economic plan is indeed working."
"China's exceptional rise really was exceptional."
"Europe was struggling immensely... but Mali was doing fantastic." - About Mansa Musa
"By now we are pretty much a superpower, we are on the great powers list, tons of dev, we are making tons of money."
"Let's go dude, this is my first time selling anything throughout the entire journey and it looks like we've accumulated over three hundred thousand dollars worth of treasures."
"If you can take a hundred thousand dollars worth of asset value and turn it into 300 in the next two years then you are going to be positioned for success."
"It's crazy how we've stuck in this from 100 to where it is now."
"Automobile manufacturing, housing, retailing, they're all setting records. They're through the roof, hard to believe actually."
"You can't have a black wall street if you scamming all the goddamn businesses because how they gonna be successful."
"We're making so much money. It is just insane."
"Fortnite might well be the most lucrative video game in history."
"We built the greatest economy with all of the people that helped me and all of the people in this we built the greatest economy the world has ever seen and we're gonna do it again."
"We're making roughly around about 1500 which is crazy fantastic."
"African American and Hispanic American unemployment have reached the lowest rates ever recorded."
"We have the best economy in our history, the most prosperity of any country."
"We saw the best economic boom in our country."
"It is quite simply the most successful case of economic development in human history."
"I think one of the benchmarks it needs is that opening weekend, that thing we all look around a little that made money its opening weekend."
"In the economy for the common good, a company can only be successful if at the same time, it makes society more successful."
"The people who get the richest are the innovators."
"Queen Elizabeth reigned for 45 years of economic and artistic success."
"Unemployment goes way way down, that's a success."
"We created the greatest economy in history and now we are doing it again."
"My best month so far was last month at $29,000."
"The greatest rate of job creation, the greatest rate of wage growth, the lowest levels of unemployment among all peoples."
"If you don't decide your thing is worthy, you're not gonna make money."
"You cannot deny the effect of the prosperity of America. A lot of it is because it got a 200-year head start of free labor. Any country that has 200 years or 300 years or 400 years of free labor is going to be wildly successful."
"As of February 2015, Supercell earns roughly around 5 million dollars per day from Clash of Clans alone."
"Every time a foreign leader comes into the office, they say congratulations on what you've done for this economy."
"Whenever I greet a prime minister or a president, they always start off by saying congratulations on your economy."
"Football has never been more popular or lucrative than it is now."
"Money comes in so fast now it's almost a joke."
"We had the best economy anywhere in the world."
"America didn't just invent capitalism, it's evidently just been very good at it."
"You once built the most inclusive economy in this country's history."
"President Trump has such a great thing to run on, his economic record."
"Over the last three years, we built the strongest economy and the most successful country the world has ever seen."
"You're solidifying security in the financial world, a time of plenty."
"America is working, America's thriving, America is booming."
"We killed it in the last decade. Black wealth, black economic power."
"Asians do things different, and that's why they're at the top."
"We won the presidency, and we have the greatest economy that this nation has ever seen."
"We're doing very well now. We're making great trade deals."
"They thought they would be happy when they got this economic power."
"What's better than one billionaire? A stable black community."
"We've had the lowest African-American and Hispanic American unemployment ever."
"The greatest financial move ever in the history of this world."
"I'm not getting that many likes anymore, but I'm getting 2.5 million per commercial now."
"We have the strongest country we've ever had, we have the best economy we've ever had, we have the best unemployment numbers we've ever had."
"They have been able to figure out how to develop their economic system in a way that should be the envy of the world."
"I think the overall answer to the question of why are immigrants picking these destinations, partially it's based on the economic success."
"America's economic success was built by the unrelenting enslavement of black people."
"The internal market brought economic success to Britain but achieved at the expense of both national and parliamentary sovereignty."
"Folks, I inherited an economy on the brink. Now our economy is literally the envy of the world."
"In just a few years, Argentina cleared all of its debts, saw a 25% increase in industrial production, enjoyed a 59% growth in real wages, and experienced a significant decrease in inequality."
"Democracies are engines of economic success."
"A real economic success, the sort of place you can take your children to the beach and they can go and get an ice-cream and you just don't have to worry about it."
"Poland's economic success is also an invaluable case study that could potentially be applied to other countries around the world."
"The nation attained wealth through its visionary leaders, productive citizens, seaports, and strong reserves."
"Our social entrepreneurs are not driven by the financial rewards of consumerism; they see success in both social and economic rewards."
"America's economic success is freedom's success."
"It's better economically and it was more successful fiscally as well."
"Record high stock market, lowest unemployment in 50 years."
"The most economically successful cities in the western world that draw the most visitors, they just don't have freeways in the middle of the city."
"The Nordic model gives plenty of opportunities for economic success to all of its citizens."
"The economic growth of Chile this year surpass all the expected levels, turning it into one of the most solid economies of South America..."
"The correlations between education and economic success at the local and national level are vastly stronger than for say things like roads and bridges."
"Iowa has the nation's lowest unemployment rate at less than 3%."
"The success of a government's economic policies can be most effectively measured by an increase in the standard of living."
"This is a major period of consolidation and expansion, building upon the economic success and the soft power successes of the 9th century and 10th century golden age."
"Vietnam is seen as the poster boy in the economic circles right now because of their rapid growth in exports."
"We've had the fastest growing economy in Europe."