
Ethical Concerns Quotes

There are 558 quotes

"It felt too predatory at the time to just sell stuff that people would only be buying because it was from me."
"The exploitation of human beings for private profit is an outrage."
"Slaughterhouse work has been shown to increase rates of PTSD, mental health problems, suicide, drug, and alcohol abuse."
"Cell providers actually have a long and notorious history of selling your location data to basically anyone who wants it."
"The presentation was titled 'Let's Go Whaling' was pretty telling of its contents and of how it dehumanizes consumers as cattle to be milked or prey to be hunted."
"The filmmakers used artificial intelligence to deep fake Anthony Bourdain's voice so they could get a voiceover of him reading something that he wrote but never spoke out loud."
"Cultural appropriation is theft... Members of a dominant group borrow elements from a marginalized group while actively erasing the people of that culture and diminishing the meanings of what we practice."
"That's horrible that they're using tasers and stuff on it, it's like torturing someone."
"Deep fakes: the AI technology for blackmail and porn."
"People are going to take the voice of a famous actress and generate her saying things like 'I love you, I will marry you,' and put their face on the body."
"Americans are paying for slogans on bombs aimed at Russians."
"The anonymized participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remains inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public. This is morally indefensible."
"It is wrong, morally wrong, to force other people to create the utopian situation for yourself against their will. That is unamerican."
"So much done in Jesus' name seems to me to be a god damn shame."
"These are decisions that are not being made by the doctors who were treating these women."
"Let's be clear: private prisons are making money off of the incarceration and suffering of human beings."
"None of that is a crime, it turns out you can do lots of things in America that I personally think are egregious wrong and damaging to the country that are not crimes."
"They, the two from Black Box, would regularly review the iPad's contacts, test messages, videos, personal data mirrored from her phone, photos, literally everything..."
"Legislating morality can end up in a place you really don't like."
"Does this normalize selling younger and younger bodies yes does that set a horrible horrible precedent yes should the internet call her ass out for that absolutely."
"Abusing the copyright system is really, really shitty."
"We could easily violate your trust... it becomes boundaryless very quickly here."
"We don't blow up drug cartels. Instead, we launch missiles into Middle Eastern countries and blow up innocent families."
"Such interference includes introducing superior knowledge, strength, or technology to a world whose members and society are incapable of handling such advantages wisely." - Thorhan
"They do make sure to let me know about it before I scam you guys."
"War is government at its worst and war is what allows governments to do the absolute most depraved things."
"The managers of k-pop succeeded in replicating the kind of work ethic found in sweatshops or 19th-century industrial labor."
"I don't want U.S. dollars to be funding this carnage in Ukraine led by Putin."
"They ONLY care about making money, no matter the non financial cost."
"Blizzard continues to be a disgrace to the very industry that they built up."
"My biggest fear is that in this attempt to upgrade humans we will actually downgrade ourselves."
"This same secretive for a reason, and they didn't have volunteers stepping up and saying, 'Yeah, I'll breathe zinc cadmium sulfide with radioactive particles.'"
"It's very easy for a foreign actor to fund and prop up a YouTuber."
"The continued dishonesty does not sit right with me."
"People will do/say anything to defend people who cover up rape and continue to be friends with rapists."
"Stop murdering for organs. It's a crime against humanity." - NBA player Anes Cantor
"Fake pranks in 2018 are quite harmless, but fake social experiments are extremely fucked up."
"What was done to Britney Spears is ethically repugnant on so many levels."
"The biggest risk is not that AI will develop a will of its own, but rather that it will follow the will of people."
"The Insidious nature and the absolute Shameless behavior that really makes even a scumbag like me just stand back with astonishment."
"This is heinous and... horrendously unethical conduct... I wish her nothing but the best."
"The dairy industry practices... sounds a lot like rape to me."
"You've gone from trying to put people first to putting the balance sheet first."
"Use our men and women in the military to make your sales better? You've forfeited your right to celebrate them."
"I saw how truly evil some people in that industry actually are."
"The researchers 'needed to go to the slaughterhouse by 5 a.m. every day... their monthly salary was less than 500 pounds'. 'The slaughterhouses were full of screams' and flooded with blood."
"It's almost scarier than actual real AI is the fact that you know this basic version can you feed it enough you know human speech and whatnot and it can successfully convince someone else that it's real and has a Consciousness and a soul."
"There's no excuse to be taking photos of someone's home without their permission. Why would you be taking photos? That's creepy, that's stalkerish."
"To the public, you were lied to and your Goodwill is being both weaponized and abused."
"Children are having their bodies mutilated and altered in irreversible ways."
"If there's going to be loot boxes if there can be simulated gambling at the very least we asked for them to be rated appropriately"
"Except that the book is basically a cover-up, except that the book basically excuses him for his own activity. Doesn't really talk about the fact that he was scoring deals to get on the board of Amtrak and scoring high-paying gigs consulting."
"The mobile game market has devolved over the last decade with increasingly manipulative practices."
"It just didn't feel okay... it made quite a lot of people angry."
"The disconnect between the consequences of enforcing the law versus the pain it inflicts on the people charged with breaking it."
"It's highly unusual in our legal system for one person to be the decider of life or death for another person."
"Potential air disasters viewed as sacrifices for military advancement pose grave ethical concerns."
"In a way, he kidnapped these people and he can make them say whatever he wanted them to say."
"Forced labour is a significant and unacceptable problem in global supply chains."
"Some things people have a right to know: when the pharmaceutical company is lying to their customers, when the intelligence agencies are targeting Americans, when school teachers or union officials are covering up statutory rape."
"This is no longer a case for them being too dumb to really is what they're doing, this is a case of them not caring about people and actively hurting their fans because of it."
"There's a very dangerous precedent that we set in today's modern world about recording our actions and excusing them, saying, 'Oh, it doesn't matter because it's for YouTube or it's online.' It is ridiculous that we have that attitude."
"It will not shock me at all you know they're doing it."
"Even if there are good intentions at the end of the day, if you strip everything back, your child is a prop that you're using to make money."
"The fashion industry definitely has some problems when it comes to sweatshops."
"AI is the linchpin, it's the technology that enables these guys to pull off their satanic vision for Humanity."
"Activision Blizzard literally has a patent that will cause players to be matched against other players that are of lesser power to make the players that are of less power more motivated to spend money."
"This is a very not okay situation and not unheard of for people in positions of power to abuse their positions of power even unintentionally or intentionally especially when it comes to people who are underage."
"Man plus machine was gonna be God. And what's turned out is that man plus machine is beast."
"One of the key concerns with AI is the potential for it to act in ways that aren't aligned with human values and goals without careful consideration and oversight."
"Problematic is an understatement in terms of what it displays in terms of giving some, I don't know, hope or boost to what is and should be illegal activity."
"We have bred it to the point that the poor dog cannot breathe anymore. It's too much, you know? It's gotten too short of us now, and it can't even breathe."
"There's no question that there is an industry around trying to exploit as much money as you can often at the expense of the misery and suffering of others."
"It may make sense for the pork industry's bottom line, but we are only beginning to understand the true costs of this approach."
"Exploitation of children on YouTube and social media platforms in general is bad."
"It's so crazy to me that to make this world run we have to do dirty dirt like dirty dirty dirt."
"Microtransactions are a cancer to the gaming industry. Hopefully they'll be illegal within like the next five to ten years because it's legitimately preying on children to like get their parents' credit cards and to spend ungodly amounts of money."
"If they won't even list their ingredients, do you not think that's not sketchy in the slightest?"
"Here we are dealing with a virus that never would have existed unless these scientists had put it together in the first place." - Highlighting the responsibility of scientists in shaping the world.
"As long as I can hide my behavior long enough to be in office and avoid impeachment, I can get away with anything I want. All I have to do is not have transparency or eyes into what I'm doing."
"Not just the general wickedness that was going on, but the hybridization of humanity."
"The more intelligent AI become, the more we worry about keeping control, and the more like slavery the whole arrangement becomes."
"In this specific space, it's full of snake oil salesmen, scam artists, and plagiarizers."
"In pursuit of gaudy short-term profits and the bonuses that came with them that so many folks lost their way on Wall Street."
"Factory farms exist solely to make as much money as possible from the exploitation of animals."
"Forced organ harvesting has been committed for years throughout China on a significant scale."
"I just don't like when beliefs start infringing on others and hurting people."
"Controlling people brainwashing people and big kids is not christ-like."
"What gives a Dei program the right to come in and try and alter the nature of things to create a quality of outcome?"
"When we're thinking in terms of just like end result like harm to society, yeah there's probably a difference but in terms of the thing that I care about which is the spreading of misinformation, I think they're very similar."
"This is treating human lives as if they are worth nothing."
"The punishment was not commensurate with the magnitude of the wrong."
"Sexual assault allegations should not be deployed strategically for political gain."
"It's just an evil business, yeah? So calculated, everything was done so perfectly."
"Using personal details particularly about private matters like marriage and divorce to tarnish someone's reputation is not only unethical but it detracts from the real challenges that America grapples with daily."
"The privatization of war is a troubling trend, with contractors encouraging mission creep."
"This is all one man trying to cover his own ass so that he can torture people and I do think this has some really Sinister undertones."
"It's crazy. Technology is scary. Deep fakes have gotten a lot better. You can also simulate speech now."
"Is it not embarrassing to put somebody like James Charles, a predator, on your platform?"
"The game set a precedent that what this predator has done... is completely unacceptable."
"That's against medical practices, against the Hippocratic oath."
"Reporters and journalists don't care what happens... That's not a law, it's just a rule that they invented."
"That money that that he been privileged to get that money is supposed to be spread around and and and helping other people Prosper not just you you're taking that money and that money is not even good you've made that money unlean."
"I never permit declawing. It's a horrible, cruel procedure that should not be done by anyone with even a smidgen of personal ethics."
"Technology is not neutral, and it becomes this race to the bottom of the brain stem of who can go lower to get it."
"Could this be the beginning of the end for private prisons?"
"We do know that they're willing to kill their own people when it comes to achieving their political objectives if they're willing to kill their own people."
"This is such a perfect example of the kind of stuff that is going to be so much easier to get away with."
"I believe that without dramatic changes to how Mr. Leibovitz practices law he represents a clear and present danger both to the administration of justice generally and to the interests of his own clients."
"This is not okay, like we gotta report this."
"That's shady, especially when you're recording somebody."
"Satan will sell you the benefits via designer babies."
"For all the good that video games do, there's a sinister side."
"The fact that people have to make a choice between rent food and medication is just wrong."
"You know, shame on each of you. I am astonished and I'm disgusted by the content of today's discussion."
"Morals and ethics start to go out the window for the sake of good content."
"The interesting possibilities in AI art do not mean that the horrendous oversights and anti-humanist values of its current systems are above reproach."
"To have a loved one go missing is an awful experience and to think some people would take advantage of such tragedies in order to gain a profit is awful."
"I can understand how it happens in the adult brain, but when a kid's involved and you have to... and someone's taking a kid out who doesn't know anything different from just being a kid... then he's wrong. He's... yeah, absolutely."
"People who claim to follow the teachings of Jesus are fuming that there might not be razor wire at the border to slice up children."
"I hate those YouTube videos where people are like all right we're gonna go pay people's rent and then they go door-to-door and film how good of a deed they're doing."
"It's just something that's kind of weird and it rubs me the wrong way."
"We've been used as guinea pigs forever, rightfully so."
"When you hear anything gene editing related, of course, it raises that red flag."
"Frankenstein explores the moral and ethical implications of scientific experimentation."
"I hope TLC cancels the show. I feel for the kids and stuff but I don't feel like giving Jim Bob any money."
"The real issue will come when they start to think like us."
"Until those proper systems are in place, loot boxes should not be sold because they're currently incredibly predatory."
"This is genuinely some of the most shameful stuff that I've ever seen out of any company."
"There is a conflict of interest. It's not a disputable fact."
"There's no ethical way I want to make a billion dollars."
"Will there be, you know, will we stumble into some other conflicts and kill another million people on the other side of the planet?"
"In the grand scheme, it's fucked up man, parts of the world actually like contract target killing or whatever they call it."
"I wonder what possible repercussions might unfold as a direct result of nuking a laboratory dedicated to the study of highly transmissible mutagenic viruses."
"It's remarkable when you look through the actual conflicts of interest here, it is terrifying."
"There's no way you could do that long of a segment and portray these people as heroes without bringing up the conflicts of interest and the corruption."
"There is no happiness in the dairy industry".
"This is a blatant abuse of power and a clear conflict of interest."
"I tremble for the future of my country. I cannot be an instrument to produce such a result."
"They are putting profit over people... profit over people and it pisses me off."
"They're creating weapons designed to target entire populations."
"I believe animal testing should be abolished for cosmetics."
"Universities should not be doing harm to the planet by providing money to the industry that can then be used to finance further extraction and burning of fossil fuels."
"Gaming isn't just games anymore, it's exploiting psychology for profit."
"Kairos is seeking candidates for extreme human experimentation, the likes of which ought to scare anyone away from applying."
"The fact that there's this much animal suffering that takes place as a way to fill in my dinner plate, it just kind of didn't sit right with me."
"Diamonds funded the loss of life and limb in Angola."
"Foie gras is actually banned in many countries."
"Abortion really makes me uncomfortable because it really feels like we just killed a baby, and they seem to want to kill black babies the most."
"The line between appropriating designs and being influencer-inspired proves to be very thin."
"There is a direct connection between Amazon's profits and the deaths of those people."
"They care about one thing: lining their pockets at the expense of anybody and anything."
"I agree with rep C on on everything that he said but I did feel a little dirty watching it just because it felt like some of it was a little unnecessary."
"That's completely [ __ ] up, blatant exploitation of someone's death."
"If his management threatened women who were gonna talk about this or prevented someone's career from moving because of this if that happened that to me is almost worse."
"I think the reality is that the industry is doing something it knows is wrong."
"It is distressing that a man who held such a position could behave like this."
"Governments all over the world have spent a massive amount of money and resources looking for more ruthless and effective ways to kill people."
"I don't think that's a reason for a person to die in prison."
"This game is predatory you are asking full price for basically a half-baked piece of [ __ ]."
"You can't knock it when they say it's a conflict of interest."
"He was obsessed with being re-elected. That's all he cared about. That is the tragedy. That's the moral freefall."
"I don't think billionaires are inherently evil but there is something wrong when two guys who really don't have any kind of national political base are in this debate only because of their money."
"There's a lot of shadiness going on that you just can't really brush aside when you're watching it happen."
"Those who exploit their children online are just as bad as those who exploit their children for political progressiveness."
"She exploits people financially constantly... it's grotesque."
"You suck, your industry sucks, you're scummy people, it's a scummy business, it's a ripoff, people stay away from them."
"Also, the Ukrainian military, I guess that might have been the Nazis, the Azov battalion, they were shooting Russian prisoners of war and then letting them bleed out and also torturing them."
"Let's just say that he cannot examine my coochie no bro he looks like he's like he got like a secret cam set up"
"This is a very creepy, not okay way to treat human life."
"They're going after his wife and his kids and if... you know the Ivanka Jared stuff is legit since he literally hired them."
"Nothing pisses me off more than people who are not prescribed it and are not diagnosed with ADHD taking like Adderall or Ritalin."
"Maybe if a company keeps getting in trouble for fraud and shitty behavior, maybe we should stop believing them when they say it's just a couple of bad apples."
"The whole Swiss made label is a scam. Many small companies source their parts from the Far East then buy and assemble capacity at multi-brand facilities in Switzerland, paying minimum wage."
"What China is doing in these camps is wrong."
"Anybody can make money with lies, and they have a little bit more than lies."
"It's absolutely what we do is not a loophole."
"As they would come in and these organizations would come in, I was feeling as the days went on, I was getting more and more uncomfortable with them coming in."
"Modesty goes out the window when you can cash a big check for a birth special."
"This technology is not without its risks of misuse." - World Economic Forum
"This isn't drama. This is unethical, immoral, and potentially illegal activity."
"As a human being, I am horrified that we are opening the door to a future that is truly terrifying and dystopian."
"This is absolutely a violation of human rights law."
"It's rare that I would ever declare a game immoral, but I think the sum total of these deliberate tactics to deceive and ensnare consumers marks a low point for Bethesda and for games in general."
"They don't care about the moral consequence, they don't care about what's right and wrong, they don't care about the constitutionality of what they're trying to put through. All they care about is infringement."
"There should be no question that the Trump administration appears to be intentionally mistreating these kids."
"Shame on the Trump administration for doing this."
"You fail, you get rewarded. You commit crimes, you get rewarded."
"The silence about Scott Rudin unacceptable. That's the easy one y'all, that's a monster. Shouldn't you be more afraid of not saying something and more people getting hurt?"
"I've never quite seen anything like this in terms of people just really choosing to weaponize a person who's passed away and use their name to advance some sort of political or social agenda."
"The second brand invests their ad dollars or gives opportunities or products to one of these fake influences, that's where it gets... well, I think it's fraud."
"Surely, I mean people should be annoyed about this like this is fraud."
"There is no excuse for leveling accusations that can ruin lives or trying to utilize your following to de-platform others who have done nothing to deserve it."
"Advertisers don't have any moral authority to tell anybody anything, they're full of it."
"The perverse incentive surrounding the profitability of vaccinating everybody is worrying."
"That is beyond messed up and beyond disgusting that he would use this as a manipulative tactic."
"Transhumanism will be the biggest mistake humanity will ever make."
"Genetic modification could be used to create super soldiers who kill without mercy, do not get tired, do not show fear, and behave more like a machine than a human."
"Honestly, that's just weird. So basically, you had the perfect dog and you want another perfect dog."
"Could this create a conflict of interest? Now, a cynic might think it would create conflicts of interest."