
Masterpiece Quotes

There are 1049 quotes

"When a masterpiece comes along, you got to recognize it."
"Both songs are good, but 500 Miles, what a masterpiece, what a banger."
"The original Tomb Raider is still an absolute masterpiece."
"Warframe's intro cinematic is an absolute masterpiece. It is stunningly jaw-droppingly good."
"Critics had nothing but praise for the game, with some going as far as to call Breath of the Wild 'a masterpiece'."
"The Silence of the Lambs is undoubtedly a masterpiece."
"The Witcher 3 is considered to be a masterpiece, CD Projekt's magnum opus."
"Root for Greatness... it's a masterpiece. It's smoky, nutty, smooth, mysterious."
"I do think that Elden Ring is a masterpiece. I loved it when I was playing it, and I love it now."
"Trust me, this thing is a MASTERPIECE, I could go on about it forever."
"It's an orgasmic kind of smell. I find it to be a masterpiece."
"Gilgamesh has had such a profound effect on many of its readers over the years that some declare it to be the greatest masterpiece ever constructed."
"Diablo 2 was really an absolute Masterpiece."
"Shadows of Evil's easter egg and its characters and map design are absolutely a masterpiece."
"This album is a masterpiece... the best possible culmination of just about all the sounds that make the 90s such an interesting decade."
"My work might just be a piece of shape, curve, and shade to you, but for me, I consider it as my greatest workmanship and am able to call it my own masterpiece." - Hans Alcanzar
"Assassin's Creed 2 was and still is to me the masterpiece roma."
"Postal 2 is still considered to be such a masterpiece."
"Half-Life was and always will be a masterpiece."
"Many gamers agree that this game is one of the definitive masterpieces."
"It's a masterpiece... There is not a low point at all in this movie from start to end."
"It really is a masterpiece. I'd recommend anybody to see it."
"An absolute masterpiece one of the greatest puzzles of all time."
"This film in my opinion will go down as a masterpiece."
"Resident Evil 4 is absolutely a masterpiece it's one of the greatest games I've ever played it's one of my favorite games of all time."
"For Whom The Bell Tolls, which was widely regarded as a literary masterpiece."
"Shadows of Evil is essentially Treyarch's Mona Lisa."
"This movie's a damn masterpiece and I'm tired of pretending that it's not."
"Everyone's thinking it: this movie's a damn masterpiece."
"The original The Last of Us Part One is still beloved among many, many still consider it to be a masterpiece."
"Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is a masterpiece."
"295 million pounds spent... nothing short of a masterpiece... one of the best teams we have ever compiled."
"It's just a masterpiece and I am speechless."
"Wally is a masterpiece and I totally understand why a ton of people rank it as the best Pixar movie. It's arguably their most audacious film."
"Mass Effect remains an unsurpassed masterpiece in its genre and one of the best science fiction properties across any medium."
"That documentary is fascinating to me and it's a masterpiece in the way that it's made."
"This book is genuinely a masterpiece, and I feel like kind of shaped me."
"A masterpiece of outstanding sonic architecture."
"Santa Monica Studio has delivered yet another magnum opus of a masterpiece."
"Point Blank is just a really a visual masterpiece."
"It's what many consider Hayao Miyazaki's grandest masterpiece, Princess Mononoke."
"The term visual masterpiece is very frequently used in application to this film."
"To me, Lion King is a freaking masterpiece of the genre."
"Spider-verse wasn't just a good movie, it was a masterpiece."
"The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt is an undeniable masterpiece of the fantasy genre."
"Super Mario All-Stars, simply a masterpiece."
"This production is shaping up to be an absolute masterpiece of television."
"It seems impossible to classify this game as anything less than a masterpiece."
"So much purpose to it... it will be a masterpiece."
"The Elder Scrolls 3 was, is, and shall always remain a weird, bizarre, engrossing, immersive, complex, beautiful, and clever masterpiece of game design."
"It's a story that I genuinely think is a masterpiece."
"The entire Riven sequence is truly a masterpiece."
"Metal Gear Solid 2 is a masterpiece of fiction, reaching a kind of strange echelon that just can't be touched."
"Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are unrivaled masterpieces."
"Left 4 Dead 2 might be one of the greatest co-op games ever made and it's truly a masterpiece."
"I just pretend like there's nothing after Toy Story 3 because that is a masterpiece."
"Spirited Away: one of the best movies ever made."
"The Ducati 916 was his greatest work, a true masterpiece that can never be duplicated."
"The Batman is a goddamn masterpiece. It's a master class in filmmaking and it won't be forgotten."
"Overall, Horizon Forbidden West from a purely technical perspective is a near masterpiece."
"Machado Jayacese's turn of the century novel 'Dom Casimiro' is widely regarded in Brazil as a masterpiece by one of Brazil's greatest authors."
"I think it's great. It's pretty much a masterpiece."
"Utterly speechless about 'No Way Home', loved it. Watched 'West Side Story' right after, and I'm just overflowing with emotion. That truly is an absolute masterpiece of a movie."
"Elden Ring is an amazing title, amazing great game... it might be the best game FromSoftware has made, it's a masterpiece."
"Red Dead Redemption 2: a visual masterpiece."
"I think Angel's Egg is an undisputed masterpiece."
"Futurama's swansong was in fact their true final masterpiece."
"I feel like we've reached the point in hip-hop culture and music where someone can drop a masterpiece and we call it the Illmatic."
"Master of Puppets is indisputably one of the greatest metal masterpieces ever put the record."
"Put simply, presentation-wise, the game is a fucking masterpiece. Even people who hate the game don’t seem to contest that often."
"Ghost in the Shell: a masterpiece not just because of its painstakingly detailed animation but also because of its fantastic storytelling."
"This isn't just one of the great masterpieces of British art... it's like a magnificent garden of paradise."
"Absolutely made this a complete masterpiece."
"In short, I look at Nier: Automata as a masterpiece."
"Final Fantasy 6: 'Final Fantasy 6 is kind of a masterpiece.'"
"Lair du Desert Marocain: an absolute masterpiece, 10 out of 10."
"I was completely convinced that I just witnessed the finale to a masterpiece."
"Denis Villeneuve made a masterpiece of a movie with that, as he did with just about every other movie he's made."
"I think Nolan created a genuine masterpiece."
"It is actually considered a masterpiece of engineering."
"Knights of the Old Republic 2 is a masterpiece."
"This movie is nothing short of a masterpiece."
"This game has stood the test of time as an absolute masterpiece."
"God of War overall is like a cleaner experience though overall and just a genuine Masterpiece."
"I think it's his most personal film, it is one of the most remarkable films Quentin's made. It is his magnum opus."
"It is a true Masterpiece that will break your heart into if if you let it."
"The art style of this game is absolutely fantastic... An absolute masterpiece."
"This game is clearly a 10 out of 10 masterpiece."
"Shadow of the Colossus is a veritable Masterpiece from top to bottom and is surely one of the greatest open World Games available on PS plus."
"Portal, a series recognized as one of the standout masterpieces in the entire gaming landscape."
"God of War Ragnarok is how you manage to top a predecessor that was already considered to be a masterpiece."
"He made a masterpiece and I am ashamed to say that I didn't get around to listening to this album until after he passed."
"David Lynch is nothing short of an innovator, and Twin Peaks is his masterpiece."
"In the Mouth of Madness: An underrated masterpiece."
"That is a masterpiece, an unbelievable culinary creation."
"A masterpiece offering unrivaled acceleration that thrilled enthusiasts."
"'The Prince of Egypt' is a masterpiece, potentially DreamWorks' best film of all time."
"The LFA distinguishes itself as a masterpiece in automotive engineering and design."
"It's a masterpiece of cinema, and I can't stress that enough."
"The Arkham games have truly become timeless masterpieces."
"The game is fantastic, dare I say, possibly even a masterpiece."
"The Incredibles is, in my opinion, an absolute masterpiece."
"This should be hanging in the Louvre."
"Blood Fire Death is just an absolute masterpiece."
"It's a perfect movie; it is a masterpiece."
"The golden age arc is genius and absolutely holds the title of a masterpiece for many of its readers."
"He made more than just a collection of songs, he made a masterpiece."
"'The Stranger' by Billy Joel. This album is a musical masterpiece."
"The Stranger is easily one of the best albums of all time, the peak of Billy Joel's songwriting masterpiece."
"When we look back on James Cameron's legacy, this will probably be the movie that gets considered as a masterpiece."
"You can be a work of art and a masterpiece at the same time." - Unknown
"The Sistine Chapel ceiling is more than just a painted surface; it's a priceless treasure trove of Renaissance artistry."
"It became a masterpiece, it contains one of rock's greatest all-time lines, 'I can't complain but sometimes I still do.'"
"There was a lot of blood, sweat, and tears that went into this masterpiece of a classic Turtles film."
"Even the best masterpieces have subtle flaws in them if you care to look closely enough in just the right place."
"Fantasia is nothing but a masterpiece that can never be replicated."
"The Dark Knight Returns is pretty much universally considered a masterpiece."
"The finished product ended up being a 22 plus track masterpiece totaling around one hour."
"And that's why I believe that it's honestly nothing short of an unlikely masterpiece."
"Inception is Christopher Nolan's masterpiece."
"You do have a choice, you just have to search for what the puzzle pieces and which ones fit together the best for you and your masterpiece."
"Dune Part Two is a science fiction masterpiece."
"I'm going to go ahead and say the Mask 2 is in its own right a masterpiece."
"Thank you Sam Raimi for being the right man in the right place at the right time and giving us this Timeless Masterpiece."
"Truly a cinematic masterpiece, quite possibly the best piece of media I've ever seen."
"Valve created a masterpiece that holds up today."
"It's no exaggeration to say that this show is an absolute masterpiece."
"Chris Nolan crafted a masterpiece of intrigue, mystery, riddles, and incredible twists."
"There Will Be Blood is a Bonafide Masterpiece."
"May your journey be your masterpiece."
"That's a work of art right there."
"Daft Punk's 2001 album Discovery is a masterpiece."
"Empire is a goddamned masterpiece."
"ET is a masterpiece if you're like 9 years old."
"Alundra is an epic masterpiece of an action-adventure game."
"It's basically a masterpiece and will probably always be the best film in this franchise and for now it absolutely is the number one."
"With such masterpieces at their backs as 'Batman: Mask of the Phantasm' or the 'World's Finest' Batman/Superman crossover, Timm and company knew they needed to deliver something big."
"On a 12 million dollar budget in four weeks Edgar Wright created a masterpiece."
"Spider-Man 2 is mature, surreal, sad, silly, triumphant, fun, exhilarating, perfectly paced, tenacious, confident, and such a downright masterpiece."
"Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy is a beautifully shock well acted brilliantly scored cinematic Masterpiece."
"Blade Runner 2049 is simply an exceptional piece of work."
"Leper Affinity: Progressive Masterpiece."
"This wouldn't be like what they did before. This would be their magnum opus."
"It's another masterpiece like the first two."
"It's lightning in a bottle, an incredible amount of skill and talent involved to create a timeless classic."
"Peaky Blinders is one of the masterpieces ever made."
"It's a masterpiece, that's the thing, the plays a masterpiece."
"This is a series that was, that is, a masterpiece."
"A moving Masterpiece took over the screen, a world of watercolor filled my eyes."
"Be prepared high up on this list because this is a masterpiece on its own."
"It's regarded as one of the greatest pieces of fiction ever written."
"Mr Greg: a quarter hour emotional Masterpiece."
"Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: birth of a masterpiece."
"So he began working on his masterpiece, 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy'."
"This match was a storytelling masterpiece."
"It's a masterpiece in both emotion and storytelling."
"There's no doubt that when 2010 masterpieces are talked about in the future, this will be one of the first ones to come to mind."
"After the band stopped touring, The Beatles' best work came out in stellar albums, including this masterpiece."
"'Lord of the Rings' say it with me is a masterpiece."
"It's a masterpiece. It's just [__] hilarious."
"This show is like, it's a masterpiece. It really is."
"It's better than the original, and the original was a masterpiece, so, damn right to it."
"It's a masterpiece, Sonic right there."
"This film is a masterpiece in so many ways."
"Shrek 2 is a masterpiece for our generation."
"This intro is the most mumbling low energy thing ever produced on the television and it's genuinely a masterpiece"
"This is a masterpiece. I am definitely going to go down the rabbit hole for this movie."
"The Shining is one of the greatest horror films ever made, a cult classic and one of Stanley Kubrick's absolute masterpieces."
"Undertale is a masterpiece of RPG history created by the legendary Toby Fox."
"...even in English, this is a masterpiece."
"The Fifth Season... blew my mind. One of the most unique things I've ever read. It's a masterpiece."
"...for most people Fate/stay night is considered a masterpiece anyway without touching it regardless."
"'After Yang' is a masterpiece; its beautiful portrayal of grief truly resonated with me."
"Diablo one. Masterpiece, clearly."
"Toy Story is a masterpiece. It's not just nostalgia talking, get off my ass."
"Pan's Labyrinth is a masterpiece for sure. Phenomenal movie."
"Saving Private Ryan is a god tier. I think it is the best war movie that has ever been made. It's phenomenal through and through."
"Interstellar is a movie that I walked away different because I just experienced something amazing. It's a masterpiece."
"Braveheart is a masterpiece. You have to watch Braveheart."
"Blade Runner 2049 is visually upstanding is an understatement... this might be the best-looking movie ever made."
"It's a masterpiece of modern cinema."
"Inception is a goddamn masterpiece. The soundtrack is amazing, the visuals are great, the story it tells is insane. The idea of dreams being more than dreams is just amazing."
"It was a masterpiece, like this is a 10 out of 10. Like, this was."
"In the last five years, if there's one movie that's a masterpiece, it's 'Parasite.'"
"The Grand Budapest Hotel is Wes Anderson at his best, a complete masterpiece."
"Masterful screenplay, Tarantino's masterpiece."
"'The Godfather,' incredible crime story, incredible film."
"Marvel has done the Multiverse to death they turned out a masterpiece."
"One word that comes to mind is just masterpiece."
"I love that they are singing about it and they've created such a masterpiece."
"This show is art. This show is absolutely Phoebe Waller Bridge's masterpiece."
"A town called mercy is an overlooked masterpiece."
"Hyperion stands as a Monumental work in the science fiction genre for its ambition its Visionary scope and its emotional depth it's a journey not just to a distant planet but to the soul of Science Fiction itself."
"Spirited Away is an absolute Masterpiece I don't even know how I can sing its Praises enough."
"it is a masterpiece I love it so much"
"Combine all we just mentioned with some of the most intense and well-devised action scenes in Pixar history, a thrilling spy adventure, and climactic battles all around and you’ve got the recipe for the greatest film in an extremely competitive lineup."
"The book of Boba Fett is actually a masterpiece."
"This movie was a freaking masterpiece."
"A masterpiece is happening right before you."
"...this set is an absolute masterpiece."