
Women's Issues Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"Everything that I'm talking about today is coming from a female perspective, from my perspective. But as women, I think we face a unique set of self-confidence issues."
"I think that women go through a lot, especially in relationships, and they lose value of who they are as people because they become partners and mothers before they become themselves."
"The vast majority of women who find themselves in that situation are desperate, threatened, or victimized."
"Life is shorter than people think. I've had clinical clients who have followed that path, and some of them were women who had initially decided that they didn't want to have children and then changed their minds quite dramatically in their late 20s."
"We have to acknowledge that women...have to acknowledge their victimization but not build an identity out of it."
"The danger zone is age 27 to 35 where women need to focus like a laser on the outcomes they want in their life."
"A majority of miscarriages we can't do anything about and it's in no way a woman's fault."
"Women often have the burden of taking care of everything... family right, like everything is on their shoulders... reminding them that they have the permission to prioritize themselves."
"No one enjoys feeling like they're being shamed for enjoying parties and pop music, and many people feel as though NLOGs are simply pitting women against one another."
"Women not being believed personally and institutionally, is a very real problem, even now."
"I've been hearing from women all over the country and even around the world. This is devastating."
"Black women are the canaries in the coal mine; what happens to them eventually reaches everybody else."
"So what we have right now is women are forced to build a fortress around themselves with the measly tools that we have online."
"We should really do a show where they highlight the issues of dark-skinned women."
"I think it's such an invasive question to ask a woman, 'Do you want kids? Do you plan on having kids?' because not only is it their choice...but also you don't know what struggles they've potentially been going through."
"What you've heard testify to in this courtroom is the story of far too many women."
"Women's stress is caused by deep and growing inequality, not hormones or biological sensitivity."
"Women are aware, we could compare periods to... getting divorced and getting half their [ __ ] taken."
"We're talking about a woman's life here, the stakes are very, very high."
"If the conservatorship process can rip the agency from a woman who is in the prime of her life... it is incumbent upon our committee to convene a hearing."
"If Kim Kardashian cannot escape this, then what chance do normal women have?"
"I think this is one of those issues that are going to bring people together and specifically women together regardless of partisan lane for sure."
"An open conversation around women's issues in cycling, and I absolutely went into fangirl mode when Stacy Sims was brought into the conversation."
"Most dangerous lie you can tell a woman: she has time."
"Abortion is a symptom of a failed culture for women."
"I actually care about women, because I know the pain they have to carry."
"Avon is all for women until they get pregnant or need to breastfeed, I suppose. Super empowering."
"The perception that women's lives end after 30 does us many disservices."
"Just because something badass is happening involving women, especially involving our sexuality, it doesn't automatically make it a liberating political movement."
"Empowering females with Asperger's syndrome."
"Identifying and providing appropriate supports for females with ASD can lead to higher rates of employment and higher wages after graduation."
"The biggest mistake women make is they stop paying attention."
"Conservatives have a problem attracting young women to vote for them so I think that this is their attempt to appeal to young women."
"Black women are not just jumping on her and not understanding what she's going through as a woman. We are women first."
"Women hold a lot in order to function every day in the man's world... we utilize the experience as a lesson and move differently."
"Women are being hurt, women are suffering, and no one's speaking out."
"Selena Gomez's experience resonates with countless women in the entertainment industry."
"Women are really on the front lines and demanding that this moment open up a greater conversation."
"We need to do more to address issues that negatively impact women each and every day."
"Culture and even like, yeah, shows like 'Say Yes to the Dress,' 'Bridezilla'... telling women that they're worthless if they are alone."
"For every woman who is unhappy with her stretch marks, there's another woman who wishes she had them."
"The pressure that hot women feel to always be friendly and smiley."
"The rise of these social media platforms... are actually a negative for the mental health of women and girls."
"Sometimes being a woman is like living in an aquarium."
"Women have argued that our health issues are not focused on, there's now this unfortunately sort of progressive movement away from that."
"The United States Supreme Court, for the first time, took a constitutional right that was granted and guaranteed to women, took it from the women of America, from the people of America, and this is no small matter."
"Women forced into their traditional roles are ill-equipped to deal with the dangers and brutality of men."
"Most bras suck. Like it's just like a thing we're just like as women we just are told do your bras experience is going to be horrible it's um it's horrible."
"Women's issues are national security issues around the world."
"Basic human decency shouldn't just expire at 18 years old for women."
"Watch out for girls that don't put girls first."
"We should not expect women to be superhuman."
"Our side, the conservative side, can play such a huge role in that and making sure that women know that they don't have to be these horrible leftist pro-abortion activists."
"Women too need to practice being very straightforward with their intentions."
"Sex positivity, which was supposed to be a liberating doctrine, has ended up making a lot of women feel pressured to just have a lot of sex on men's terms."
"It's a trap that we have seen a lot of women fall into, of being constantly drained by pouring into their husbands."
"We have a glass ceiling for women that is so low, it's actually more like the lid to a see-through coffin."
"Is it too much to ask for women to simply exist without this growing expectation of cattiness?"
"What we're seeing, though, is one of the most powerful, one of the richest women in the world unable to get her ex to stop texting her, to stop chasing after her, to stop harassing her."
"The truth about dating as a woman with a disability."
"She felt like nothing more than a sexual object and a possession."
"Women must be allowed to have bathing suits so at least before they're devoured by mechanical sharks they can look like the hot girls in Sports Illustrated."
"These women were extraordinary figures at that time, important discussions about issues like women's power, women's sexuality."
"I mean it's like every woman's worst nightmare."
"BBLs have definitely hindered a lot of things for women."
"There should be no pressure on women to lose the baby weight after they give birth. The focus should be on the baby and on their own mental health."
"Reject the cultural narrative that sexually free women are liberated women."
"The fear of losing someone causes so many people, women in particular, to accept bad behavior."
"Black women have been brainwashed, hoodwinked, bamboozled, and led astray."
"Creating a safe space: physically, emotionally, and making a woman feel seen, heard, healed."
"I just want this to be a cautionary tale for a lot of women."
"I don't want more and more vulnerable young women to equate the trials and tribulations they're having in their life and their difficulty performing femininity."
"It's about empowering one woman with the knowledge and information to change how the woman's life."
"This same year, there were big changes coming for both women."
"Nakedness: women wearing clothing but not wearing clothing."
"A woman needs a safety plan, for sure, in how to speak up or whatever she's going to do."
"This conspiracy goes deep. Unlike women's pockets."
"There is very very few great athletes that become great coaches."
"I think that's the biggest mistake we women make."
"Every single one of these women... had an element of trust."
"Women who have been in that situation only a small minority of them say this is what worries me."
"There's so much pressure on us women to look a certain way."
"Women's instincts towards emotional attachment in sexual relationships are valid and should not be suppressed." - Louise Perry
"Women know that shame works but don't want to be shamed for certain things they do."
"I feel like a high-value woman prioritizes self-care."
"Third Love has donated over $40 million in bras to women in need."
"Women do not have single-sex changing rooms in order that we stitch up the world inside that changing room behind that closed door. That is not why we have it. We have it because nearly all inspiring away behind those doors."
"Women bear the sacrifice of dying every time they have a child."
"This film is about how toxic patriarchy traumatizes generations of women."
"One day we will understand. For colored girls only, one day we will understand."
"Women do deserve our empathy they do deserve our emotional support"
"Every Woman knows the terror of sexual abuse and assault."
"You cannot plagiarize another woman's chronic pain experience because every woman's chronic pain experience is different."
"Women have put themselves out there so much that it's the new norm."
"You've decided to live in a country where any woman, any ex, any [___], who works at Greg's, you bought a pasty from at some point in the future, can destroy your life."
"Welcome to Girl Talk, a series where we talk about taboo topics that should be normal."
"Nicole wants other women in her position to know that they too can find someone willing to take the journey of surrogacy."
"Don't ever stop fighting for better health for women with lipedema."
"Women not being supported after giving birth is a big issue."
"Blows my mind. Woke Hollywood talking about things every woman goes through."
"It's one of the worst things that a woman can do to another woman."
"Everybody, to a certain degree, is slighted in some way, but no, you are not a massive oppressed class. Women in America are some of the most privileged people on the planet."
"If you don't wear the hijab, there are chances that you shall be molested, there are chances you shall be raped."
"Social media has really become the go-to place for girls and women to be scrutinized, objectified, bullied."
"Forcing motherhood and family on women who don't have the resources or support to really fulfill the role that is a bastardized form of family values indeed."
"Women by and large feel the need to be told that we are beautiful, we want society to perceive us as beautiful and desirable."
"Smart women settle... and that's a good thing."
"Smart women settle... because life comes down to choices and trade-offs."
"Smart women decide to go ahead and get out of the game."
"It's possible now, and that's huge because there's women out there right now who are told that they are broken."
"Just because I'm a woman doesn't inherently make anything sexual."
"Diversity is a strength and if they listen to the real opinions of women, they might come closer to policies women actually want."
"There needs to be verification on dating apps for security, especially for women."
"Create a community around you, you can connect with other women or you could have questions answered."
"Police records show women are being stalked with Apple AirTags across the country."
"Women are the bearer of life and I think it took an experience of going to a talk by women who dealt with so much, you know, like all these women... that happens every day."
"I think most women know some story of abuse."
"Hair matters differently for women of color because when you've made it this far in your job, you might take a look around the room and realize that there aren't many people that look like you."
"Practically every intimate relationship women develop in life is either an attempt to distance herself from a negative father or to perpetuate the security of a good father."
"Love yourself. I can't begin to tell you how few women genuinely love themselves."
"If a woman is a homemaker alone she is largely viewed as a failure."
"Enough is enough. I'm tired of seeing little women in my timeline and having no part of the conversation."
"What is it that we can go back and tell our women that you've told yours? It's a translated literally as 'cover to hide' also come back totally."
"I feel like in general black women's value and worth is primarily determined um by how we look I don't think that's a good thing but i think generally it is true."
"Plastic surgery: 9 out of 10 women in the West unhappy with their appearance."
"It's always on the women, you gotta cover up: jean skirts, slips, stockings, no lotion."
"You are doing amazing, and I thank you for being such a voice for people who need to understand women better, whether you're on camera or not."
"Women were unwittingly paying a terrible price" - harmful toxins in beautifying products.
"It's just these women coping with a horrible scenario. If it's how they cope then let them."
"This is a perfect example of them hijacking women."
"For real though, it all kind of seems to come back to this idea that women's bodies should be a source of shame."
"Women have been fed these false ideals that we're all supposed to be living up to for a very long time."
"I often talk to young women about uh about this issue and my advice is often to prioritize relationships."
"Why as a woman, as women, are we not allowed to be feminine or talk about what's going on with our bodies or with our looks without other women trying to destroy us? That really bugs me out, you know?"
"This is for all the women who have ever been told they aren't beautiful enough."
"I went from starving myself...to trying to change my perception of what makes a woman valuable."
"We have seen this story time and time again where women are victims of this type of coercion from police."
"There has been so much progress in the way that we talk about women's bodies and fighting back against diet culture."
"I don't want women out there to be freaking out because they're almost 35 or they're 35 or older..."
"A woman's identity beyond relationship status."
"This lie that women just love to do things the hard way is a misogynist lie."
"You gotta know your own beauty. And I know that sounds trivial, it sounds unimportant, but the reality is that many women are struggling in their minds and in their emotions because they have a broken concept of their own personal beauty."
"Shame on us if we don't offer women support."
"Pluto Venus could be work that has to do powering up women in the next 20 years powering up Beauty powering up Cosmetics powering up art powering up love powering up wealth through your career."
"And on this page we want to start standing for unity. We want to start standing for women. We want to start hearing your stories as well."
"My goal with this video is to help other women and to help you watching this if you're possibly going through the same exact thing or you do in the future or you have in the past."
"I think that every woman, for some reason, we are kind of programmed to feel always insecure about something."
"Women flawed women are not afforded the same grace."
"Support me by liking, commenting, and sharing. A lot of women out there can probably benefit from this information."
"Women heal together... we truly do heal together."
"Cystitis: infection of the urinary bladder, common in women."
"So many women and girls hate themselves and they want other women and girls to hate themselves as well, and it's very sad."
"To now tell somebody that you can't even trust the doctor, you go to get a procedure called, especially as a woman."
"When you're a woman, you don't need to be perfect."
"Active wear that has pockets is a big deal because women usually have fake pockets in most of their clothing."
"Overall, for the most part, women have lost their sense of identity, of self-worth, and of self-love."
"Why don't you ever write about women's health issues? How the RA is completely stalled out? How we can't get access to healthcare?"
"Women over the age of 35 who don't know where to turn."
"But not for a woman whose body is totally different. Now we're talking about a body that bleeds for a week out of every month."
"I didn't want to have any sort of legal problems for talking about what happens to women when they come forward and speak about these sorts of issues, especially when they come forward against someone more powerful than them."
"The plight of a woman is it rough it's not easy but I don't mean that that you can get married because you both are married and I know a lot of married women right."
"I feel like one of millions of women... suffocating beneath social pressures."
"It's so beautiful that more women are coming out and speaking about this because it's not talked about enough."
"The world can be a real scary place for women."
"Do share your suggestions as to how we as women can prioritize ourselves."
"Guys, you don't understand... most women settle."
"It feels like the world we live in is rigged against women."
"Our women are labeled. They're labeled across these countries: drug addicts, sex workers, drunks."
"Sleeping around is bad for women."
"Women have been lied to the most and damaged the most by the fitness industry."
"But doctor," June had heard plenty of doctors over the years dismiss women's pain, "I'm going to need you to come in immediately."
"I see a lot of women nowadays that tend to stay instead of walking away."
"There just needs to be more open dialogue amongst women about what is going on."
"They push that heavy on women and it really doesn't make sense because your happiness doesn't come from these different Milestones that you may experience in this lifetime, it actually comes from being at peace with Where You Are."
"There's so much pressure for women about everything we have to do to prove that we're taking care of ourselves."
"I'm excited about this particular topic because I believe it will really hit the heartbeat of where a lot of women are."
"This piece was aimed to discuss about how women, when they are conformed to certain cultures and religions, they kind of lose their own sense of self."
"I understand the dynamic because the idea for me as a kid that I'll just explode our entire lives and we'll be taken away from our mother and we'll be separated from each other and all of these consequences will come is just what women are facing today."
"This could drive many people that are women and people that care about women on this issue to the polls."
"The corset was meant to symbolize the sense of entrapment and the lengths that women would go to conform to the way men viewed the world."
"Women go through this all the time where they get disregarded for having problems."
"These are the creation of glasswork artist Alison Lowry, who designed the ankle-breaking blocks as part of an exhibition focused on the hidden battles women face in society."
"The more that we begin to openly speak about things that we all go through as women and girls anyway, the more people will find it comfortable to openly discuss these kinds of things."
"This challenge is urgent and it is critical; these women need your help."
"It's about women's safety and about women's comfort."
"Let's talk about the things that are really affecting us and really killing us and really hurting us in this society."
"Thank you for all the things you're doing and the advocacy that you're involved in with women's issues."
"We go to work and do everything, and then we go to war with our emotions."
"I think a lot of women struggle with feeling acceptable in their bodies."
"Being born woman almost always gives you certain disadvantages relative to men."
"That's reality, that's a woman having an issue, that's realism, and it's amazing."
"Women enslaved by trafficking lose more than just their names."
"Statistically, women don't come forward because of the way they're treated."
"As women, we should hold other women accountable and hold ourselves accountable for when we're doing something that's negative to society or to ourselves."
"Something that affects over half of the world's population and leaves one in four women experiencing severe and debilitating symptoms."
"I would love to see more articles that are pro-aging and embracing women's aging and celebrating it."
"It gives me not only hope for me but hope for all of the other women who are going through the same thing."
"We need to become a little bit more empathetic to these women."
"The biggest concern to women right now is their risk of being a victim of sexual assault or rape."
"There are very real kinds of oppression that women face around the world."