
Associations Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"When I think of orange, I think of like for some reason ice cream and like sugar."
"My grandma said, 'You are the company you keep.'"
"Friends... I think we give the title friend away too easy. These people are associates."
"Your the average of the five people you associate with most."
"Creativity is making novel associations between ideas."
"You become like who you walk with. Walk with the wise, become wise. Walk with the strong, become strong."
"Understanding the different associations can lead to more appreciation for your body."
"Life is all about choices what we choose to do what we choose who we choose to hang with."
"It's a form of music associated with childhood innocence."
"Well, a rooster reminds me of eggs and eggs mean breakfast."
"Thought balloons for some reason always make me think about the X-men."
"What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear Mexico?"
"You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life."
"When you think of ice, you think like whites and... different variations of blue and white."
"Color theory purple is associated with royalty creativity power and ambition."
"We've created negative associations of certain actions in our mind."
"Years from now everyone's going to associate Marvel with dark and gritty, and DC with bright and playful. Right?!"
"Too often we attach value to those associations inappropriately."
"He became who he become because of his associations, he was forced to leave because of his associations and he even found a new home and more work again because of his associations."
"Effective encoding involves tying new information into previously known information."
"Oprah's association with such figures raises questions about her true motives."
"The most common words they associate: depressed, angry, and alone."
"...when I think about F bodies I don't think about like you know condoms and whiskey in the back seat on the way to a lover boy concert."
"What used to be a beautiful old Lincoln well I guess it's not old any time I think Lincoln I always think old outright that's a bad day right there."
"I wrote down lemon water, Scorpio season, and Mars in Scorpio."
"He associates her with fun, trust, and possibly a love triangle."
"Strong individual-level associations for MRD-negative CR versus PFS and OS have been observed across all studies."
"I think Prince Harry should think very very very very very carefully about who he associates with there because... it breeds [nastiness] more than in any other industry out there."
"People make all kinds of associations based on how we look. Imagine somebody who doesn't look that good, and in the world of online dating, it's become more and more about looks."
"Certain instruments tied to certain eras. Like saxophones in the '80s."
"Different emotional valences are associated with different scale types."
"That'd be sweet, like Fender Mexico, Gibson Canada."
"Shorty just surrounded himself with a lot of goofy [__], a lot of [__] ain't goofies, bro."
"Citrus season starts and I feel like oranges are just a part of the season."
"Mr. Mulligan was an associate of the famous spy ring."
"Anytime you get something that's apple like that it automatically makes me happy."
"People have very strong opinions. They get associated with when they order the drinks. They go, I want a Stoli. You know, it doesn't matter."
"Even just the colors give me Gilmore Girls vibes."
"Fly with eagles, don't scratch with turkeys."
"My first go-to association with the suit of hearts is feelings and emotions."
"I don't just grow a plant for its intrinsic merits, but often because it has associations for me."
"Don't hang around losers and frauds and scammers."
"When I smell it, I think about vacation, fun, and the sun."
"Show me your company, I'll tell you who you are."
"It's curious, isn't it, what power music has to awaken associations."
"You will never rise above your associations. Your associations are your life's ceiling."
"Mind the company you keep because you are the company you keep."
"Champagne is something that is synonymous with celebration for most people."
"There's a very real psychological effect that humans associate the color black or darker colors with grief or morbidity."
"I'm a child of the '70s and early '80s, so when I see yellow and orange, I think Big Bird."
"When I think pink, I think love and hearts and couples and cute stuff."
"They say that you can tell what kind of a person somebody is based on the company they keep."
"Blue represents intelligence, green is associated with nature, and yellow signifies happiness."
"What image comes to mind when you hear the word vampire?"
"Be careful about who you hang out with."
"Biological preparedness is when an organism is innately predisposed to form associations between certain stimuli and responses."
"It definitely makes me think of Christmas."
"It is often said that the best way to judge someone is by looking at the company he or she keeps."
"Green is good, red is bad. No one ever told us, but somehow we have associated these colors with those things."
"We have our associations, things remind us of other things."
"When I see Islands, I think of family unity."
"I love the smell of sunscreen, it means it's summertime."
"It's funny how people's various hobbies or their collections kind of imprint on you, so whenever you see it, you get that spark and you immediately think of that person."
"When I think of the word homecoming, many things come to mind."
"When I say polka, the first thing that pops into people's mind would likely be polka dots or maybe the polka dance."
"The point is to free the mind to just make associations."
"You can tell a lot about a person by the company that they keep."
"Perfume can make associations in your head that you didn't think were possible."
"When you think of comfort foods, what comes to mind?"
"When you hear Japan, what do you think of? I think of a world power."
"Green has positive associations that include freshness, relaxation, comfort, recognition, care, sociability, money, finance, nature, charisma, trustworthiness, creativity, balance, healing, and generosity."
"Making those associations, connecting those dots, that's going to be much more effective and efficient learning."
"Our musical associations are mostly based and rooted in Hollywood associations and Hollywood codes."
"We code musical sounds with meanings; trumpets, for example, tend to have associations of perhaps imperial, powerful, royal, heroic."
"Vietnam and capital, you get Hanoi. German and airlines, you get Lufthansa."
"It's funny, the different associations I have, and that now home is just great."
"Starve your bad habits and bad associations and supplement them with good habits and good association."
"Be very, very careful of the people you associate yourself with."
"Protect your energy and be mindful of the company you keep."
"You can always tell a man by who he hangs out with."
"Watch who you roll with because they can be bringing you down."
"This is about you getting clear on your associations, the people that you're dealing with, your community, the people that you're collaborating with."
"The Special Operations Command incorporates the Australian Special Air Service Association and the Australian Commando Association."
"Only surround yourself with people of good character."
"It is 'a man is known by the company he keeps'."
"Ice cream cones make me think of Easter and summer and they put a smile on my face."
"Watch the people that you're around."
"Be careful with the company you keep."
"Be careful about the company you keep."
"It's so summery, it just makes me think of ice lollies."
"I see this and I think summertime."
"Judge your men by the company he keeps."