
Gameplay Innovation Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"I think visually it was beautiful, gameplay wise it was very interesting."
"God of War 2018 accomplished the impossible, not only did the franchise successfully change its gameplay format to a brand new style and new setting, but it exceeded expectations by giving us one of the best single-player experiences in recent memory."
"The game keeps on giving and adding entirely new progression systems and ways to improve."
"Breath of the Wild has you finding an entirely new way to play it while still retaining the game's original spirit."
"Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - a truly fresh gameplay experience."
"Castlevania 3 expanded upon the design of the first game by introducing branching pathways and multiple playable characters."
"It truly gave players a new way to play the game."
"Even Ghost of Sushima is doing a better job of having dynamic gameplay."
"The number one thing that is immediately different that radically changes the gameplay is basically an auto lock-on feature."
"What a great idea well and truly love what they did here with the exploration."
"Taking the idea of among us in the gameplay mechanics but turning it into a minecraft setting."
"Such a basic yet incredibly creative way to add depth to what would otherwise be garden variety action RPG hack and slash gameplay."
"Monolith Soft has come up with is one of the very best combat systems we've ever had the joy of playing around with..."
"There's really a lot of things that we can do here part of that is encouraging players to play combinations that they've never really been able to see in the game before."
"RumbleVerse's fantastic wrestling-flavored gameplay has everything going for it to become the next big thing." - RumbleVerse
"I for one am optimistic for the game I think the combat system looks like a more action-packed venture with avoidable encounters more visceral attacks and spectacular abilities rendered in the gorgeous Unreal Engine 4."
"You can make your own religion, you can create a new scion faith and start riffing on this. There's so much you can do with the stuff that's now modeled in the game."
"The new jet sweep plays really open up the play calling and keep the defense on their toes."
"It's a nice new mechanic. I'm a big fan of it honestly. It's a solid addition and it really opens up the approaches in a variety of wonderful ways."
"You're walking around the map and then it hits, frog, frog hits me."
"The second thing is something I think fortnight is doing that actually has to do with the gameplay itself and it's kind of unrivaled in this way."
"In an age of important movies, what's a movie you think people need to see as in a movie you urge people to watch because it carries some sort of political or social message or portrays an important lesson in philosophy identity psychology etc?"
"MGS1 brought together a dramatic story, political themes, and compelling detail-oriented gameplay like no game before it."
"Stop discriminating on the basis of race stop discriminating on the basis of gender."
"Pray from Arkane Studios is the best example of emergent gameplay and design in a closed world game you have ever seen."
"Titanfall 2's campaign is proof positive that just because your plot may be predictable it doesn't mean you can't have any surprises."
"There's no end to viable strategies in Halo 3. It's the most fun to experiment with."
"Forcing a cue system with eight people... is a step in the right direction."
"I can never imagine doing regular Sim birth ever again."
"I've always had a weak spot for relaxing games with interesting gameplay loops."
"I want the new twist to be something gameplay related."
"If you get a PowerUp band... you can figure out new secrets and collect coins."
"Mutations modify the game in interesting ways."
"You can also put bounty contracts on your friends. More on that later."
"The slam mechanic drastically alters the core ghost-catching gameplay, adding even more action and narrative sense."
"You can now pick up a jackal Shield like a riot shield and dual wield it with a single-handed weapon."
"Utilizing the time of day to hide rare encounters is both a genius move and one that sells the idea of a true day and night system."
"Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild features an expansive open-world environment with advanced physics and new gameplay elements."
"Siren 2 deserves more recognition, especially for its creative gameplay."
"When you break the glass, the overguard goes away."
"I genuinely love it when a puzzle game recontextualizes itself."
"Gradius subverted expectations by introducing more complex patterns in enemy movement."
"Mega evolution had the added benefit of transcending our traditional understanding of evolution."
"So not only did this mechanic work effectively as a buff for older pokemon it also worked to inject hype back into veteran players who want to experience a new way of playing with their old favorites."
"The reason these brand new blocks are so exciting is because they allow so many new possibilities."
"I think this is a very interesting game mechanic."
"The slo-mo mechanic was incredibly well-tuned."
"You can consider Dimension Gate to be the modernized version of Vortex."
"Giving Kratos a kid to mind as a gameplay mechanic and becoming a father thematically was one of the best creative decisions they could have made in fleshing him out as a more sympathetic and relatable character."
"Shared replays will finally let you play the game your way."
"Grand Theft Auto I've said it a million times now but the 3d era titles set the benchmark for nonlinear gameplay."
"Tony Hawk's Underground was a tectonic shift in gameplay and identity for the series."
"Max Payne's gameplay did for gaming in general at the time."
"Before you tell me that water has no place in Counter-Strike... it might if people have more imagination."
"Everything post-launch is gonna bring new twists, new stories, new characters, brand new gameplay, and it's all part of Vanguard's advanced global progression system."
"We have more room to push the boundaries of our sandbox allowing new ways for players to express their skill and game knowledge across various playstyles."
"Boss design in this game from the patterns to the mechanics was immensely helpful in keeping the combat fresh."
"Basically, you can jump one extra time in the air... It opens up a lot of new movement options."
"I enjoy these games for what I call mechanical discovery and the paradigm shifts that allow it."
"Wario Land 4 turns the series established traits on its head with the introduction of a bonafide health system."
"Allowing anyone to make their own civilization in just a few minutes and then actually play it against the AI or your friends."
"It's really nice to finally shake up the gameplay, and each character is definitely more useful against certain enemies than others."
"Little changes to the gameplay are numerous, and they make the game feel surprisingly fresh." - Nine and a half. You’ll see.
"The upgrade shop is a good way to switch things up."
"Breeding mobs, the idea of being able to take two and make a third was only added for the first time here."
"Ratchet and Clank Going Commando is a master class in addictive gameplay design."
"This is an incredible usage of the mirror mechanic. It adds some flavor to this area."
"As much as it plays by the book, the absolute paradigm shift of the third person gameplay makes it all feel fresh."
"Strategic action: Shooting monsters in the face was no longer enough, having players think under pressure to survive with satisfying dismemberment mechanics was seen as one of the most unique gameplay takes in the horror genre's history."
"Elemental arrows and light sensor mod: adding fun and creative elements to the game."
"Overwatch 2 will be offering players new gameplay-changing ways to play our heroes in hero missions."
"Bikes were only available in 100 cc and higher... led to some pretty interesting gameplay changes."
"The addition of a dedicated jump button may sound like a simple thing but it completely changes combat."
"You can now drag your buddy's leg, arm, head, whatever, and drag them into cover to revive them."
"Versatility in gear and auras opens up endless possibilities."
"Effect and Cause opens up a new mechanic: the ability to time travel."
"It really turns a normal run on its head, forcing you to play completely differently."
"It Takes Two is undoubtedly the best of the bunch, requiring the active participation of two players."
"Majora's Mask tells an infinitely more engaging story and it ins that story into gameplay in a way Zelda had not managed to do up to that point."
"8th Edition saw the introduction of stratagems, a new resource for players to manage."
"Reviewers were taken by the title’s well-plotted story and the introduction of new held items and game mechanics."
"The diet system ushers in an entirely new way to play... will you focus on maximizing your growth rate or a more exotic diet?"
"Who would have thought that you could actually capture Yoshi and play as Yoshi?"
"We did a lot of core innovations to make it so you feel like there's an exchange, even if you lose that exchange, that you're getting the fantasy of swordplay."
"Rob won the game by coasting through the post merge on this strategy and as far as ingenious moves go, yeah, it's gotta be up there."