
Campaigning Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Campaigns have always had to be a balance between...here's what I'll do, here's who I am, here's who I'm fighting for."
"Organized campaigns are vital for campaign success."
"Political campaigning began in the first place because people wanted to know where their candidates stood on the issues."
"In the age of deep fakes the in-person campaign tours will become incredibly powerful no more basement campaigns"
"We're going to have an even bigger victory on November 3rd."
"You will never win an election by campaigning on destroying the livelihoods of people, even if you think it's the right thing to do."
"Trump has been just everywhere this campaign season."
"Georgia is all about ground game and knowing where to go when to go and how to get there even in the deepest red confederate flag."
"Positive progressive campaigning is the order of the day."
"The judgment you have to make as a candidate are clear. You go out and argue your case and do the best you can. As a prosecutor you have people’s lives in your hands, and you really want to be fair."
"I have no desire to get back in the frontline of campaigning politically."
"I envy him his energy. It's just the idea the way he has always campaigned, there's something quite amazing."
"Honestly Trump is going to be the guy unless something happens that's drastic because he is planning on running it's pretty obvious he still has high energy."
"People should work towards BJP's Lotus symbol to win."
"It is hard but it is possible, and runoffs is a case where organization and enthusiasm decide the outcome."
"I love coming to Pennsylvania. You guys delivered for me twice, and I am back here tonight to ask you to deliver the White House for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris."
"You can run the best campaign, become the nominee, and have the election stolen from you."
"No one has won a campaign in modern political history without winning on the economy."
"With your help, with your support, and with your vote, in two days from now, we are going to win."
"It's just about showing up, talking to voters, asking for their vote, listening to them."
"I campaigned on issues and results. Those promises still stand."
"This is actually their campaigning strategy: to Screech to Victory. And it's winning."
"There's a lot of ways in which these technologies could make the campaigns more efficient."
"These tools actually can be a boon for campaigns."
"The technology could help with finding audiences, segmenting audiences, and figuring out where those audiences are getting their information from."
"Digital should be a third part of the tripod on that."
"He's running on trying to end the corruption... and that's a very important thing to raise awareness about."
"Ignore all polls. You should be operating as if your candidate is five points down."
"Whole job from now until the election is not to appeal to left-wing Democrats, it's to appeal to the silent majority."
"We have to govern, we have the message, and then we have to campaign aggressively."
"Bernie was never running for president just to assume the office. It was always about elevating political consciousness."
"He seems to find it hilarious that people pay money to go watch movies where they just are confronted by his big swing it damp and he actually enjoys his idea so much that he has actively campaigned to put more penises in movies and on TV."
"Jeremy could be one of the most important campaigning assets."
"Just own it, own what you have to do to campaign."
"It's called political campaigning, our most sacred and inviolable category of protected speech."
"Boris is a fantastic campaigner and he gets out there and he gets a message across."
"They can run a campaign. That's what they're for, and they should start it right now."
"If you're running for office... you're asking for their vote."
"What made Coolidge such an effective campaigner was that he actually listened to voters, so when he asked for their support, they felt he took in what they had to say."
"There's constant campaigning and elections and I think that's part of what's contributed to this toxicity."
"Of course he is not above threatening or inciting physical violence as he often did on the campaign trail and more fatefully on January 6th."
"He's like running for the Senate, whatever that means."
"First pick the right wife because the wife as a partner in a campaign is an enormous asset."
"...he campaigned in the streets, he visited people at home, and displayed a genuine enthusiasm that struck a chord with the voters."
"Well, the president that I quote the most in the campaign is Ronald Reagan. Would you have ever guessed that if you asked me?"
"Yeah, we're big Ralph Nader fans, did campaigning for Ralph to make a comeback man it's been a while but yeah did you dig?"
"By the time we're finished, they're going to wonder whether Willie Horton is Dukakis's running mate."
"The campaign is kind of like a flying prison. You're just sort of touring around the country hanging around with the aides and the candidate."
"Running for office is about the future, you've got to make the case as to why the voter's life is going to be better going forward if you're in charge instead of the other guy."
"Elections are won on the doorstep."
"It's very hard leaving the men's families kept up their campaigning lobbying and petition from his prison cell."
"He was gone a lot because he was not only campaigning for himself but he was out campaigning for other people to get their seats."
"...negative campaigning only works if it actually feeds fears that voters already have."
"The campaign is gonna be incredibly divisive just by its nature and the nature of how Donald Trump campaigns."
"We work our butts off, I promise you that. We work for every vote out there."
"Mario Cuomo said it himself best: 'You campaign in poetry, you govern in prose.'"
"You campaign in poetry and you're govern in prose."
"Tell people, 'Hey, I'm going to be here in a couple of weeks. This is what I'm looking for.' Shake some hands, kiss some babies if you got to."
"We must. Gerry Anderson had long been campaigning for the chance to remake one of his classic shows."
"If you switch to a system where it's just the popular vote, you're going to have politicians who only campaign in the largest cities and the coastal elites."
"I ran on a biblical platform, talked about the sanctity of life, jobs, voter rights."
"I began campaigning for the Roosevelt tradition and the Roosevelt legacy when I was 10 years old."
"Louise was a feminist and campaigned for women's education and employment opportunities."
"We need hun for the candidates to spice it up a little."
"I think he won because he went to those places and said 'I have not forgotten you.'"
"Yours is a seriously influential and surprisingly progressive campaigning institution."
"John Kennedy of Massachusetts is an outstanding American, a great Democrat, a successful campaigner, and a successful candidate every time he has run for public office."
"Political parties should campaign on merit, on policies, not on blackmail, not on fear."
"You are essentially spending votes to get votes."
"We provide a safety net for new and exciting progressive leaders at all stages of their journey, helping them run efficient, strategic, grassroots-driven campaigns while feeling supported throughout the process."
"Campaigning is convincing people to vote for, I never said vote for this person, I said I will be voting for this person."
"The best candidate becomes the most popular through this honest and accurate campaigning."
"He has ever proved what an excellent campaigner he is for his constituency."
"I love campaigning here in Iowa every single day because you all are among the most powerful influential people in our country."
"The starting gun was fired weeks ago, MPs trying to corral support, taking soundings from back benches."
"This is a democratic process and you're just trying to get as many votes as possible."
"Nigerians should feel safe whether they are campaigning or not campaigning, we should be able to have a safe trip, absolutely we should be able to have a safe country."
"I love campaigning. I love talking to ordinary people. I love listening to their stories."
"I think the far better way of campaigning is just being yourself."
"If you're out campaigning door to door, you're wearing a polo shirt or a button-up with the top button unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up."
"Most of the Rochdale Canal was closed in 1952, but after years of campaigning and hard work, it was fully reopened in 2002."
"The fundamental thing campaigns are trying to do is either increase somebody's likelihood to support your candidate rather than your opponent or increase their likelihood to vote when they otherwise wouldn't have."
"She's done an admirable job of campaigning."
"Good afternoon, Marzipan. My name is Bob Statesman. I'm running for elected official this Tuesday. I'm calling to garner your vote."
"It's never too early to start campaigning again, I guess."
"You're not going to win by radio; you're not going to win by television ads; you're going to win by going to the people."
"I liked that he didn't give up and he kept campaigning."
"This is going to be a rough, tough battle. The Republicans don't govern very well, but they know how to campaign."
"Interest groups and pressure groups have several roles: they campaign for or against a particular cause or policy."