
Voter Engagement Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"Be able to have the same message that can both motivate and persuade swing voters and excite the base."
"The only way that Democrats are going to get out the base... is because whoever is running is talking about these issues that you and I have been talking about."
"The average non-voter is probably like a working-class person that can't get off work to vote or just doesn't have the time to follow it anyway, or feels so disenfranchised by the whole system like, 'Oh [expletive] it, whoever I vote for, nothing changes anyway.'"
"Georgia voters have got to return to the polls."
"Everyday American voters and everyday people at home are starting to support members of Congress that don't just do what lobbyists tell them to do."
"Don't come ask for votes and you don't show up with the money."
"The most important thing is to not buy into the BS hype of you must go corporate and you must not fight for your voters if you want to win in a purple district."
"The Trump campaign is not stupid, I mean, they're going to be spending a lot of time messaging those voters."
"Every single dime that you give to the Biden Harris re-election campaign, we spend talking to voters."
"These people are supposed to win our votes, fight for our votes. But they're just sitting back and enjoying the show."
"We're not gonna pivot into all of these different agendas where we're going to be scared to vote."
"No American should be denied quality healthcare access because of their pre-existing condition."
"Every single Trump voter is politically active, they're no longer complacent, and that's why they're voting for Trump."
"We're putting that power back into the hands of the people that voted for us."
"This is no time for sleeping in the basement. Joe Biden has had 47 years to produce results, but he's been all talk and no action, just like so many of the Democrats who've been making promises to the black voters for decades."
"Imagine being inspired by a candidate... this is someone who cares."
"How do you both keep the vote switchers to stay Democrat but also how do you harness that demographic change registering new voters and making sure they all turn out?"
"The idea look this is very cynical politics that the Republicans are playing but unfortunately uh you know the old Dale Carnegie Maxim you don't get a second chance to make a first impression and yeah I may sound harsh but I think I'm right."
"Bernie excites people, he makes first-time and non-voters want to come out and vote for something."
"We have had our highest voter registration numbers. We have already surpassed our voter registration numbers in history in the midst of June and July." - Maria Teresa Kumar
"Make the vote the hero, give them some agency, make them feel like they've accomplished something."
"If it is accurate that he did more meetings with voters than all of the candidates combined then I think he will do very well in the vote on Monday."
"I'm not going to try to earn your vote by tricking you."
"It's not a situation where you just vote and do nothing. Once they're in, then you can advocate on your behalf."
"In theory, it seems like a great idea to ask the voters directly about the very laws that affect them."
"Every single one of us that stays home means that one of these people's votes for Trump will go unopposed."
"You guys went over your skis and you lied to your base."
"These states are looking for ways to capture your hearts and your votes... through your wallet."
"Compulsory voting: 96% of Australians are registered and 87% showed up to their 2016 election."
"We're launching a campaign to get out the vote and amplify Progressive candidates."
"These shallow symbolic gestures are not a substitute for meaningful engagement with black voters."
"Engaging black voter engagement does not and cannot take the place of a black agenda and black policy."
"That's it right there, look at Trump, Trump brought out people who hadn't voted in 30 years in order to come to the polls."
"We have the power to reach a whole lot of people so this week for example our subscribers sent out are shared 180 million voter engagement messages."
"The game is we need to continue to cultivate these votes in ways that don't marginalize us from like the Mind from like the majority of people."
"Our power is when we show up and when we are engaged."
"If you're talking about growing the party, will continue to push more of those voters."
"Once you have undermined the public's confidence in any elections... it's a system that will turn a lot of people off from participating in politics."
"Georgia voters made history and made their voices heard."
"Everything comes down to voter turnout and who actually shows up at the polls."
"If we're going to reach that then we need to make sure that everybody can get to the polls."
"We're gonna burn down the whole system, man. We're not, our registrations are going lower."
"Democrats win elections when we show we understand the painful economic realities facing American families."
"We're not falling for the whole trick bag of voting for nothing. We want something for our vote."
"We're saying we want something if we vote we want to get something for our vote."
"This election was 'the most important vote that we ever had.'"
"Voter turnout is going to be key. This is the bottom line."
"We've got to use them as the Democrats version of the Hillbillies, the gun nuts, and the evangelicals, we've gotta mobilize them to get out and get so mad that they will actually put their [ __ ] phones down and go vote."
"Is this all noise to most voters or are voters truly engaged, paying attention to these data points?"
"I'm so pleased at the work that we've been doing across the United States is resonating black men and Latino men are being drawn to Trump let's freaking go."
"I'm not asking someone to do something for me, I'm demanding that people who asked for my support do what they promised."
"I want us to be the best option for people to go out and want to actively vote Labour."
"Imagine if we got out word to those ninety million voters that they actually have a variety of choices and voices in this election."
"I'm asking everybody here, I'm asking everybody watching this nationwide to waste your vote on me."
"Black voters want to hear Clear Solutions and policy Solutions around the issues we care about."
"A strong ground game is actually how you connect to voters on the ground so you know the concerns and you're invested in the stories that you hear."
"We need to stop giving our votes away for free. I don't give my vote to anyone."
"The way he moves forward is crucial, we need to see his campaign more aggressively show us they're serious about black voters."
"This election shows you need people to vote for. It looks really bad right now, but Biden can still win."
"This campaign is not about just getting me in office. It's about you having the ability to shape this country in the way that you see."
"We've got to be loud and proud about who we are and get the grumpies off and go win these goddamn midterms."
"I just can't believe people asked me what about swing voters. Unless you don't have a clue what's going on."
"With your help we will be able to mobilize millions of people on Election Day and build the greatest largest grassroots electoral movement in the history."
"India is the world's largest democracy with 900 million eligible voters."
"I guess my main issue is this push to try to get a bunch of people to vote. Yeah, the fascists will win anyway because if you vote for the DNC, it's just delaying the process of fascism."
"It's wild, but once you finally care about the people, they actually give you back love and vote for you."
"The onus is on the politician to inspire people to come out and vote."
"We have to have a level of non-compliance as a large majority of people, and then also we have to vote and be active in not letting these things happen."
"Last question for you: what do you want African-Americans and others to be doing?"
"Everybody needs to be concerned with earning our vote."
"Trump won because he said 'You matter and you're not forgotten anymore.'"
"We want this country to have the highest voter turnout rate of any major country, not one of the lowest. If you are 18 years of age in America, you are going to have the right to vote, end of discussion."
"Tomorrow it is critical that we come out and vote, but it's also very, very critical that we continue pushing."
"2020 was an outlier election in terms of voter turnout."
"The very early start of the electorate, the very early start of the campaign season. They helped build the momentum."
"Don't try to beat this guy in the gutter...take it higher and reach his voters and give them a reason to vote for us."
"If you're going to keep asking for money and asking for votes and doing nothing, you can't simply expect people to come out to vote."
"Good versus evil. Humanity is at stake. Drop the memes. Silent majority, no more. Be loud. You have a voice. Are you registered? Vote them all out!"
"Imagine if we could rally disaffected voters across the country and make their vote count."
"You see how people are trying to pander and manipulate the black vote without doing anything? We're so on code they're losing their minds."
"We have political power, guys. We just have to use it."
"He went after those leading figures in the establishment in a way that animated those voters who stepped back."
"We've missed a huge opportunity with voters who are sick of the dark money."
"If you can speak to their pain, if you can speak to their frustration, they will never vote for Democrats, but many of them would be open to those who are speaking to their needs."
"The system is doing that itself... people are upset now, they're ready to vote now."
"There is no benefit of us being wed to one party without demanding tangibles."
"The Koch brothers are supporting these kinds of things because it gets votes."
"The most important thing is to get on that stage Charlie and to make this case to Republican voters."
"Hopefully, they'll get a lot of attention from voters who will turn out and participate."
"The Conservatives need to be vocal to make sure that the party and the leader knows that they can't take our votes for granted."
"If you're not going to fight now and if we're going to preemptively surrender, don't even take the vote."
"Biden directed 600 federal agencies... to expand citizens' opportunities to register to vote."
"It's about agitation, it's about voter registration, it's about voter participation."
"India is a democracy so you will have parties with various ideologies and various political plans and programs so each of them may try to woo the voters with a different package."
"Black folk sitting this out is a political strategy."
"They're coveting the black vote without giving us anything substantive for it."
"India has the world's largest democracy." - "Close to a hundred million more voters than in their last election."
"We're going to vote, we're going to vote republican because we're going to bring common sense back for our children and their children and their children's children."
"If you're claiming that you want black voters, you want them to understand."
"You're going to lose an entire generation of voters." - Warning about the potential fallout from neglecting voting rights issues.
"Politicians may wish there were some other way to control election outcomes, but turnout offers no path around the basic need to offer voters candidates and policies worth supporting."
"This isn't about swing voters. It's not about bringing people over. This is about people who are invested in these themes also need to be challenged on what they think they think they know."
"We want to make sure that you're enfranchised as well."
"Democrats have been trained to expect very little and to get even less."
"The new motto should be 'win my vote or die.'"
"You can see in the response to that extraordinary impassioned speech just how hungry as you rightly stated voters are, Democrats are, disaffected Dems in particular."
"Bernie Sanders was someone who... spoke to all of my interests... felt authentic and honest... making these same arguments... fighting the same fight for his entire life."
"Every single election should be a get out the vote campaign."
"Simply to pander for votes. That's more off-putting to me than saying I could write a check for a billion dollars is someone lying about being engine."
"I'm absolutely in favor of having another vote, another referendum on this issue."
"Wow, like a lot of people voted, so I was just humbled and appreciative."
"I was at a get out the vote event over the weekend."
"If our stock market investment participation rate was the same as our voter participation rate, a big chunk of the wealth gap would disappear in one generation."
"He makes people feel seen... He means it when he says that you are not forgotten. It's how he won successfully back in 2016 because so many people felt like they were not being heard."
"None of those deserve our support in the next election. In fact, we should work hard to defeat them and get people that will actually drain the swamp."
"If all you're for is electing somebody who makes you feel comfortable... then you're letting the public down."
"Get out and vote like you've never voted before."
"I'd rather they actually would have worked, strategized, worked together and voted as a block and got something for their vote."
"It's dope, right? But I [ __ ] hate it because the cannabis community is always used as like a pawn when it's vote time."
"Why are Democrats alienating potential voters?"
"Politicians should be earning your vote by telling you what they're gonna do, not just by [__] on other candidates. Just tell me what you'll do if you want me to vote, don't tell me about the other person."
"I don't believe that taxing the rich is a priority, but if people want to make their voice known, they can make it done at the ballot box."
"The 2020 election is about you. It's about your family, your future, and the fate of your country."
"More than two million mainly young people have registered to vote since the election was announced." - Jeremy Corbyn
"The Democrats purposely leave black people out of policies, and we keep jumping and dancing and shouting in the street for them."
"We are millions strong; now is the time to stand up and vote."
"Democrats are realizing that if they run on the issues and drive their voters to the polls, they can actually win."
"We need the largest voter turnout in history." - "We are going to need the largest voter turnout in the history of the United States."
"I want to make sure that I have your votes in 10 to 15 years."
"If you want better politicians, it has to be a better voter."
"These people have figured out how to activate and energize voting blocks that are out of remove from those media systems."
"What's the point of getting worked up about any of this stuff if on the day that it matters you don't vote?"
"If appealing to voters and getting them to support your ideas doesn't appeal to you, maybe electoral politics isn't your thing."
"As of right now Democrats are off to a strong surging start relative to the last numbers back in October."
"The vote blue no matter who argument is not going to work again."
"What's more democratic than the two of us standing on stage talking about our plans for the great state of Arizona, and then let the voters decide?"
"Political apathy allows extremists to decide how our political system works."
"So if you run a campaign about nothing it turns out people won't vote for you."
"What are you prepared to do to do battle? What are you prepared to do to win? What are you prepared to do to organize, to mobilize, to register people to vote, to drive them to the polls? That's what it boils down to."
"You cannot put the failures of the white community on the fact that we will not vote if Biden doesn't give us a set of politics."
"But I'm telling you ahead of time, they will do nothing because they don't care about you."
"You should be willing to campaign for every vote. You should be willing to debate anytime, anywhere."
"And with your vote in 2020, we will keep America great."
"We've got the Grassroots, we're on the ground, we're telling people to vote."
"A record 81 percent of eligible voters had voted."
"I'll be your president, I could jump see this crowd right here, I could jump right in, I could give every woman and every man right here a kiss."
"These candidates gotta get real - I mean, they can't keep bullshitting people."
"The Democratic Party doesn't even strictly speaking have a leader right now... and it's trying to use totally outdated methods to target voters."
"Please find that thing, vote no, stick that sucker right back in your mailbox."
"You want to be energized and excited about America, go campaign in Pennsylvania."
"This is an exercise of the power of the vote."
"Stacy Abrams is starting to use words like 'reparations' and 'tangibles' in her Twitter feed to reel in black voters."
"People like simple. What are you gonna do for me again? Ah, I'm just gonna give you some free money. Oh, I'm in, I'm in, I'm voting. But don't you realize they manufactured the same thing that you voted for them to solve?"
"There have got to be creative ways in which we look to bring more voters to the process."
"Change in States across the South, the electorate is there, the issues are there, the people agree. We just need to get out there and organize."
"Help others vote and make sure your voice is heard."
"All campaigns have to do base mobilization and appealing to swing voters."
"Never back down, run him over, and for Republican voters, that's like catnip."
"Democrats have to find the words to move people emotionally, to get them out."
"We need more and more of that call to action coming from voters across the country."
"The Democratic establishment actively opposes legislation despite overwhelming voter support."
"We've always done and the voters are responding, we have a powerful message around fighting for justice, fairness, and opportunity."
"I think that's true but I also think what this impeachment does is that it will motivate particularly Republican voters in 2022."
"Until people who are actually voters hold Republicans accountable."
"I've never seen a presidential candidate or any at any level have what we just had."
"This isn't just about getting more people to vote for Bernie, it's about growing our movement."
"Your job is to make sure that every person votes, the ones who may vote for you and the ones who may not vote for you. That is your responsibility."
"It's about communicating with the voters. It's about being authentic with the voters."
"If you're running for office... you're asking for their vote."
"I also worry that the rightful criticisms of the Biden Administration are going to just compel fewer people especially fewer younger voters to get excited to come out at all."
"We can't just focus on the traditional ways that campaigns have been run. We're going to go after people that haven't voted before and we're going to give them a reason to want to believe in us again."
"We've been employing a voter engagement strategy. We want to engage all the voters and use y'all's votes as currency in every race in this city."
"when you lead with ideas it is possible to engage non-voters"
"Most important is that labor doesn't get complacent, doesn't take for granted its votership."
"Democrats, when it comes to getting a Democratic president, you have to think about voter turnout; that's what matters most."
"You have to state your intentions, you know. This is what will happen if you vote for me."
"It's not designed to essentially lock out voters; it's to encourage engagement from voters."
"Mandatory voting... moving on to the voter side."
"Tonight it is all about the delegates, but it's also all about the voters."
"Voters do not care about you until they know you care about them."
"There are a whole host of new technologies coming into the space that are designed to provide a plethora of new ways to engage with voters."
"I think that he needs to take note and listen to the folks of Michigan who are voting uncommitted."