
Amusement Quotes

There are 1847 quotes

"Walt Disney one day...was in the bushes of Jungle Cruise and guests were laughing on the boats."
"Planet Fun was a ton of fun, but sometimes fun is not fun, you know, Sunny?"
"It is to my great delight to tell you I came across some things so peculiar, so strange, and yet so amusing."
"We're going to have a slide going down from here and it's not going to be just a slide; it's going to be a twisty slide."
"Roller coasters are awesome and fun and completely horrifying."
"Well, that was about the funniest thing that I've ever learned or read about, and I'm very happy about it."
"Well, that just tickled me, you got me Neebs."
"This map is a very weird ride but one I'm glad I experienced."
"The world is like a ride at an amusement park. It's just a ride."
"You live, you die, you live, you die, servants. You amuse me."
"But like, the Trump Girl thing is so f_cking funny. It's so funny."
"Amusement is the simplest of things when a person's so just on what they're thinking...it's really interesting that one piece of body language can tie in to so many others."
"It's like some weird alien creature... but I'm not mad about it."
"Rowan just hanging out doing fantastic she's still looking crazy as heck."
"I decided to stand next to it and get a nice close look here at what these things are actually all about. Look at that face, look at that face."
"He's about to take you to Flavortown, pop out his head, you can ride it like a carousel."
"I'm the garbage. Do you get it? Because it's funny."
"I wanted this to feel more like a roller coaster than a crossword puzzle."
"Oh my goodness, that's Jingles, you should have let her ride the train."
"Aqua Mouse is Disney's first ever attraction at sea."
"Meeting the stepsisters or a villain, hysterical."
"Self-amuse. Focus on amusing yourself. It's an instant confidence generator."
"It's like Candyland or something right here, what is this?"
"The rides are fun too whenever I have someone to ride them with me."
"I absolutely love this roller coaster, such a great ride!"
"I just checked the app and the Simpsons ride is down to a 20-minute wait. So, we're headed back to Springfield to knock out the Simpsons ride and probably Kang and Kodos' Twirl 'n' Hurl as well."
"My favorite thing about this land... is how much fun it is to explore."
"I've had a smile on my face because this is not how World of Warcraft works."
"This is how you can go straight down, you make it like a corkscrew. Look at this, oh my gosh, that is so scary!"
"Doug's cart ride is definitely one of the rides ever. It's good."
"That was amazing. That is by far my favorite roller coaster that I've been on in this world so far."
"Amusement park for me, it's more like a bemusement park."
"I love it, you have a pet plant for real, that's actually really cool."
"Oh he's in a tiny car, oh my god, this is my kind of office!"
"She's creepy and once you get her swinging she's awesome."
"Wow, this has been fun! Princess Fairy Tale Hall is open."
"We often find it amusing when those even slightly more powerful than ourselves receive some sort of justice from the universe."
"A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike where fantasy and fun come to life."
"It's a really good indoor coaster... really nice."
"Passion, yes. Of enormous eccentricity, but also somebody contrary to what so often said about her who was easily amused."
"This is gonna be a really interesting video, I'm probably going to rage and you guys are all gonna laugh."
"I used to hate it, but I love that some people are so stupid they think I'm some sort of super villain. It's hysterical."
"I think it's pretty fun and interesting that he's probably right."
"This is actually freaking really cool. You can levitate and scare the people."
"To solve this once and for all we must, oh that's pretty cute please don't tell anyone I was a scaredy cat on that ride. I've got a reputation to uphold I'm supposed to be the king of those rides."
"It's like, hey! Alright, that's pretty funny, I just can't take this killer seriously, he's too funny, too funny."
"There is something to be said on how weird this roller coaster actually is, which makes it kind of cool in that aspect."
"We're bringing back some of the just like stupid carnival games like the bungee run and the hamster ball race."
"But the legend amuses people and has become part of the local folklore."
"A water slide is fun. But if someone took you off the water slide, shook you, gave you a noogie and then spat in your face and put you back on the water slide, you'd be like, 'that wasn't fun. That was weird and annoying.'"
"There's even a whole ass carnival to explore."
"Did you have fun? Oh yeah, it was a lot of fun. We went to the haunted mansion, a ghost boy blew in my face. That was pretty cool."
"This is ridiculous in a good way, I feel like I'm on another."
"It's a really great coaster, it's different and interesting and just puts a smile on everyone's face."
"I do like a good stand up... the layout on there is absolutely fantastic."
"This is so odd, bro. Like, look at this thing. How am I driving this on the road right now? Makes no sense, but I'm here for it."
"Probably the best roller coaster I've seen at a traveling fair."
"Just check out how fun it is to help the chewing gum find the way out from our labyrinth."
"I think it's almost to the point of hilariousness."
"That was good fun my favorite part of that was the speed that he got to near the end."
"It's a fun ride that in my opinion is great for the kids."
"GTA online often resembles that theme park all the naughty boys visit at the end of Pinocchio."
"The Flying Pancake Space Octopus is hard to explain, it's just a cool experience."
"It's actually impressive how gloriously bad this record is."
"Accidental King... It just so happened that accidentally next on my list was Accidental King, so I'm taking that as a sign from Oscar."
"Oh my god dude, that's hilarious! A little wife, a comet, oh my gosh, that's hilarious."
"Years ago someone mistakenly put an image of me on a public domain site and now apparently I am on products all around the world. But I am too amused to do anything about it." - BJ Novak
"This coaster is very, very new and it is so much fun I could scream."
"This is the most random lot of things I've ever gotten ever like ever."
"I just didn't expect there to be a freaking carnival in this, like, wow!"
"It's so stupid. It's so stupid, but it might be the most perfect thing I've ever seen."
"It's funny seeing the other robots ride the ride, but they have gyroscopes installed so they can stay balanced all over the place."
"I do love that story, that's a hilarious story, they were original there."
"Rama suddenly jumped back onto the stage to the amusement of the crowd."
"This power certainly could be used for evil--but chances are, Gir has no intentions of using it for anything other than his own silly enjoyment. Which… we totally approve of."
"We went on every single ride, cheers to that."
"I'm pretty happy because I was imposter and I knew I was gonna ruin it for [Laughter]."
"Between that and the young lady who, I think, thought I was Taylor Swift, my Friday was full of it."
"People know how to amuse themselves long before there was TV."
"I've never worn board shorts, but I have gone to Six Flags."
"Aaron used to be the god of amusement in Xenom's World."
"We each do things that are peculiar enough so that we can keep one another amused."
"Adorable," shaking my head, I admit I don't mind.
"When she was assigned the seat beside him and actually spoke to him, his reaction amused her so much she decided to do it every day from then on."
"We are here at the happiest place on Earth."
"This is immensely silly and I truly enjoy it."
"Every time I visit the Universal Studios, it feels like I get injected with a little bit of happiness."
"Let them fight. It is the best, most harmless city rivalry we've seen in ages."
"It's not just a water balloon, it's a giant 60-inch red water balloon."
"You mind if I giggle? Giggle away."
"I don't know why, but God, dude, Jim is funny."
"I love how the fire starts and then it cuts out immediately, it's pretty funny."
"It's hard to liken it to anything else, it almost feels like a really cute amusement park without the tackiness."
"You just instantly feel like a big kid in one of these."
"You can't be gangster, you got powdered sugar on your funnel cake."
"I would just laugh to myself because I thought it was so silly."
"As soon as they switched the scene I just started laughing because I was already thinking of a scenario of like why like I know I shouldn't be laughing at this but like why is this [ __ ] on a basketball court."
"Well, that's crazy; it's going to be a story my friends will love to hear."
"That's actually hilarious but so gross."
"I'm trying to get something, I'd love to see the two weeks of you trying to not get your face wet."
"Not great for me but a bit of fun nonetheless."
"We got Sirens, I don't know what I did to deserve that but it's pretty fun."
"It's pretty hilarious to do that."
"That was the fastest slide of all time."
"Me personally, I was in like a fun land."
"It is a lot of fun, it is a lot of fun."
"I guess so, you know, enjoy it man, enjoy it. It's a lot of fun."
"This is akin to having a match inside of a haunted house. Yeah, if that haunted house was at Disneyland."
"You should have seen your face you're hilarious when you pout bam."
"Oh my God, you can't even open it. You're stuck, but he keeps standing there. He likes it."
"I'll just stay here thinking about some more online games and playing with these funny little penguins who, in my opinion, are honestly pretty dang cute."
"I was like, 'Damn, he's like hardcore yawning over there but not even moving.'"
"The once boring annual performance becomes a source of amusement for the school as students laugh at the queen bee's mishap."
"It made me laugh when I read the press release about it."
"I won't kill you because you're just too much fun."
"It's a mistake to think all escape rooms are scary. There are many different themes, so you can have fun whatever you're looking for."
"It's almost like stealing something that's not yours, but these are just the cards are quite sarcastic I love them."
"I thought it was pretty humorous."
"I'm fine. This is highly amusing."
"I'm impressed by its height, guys."
"Honestly, this is so silly that it's kind of fascinating."
"You made a four foot tall ice cream cone. Okay."
"I am genuinely looking forward to hearing from you. If nothing else, this will be an amusing story."
"This outrageous nonsense is so entertaining, it's amazing."
"It was not so much the cook's legs kicked out once in a wide why, the crowd made a satisfied whistling noise."
"It's just too funny how scared he is of everything, so I love you Tom dearly but it's so funny."
"He just farted in the seats and said, 'See the video of it,' which is freaking hilarious."
"Expected is constantly contradicting himself pretending to be dumber than he is walking back on things that he says telling people to not take him seriously and that everything he does is just jokes and it's probably all just because he is bored."
"Oh my god, they drew a picture of me. That is what Nuts looks like in real life, guys."
"Are they out of their minds? They are such children. Truly, he hasn't laughed like this in a while."
"One of the things that's really amusing is when it makes a mistake."
"They'd wink and smile as they walked past, as if they were merely playing along with some secret joke."
"Literally every time you hit it, it moves."
"I love when tiny people do chaos."
"...if you've ever heard anything more adorable no you didn't oh okay that's why she's named Bell Bell Tinker Bell thank God she hit a bell can you imagine if she hit a [Applause] rat her name would be Tinker rat"
"...oh okay that's why she's named Bell Bell Tinker Bell thank God she hit a bell can you imagine if she hit a [Applause] rat her name would be Tinker rat"
"Twice the odds so they shoot rope out with both ends."
"Listen, I'm four foot five, that's really sad. I couldn't get on a ride at Six Flags."
"Okay, fine, you're getting crazy girl."
"We're going to piss Daphne off today."
"I just like the idea of grabbing Eldritch blast and throwing it back at a warlock. That's hilarious to me."
"I love that Rocket. Look at this stupid thing. Everybody says it's [ __ ] great."
"I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, I'm out of breath."
"Pros for Tokyo Disneyland: The rides are going to make you weak in the knees they are incredible."
"Wow guys, this is what it's like inside of a gyroscope. Gyroscope. Kaleidoscope, never mind."
"Oh my gosh, you're actually a cotton candy ghost! That's gonna be so good."
"We're wet, well you sit on the thing."
"It's the best belly laugh you'll ever hear."
"I don't know why, but there's nothing like watching someone who thinks they know what they're doing fail at something spectacularly."
"He was the funniest guy I've ever seen in my entire life."
"It's like driving in a bouncy house."
"Isn't it just love it when a movie's cover and its opening credits can't agree on what it's actually called?"
"The boot is absurd and wonderful in all the right ways."
"This is kind of fun I'm not gonna lie."
"Sometimes it's just a fun carnival."
"This movie was so enjoyable just because every five minutes something happened that would make me go 'What the fuck am I watching?'"
"Oh my gosh they made the pasta the Disneyland pasta!"
"It's stupid, but it's kind of cool."
"Oh look at her taking her mud bath."
"Unreal jokes. Oh my god, any one girl can win."
"Dreamland is what I imagine would happen if you ordered Disneyland from Amazon."
"This is so funny. It's true. It's hilarious."
"Oh God, that's so funny, that's so funny!"
"Sometimes people who fall, it's just funny."
"the raccoon was just flat out hilarious"
"I went walking around and it's fun to watch the tourists who are from States who've never seen snow before. They don't know what to do. They make snowballs and then they eat them."
"Dude, that's kind of awesome that the raccoon just abandons them."
"This is actually my favorite part of Disney."
"I'm secretly kind of enjoying this."
"Are you too good for your home, cheese? Oh, this is so fun, I love watching the cheese, it's like little people."
"Wow, just sit on your broomstick."
"It's all part of your life and it's fun. These are amusing, I think they're fun."
"...call me crazy but seeing Spider-Man make a kids day was actually fun to see even more so than Harry popping pills."
"This indoor sports court bumper car arena or whatever the heck they want but yeah in the second deck they have some little games there's a foosball oh boy."
"We don't use weapons, but it's fun."
"He's nuts. That's well, it's like a scoop."
"Mom, are you okay? Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be okay? I'm at the zoo!"
"I heard there's like so much food to try out while you're there, rides all of that, so were you excited? We excited."
"It's just really fun, really cute."
"Are DSG farts good or bad, yes or no? They're fun, I've got to admit."
"That has to be the biggest Stomp Rocket ever."
"You're guaranteed to laugh for 18 months. If not, then, you know, that's a bummer, man."
"It's such a nice thing to mess with and I can't stop fiddling with the toy."
"We're finally made it in the water park, super long line."
"We are wrapping up our time here at Lagoon. I think we have about as much fun as we could possibly have, right?"
"This is insane like this is incredible, it's a water park, it's everything."
"This towel is kind of cute, it has a face on the towel, oh my god, this is so adorable."
"He teasingly mentions saving the worst for last and swiftly eliminates them."
"It's kind of fun watching him get beat up."
"He doesn't like the game. Doesn't like the game. No, it likes... wait, no, it likes the game."
"To their astonishment, the clown then initiated a pursuit of their vehicle."
"Every time CH makes me mad, I put him in this ball to see if he can knock down the pins."
"That's hilarious, I don't care who you are."
"I love myself. Oh, man. Okay, that's the shortest swing I've ever seen."
"I almost feel like there are two things here: Either Tony Khan needs to put the phone down or maybe this is just a ploy, maybe he's having fun."
"I start laughing so hard I have to sit down."
"The legend amuses people and has become part of the local folklore."
"I'm just trying to figure out how the heck a water slide caught on fire."
"There's less gasping, yeah it was a period of gasps and you're like guys come on."
"Everything seems so funny, and I couldn't stop laughing."