
External Influences Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Motivation is something that comes from outside us."
"All of that stuff in your head is other people's projections. It's not true."
"The plight of all preoccupied people is wretched, but most wretched is the plight of those who labor under preoccupations that are not even their own."
"Do you think in some way she saved you? Yeah, without question. There was a bigger purpose, there were other forces at play."
"Maybe it's other people's reactions to us that make us who we are."
"If your happiness is tied to the outside world and what the fates give you, then it's tied to what the fates give you."
"If 95% of them are open to receiving ideas from the outside..."
"It's a spiritual problem, not just the devil, but your flesh and the world around you."
"Even if it's something out of their control, like you're saying, it's the wind. And I frankly, I bet you it's the wind getting out here and feeling how gusting it is."
"Those external factors beyond their controller they're what shape us in a way we kind of are those factors even Faraday who serves as the final."
"All the innovation doesn't happen in this building. It happens all around us."
"I'd also like to learn how external factors could affect this."
"All those voices you struggle with on the inside... they originated with some kind of voice on the outside."
"You are never going to get anything from the exterior life that is going to be able to fulfill you on the inside."
"Not everything that happens to you is because of you."
"Even for everything that could have made this show work, troubles and changing winds from the real world wouldn't let it reach its full potential."
"Silence the outside noise to hear God's voice."
"All this external shit is not what's gonna make you fucking happy."
"Wouldn't be laid low by outsiders, wouldn't constantly be a passive force acted upon by external powers."
"The wakandan nation, the wakandan people, their future isn't determined by outside forces acting upon them."
"Just being as you are and learning to be yourself without having so much influence from the outside all the time."
"Happiness from the world outside obscures our inherent bliss within."
"He finds ways to be motivated by external factors."
"Monsters are often made into monsters by outside forces."
"Other people, situations, and circumstances in life don't make you who you are."
"Every single limiting belief or insecure thought that you have about yourself stemmed from outside of you."
"You can't use external factors to validate why you're not where you want to be."
"Why are you taking other people's opinion seriously?"
"I went into this wanting no outside influences."
"Their world was turned upside down, not merely that external forces seemed to be having an impact."
"You can live your life the way you want to live it, and an idiot can come along and ruin it."
"Practice patience, conditions outside us sometimes determine the best time to move forward."
"Core overheating can only occur due to receiving additional energy from outside, from external Cosmic influence."
"The problem with the hedonic treadmill is that it means that things in the outside world... can never really bring us lasting happiness."
"There's a lot of outside noise and external forces that may not understand why either you chose them, they chose you, or you chose each other."
"The involvement of external factors, geopolitical dynamics, and the resolve of the parties involved will continue to shape the course of events in the region."
"Stop letting people that's not in your relationship [ __ ] your relationship up."
"Are you allowing Your Inner Space to be changed by something that's happening in the outside world?"
"Why are you letting what people say intervene with what you're trying to create?"
"There's definitely secrets. The empress is in reverse, the queen of cups, the sun card, the page of swords. That's outside influence, that's gossip, that's white lies sometimes too."
"It's always a domino effect, a series of events... I really thought those external things would make me happy."
"Anything else is just something I was told to be, something someone else wanted."
"You are worth more than what someone else is telling you."
"He extended mercy unto us in the sight of the kings of Persia. Sometimes God's tender mercy is going to come through people who are actually outside of the faith community." - Emily Freeman
"The external world is a terrible predictor of Happiness."
"I think it's important to weave your life together with what's happening in the outside world."
"There's a distinct difference between your vision, which improves the quality of life for others, and your ambition, which is a self-concocted idea designed to advance yourself."
"Other people may have other agendas. They're choosing you as a target; it's not about you, it's about them."
"Insecurity lives out labels people put on them; identity lives out of love poured into them by the Holy Spirit."
"You do not want to outsource your sense of self-worth to the people around you. You cannot allow yourself to be buffeted around at the mercy of things that aren't under your control."
"There are outside forces that want us to hate each other."
"You can't be overtaken by what's happening around you."
"I feel like you need to make sure to not allow external circumstances to affect you."
"Getting harassed for criticizing Beijing, facing protests for supporting free speech. You think that's normal in China, but it's actually happening in the US."
"I do believe there's a bigger force at play something's happening that's bigger than us."
"It's okay to be mad at the external sometimes."
"We've got to stop blaming the external world for what we are experiencing internally."
"I think all of us have some layer of what you experienced where they there's this outwardly layer that causes them to act a certain way that's not pleasant."
"Two-thirds of our kids' academic performance is determined by outside of school factors."
"Be careful because there's going to be a lot of vested interest in your Independence."
"Don't allow any outward experiences to influence how you think about yourself."
"Don't allow the world to impact what you do with your life."
"Personal empowerment is about our quest with the outside world, with reshuffling our relationship with people and things and what has power over us in the outside world and how we are in our relationships."
"You guys can't let any triggers or anything from the past block you and you also can't let the fear and opinions of different outside parties and the public at large have an influence on your love because it's a gift from the universe."
"For some man, you gotta switch off what's going on outside. But for some man, they can't."
"People behave in ways to get their needs met, influenced by drives and external factors."
"This person does have imbalances and I think a lot of these imbalances often have to do with things around them."
"Nobody lives in a vacuum, and there are outside forces that are constantly moving us in one direction or another."
"The better you learn how to understand the people, places, and things outside of you, the better you're understanding yourself."
"Agility is defined as the ability of the organization to effectively respond to external influences."