
Financial Systems Quotes

There are 269 quotes

"The financial system was built on our bodies and built on extracting wealth from us."
"There is a very strong argument that advances in financial systems, trade practices, and economic controls have done just as much to provide us with the wealth and prosperity we enjoy today as all of the other advancements in technology."
"Blockchain is our future; fiat is dying, and it's just a matter of living through the shift between here and there."
"The world's increasing interconnectivity and the convergence of global financial systems means that implementing a universal system like the one portrayed in the prophecy is more feasible now than ever before."
"The debt bubble has popped. Wall Street's lucrative leveraged debt machine is breaking down."
"How can you argue with creating a financial system that's fair for everyone? How can you argue against getting rid of corruption?"
"Bitcoin is not the bubble, Tim. It's the pin."
"Bitcoin solves my biggest concern with the world, which is fiat money."
"The idea that you should create a monetary system based upon the trust of a banker or a politician is about as silly a notion as the idea that you should sail a ship across the Atlantic with leaks in it."
"Every use case is just additive to Bitcoin. Just think about this: One trillion dollars is half of what Apple's worth, and yet this is a global digital monetary ecosystem."
"Bitcoin is the most credible monetary policy in human history, now competing the least trustworthy monetary policies in human history."
"Bitcoin is not a Ponzi scheme; it's not a pyramid scheme."
"We need a financial operating system for the countries that don't have it."
"The first new US payment system in 40 years is coming, and it aims to dramatically simplify processes."
"Criticism towards that model is valid right now because they're taking your money."
"Bitcoin has a half-life of forever, infinite forever. Once people figure that out, you have a mass exodus from the fiat currency system."
"The internet has kind of democratized the flow of information but that hasn't happened with money yet."
"Bitcoin is too important for people that are suffering financially at the world's largest regulated ponzi scheme called fiat currency."
"Within five years we're going to see several digital representations of fiat happening at scale."
"Africa needs its own Financial system, Central Bank, monetary fund, Stock Exchange, and military. Unity is essential for Africa's development."
"If you understood the political system and you understood the financial system you've equipped yourself with the tools to be unstoppable."
"The ultimate goal is to revolutionize China's banking system."
"Embracing stable coins is leaning into a better system for the end user."
"Bitcoin is easier to transfer, harder to forge, and markets are even more liquid."
"Money as pure information on an open network that is simultaneously uncensorable, open to anyone, neutral and global."
"Bitcoin is a way to go around that system. It can be used by Chinese dissidents and corrupt officials alike."
"A scenario for D dollarization... the destiny of civilization is all about that."
"It just gets me so upset to see all of these fees, and why people are still using these banks right now is just beyond my comprehension."
"I love keeping you guys in the loop because, like I said, the channel's never done better, but better isn't what satisfies me as a creator. Creating is what satisfies me as a creator."
"Can anybody tell me a bank issued card that doesn't have Visa and Mastercard on it? No, because they're grandfather monopolies."
"Every 80 years we change our financial system."
"This is an economic downturn caused by the pandemic."
"Reducing settlement time reduces risk in the system."
"He was unreliable over the course of a season."
"It's more than just Ukraine and Russia and NATO, it's a lot more. It's about resetting the financial system."
"Money is not something you get once and then never. You get money back, it's a cycle, money is a system."
"If the people knew what the banking system is up to, as Henry Ford said, there would be a revolution tomorrow morning."
"Once again our financial system... based upon this idea of trust."
"It's definitely a tilted playing field that is not in the favor of the retail public."
"We're completely at the mercy of retail brokers, like the Robinhood's of the world."
"This one-time creative destruction event will wipe the slate clean in order for us to build a new and honest monetary system."
"The future is not just financial or non-financial; it's mixed financial."
"It feels like there's an entirely new parallel financial system and economic system that's being built."
"Imagine if tether disappeared... that would be very, very good for the rest of the system."
"Bitcoin is to a lot of people, it's not about investing and raising your money, it's about getting off the dollar system."
"The Big Short is unique as a high budget Hollywood production that actually takes the time to properly portray the way that Finance really worked behind the scenes."
"Everybody kind of gets that crypto is like a way to equalize the system for the little guy."
"It is instead a financial system run by the United States, the European Union, and Britain to some extent."
"Cryptocurrency is a little bit more established."
"Gold reserves will once again be placed at the center of the financial system."
"Bitcoin was a response to the problems of 2008-2009... created a system that you could opt out of."
"Crypto is actually solved for both the bad money and the good in this case."
"Crypto backed or crypto system... it's the new system and it's gonna take the place of the old system not overnight."
"They don't realize that enslaved people built the wall after which Wall Street is named."
"The closest it will get is a blockchain-based highly controlled token from existing Banks or a nation's government...it will be nothing other than a slight augmentation on how the current Financial system operates nothing more."
"The Biden administration has made many blunders, but that was the biggest blunder by far—weaponizing the US dollar and the Swift payment system."
"The Federal Reserve will adopt the ISO 20022 message format for the Fedwire Fund Service."
"Industrial domains are interdependent with the financial system. Be prepared to witness surprising changes in the matter of new Energy Systems and the rolling out of Technologies in many sectors."
"The biggest Ponzi scheme in the world is the economic system."
"The existing fiat currency system was unstable and nearing its end."
"It's an open ponzi scheme. It's like having an imaginary best friend who's also a banker." - Comedian Bill Maher
"I think Bitcoin is here to stay in fact I think the recent issues with the banks has even put it more kind of in the DNA of the financial system now."
"The Fiat system, the banking system is actually helping make the case for why Bitcoin is a necessity."
"Crypto is the only chance we have to destroy this financial cartel."
"There's a new currency, a new financial paradigm, a new money matrix being formed."
"I think there's a way to do it in an even better way which is to actually have a platform built for that."
"We are tired of this traditional finance system where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."
"Eliminating the toll collector role of traditional banks is crucial."
"It's about the offshore Financial system and financial criminality is a key component of this."
"This isn't just me and you, it's not just like some libertarian kooks are telling you, oh this Central Bank digital currency thing is all about control, this is the European Central Bank telling you yes it's all about control."
"Unlike credit scores with a clear method of tabulation cause and effect, ESG scores depend on a wide variety of factors."
"Thank God for cryptocurrencies, a way that people can trade outside of a scrutinized centralized corrupt financial system."
"Bitcoin is super bullish to people ejecting from that system and finding a new system."
"Bitcoin is the way out of their controlled system that favors only the wealthy and the elite."
"Bitcoin is the opposite to that. It's encoded in the blockchain that this is a solution to what central banks are offering which is a digital dollar."
"We need to create another system, and that system in my opinion and Jeff's opinion as he eloquently says is built upon Bitcoin."
"The petrodollar is the base layer of a ponzi scheme."
"After a certain point, if people lose confidence in the system, if they don't want to buy the bonds..."
"Our financial situation right now, our financial systems right now, like you were just saying Max, take an exorbitant amount of power."
"I see this as part of a really well-rounded payments ecosystem."
"This is the first time in human history that a cryptocurrency has been formalized at this scale."
"This industry was built on the back of the 2008 financial crisis. Look at me in the face and tell me that the world financial system is healthier today in 2024 than it was in 2008."
"The rise of crypto is just a demonstration that people are trying to find a way out of the system."
"The financial system has an extraordinary role to play... if you stop the money, you stop the flow of the people."
"They know this is what they're facing. They have to get money moving at the speed of light."
"Isn't it pushing them into creating an alternative Financial system other than the dollar?"
"Disrupting is not enough they need to make the bank's institutions capital controllers and third-party intermediaries obsolete."
"Do you think that is going to go to zero and we're going to go back to this incredibly dull and bizarre way of using money? Please God."
"It's not a transparent system; these dark pools are being abused."
"It's a plan, it's the big thing to bring in to usher in this new financial system and control."
"Bitcoin represents the perfect collateral to build a global credit system."
"The trickle-up economy largely pays for itself."
"Decentralization of power structures everywhere may be the beginning of that shift in finance, in political power. We have to uphold our responsibility."
"What underpins of world order is always the financial system."
"Money may be the only thing that has an addressable market that matches the number of humans on earth."
"As George Carlin would say, it’s a big club, and WallStreetBets ain’t in it."
"The dollar's days are numbered as the reserve currency."
"Blockchain cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance are doing to banks what email did to the post office."
"This transaction is absolutely identical, there is no difference whatsoever between what banks were doing in the 1600s and what banks are doing today."
"Follow the money. Who owns everything, right? Who owns the banks? I told you who owns the banks."
"Crypto didn't fail, people failed. People in positions of trust at the end of the day."
"I believe we have a shot at becoming the world financial operating system."
"Who would think that after the Great Recession we'd end up having another banking crisis?"
"It's a giant attack on the current monetary system."
"Bitcoin may become the ultimate monetary good at the very top of the money hierarchy."
"Bitcoin gives us tools that allow us to create systems that are more secure than the current banking infrastructure."
"In the long run, I truly believe that an open financial platform like Bitcoin will take over most of the economy."
"Do we think it's a good thing or a bad thing that all of that activity is now happening outside the banking system?"
"We're paying more into the system than we get out of it."
"The best time to own gold was 20 years ago. The next best time is today." - "The banking systems are trying to get rid of cash altogether and move into digital currency where every transaction will be monitored."
"Money printing actually causes real tangible pain for people." - Philip Haslam
"It's a game run by a metaphorical casino aka Wall Street where they always win and no one has dared challenge them yet."
"It is validating and verifying the fact that we are headed in a global adoption situation."
"I think it's a really interesting one because it's always kind of been us versus them when it comes to banks and crypto."
"The future of where monetary systems are going to align at some point, these systems, especially when I look at Bitcoin, the use case scenario for it is very positive."
"Bipartisan bills for crypto transparency, integrating crypto into the financial system, and the impact on Bitcoin and altcoins."
"Debt slavery is an economic system that hides the truth behind words like 'Fidelity and Trust' while ripping you off."
"The blockchain trusts, based off all this new technology, is really starting to accelerate what we can do."
"Bitcoin is dead simple compared to the current system."
"Traditional Finance doesn't have a choice Global debt is so out of control the Fiat money system is so broken they need hard assets like gold like Bitcoin."
"It always comes down to the same thing: money needs to circulate. If participants aren't willing to circulate money, it doesn't matter how much money you create."
"Global regulation places like Singapore, Japan, Switzerland, the UK, they've all come out with clear regulatory frameworks for crypto assets."
"It's much better to run a monetary network based on math."
"And the reality is ISO 20022 and Swift had said that they were going live in November and I believe they've done exactly that."
"There is no reason why the greatest financial system in the world cannot settle trades in real time."
"Bitcoin consumes 113 terawatt hours per year while the banking system consumes 263.00 terawatt hours per year."
"Cryptocurrency seems to be building a way to work around the current system and create something new."
"Our system of finance comes down to one basic word: trust."
"Life-changing amounts of money are built on long-lasting systems."
"So the deep state was starting to control this country before World War two okay of course Federal Reserve in 1913."
"Centralization gives you some benefits like efficiency."
"Folks, the Global Financial system is on the brink and banks are getting very very nervous."
"Your banking system was designed to keep you in a debt-based system."
"The world's got trillions and trillions of dollars tied up in liquidity just to get around how clunky the movement of value is around the world."
"This is the analog to using the leverage of the SWIFT system to cut out foreign adversaries or to use that leverage to pressure them."
"Babylon is a financial system created outside of God's system."
"The real question is, can bitcoin leapfrog into fiat, more specifically the U.S. dollar?"
"The financial system... it's not the stock market, it's the dollar. It's the U.S. dollar and all fiat-based money which is attached to nothing."
"The internet of value vision is to break down the siloing, to do for money what the internet did for information."
"The faster you can transfer funds, the more freedom you have, the more robust an economy is, the more freedom you have."
"The Federal Reserve is the greatest scam ever created."
"The system must continuously float debt or the entire system fails."
"The economy is your confidence in the system."
"A new money is being created, a new world Reserve currency that's meant to challenge the current world order."
"The freewheeling autonomous nature of cryptocurrencies poses a serious threat to the preeminence of fiat systems."
"Sovereign is basically the financial protocol of the future, like the financial operating system of the future."
"There's more of a Cooperative type of economy versus Financial based."
"It is clear crypto belongs in future global financial systems." - Brad Kymes
"Wealthy people get wealthy because they have systems that they put into place."
"The economy only works because we say it works like it."
"Cryptos can't go bust because they don't have leverage against them. They just exist."
"We looked at the reverse repo situation and we looked at gold and sound money."
"The reality is they're increasingly understanding the western financial system the western empire the unipolar world is dying."
"Our financial system is like one big dysfunctional family."
"Crypto opens this up and they don't like that."
"Big tech, not cryptocurrency, is the real threat to central bank's autonomy."
"Blockchain has the potential to reshape the way we think about money."
"The quantum financial system technically went live."
"The financial system is breaking. They need a solution, and crypto is the solution that they have on the sidelines."
"It's an open-source system; it allows you to build in parallel and build a competing financial system."
"That's just one example of something that's enabled by Bitcoin that was never possible."
"When you mess up the pricing mechanism and the money that is used to value to measure value throughout an economy you distort economic decisions."
"The old archaic banking system is collapsing at the exact same time that the new Quantum system is emerging."
"If we can get past corrupted money, banks, and endless wars, I see tremendous growth."
"These centralized networks need decentralized money obviously today more than ever."
"Bitcoin's mobility collapses trade and settlement events."
"Immediately my mind just changed. I was very, very excited about the whole idea of Bitcoin and decentralizing money."
"Countries do need credit just like the economy needs credit."
"So, our work with the DTCC and the Swift work, and another work that we're excited to get to a certain point with them, is the ability for DTCCs to interact with various chains..."
"If this succeeds, it will be one of history's biggest game changers in economics, not only monetary policy. I'm talking about the full-blown global economic system."
"Cryptocurrencies and digital assets are shaking the system."
"The notion that Bitcoin has been failing... is completely unrealistic. Bitcoin has been growing non-stop over the last 10 years."
"The role of disruptors and anything using distributed ledger technology is clearly shaking the system."
"This is the knowledge that the ape community needs to get so we can better understand the system."
"The banking system... I've always been intrigued by systems."
"We may be witnessing the death of fractional Reserve banking."
"The truth is that positive real rates completely bankrupt the system."
"Credit cards and the payment system in the US... pretty much sucks."
"However, this could unfortunately allow centralized fed tokens to take over, which would negate the whole point of decentralized blockchain technology and cryptocurrency as far as creating a new, fair global financial system."
"If bitcoin had a dollar stablecoin on it... it would be a big threat... to Visa and Mastercard."
"That's more than half the people on the planet who are actually in the world's financial system."
"Economies depend on stability and confidence above all else."
"This is AI and money. Satoshi was at 08 or 09 when Satoshi wrote the white paper, when you think about it, he was the intelligence behind it."
"There is no alternative. If anybody's got a better alternative for the monetary system, I'd love to see it."
"The debt system is only based on your ability to pay it back."
"Smart contracts: Facilitating half a trillion in annual fees by 2030."
"It's regarded as value even though you can't back it by anything. It's backed by faith even though most of our government is full of atheists."
"I think D5 does propose a viable alternative to centralized exchanges."
"There's so much happening in this ecosystem, um, the BRICS nations, the battles we hear more and more talks about negative interest rates."
"It's called fractional reserve banking, I think."
"What's happening to the banking industry and with the fed and everything else shows you we need an alternative."
"Bitcoin is fundamentally better than fiat currency."
"We're so enlightened right now that that you know the traditional systems that these hedge funds have used to screw us out of our money for so long don't work."
"Ripple is all about worldwide shipping, it's all about oil, it's all about all of the money."
"One of the choke points in crypto is the on-ramps from Fiat to crypto."
"The financial system, a revolution does come from within."
"The collapse of the financial system is close, and the rebirth is centered around crypto and central bank digital currencies."
"This is a continuation of the greatest financial experiment in history."
"The US dollar's dominance as the global reserve currency is under threat."
"...we have to inflate away these debts... the hybrid system is dead."