
Narrative Development Quotes

There are 534 quotes

"This is good, I always enjoy when characters find common ground with each other."
"Kashin Koji battling an identity crisis while Boruto tries to get powerful enough to take back Konoha from Kawaki is genuinely the most interesting thing I think Kishimoto could do with the timeskip."
"Mice and Mystics...leads to what Brian Locket is doing with Above and Below. These narrative books did become a basis of gameplay."
"The Chimera Ant arc is so long it does a really good job of building hype as the arc progresses."
"It was now obvious to him that the Death Wolf was hella strong and had a lot of endurance."
"It just kept unraveling in such an interesting way."
"She decides she get the hammer and she decides that she will not she's not going to kill Fisk like that."
"Make the power scaling more consistent throughout the series."
"Make the Tournament of Power be more of a battle royale than everyone versus Universe 7."
"Senator Amidala finds out about the kidnapping."
"Petscop 2: A corridor leads to an office, mysteries deepen with images and notes."
"Revolutionized the gaming industry with epic storytelling."
"It's time for more advancement in narrative and other areas."
"Plot-wise, this is easily the most interesting place the Knuckles comic has ever been."
"The expectation is that if the mission has personal stakes for the character, it will ultimately be more satisfying."
"Shadowlands is not revisiting an old villain, it's breaking the cycle."
"All these things that seemed innocuous and irrelevant at the beginning of the story become important at the end."
"He chose to be the villain because he was a villain."
"Despite us thinking at this time Dr. Sloane was one of the good guys, or had the best interest at heart for the Fortnite reality in itself..."
"Now that Dr. Sloane was alerted of the fact that Agent Jones had gone rogue..."
"The witch Queen marks an acceleration in our story."
"The development of a story... you got to be here for the beginning in the middle and the end."
"In many ways, Tony and Thanos have had similar journeys over their histories in the MCU."
"Hickman's portrayal of Reed and the inherent issue of his character are carried over to his reuniting with Susan."
"Momentum is now ice-cold and we're here, we are, we're talking around unique narrative content."
"Seeing Cross Guild make their claim to one piece was the moment that truly felt like the throne Wars that doflamingo promised was officially being delivered on."
"When a character no longer has a functional purpose to the plot or the narrative, their death can act as a powerful close to their journey."
"Edward has actual personalized reasons he's getting something out of it whether it's personal revenge against somebody who wronged him specifically or if we're talking about actual monetary gain from performing these actions."
"She reveled in the sense of power it gave her, but the black and Bone Warrior betrayed none of this."
"It did really help push to drive the story forward."
"Every wrestling storyline should aim for this sort of narrative development, these twists and turns, and the cool matches that you get either end of it."
"Bonnie's personal conflict isn't something that can just be resolved at Egghead as her enemies are the celestial dragons and the world government itself."
"Slow down, there is no need to catch up to Marvel. Take your time to tell your epic stories, don't rush them."
"It only suits the narrative for us to see what Mastered Ultra Instinct could really do against the new so-called quote strongest warrior."
"Sometimes, though a coma theory becomes so powerful that it turns into the actual storyline of the game."
"Having him stay in the dark forest gives him some actual stakes."
"Honestly, I think they've managed to do that so far and even after season four none of the main characters have died."
"The SBS seems to suggest that Oda is not going to push it"
"A gigantic amount of development goes by off screen and we are left with a measly title crawl to fill in the blanks."
"Jihai shares where she has been and asks if she can have some of the eggs too."
"Doctor Doom would be more than a worthy foil for the Avengers."
"What makes the ending of season 7 such a devastating gut punch is that the first half of the Season gives the audience a glimmer of hope that maybe things will turn out okay."
"Relationships tell us why characters like or dislike each other."
"Permanent 'T'Challa death... but I think we're gonna see all the interesting power vacuum type stuff that happened during the blip."
"She took something that started as a parody and used the building blocks that she's satirized to tell a genuinely good and compelling story."
"I loved the whole theme of the rise of the Stark children. They're all taking control."
"This is a fight Kubo was really invested in, really looking forward to getting to."
"I think Luffy's network of allies will be constantly expanding but for his private army, I think Dressrosa was pretty much the arc for giving us that."
"Once we get to Season 2, Danny Phantom is more than just an episodic action show. It's a coming-of-age story."
"Selig would credit his inability to use Pipo as a blessing. Ubi would be given till the gas and three additional main cast members."
"That's my perfect death for Littlefinger: Sansa betrays him the same way he betrayed Ned."
"How does that work? That's what happens when you kind of open teams up and don't have one guy yelling at everyone on the narrative team for trying to do their thing."
"Once Abby throws Tommy off the pier her take a boat to the island and we can see that the war is starting to begin."
"Isabella spends the whole summer approaching Phineas romantically, but it fails every time until he finally realizes his feelings for her."
"You're playing between these two characters Saga and of course Alan Wake himself."
"It's always the best part when they learn a valuable lesson."
"This particular one is also pretty much the last entry in the series that really gave a damn about pushing the modern narrative."
"Tragedy befalls the Croft family when Amelia dies in a plane crash."
"With great power comes great responsibility, and the meat of that finally having it in the back half of this film is what makes the back half of this film a great Spider-Man story."
"The Divine wishes to live through you and into the world, reaching into the hearts of many and igniting those hearts into greater."
"There's so much opportunity here for narrative to come through."
"We've set out to tell a focused story with an arc that will move through all the updates and culminate in a compelling conclusion."
"And the final chapter on this story hasn't been written."
"Derby McDevitt is back working on Assassin's Creed, and his influence both as a writer and a narrative director shows."
"We see the seasons as a real opportunity to tell the story as well."
"Ultimately, the Queen recognizes Arisu’s obsession with the truth is the only thing that could slow him down, so she decides to give him exactly what he asked for."
"Every scene should advance either story or character and thus serve a larger integral purpose."
"I loved how it evolved through the show without you kind of realizing until the final couple of scenes."
"Such a creative villain and start to the battle."
"It is very possible to create compelling postgame stories around OP heroes."
"There's definitely a seed of what is to come without spoiling the end of it all."
"Yuji's life is beginning to get even more complicated as the events unfold, reflecting the changes in Jiu Jitsu Kaizen."
"It respected the characters, took its time to develop the story."
"I really hope we see both worlds where we see the Straw Hats have to protect Luffy from Kaido, and then after that, Luffy has to protect the Straw Hats from Kaido."
"The reveal of Jay's more direct insertion into events is worth seeing."
"I think George is stuck trying to get all the key characters in place for the big crescendo."
"I'm hoping this is going to darker, more interesting places."
"By killing Madelyn, Homelander may have set a time bomb within his own mind, and within Vought itself."
"Her journey after leaving the order solidified her significance in the Star Wars saga."
"The story is all just kind of adding up right now..."
"The ending was so sad and opens up so many different possibilities for season three."
"The conclusion by the end of this season is not at all an ending; it's just opening up a whole nother [ __ ] world of possibility."
"Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake... you can tell Kojima's method of storytelling began to glimmer here."
"It's grounded in moments of agency crucial junctures where things could go either way."
"Danny's got to do something with the weirwoods in order to free those whites."
"In fact, let's contrast that now with the hero of the film..."
"A narrative can take all kinds of crazy twists and turns."
"Ultimately, as we know, the loyalist forces are victorious."
"When bayek drops the eagle skull that's been hanging around his neck the whole game and aya picks it up, we see where the symbol for the assassin's creed actually began."
"The return of Fisher's daughter was a big moment, and it was handled well."
"Every room has something meaningful, building the story."
"Big hints, future plot threads, and returning characters."
"We're gonna see the Justice League form by the end of it."
"Daenerys's mad queen arc is illogical and fundamentally breaks her character."
"The real question here is why would someone as competent as Shinobu ever choose to join the Arataki Gang?"
"The storylines got unabashedly weirder and more surreal."
"What happened between these two scenes with the special curses."
"Now, while it's more likely, Chloe was just startled rather than angered by the revelation."
"He noted that there may be a way to save Boruto."
"You're probably right. The way this story is unraveling is pretty cool."
"The premise would be Lars and the Off-Colors accidentally receiving a distress call that sets off a chain reaction and results in them becoming intergalactic bounty hunters, fighting crime, bringing in criminals, and protecting the galaxy."
"This story is lighthearted at first but it gets real deep into overwhelming emotions near the end."
"Monica believes Wanda had trusted her on at least some level, letting her be in Westview for a reason and wants to help."
"Let’s delve into something a little more recent, and that is a piece of cut content from Assassin’s Creed Mirage."
"The story in Destiny 2 is a massive step forward."
"I do think that has potential to tell a compelling story."
"It really helps build a narrative for your army and feels like games have a bit more purpose."
"Varys' potential is wildly squandered by the time the show draws to a close."
"Silent Hill 3 represents an evolution in the series and games in general storytelling in games had evolved to the point that very personal specialized horror stories could be told."
"You could see the evolution and increasing complexity of BioWare's brilliant storytelling from enchanting start to perilous finish."
"Excited though is that we still have a left over uh plot everything from the end squad that's risotto oh yeah so risotto mm-hmm might end up being an ally."
"Audrey is Henry's daughter and manages to save her estranged father while trying to escape this Inky nightmare."
"It was really cool to see how the story evolved into something much more complex from where it started."
"Sasuke acknowledges their bond and promises to sever it, but does at least put on the forehead protector that until now he refused to do to give Naruto the courtesy of wearing."
"Players will discover more than they bargained for when the great dreamer Cthulhu prepares its awakening."
"We're left with some really interesting questions."
"Hopefully it's a story that they feel might write itself and they can just let them do what they can do."
"This feels like the prologue for Game of Thrones is over."
"Setting up the Mandalorian as the leader of a new Mandalore."
"I think there's gonna be some big huge reveal as far as how this stuff shapes into play."
"Suddenly and unexpectedly, Azu comes to their rescue."
"Ephraim was worried that the vampires would attack Zack and wanted to stay to protect him but he changed his mind after Nora's persuasion."
"This is the turning point in our wordless narrative where we push past all the bright lights, treats, and rides and reveals something wonderful and horrible all at the same time."
"Code Geass is a series that regularly writes its characters into corners."
"So, my narrative excuse for this is that in my setting the way a resurrection works is that the cleric who is casting the resurrection spell basically it's like a good Horcrux."
"So maybe suddenly the clerics who've resurrected one of your party members start being targeted and killed and you find out that an old enemy of the party unable to get to them directly has been hunting down the clerics one of the time."
"It's not thrown at you out of the blue. It's built up slowly and carefully."
"It hints earlier on that there's someone else watching from the shadows and then builds onto it by putting a newcomer against another newcomer."
"Destiny has always told us that we are becoming legend, but for the first time Splicer made us ask what kind of legend is that."
"Riddler definitely gets the best of Batman twice in that storyline..."
"Craft more of a story, a story or a narrative around it than just like 'check out my truck see ya.'"
"But getting to see a different side of Zavala, even a different side of the Cabal in Caiatl was really refreshing to see."
"The formation of the group and its evolving dynamic seem much more plausible."
"I want to emphasize these aspects of his character, turn him from a generic baddie into a sympathetic protagonist."
"The ending itself... blows open the whole Show's world into an exciting New Direction."
"Eventually, even if he has help, Luffy will figure it out. That's what's happening here. He's figured it out."
"You beg, you are no king, you are no Thanos," the younger Thanos leapt through the air.
"Bella: 'So then the main conflict of the movie actually starts.'"
"This is just, like, a regular old comic book universe where in this one Batman and Commissioner Gordon are dead, and it's up to this ragtag team to move on, and mourn Bruce Wayne, and solve some of his unsolved crimes, and clean up the city."
"Oda has assembled forces that require the Straw Hats to ally with revolutionaries... the final war is going to be on a scale unlike anything that we've ever seen."
"A relationship is more than just a label slapped on two characters."
"Managing relationships becomes so very important after characters can become both sworn on one end and rivals on the other."
"This chapter wasn't necessarily the craziest thing ever but it was a step in the right direction."
"This is the first time that we get to see, I guess, the enemy initially."
"The reason this chapter is exciting is because we don't know what's gonna happen."
"We want to respect the effort of commitment that a lot of you have put into the narrative that we create."
"Dragon vs Akainu is a massive possibility after this chapter."
"It all feels like stuff that is going to hopefully inform some big exciting storylines moving forward with the show."
"He’s making a mistake, but a mistake that makes perfect sense of his character."
"The narrative team is responsible for the story foundation of our persistent universe and Squadron 42."
"It's not really just suddenly this happened and now moving on to the fight, it really kind of pieces things together and ties everything together in a cohesive way."
"Adding Giovanni adds weight to the whole storyline and ties itself much better into Gen 2 being a sequel."
"Giovanni's purpose in the story won't be to help Team Rocket but actually take them down."
"Season 5 immediately deals with the aftermath of big Bill's death which has a pretty major effect on the entire family."
"Luffy's gonna take that title of King of the Pirates seriously."
"It's like a story, there's twists, turns, character development..."
"Ultimate Greg's saga is the beginning of Ultimate Alien and Omniverse's trend to introduce story arcs."
"I think the Barbarian is one of the greatest potential areas for story development, for narrative, for culture, for ritual, for all that kind of wonderful stuff."
"It's interesting to think about how everything will fall into place by the end of the story."
"There will be a progression to quests where if you do enough quests you'll gain the attention of the main antagonists and main protagonist to start doing Quests for them and to meet them personally."
"Black and White 2 show that people can change and show why growth is necessary."
"I think the show will find a way for the prophecy to be fulfilled."
"He's breaking free and narratively speaking, he's gonna flee and tell the story of this day."
"Plush Guardians presents a new take on sustainability to achieve a true play to earn experience developing its narrative Rich Universe into multiple works and platforms embrace the age of the sword."
"For the first time ever, it feels like we've arrived at a narrative final form where Bungie have figured out the perfect way to tell stories in this magnificent world they've built."
"Things are going to get more convoluted as we go along."
"She realized Ned actually held tremendous power."
"This version of Ariel is frustrated at the fact that she's constantly ignored and controlled."
"You are soon introduced to Kim Kitsuragi, another policeman from a different precinct."
"Just as he's ready to give up with the village the little child from earlier comes out from the crowd."
"I think if we're thinking about what could happen next, I think we should seriously consider the endless plot threads that are just waiting there to be picked up."
"The story will tell you what it wants to be."
"'The first and most essential step is to remove Azkaban from the control of the dementors.'"
"The Lich King called out to him, and it was revealed later that the Lich King's power was dwindling."
"They did such a great job you know making him like a three-dimensional character."
"It's a bit of a red flag right, and I think we immediately see that red flag being played out in Galadriel."
"What this represents is that they are just simply nudging the timeline to enable them to do more with the indomitus crusade."
"Barry Allen coming back basically retaking his mantle as the Flash, clearing the air and throwing it all back out there in a more concise, cohesive way."
"She's got a motive for murder and she's got a plan."
"The clone war may have ended, but the civil war is about to begin."
"Annie's biggest weakness was her relationship with her husband."
"Gregory seems to be asking this new girl for help through the broadcast."
"You've complicated things in a way that's added something to the story."
"We want our stories to feel more cohesive, flow with meaningful momentum season to season, and lead to an exciting climax each year."
"Let's get a really solid arc, a really solid storyline."
"This could have been a really interesting twist."
"The unfolding narrative wove together disparate threads of humanity, fear, conviction, and the persistent call of responsibility."
"I cannot contemplate like the fact that yes in these next two movies we need some retirements and we need some losses and these things are part of both the business realities and the storytelling necessities that they're facing."
"At the end of the day, I think between what we see in Halo 4 and 5 what we saw in the Bungie trilogy and what we see in Halo Infinite paints a nice picture of the fall of forerunner society."
"You know when you say they need to keep Joker in Arkham to use him as a Silence of the Lambs vibe where Batman is always having to go to him to figure stuff out, I think people would get annoyed."
"If the upcoming Flash movie is really going to dive into the multiverse, I think the finale of this movie should come with the Flash exiting into a new timeline."
"Finally, I actually want to see where this is going."
"Vito was now the one who held all the strings."
"It's got a pretty interesting mystery that reveals itself in a spectacular way."
"Sincerity, the girl's suspicions disappeared."
"Yuiya, who didn't want to leave Luna alone in the forest, accepted her invitation."
"Without forward progression, a fictional verse just ceases to feel like it's a living thing."
"As soon as he was revived, Hisoka began planning their next move."
"The plot can thicken further than it already has."
"Andrew turned serious and stared at Samantha, he kissed her."