
Logical Reasoning Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"If I put together a logical argument in structure, where I've got a syllogism, two premises, one conclusion, as long as the structure's valid and I put true premises in, the conclusion must be true."
"It's not just wrong on the theory; it's wrong in the facts."
"You need to value certain things in order to get any facts in hand in the first place. Any statement about facts relies on having first valued things like evidence and logical coherence."
"Just because one of us is wrong doesn't mean the other one is right."
"I think actually is important to recognize there are multiple ways of of dealing with supposed contradictions and when you start to look at them you go okay yeah okay yeah."
"The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
"Education should focus on logical thinking, critical thinking, more than anything else. That's the true beauty of the American system."
"The ability to check what you're being told against a set of logic that is so robust that you can instantly spot nonsense is powerful."
"Reality is not going to submit to your logical reasoning. It won't. Certain parts of reality will but not the whole of reality."
"Soon we're going to be able to sit at bars... that's exciting."
"Arguments give you precision that you wouldn't get otherwise."
"Sherlock Holmes liked to say that 'Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth'."
"Two wrongs do not actually make a right, nor do they leave you at the problem." - Ben Shapiro
"That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
"But yeah when it's us we're like oh no no but that's true oh no it's true logically that doesn't make a lot of sense."
"The absence of evidence where we would expect there to be evidence for a claim is evidence against the claim."
"I think women operate from the emotional side and men tend to operate from the logical side."
"Occam's razor suggests the simple solution tends to be the correct one."
"That which can be claimed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." - Hitchens razor
"The simplest explanation is more likely to be true."
"Philosophy majors usually have to take at least one course in logic and basic skills and logic and argumentation are reinforced in every class since these are the basic tools of philosophical reasoning."
"Forgiveness and understanding and logic and reason are the huge's advantage."
"The idea that the person holding the gun causing it to discharge is not responsible is absurd to me."
"I like the systematic style of thinking from first principles... anything is on the table to be questioned if you can defend it with chains of logic."
"Correlation is consistent with causation, causation is a direct link."
"Being able to fact check, being able to sift through what has actually happened, and being somebody who's very logical and reasonable is not someone that a narcissist is going to want to engage with very often."
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
"That which is asserted without evidence does not require evidence to refute."
"A good argument is a good argument regardless of who presents it."
"If you can look at a database of 45 million people who voted in this election and you can't draw some conclusions from that, you're doing this wrong."
"I'm sorry, but there is no logical reason why the overwhelming majority of these people adhere to a specific ideology."
"The paradox here is that we have to continue making these premises in order to accept the logic of a syllogism. So the structure of the logical argument is illogical? Pretty much."
"The burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim."
"I reposted that. That's hard. Hey, you can't argue with that logic."
"All the evidence is there and it's kind of hard to argue against it."
"The attributes of God are logically reasoned."
"We're logical thinkers over here on this channel."
"Ghosts don't leave tracks, so with a Sasquatch, even tracks, you're totally right."
"That's just fine, however, you gotta get to the right conclusion."
"Separating sports by sex does make sense, it sure as hell does."
"Most abductive inferences are wrong, but they make you think in productive ways."
"I've always sympathized with people really taking on a point of view and arguing it to its logical conclusion."
"The use of logic and evidence to pursue truth together."
"His reason made sense. It's valid. It's proven."
"It's not a false dilemma; both the individual ways and their cumulative case are convincing."
"If it looks forks and quacks like a duck, then absent compelling evidence to the contrary, we have warrant to conclude it's a duck."
"If something seems like it is the case then we at least have prima facie justification that it is the case."
"The pursuit of truth must be guided by evidence-based reasoning, logical deductions, and the relentless pursuit of facts to shed light on this intriguing phenomenon."
"Facts matter, evidence needs to back up your statements."
"Predicting that you'll find something if your theory is true is a logical fallacy. No, Kennedy, that's called science."
"What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
"Economics is extremely intuitive. It means just a little bit of logic and a little bit of understanding the relationship between different things will help you get the right answer every single time."
"If you have a sequence of facts that are individually true, they can add up to something."
"You can't explain a mystery with another mystery."
"People are having an emotional and not necessarily a logical response to the movie."
"Trust your intuition and know that what seems logical may not necessarily be right... what feels right is right."
"Can something be logical and insane at the same time? Absolutely."
"Logic appeals in a rigorous setting will always, always, always win out 100% of the time, every time, no matter what."
"Is it worse to be prisoner of the moment or is it worse to be a prisoner of faulty logic?"
"We don't have a mythology. We can justify the existence of God from first principles."
"I'm a firm believer in Occam's razor: the simplest explanation is the correct one."
"Looking at these usages together, I am hard put to see how anyone could justify."
"Talking to gorgeous women at the drop of a hat bleeds into all other areas of your life."
"The simplest solution is oftentimes the correct one."
"Logic is clearly not going to do it... In the absence of logic, all we really have left is how people feel."
"Logical and reasonable discussion about the criticisms of the MLM industry."
"I believe there must be a first cause, yes, logically."
"I never said I had no evidence. We've asked for it and you haven't given it."
"How can I walk out of an alley it didn't go into? Once you've ruled out the impossible, then whatever is left, however improbable, must be the truth."
"Free your mind... be a free thinker, use the facts, look at logic, look at statistics."
"A valid and logical argument requires you to develop a thought beyond the one simple shallow slogan."
"Revolution: leaning towards logic and reason."
"It's not bad logic. It's not the worst logic I've ever heard."
"Every positive statement has a burden of proof. If you say 'God exists,' you have adopted a burden of proof."
"What's the solution? The solution never was and never will be to change the burden of proof."
"China's going to be growing into the future right, I mean it just makes logical sense."
"The vegan cause is really a solid one that does minimize impact against animals in a logical way and it just doesn't blatantly demand the end of life against those who disagree."
"I was never on the left for social reasons... I was on the left because logically that's where I landed."
"When you see anyone with a position whose degree of certainty has not changed, you know they are not thinking logically."
"Here's a tip: keep an eye out for logic traps when you're chatting with a person."
"We're going to take a look at logical fallacies and some people who are really bad at making arguments."
"To avoid circular reasoning, we must ensure we do not rely on our conclusion within the premises of our argument."
"Logical fallacies are logical fallacies, irrespective of the person. Reason doesn't work that way."
"Atheism is falsifiable. It's not about wordplay; it's about logic and principles."
"The strong atheist position is falsifiable. It's about acknowledging the principles of logic and reason."
"Logic is too much, it makes sense, and I'm like, 'Oh [__], okay, yeah, you're right.'"
"An infallible interpreter just logically doesn't make sense to me... there's no evidence for it within Scripture."
"If you have facts on your side, it shouldn't be that hard. Just state them."
"It's extremely unconstitutional and dangerous."
"If something is possibly the case then it's true in a possible world."
"Like, logically if you think about it, does the nutrient intake needs of a 250 pound bodybuilder equate to the same nutrient intake needs of a hundred pound little chick? No, they don't."
"Let's stop the stupidity let's stop this Insanity let's stop supporting Ukraine yeah no I mean everything you say is is it's so logical."
"That was epic. I really like that bit of logic."
"Why not? Yeah, you're like bruh, it makes sense. How can you be so cocksure when you're so wrong?"
"If it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make money."
"The human brain was not trained to do this. We grew up over evolutionary time scales to solve certain problems, and logical reasoning wasn't always among those problems."
"Eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." - Donk
"Possibility must be demonstrated, it is not the case that something is possible merely because it hasn't been shown to be impossible."
"Negative numbers are funny in that sometimes they make sense sometimes they don't."
"If you allow logic and fair is fair to lead the way of a decision you're always going to be in the right."
"At the end of the day, we're talking about making arguments, using logic, and trying to find justice. It's a human system." - Ben Micellis
"You understand how to distinguish emotion from facts and logic."
"The most simple explanation is often times the correct one."
"Correlation doesn't imply causation, especially in history."
"Sometimes an explanation for something is usually the most sensible and logical and simple explanation right there in front of your face."
"I think Manchester United makes so much sense."
"I always try to show you exactly how I've come to that conclusion."
"Eliminate the impossible... whatever remains must be the truth."
"That seems like a very logical place to go now."
"Tesla says supporting zero emission vehicle uptake via mechanisms to make new fossil fueled cars pay for the damage they cause is entirely reasonable and logical."
"For those of you who think this is a bit of a leap, let me point something out."
"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck."
"You can't reason somebody out of something that they didn't reason themselves into in the first place."
"It's James May. Remarkably, that's just what happens when you apply sheer and pure logic to a question, you arrive at an answer you weren't expecting."
"My favorite part about Node-RED is how logical it is."
"Logical explanation and the simplest answer is usually the correct one."
"The logic follows the emotion, not the other way around."
"Reliability: they want to take that corolla name to the next level."
"Just because you don't have a necessity doesn't mean you can't make an inference to the best explanation."
"Arguments are not evidence, especially not when they're logically fallacious, and lies are not evidence either."
"I think math wins every time, mathematically speaking."
"Thank you so much for listening because we're talking about something I care passionately about which is logic, open curious inquiry of the data wherever that information may lead us because that my friends is science."
"It is only on the basis of grasping the logic of an argument that one should agree."
"It makes a lot of sense if you think about it."
"I just really am interested in the logic and the investigations itself and evidence like Phoenix Wright style."
"Something like you suggest... makes a lot of sense."
"You're making several massive leaps of logic and faith to be able to connect those dots."
"Unraveling mysteries is all about gathering evidence and applying sound logic to the conclusions that you come up with."
"We don't just start at the conclusion, what is the process that leads up to it."
"Just because two things are similar does not make them the same."
"First principles is the ability to reason and know what you're dealing with. Get to the very bottom of it, the very core, the truth."
"But does it answer the most questions with the evidence that we have? I believe it does."
"We must have a sustainable energy solution. In fact, it's total logical if it's not sustainable."
"You are not thinking, you are merely being logical."
"That argument also has a name, it's called the argument from analogy."
"It's just deduction straight up deduction, so yeah if you haven't tried it, you should definitely try it out."
"Logic teaches you that there can only be one objective truth."
"The best argued and most logical conclusion based on the evidence that is available tends to be accepted."
"Necessary being, first cause—it's philosophically sound, logically sound, ontologically sound."
"It's not exactly rocket science as to how they got here."
"If I ask you what the speed limit was outside on that road and you said 30 miles an hour but I could be wrong, it follows logically that you don't know the speed limit."
"Black women are more logical than black men. When it comes to schooling, jobs, you're not trying to hit a home run."
"Two things are true, two things can be true at the same time."
"The simplest explanation is likely the right one."
"If you wish others to believe as you do, then it is your responsibility to give them reasons to do so."
"Logical arguments were probably what ultimately was going to win out."
"Validity goes to the argument structure, soundness goes to whether or not the premises are true."
"Pure logic, yeah, no emotion here, no Hocus Pocus here, no smoking mirrors here, pure logic, simple logic."
"Facts are facts, things come true or they don't come true."
"Instead of recruiting more people, just be open-minded and free essentially, you know, to follow the logic on their own, I think."
"You don't solve a smaller mystery by creating a bigger one."
"In terms of a pure gamer aspect, I don't think Vega makes a whole lot of sense."
"Marriage is not working in this country, yes, if brothers want marriage, it seems logical based on the numbers that they would go somewhere else to get married."
"Who's the liar? The owner said he'd eaten a poison apple, so if it happened the day before, this apple must be brown now. But it's not; the man must have bitten into it just before calling the police."
"I just read you this email for the first time in your life...my argumentation is solid there are no flaws or holes."
"The effect does not exist independent of the cause."
"Why does this not seem to make sense? Maybe because it doesn't make sense. Maybe because your narrative doesn't work."
"It's through looking at both sides of the story and then coming to a logical, accurate conclusion that we believe to be based on evidence and rationality."
"It makes complete sense from both mechanical and motivational points of view."
"The truth is the truth whether someone says 1+1 equals 2 or 1+1 equals F and two is still two at the end of the day."
"These are all puzzle pieces, and it seems to me like it's a very obvious fit."
"Given AJ's admission of having fired the gun just 3 weeks prior, one would logically expect to find his fingerprints on it, raising questions about the absence of such evidence."
"For this particular scene, all of that makes sense."
"I genuinely think that makes the most sense, and the Flower Girl information backs me up."
"There are very good and logical reasons, not just ethical ones, why a more considered approach is beneficial to humanity."
"When you pluck this one out and put it back in, you can't then take another one out and give a different reason that doesn't work with that first one because these things do flow together if you're willing to look at the evidence."
"It tells us... a bunch of other stuff as well based off of that claim which we haven't proven yet."
"There wasn’t anything else. And I tried to make it work. I spent 12 years developing different kinds of logic, different kinds of models, and so on."
"If the math doesn't add up, then what you're teaching simply doesn't add up."
"If the math doesn't add up, then it simply doesn't add up."
"You should be able to get 80% just off your logic from your studying."
"Logical appeals use reasoning and evidence to support a claim."
"Passion is the most logical answer to the questions you are facing."
"So, by process of elimination, it would have to be A."
"The right answer on a weaken question will not necessarily disprove a conclusion; we're trying to disrupt the connection between premises and conclusion."
"Occam's razor: the simplest solution is usually the right one."
"Whenever we do a proof, what we're trying to prove is the logical argument for the deduction of the conclusion such that we can prove that an argument is valid."
"Once again, using Occam's razor goes a long way."
"A difference that makes no difference is no difference."
"A soundly reasoned, coherently written conclusion."
"You might not be able to rule out that Elvis Presley was murdered, but you might be able to rule out that he was run over by a bus."
"Validity is about the structure of the argument such that true premises lead to true conclusions."
"If you accept the sky as blue, whether it's blue or not, if you accept that premise and the structure is valid and you accept the second premise, you must either accept the conclusion or you are in violation of logical reason."
"Just as all squares are rectangles, not all rectangles are squares."
"The logic all makes a lot of sense."
"Logical reasoning tests are designed to assess candidates' ability to interpret patterns, number sequences, or the relationships between shapes."
"Our goal is to arrive at the most logical and parsimonious explanation."
"It's a deductive argument; if the premises are true and the logic is sound, the results will follow."
"Cause and effect, I see how they connect."
"The truth of the matter is the available evidence makes it impossible to deny logically the existence of a criminal organization known as the mafia."
"Arguments are good or bad regardless of who makes them."
"This puzzle... is a reasonable complete Miracle Sudoku."
"It's extremely difficult to find a logical track from the way data are processed to exactly what we're supposed to be learning from them about the world."
"Sometimes things are as they seem, and the most logical conclusion is the truth."
"Occam's razor... the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected."
"A strong inference begins with the premise of something being false, leading to something else being true."
"One plus two plus three makes sense, it's logical and actually pretty smart."
"If you know for certain there are only three possible outcomes and you are able to rule out two of them, then the third one must be correct."
"Logic isn't a personal thing; your arguments are either sound and valid or they are not."
"It's a lot harder to prove a negative than to prove a positive."