
Elephants Quotes

There are 1089 quotes

"Elephants will actually have funerals if a fellow elephant dies and they'll even come back years later to the funeral spot and have like a memorial service."
"Elephants have begun ditching their tusks in the name of survival."
"India has a spa for elephants! These gentle giants can receive a special treatment that includes massage, food, and even soothing baths."
"Elephants are certainly up there in terms of wisdom and intelligence."
"Hey, I remember you. An elephant always remembers."
"With all of the challenges elephants face, that there are so many healthy, young elephants in this group."
"A herd of elephants will never leave one of their own behind."
"After the humans saved the drowning baby elephant, much of the herd turned around to face the rescuers, then they waved their trunks, giving out more trumpet sounds, but this time they sounded happy."
"Asian elephants were tested by painting a white 'X' on their cheek and then putting them in front of a mirror. The elephants would look into the mirror and then touch the 'X' mark on their face, meaning they were self-aware enough to realize it was their own reflection they were looking at."
"Elephants are some of the most beautiful, graceful, and intelligent animals on the planet, but even elephants can find themselves in some pretty unfortunate situations now and then."
"Check out that elephant, man! Wow, that's cool!"
"Now we get to see the elephant's bum-bum from over here, though."
"Having fun is actually an important part of an elephant's life."
"Elephants may be large but they're also incredibly playful when the situation calls for it."
"It may be true that an elephant will never forget, but nor will it stand by while it sees another animal in distress."
"Elephants are basically artists, or at least this one elephant is a long-trunked Picasso."
"Elephants: Gentle giants with remarkable cognitive abilities."
"Elephants don't forget faces, they got good memory."
"Elephants in the wild appear to stand vigil over their dead, protecting the body, touching its mouth, its ears."
"Elephants can be a devastating combination of smart enough to do anything and big enough."
"A baby elephant was seen acting so adorable at an elephant sanctuary in northern Thailand."
"Elephants are the largest land animals on the planet, twice as tall as a man and weighing 60 times as much. They are giant manifestations of nature's power."
"Elephants are one of the most iconic animals to currently inhabit our world."
"Elephants! Elephants are doing such great work."
"The extent to which elephants go to protect their calves is mind-boggling."
"Elephants are the largest living land animals."
"Elephants are intelligent enough to experience every human emotion like compassion empathy."
"It's another matter entirely what is a matter of fact is the empathetic nature of elephants."
"Elephants mourned the death of their caretaker."
"Elephants have the strongest bones in the world."
"Elephants, those majestic giants, actually have a fear of bees."
"Elephants can store a gallon of water in their trunk."
"Why do elephants need trunks? Because they don't have glove compartments."
"The large form doesn't prevent the elephants from becoming good swimmers."
"Meet the Etosha elephants, considered to be the largest elephants in the world."
"That's why elephants have an insanely low incidence of cancer."
"Elephants can cook and collect up to 150 kg of grass material in a day."
"Time spent with elephants is always time well spent."
"It's a perfect afternoon spent with elephants, isn't it?"
"Elephants have the ability to remember and learn from their experiences."
"African elephants are giant creatures whose ancestors inhabited African savannas 60 million years ago."
"Elephants have up to 160 gestures and visual cues."
"Elephants recognize themselves in the mirror, indicating their emotional intelligence and high level of self-awareness."
"Elephants masterfully use tools such as stones and tree branches for very difficult purposes."
"The elephant's memory is impressive."
"Elephants can swim underwater using their trunks as snorkels for breathing."
"For elephants, there are never enough social connections in herds."
"The tusks of old dead elephants are rarely found, that's why it used to be thought that elephants go to a mysterious place to die."
"As we see, elephants not only play the role of Mega gardeners for the environment but can also help humans solve environmental issues."
"The max elephant is really good for two things: water and weight."
"Elephants are in instrumental and opening up the landscape and their dung provides food nourishment seed distribution breeding sites for a wide variety of plants and animals and insects alike to you it might just seem like poo but it's a whole ecosystem on its own."
"Elephants are very clever and they know how to take care of themselves."
"Elephants can not only hear other elephants miles away but they can figure out the direction too. Sometimes a group of elephants will even arrange themselves like a compass to better figure out where the sound is coming from. Wow, that's smart. Elephants are smart."
"Elephants have a lot more neurons than humans in the part of the brain that deals with smelling. They're very good at remembering smells for a very long time."
"An elephant matriarch is the epitome of feminine strength, power, and protection."
"Seeing elephants so close up was just such a special experience. It was almost like spiritual for me."
"Elephants are terrifying and every year 500 people are killed."
"The elephants hold symbolic, cultural, and economic importance in Sri Lanka."
"Elephants have always been elephants."
"Elephants in Cambodia have learned to exploit their right-of-way and stop passing sugarcane trucks to steal the snack."
"Elephants they're institutions now."
"...whereas like an elephant they have to travel they have to make sure they have water they may have to make sure they can find food."
"Elephants don't just have one of the freakiest builds in nature, but one of the craziest skill sets too."
"96 elephants being poached today on our planet."
"Elephants not only dive, they also have a bunch of connective tissue in their chest that protects their lungs from the surrounding water pressure."
"Elephants are one of the best mothers on Earth. They spend 22 months pregnant and the next 10 years raising a 200-pound mass of a calf that falls out of them."
"One of the iconic animals that people come from all over the world to see, the African elephant."
"Congratulations and well done. You must say nice things to elephants."
"Elephants are my favorite animals. I like the size, I like the color, I like the way they behave."
"Sissie was very fearful and it took her several days to even venture from the barn or to make the acquaintance of the other elephants."
"In North America, most captive elephants are housed in small confined spaces, chained for up to 18 hours a day, dominated, and sometimes brutalized by keepers."
"Elephants are highly social and intelligent individuals."
"They live in family groupings or herds, constantly interacting with each other, expressing a complex variety of emotions, including compassion and humor."
"So, Carol brought her to the elephant sanctuary in Tennessee."
"Life's irrelevant without elephants."
"Elephants aren't quick to forgive either."
"Elephants really get excited; they'll shake their heads from side to side, let their trunks hang loose, and their ears flap in the wind."
"Elephants are definitely because they are such big animals, they will definitely disturb other creatures."
"Elephants are supremely intelligent animals and their surroundings are critical to their health and well-being."
"We are completely surrounded by elephants."
"That was a great way to start the day with the elephants."
"I cannot imagine a cooler job than to get to spend all day with these elephants every single day."
"We're excited because the elephants are going to come in just a few minutes and we get to feed them."
"Elephants are very intelligent animals."
"Despite their massive build, elephants are not clumsy at all."
"One of the best things about elephants is they're always willing to help each other out."
"Elephants replant forests wherever they walk."
"All right folks, we're going to be pulling into our elephant train station here in just a moment."
"The biggest threat to elephants aren't lions, hyenas, or down bad bulls; it's us, by far, and they know it."
"Elephants are just like us, they never forget."
"Alexander's costliest battle was against Porus's war elephants."
"They knew how to pack their trunks, that's for sure."
"We decorated Braxton's room with some elephant stuff, so elephants are always something that we think about Braxton."
"Elephants are scattered throughout sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia."
"African bush elephants and Asian elephants are listed as endangered."
"Elephants are among the most intelligent animals on the planet."
"They are very social, they apparently mourn their dead."
"They can recognize themselves in the mirror."
"Elephants are emotionally complex creatures."
"There is only one thing more terrifying in the wild than a charging elephant: a herd of charging elephants."
"Elephants can also be very gentle; just look at how affectionately this giant hugs the guy with its trunk."
"Giants such as the elephant depend on their massive size and intimidating presence to keep out of the predator's sights."
"To see a wild elephant is seriously a special experience."
"Fortunately, the Friends of the Asian Elephants Hospital in Thailand saved her."
"Before he died at the age of 50, Sato was one of Africa's oldest and largest elephants."
"Elephants are herbivores with voracious appetites, capable of consuming vast amounts of vegetation."
"Elephants have a specialized digestive system geared toward processing fibrous plant material."
"Jumbo the elephant inspired the 1941 Disney film Dumbo."
"In the wild, African elephants can live to be 70 years old."
"We were hoping that we could catch a safari in Jeep tour and finally get to see some wild elephants for the very first time."
"It was so great just to get a glimpse of these gentle giants."
"Elephants remember things, and they never forget."
"Something about elephants so big and so powerful and certainly capable of crushing my hand for instance, and yet when you're near them, you feel so calm."
"They look like they got it all figured out, elephants. I think they could impart some life lessons to you."
"These elephants have now traveled 300 miles from the national park area that they've escaped from."
"Feeding and showing some love to the elephants is something that I like to do because they're so friendly."
"...elephants are mysterious, they're otherworldly creatures, they're from another world, another continent, but a whole other reality than the one you've ever known before."
"If you want to find the baby elephant's herd, just look for the color gray."
"Elephants are powerful and they never forget."
"One day a group of elephants came across a dead elephant, they started putting some leaves and some sticks and then they stand like like 2 minutes showing respect to the deads."
"Elephants are ecosystem engineers and they change the environment around them."
"I have elephants everywhere because I love them so much."
"Elephants are really social animals; they like to be together."
"Elephants are incredibly smart creatures."
"Elephants are really social animals."
"Two elephants talking... I don't care what anybody says, I can't remember a thing."
"Elephants spray themselves and each other to keep cool because nothing feels better than a cool shower on a hot African afternoon."
"Perhaps his most memorable military innovation was his use of war elephants in battle."
"Elephants move at the pace of the slowest member."
"Elephants do eat alien vegetation, it depends on the alien vegetation however."
"How amazing were these elephants!"
"Elephants are the world's largest mammals."
"We have tiny baby elephant here, look at how beautiful our herd that is, the matriarch leading them."
"There are more muscles in an elephant's trunk than the entire human body."
"Elephants sleep by normally standing up with their adults or lying down if they're very small."
"It is lovely, we are with the breeding heart of elephant, it's a beautiful beautiful afternoon."
"They have been protecting and rescuing orphan elephants since 1977."
"Elephants never forget, and I never forget about elephants."
"The way that these elephants use this landscape is something that has been learned and passed on from generation to generation."
"That's how they transmit knowledge; it's what makes them so successful as a species."
"Elephants are afraid of the sound of bees."
"Why is it so hard to find elephants hiding in trees? Because they're so good at it."
"A proper sanctuary would be a place where elephants are allowed to roam freely without the interference of anybody."
"That's the tragic paradox because on the one hand elephants are revered and worshiped and on the other hand they are enslaved."
"The African elephant is actually two different species."
"You could pick up a feather or push over a tree with that trunk."
"Elephants are probably more like us than any other animal."
"Elephants have moods just like we do."
"They can actually recognize individual humans."
"We should learn from the elephant."
"They love swimming, they're really beautiful when you see them swimming."
"Elephants are in a really tough situation... it's quite a battle right now to save significant populations of elephants from poaching."
"Elephants communicate with over 70 vocal calls and have over 160 ways of visual and tactile communication."
"Elephants, please stay in your car. Oh come on, let the elephants get out and stretch their legs. They've probably been driving for a while."
"Elephants are so big, they have to eat a lot of food."
"It weighed almost as much as 10 elephants, that's very very heavy."
"Death by elephant was a popular method of execution in Ancient Asia and up until the 19th century."
"For Tikka and Iringa, what a long, strange trip it's been."
"Elephants more than most other animals can form lifelong bonds."
"Baby elephants holding trunks, oh my god, I love elephants."
"Elephants, I think they're a fan favorite. Like everybody loves elephants."
"We elephants love to enjoy long walks with our families."
"Elephants are my favorite; I think they are just so, so pretty."
"Strong, intelligent, and sensitive, this is the bright side of elephants left in peace."
"Elephants have been part of human culture for at least 4,000 years."
"No two elephants have the same personality; they differ just like people."
"Elephant-human bond is a lifelong bond, strong bond, and if it falls apart, it becomes a real problem."
"Elephants I think have the same emotions as us, like all the emotions: love, jealousy, rage, and they could be vengeful."
"Elephants live for up to 70 years, so it pays to have brains that can learn and remember huge amounts of information."
"For these are sociable animals that form lifelong friendships."
"This is nice, I love the elephants."
"The African elephant lives in groups strictly led by matriarchs."
"They take each step through the grassland with the liberation and prowess."
"How crucial the elephant benefits the African savannah ecosystem reveals itself even in death."
"Elephants are renowned for caring about each other."
"As a gift from the savannah, this elephant has been delivered to her and her clan."
"They live in matriarchal hierarchies where the females are larger than the males and they provide for their young without the help of the father."
"Borneo pygmy elephants, or Elephas maximus borneensis, is the world's smallest known subspecies of elephants."
"Elephants are usually peaceful creatures, but if the rhino messes with its food, it can take down the rhino and smash it with its great weight."
"The elephants are totally onto something, guys. Elephant apple is good."
"Elephants are very big and heavy animals."
"If you do want to have two elephants like here, I have these two elephants that are doing this little heart, it's kind of for Valentine's Day."
"Elephants have a very complex communication system which helps them maintain their close family bonds."
"Look at this, oh it's a charm bracelet and it has little elephants all over it."
"I love elephants, they're so cute and playful."
"Elephant trunks are pretty important, but baby elephants must first learn how to use them."
"It has begun, the Ellies are starting to wake up."
"According to Hindu mythology, eight elephants hold Earth in place."
"It's amazing how much you can do with that trunk."
"Maybe elephants should stick to trumpeting and rumbling."
"Elephants are intelligent man, great men and emotional."
"But you want to know the crazy part about elephants, elephants be cool like year-round."
"It's incredible how quiet an elephant can be when it's actually not crashing through bushes and breaking branches."
"I love it when elephants do this; it's just incredible to watch how quickly they come together to solve a problem."
"If you start with elephants in the morning, it's going to be a good day."
"Always nice to start off with some ellies for the morning."
"We saw elephants, too. Isn't it amazing?"
"The girls always stay together for life, like the mamas and the granddaughters."
"They have burial practices and return to mourn the dead."
"Elephants are the largest extant land mammal on earth, weighing up to 6.9 tons."