
Emotional Challenge Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"The feeling of meaninglessness which sometimes burdens us through the course of life is difficult to contend with."
"Serving the truth is not easy. It's very emotionally challenging."
"The process of writing my memoir was emotionally exhausting to the point where, if I had known how hard it was gonna be, I wouldn't have done it."
"It was very difficult...the mental part and emotional part was the hardest part that I had to deal with."
"This role took me to some of the darkest places I've ever been, emotionally, physically, anythingly. I would never go back there again, not for anyone."
"It's a game that tells you the truth and isn't afraid to challenge the player at every opportunity, even emotionally."
"Facing my victim's family was the most horrifying experience."
"The Last of Us 2 is an incredibly successful endeavor to make the player miserable."
"We have to consciously choose love because it's scary."
"It's like we're in there and we're aware that it's danger we're aware that it's tricky right trying to hurt your feelings."
"Let her hit rock bottom, but if you love someone, it's hard to watch a loved one hit rock bottom."
"Always do what's emotionally most difficult."
"Love means letting go of what we want to hold on to the most."
"Probably the worst thing about video making and scripting is that I have to relive the moments I did on stream."
"I want to help families not go through what my mom is going through right now."
"Learning to love yourself is the biggest challenge."
"Your challenge moving forward for this coming week... emotional uncertainty... I don't know if I want this."
"Grief is just such a difficult thing to navigate and it stays with us."
"You still gotta love 'em. It's not easy to do."
"Knowing certain things are coming... it's almost harder."
"There's going to be an emotional situation you're not going to be able to sweep under the rug anymore. You're going to face it squarely and make a decision that has your best interests at heart."
"She truly wanted to get along with her sister, however, that grudge and those feelings of anger were hard to let go of."
"Even though that you guys are on a break and there's been a breakup and there's this difficult situation, deep down you still have the hope that this can be reunited and celebrate."
"Aloneness is a difficult thing to deal with for any gender or age."
"Once that resentment sets in, it's really hard to get away from it."
"So we just went through an amazingly difficult adventure to save your life. That was emotionally trying."
"It can be hard to forgive, but it can be even harder to forget."
"Paying off debt is hard. It's emotionally draining, physically exhausting, but it's okay to feel frustrated, okay to cry."
"It's definitely difficult to be so vulnerable and so open."
"I wish I could say it's getting easier, it's actually just almost getting harder."
"I struggle to have the words... how painful this is... the most painful and difficult thing I've ever gone through for sure."
"That's one of the greatest strengths of games, it gives you the ability to put yourself outside of your comfort zone."
"As I lay here tonight unable to sleep, I know that I can't keep hiding from the truth. It's time to face it head-on, no matter how hard it might be."
"Imagine being hopelessly in love with your best friend."
"The breakdown is the easy part, it happens so fast. The waiting for the repair is the hardest part."
"Running from grief seems like an appealing option, but it's not. It's a freight train bearing down on us; we just have to go through it."
"I've become a visible wrong thinker at a place I love... it's uncomfortable, sometimes heartbreaking."
"That's difficult for her, that's a really interesting story."
"Love should be easy. This is the hard bit, I never shut up."
"And ascend to levels of greatness where your name would be in history books for decades to come or generations to come it would be always do the emotionally difficult thing."
"Change often happens extremely slowly and extremely painfully."
"I'm pumping my body full of hormones that make me crazy."
"The most challenging thing ironically wasn't the job because we were prepared for it, but having to leave the family."
"To grow is painful and it is so worth it to be cracked open."
"It is the hardest thing you'll ever go through, but it is the greatest joy you will ever feel in your entire life."
"The hardest thing we go through in life is watching our parents struggle because they're your rocks, they're your idols, they're your source of power."
"The most challenging for me was when Alice goes to tell FP that she had his child and that that child died. It really was hard for me to get back to that where I was supposed to be in that place."
"It's incredibly hard for us, incredibly painful."
"It's so hard to disconnect yourself from it... your identity is not tied to the follower account, but it's still... hard to do."
"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable."
"The outcome, ten of swords someone here is running from this love."
"It's easy to feel compassion for our friends and family, but to feel compassion for the one who's wronged us... is incredibly challenging and yet very powerful."
"That loneliness, yeah, it's gonna get to you, it's supposed to."
"If you're a parent and you've had a sick kid, it's... I don't think there's anything worse."
"Mourning the very first kill of the series is a difficult step of the journey, but it is still a step."
"Fear doesn't get easier, it doesn't hurt less, but it's not supposed to."
"It's Over okay, somebody wants to break you because you're confident."
"Self-love is a journey, and it's not as easy as being like 'love yourself'."
"Leaving the church of Scientology can be a challenging and emotional process."
"Finding the willingness to face the truth within ourselves, even if it's painful."
"I'm so thankful that I was able to complete this one, it was really wrenching my heart that I couldn't do it."
"Sometimes the truth really sucks and the hardest thing to do is to acknowledge it."
"The best horror forces you out of your safe zones and forces you to confront it."
"Admitting your fears is the first and most difficult step in overcoming them."
"Someone wants to tear you down, Pisces, and it's in retaliation. It's like 'where the fuck do you think you're going?'"
"Men are more lonely and single than ever before in a world where we have everything, so many people feel like they have nothing. It's much more challenging."
"I do have a crush on this guy, but he doesn't have a crush on me back."
"It's going to require you to go through that painful moment."
"Creative angst is what happens when the stallion doesn't have a harness."
"Love is something very challenging for them, but now they're beginning to understand who you are."
"Writing makes us uncomfortable, but facing discomfort is necessary."
"I feel like you ain't never been in love with two people at one time."
"Move toward that pain, move toward it and go in and through."
"It is obviously shaken her to the core, alternate times, time travel, it's a bit much for even her open mind."
"Divorce is one of the most difficult things a person can deal with in their life."
"This is the most difficult part about cleaning out the house of someone who's passed and left all their belongings to someone else."
"Drawing is especially when you're learning a very very mentally draining and taxing and emotionally difficult thing to do."
"The hardest thing about being parents is just seeing her grow up."
"It's been a tough couple of days seeing those kids, thinking about my own kids."
"Leaving my best friend of 14 years was probably one of the hardest things I had to do."
"I'm struggling with infertility... I don't even know how to handle it."
"People living with cancer often feel stigmatized, alone, and overwhelmed with grief and stress."
"The challenge... is that it can be very difficult actually inhabiting the wilderness, really being with the rawness of feelings."
"How would you describe loneliness? This is probably one of the hardest questions for me to answer."
"I couldn't take that quantum leap emotionally on behalf of Starling, certainly on behalf of Hannibal."
"It's an honor to do that but that [__] is honestly one of the roughest and maybe most [__] up parts of the job because you have to give that flag to a mother or a girlfriend."
"It definitely can be emotionally difficult and taxing at times, but it can also be very rewarding as well."
"I think the hardest thing is the emotions."
"Life for an adolescent, especially, is a fierce test of emotional survival."
"To hold your child, look them in the eyes, and witness a stranger put medicine in them until they go limp in your arms is something that will never ever get easier."
"The emotion of it has been the challenge, not the physicality of it."
"This was such a powerful and difficult read."
"It's not easy to tell the girl of your dreams that you have a crush on her."