
Social Events Quotes

There are 375 quotes

"An advertisement for a wine party caught his eye."
"The lights are on, the sun has set, and it's about to get lit, as the kids say."
"But it's not, like, worthy of scorn, it's just people having a good time."
"What's the deal with that? Prom date? Friends going to prom as a friend?"
"I just love the way it sparkles and shines. I hope everyone at the party likes it too."
"Princess Diana's parties were actually legendary. This was the hottest ticket in town."
"She attends the party hoping deep in her heart that she will meet muang there. Her face lights up as she sees mu young in a nicely fit white suit sitting and smelling his drink."
"Celebration, happiness, and joy taking place."
"It's been the source of countless summer dance parties."
"Let's overtake Thanksgiving with Thanksgiving yeah Thanksgiving do it do it and we'll we'll be having our own Thanksgiving uh stuff in our faces on Thursday watching the football games."
"It's great to see everybody out here again, finding some shade, finding a good time."
"She felt truly elated out in the open Highland landscape at local dances and at the annual Highland Games."
"If I pass Mr. Top Five, I will go to my high school reunion."
"We're here to have fun, and that's what it's about. We had a lot of fights today, but you know, we're smiling."
"Nobody wants everybody wants an invite to the party until it turns out that there's underage people, illicit drugs and sex workers then all of a sudden don't nobody want to be at the party."
"Weddings are a huge, huge, huge thing in just in general right and Valentine's Day is coming up, it's perfectly topical."
"Seeing how many people are doing this challenge... makes me really happy."
"That’s gotta be a pretty sweet deal, getting paid the cost of a Lamborghini just to party for a single night."
"The events on the right are fun, happy, vibrant, colorful."
"Here's to Bernie showing up to a buttoned-down event wearing oven mitts."
"Both girls look ravishingly lovely in the soft lights."
"It's like a party, and that may come to an end if he loses."
"A white tie event means you should actually be wearing a proper dress shirt."
"I am going to Noah's wedding yeah I'm excited man like really genuinely excited it is so nice of Noah to invite me cuz like I mean I'm tight with Noah but it's like it's different being like a like a youtuber."
"Human beings love to play and get this occasion just gives us an opportunity to combine the two."
"Spouses drag their partners to things they don't want to go to."
"I felt like so honored to watch this meeting for the first time of you to that meaning where you were like, hey, babies. Really, it was a really lovely night."
"But you're at a different level so okay so you're at Coachella and I know that I saw you guys hanging out you're hanging out with a lot of people who are there on the bill."
"No matter what the dress code is, get RSVP ready with Macy's."
"Seeing the car community come together for a great purpose just makes it feel so great."
"That old economy, that old way of looking at things, that old way of putting on a party, it's over."
"Host community events and play with your viewers."
"You'll be the prom queen of the prom king this week, actually, make that nine months."
"Everything's about who was there. It's not about the actual content."
"I thought for sure Caitlyn would crack under the pressure."
"Come on the Illuminati you went to last year before they let you stream with all the celebrity people and stuff remember that."
"People like fun. Fun means hanging out, dancing, laughing, having drinks, meeting new people. Rock needs to be the soundtrack to those good times."
"It's a time to enjoy yourself, parties of any sorts, to get rewarded with your hobbies."
"It was honestly the most beautiful show of humanity I've ever seen."
"I just got one question, did y'all make it through the eclipse?"
"Family wise, there could be a few get-togethers or an invitation coming in."
"The fact that the carriage even exists... is evidentiary of the fact that people have princess parties."
"NFTs are an invitation to an exclusive party."
"Jeep owners have their own clubs and schedule events dedicated to driving."
"Now, if you live in a place where you get a return on your investment with composite decking and you have a beautiful backyard living oasis that you want to build, it's fabulous for evening parties and cocktail parties and that sort of thing."
"We've been increasing certain parts about game nights that we never would have been able to in year one."
"Thanks for subscribing, thanks for inviting someone else over to come and join us."
"This has been a blast so far, been a huge success."
"It's really popular for weddings and parties."
"It's just fun, great for weddings, travel, kids, and parties."
"Who doesn't want to watch some chaos go down right? Who doesn't want to enjoy a little bit of a trash fire?"
"It felt like a celebration of us. It was great."
"Invite a lot of freaks and weirdos according to normies to dance and play and build and think."
"Lady Gaga showed... how to meld low art and high art at a party."
"Meet me in person, competitions, interaction, and lots of fun!"
"Imagine how much goddamn fun you could have with the Celeb crowd and the Legacy Media man that would be lit."
"This is the best house party in all the Dark Souls."
"Going into my junior year, you know uh Pat you went to Arkansas, you know how the team make the bowl game they come to the basketball game over every Sunday it's lit right?"
"Given all that's happened these past few weeks on Wall Street it feels like an odd time to be dressed up in white tie."
"It's ideal for entertaining, having guests over, family members."
"It's kind of like really doing this and with all of them it's like a reunion from high school."
"We wanted to go for a more gender-neutral batch party, no gender lines here."
"Guacamole grew popular, especially as a Super Bowl party menu item."
"Guaranteed to be the biggest party since the one that definitely didn't happen in Downing Street last year."
"This fantastic rear garden is built for outdoor entertaining, makes it a perfect place to party with friends."
"A lot of life celebration, you know we love to celebrate."
"Instead of going to the party, I stayed home."
"When it happens are you gonna do a um a bachelor party at a strip club?"
"If I had a friend who was really into football and was inviting me over for the big game every week, I would go."
"I blame y'all 'cause y'all did not donate enough on honey fun."
"Ashley Johnson is here and invited to the party, and she is basically perfect. 10,10, no notes. You're doing great."
"We are literally just weirdos. We went to a reptile convention while everyone else was at the VMAs."
"It's time to expose some of the most shameless cash-grabs and the most awkward get-togethers that none of us ever asked for."
"Queen Charlotte's ball was the launch of the London social season."
"I want a dinner party so popping that you won't even think, like for you to think to take your phone and take a picture of whatever you're getting, that's a shitty dinner party."
"Heck yeah, let's do it. Me and my kiddo will thank you."
"I just enjoyed my friend's wedding, it was a good time."
"It's gonna be a hectic, amazing, crazy, good time. That's what's gonna be."
"I'm excited. Gotta say I agree with this. It's about time we met with celebrity, isn't it?"
"Welcome to Club TSR located on the top of TSR towers."
"I hope you had a good time and I hope you will come back next Friday as we continue laughing our way through the fall of the republic."
"We're gonna do another one, probably at Andretti's next month."
"What's up! Yacht party, September 1st. What's up!" - Rob
"She always has this ability to bring what I could describe as energy and fun to the occasion."
"Every time I go to events there's new faces there and new creators... It is so amazing and exciting to see that."
"Murder party is an invitation you want to resist but can't help by eagerly attend."
"The best party in the history of fly parties."
"Gigi is very upset that Damien brought Francesca to the party especially because it's been two years since he jilted her at the altar."
"Clothes are an expression of who you are. If you don't give a [ __ ] about it, you can still go to a party that is who you are."
"Celebrities you can shop you can meet people so it's all cool you'll probably have a good time."
"Gender-reveal parties are now the worst thing in the world."
"Divorce parties can be a celebration of new beginnings full of joy and hope."
"They just make you feel so special, like you're the world... if you're out with them at a party, it's just them and you."
"I would love to host a Halo Infinite land party."
"Here's to this next year on the sesh, I can't wait to see what we get into."
"We're going to be doing meetups in Australia."
"Certainly, Mrs. Alton held a party to celebrate the king of the new year."
"That parade was absolutely brilliant, it was a party atmosphere."
"Be sure to save your very finest for the traditional end of cruise gala."
"You're going to have what you want, so be open to this whining and dining, this is what's up ahead for you."
"Your warmth counterbalances your cleverness, making you the ideal dinner party guest."
"This maid of honor drank so much, she was rambling and talking about stuff that is just so off the wall."
"Welcome to this extraordinary evening. What? It's still evening? Did we literally skip an entire day here?"
"Drake's back to back was playing in the club."
"Para will be able to throw different kinds of parties." - Anti
"Surprise birthday parties would meet the definition of a real conspiracy... based on inference."
"Radio even began to take on social importance in 1923 with people giving radio parties and radio luncheons."
"I love gay weddings I have we've never been to a real wedding together isn't that so crazy to think about."
"So much fun on Halloween, so many costumes and friends to see."
"I like the fair, especially with a significant other if I guess what there's none of those around are there."
"Corporate culture is changing, skipping Pride events."
"Thank you everybody for coming out, man. This has been a very, very fun time."
"If you ever invite me to a party just expect that we're gonna request Bohemian Rhapsody and expect to see the full performance."
"There's always a chance anytime there's this many people in a room."
"A Halloween party was crazy man, especially like leaving like my last Halloween party that I threw in Denver."
"We want to thank you all also we're going to be on call in for the hottest after party taking place at 11 A.M anywhere in the world."
"You're invited to everything. All right, you can't come to a lot of things, you're invited to everything."
"Everyone loved it, everyone just had so much fun."
"You can't have a party without somebody making a scene."
"Top 10 social events gone wrong. This is gonna have the ball pit Dash Con."
"Honestly, we thought we were stopping for coffee and it just happened to be the beer tent."
"You know what's fun in the summer? Those street festivals where everyone lives in a [] and they go, 'Let's close each side of the [] off and get drunk right here.'"
"The famous Ignite parties hosted at Dan's mansion were some of the most exclusive and exotic events in the area."
"Y'all is it prom season already? Like Jesus, it was just freaking Christmas."
"That was more fun than I thought it was gonna be. Let's do it again."
"It's a great day to dress up it's a great day to go to a party it's a great data have a party at home have fun and and enjoy yourself because that could also be a day that is like wildly unexpected fun."
"You know your peoples, don't you? You know what's gonna happen after church, before church, late night Tuesday night bible study."
"Louis was stealing the show, it's like 'well, we'll get a little bit out there.'"
"You may meet your new best friend there that you don't even know of yet."
"Her parties were legendary and earned her the title the joy goddess of Harlem."
"Any party can be rad. You don't need alcohol."
"We slowly realized that this wasn't a drag show, this was just like a dance party hosted by drag queens."
"This funeral is gonna be lit and everything in between."
"It's customary that the Grand Marshall goes to a brunch and I said great I'm gay I love brunch."
"It was just cool to see all that positivity."
"Parties all day every day. I love to celebrate particularly your life's little videos. We celebrate."
"Gonna be super lit, gonna be cool guys, here we go."
"Some of you are going to be invited to something that turns out to be a lot of fun."
"Board Apes are at least cool to look at and you get to go on yacht parties."
"Religions are full of rituals. What is a ritual? A ritual is a social event that has as its ultimate goal some inner transformation, some psychological transformation."
"Lasagna, you know, she used to turn the party."
"Shout out to everybody and I do mean everybody that participated in my raffle."
"I want life to get back to normal so that we can do that. That's really it for the sole purpose of throwing a drag race themed party."
"Once upon a time, a costume designer known as Madame Cherie threw huge and decadent parties for VIP guests at her top-secret castle in Chesterfield, New Hampshire, USA."
"You'll meet this person at a social gathering."
"It just feels right. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, they can have up to 150 people here, Mikey. And it's crazy, it doesn't feel like a cheesy seating section, you know, it feels like a proper nightclub."
"March sadness now I know a lot of people are actually sad about this this is actually really messed up."
"Let's have some fun, let's party, this is the main event!"
"It's pretty cool that being the focus of a party that's like literally all about you for like eight hours."
"I had a crazy month... I mean I had four weddings."
"When it happens, it is awesome. It is absolutely awesome. It's party time, it really is."
"How much closer to a cure for cancer are we getting by doing a pub quiz?"
"The festivals of ancient Egypt all had one thing in common: drinking and feasting."
"Just on the heels of the publication of his latest novel, 'In Cold Blood,' which would turn out to be a literary classic...the ball was attended by a strictly curated list of 540 guests."
"I'm getting excited, I feel like I'm going to a party."
"I had a great time, thank you so much for making it happen."
"First of all appetizers are underrated when you first get to a party there better be at least five appetizers out otherwise I'm heading right back out the door until dinner is served."
"We're going to have a blast this weekend... thousands are letting loose this spring break."
"Remember when we went to Buca for our holiday party?"
"Nuka World on tour had a pretty nice sense of community due to all the events being at roughly the same location."
"I just came back from a wedding guys, so my family's just getting out here wifed up and husband up."
"I saw my whole life as if I'd already lived it, an endless parade of parties and cotillions."
"Fiona mentioned you were running some kind of yoga contest. You heard right."
"It's okay to just admit it was star-studded the people I was seeing and meeting that were sitting right next to us."
"Nars knows how to party, we surely had a good ass time."
"Their little get-togethers are a hell of fun."
"Let's do a calendar, a real Women's Club calendar."
"To me these are just such a fun, like positive community thing to do so hopefully you also really enjoyed it."
"Surely only in Britain would we consider it perfectly appropriate to put on a spread of cakes worthy of the bake-off."
"Bottom line is, you guys did not meet me at my party," Karen says.
"If you invite you to a last-minute Greek formal or if you have an interview for a second-semester internship, you're going to want to look good."
"Tis the season for weddings, special events, parties, pool parties, barbecues, dinner dates... we're just coming alive."
"Pack your 80s gear, we had so much fun at the 80s party."
"I don't think I've been invited to a Halloween party literally since seventh grade."
"Engagements, even if it's in this form, it's a no-go at someone else's wedding."
"dude I spend a lot of my marriage going to like little kids birthdays for people I didn't know just stoned out of my [ __ ] mind."
"Let's put it to a vote. No more showing up to your party, or only uninvited guests pull up?"
"Prince Fel Inon learned from his brother that ion's tea parties would now be held on a regular basis."
"He gives her an expensive necklace and recommends she wear it at tonight's event because he wants to show her off."
"You invite Courtney Love to a barbecue and here's what's gonna happen."
"How is it equality when women are expected to wear chastity bonnets and take care of the children while the men get to go off to the coat parties in Brooklyn and take their shirts off with each other?"
"House parties were lively get-togethers that perfectly embodied the spirit of the time, filled with energetic music, infectious vibes, and a carefree sense of celebration."
"I've just been feeling a little down ever since the New Year's party."
"I just think a simple dress is great for those outdoor events instead of doing like jean shorts t-shirt or even like tank top and jeans feel I just think it's really fun to get a little dressed up even for a backyard barbecue especially when you're wearing a tablecloth."
"So James will take you to the baftas next week not the real birthdays the video game baftas all right bye say bye James bye James say bye Matt bye man."
"...I don't have to have the big invitations I do get them but I don't have to have them..."
"...this would be so much worse if they invited Aon oh my God literally it's all was telling me everyone was talking [ __ ] about me there especially patri that's what the party was Patricia actually had a her birthday cake was you with [ __ ] in your face."
"This weekend, I went to my brother's birthday party."
"The White House Correspondents Dinner is known as the prom of Washington DC."
"Everyone should be invited to everything."
"And last but not least, we even have social events on a daily basis."
"I would pick Rhett as a friend to absolutely any event preferably to a sci-fi convention because he seems like a smart too good-for-you kind of guy."
"My phone call is like, 'Hey, going to the Oscars, call you right back.' What? Follow-up text, 'Hahaha, laugh out loud.' 'No, I'll see you Friday.'"
"Awkward. Attended a wedding reception and was seated near the cameraman and aunt of mine. Aunt was sitting closer to the camera and spent the evening commenting and gossiping about everyone, and much of it came out on the video."
"I'm just proud of myself for going to that YSL Beauty event all by myself...and it was just so cool in there."
"It's like one of the only weddings I'm gonna go to where I'm gonna know like everyone."
"Am I invited to the gender reveal? That's one thing I want to know, yes sir for real."
"There's always a fashionable woman in the world somewhere. But I have noticed, too, last night I was at this party for Pharrell and all the men were just like rocking looks."
"She was always invited to parties and balls and functions."
"Last year, I was amused to discover that in one weekend, I'd had a curry with Andy Murray, been bowling with JK Rowling, and attended an odd party with Todd Carty."