
Narrative Continuation Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"The biggest addition for returning players was the epilogue Future Connected, set a year after the events of the main game."
"God of War: Ragnarok released at the end of 2022, winning Game of the Year at The Game Awards and continuing Kratos’ and Atreus’ Scandinavian saga."
"Incredibly Ragnarok continues the tale of God of War with heightened stakes."
"There are a lot of interesting philosophical and political ideas at play in both of this series' worlds."
"They're only mistakes if that's the end. But it's never the end. The story continues."
"Your reaction isn't the end of the story; it's actually the beginning."
"Saved the world. But that's not where it ends, right?"
"Pleasant experience working on Thor: The Dark World and the Thor character was soft rebooted in Ragnarok. It felt like Jane's story was done, but that's not the case anymore as Mighty Thor will make her grand reappearance soon."
"The story doesn't end here, it's just the beginning."
"I cannot wait to jump back into Aloy's story."
"We'll have to find out what happens next in the story."
"The Scarlet King has escaped from his imprisonment. Four years remain. The four horsemen of the apocalypse."
"It's the start of something new, continuing the saga that they started telling. It's continuing Chief's story."
"So, Holly is back, we need to invite old mate Stan over. Octavio never here as well, I didn't even notice that."
"What comes after this with Thor being removed?"
"26 years later and the sequel to Beneath the Steel Sky is here."
"The Uchiha Clan would survive, and Sasuke would never know the pain of losing a brother nor would he know the path of hatred."
"Thank you for being a part of our journey and don't worry, we will continue to tell ambitious stories that take risks and push the heroes of Warcraft into new frontiers."
"Thank you very much for persevering with us through this part of the story."
"Years of War 4 is set 25 years after the events of Gears of War 3 and follows Marcus Phoenix's son JD Fenix and his two friends Dell Walker and Kei Diaz."
"Honestly, there was so much fan service with The World coming back in part seven."
"Brilliant continuation of the story, gut-wrenching heartbreak."
"They gave us her as well, looks like she's going to be sticking around."
"The main events of the movie are going to take place in the present day shortly after the events of Avengers Endgame."
"Last time we left Cora she had just reunited with Rava and become the first avatar of like a new avatar cycle."
"This game is the actual colloquial sequel to the movie." - Ghostbusters 2016
"I want the story to continue because I like this stuff so keep telling me the damn story like Lord of the Rings what the hell happened to Frodo."
"Farewell, but not goodbye: Erza's journey continues."
"Pokemon Black Version 2 and Pokemon White Version 2: taking place two years after their predecessors."
"The world has been kind of without Korra I feel like all this time."
"Maxis returns to the Duress Facility, he orders Richtofen to do likewise so they may continue their work on the Mata Transference Device."
"A continuation of the story, a continuation of the world."
"That's how Garrick and Bashir reunited for 'Little Achievements,' a fan-written story that takes place 20 years after the events of DS9."
"Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward continues the events from Zero Escape: 999 into a new Nonary game."
"Everything isn't over, it's not all wrapped up with a nice bow."
"Before leaving, Heldalf told him that they would meet again someday, and he hoped that Sorey would be more prepared to become a worthy opponent for him."
"Now in the post-credits scene DODC agent Cleary returns from Spider-Man No Way Home in orders to bring this mass light caster in but he has this interesting expression on his face like he knows something that his other agent agent Stephen does not."
"Filmmakers wanted Shrek 2 to hinge on the nature of 'Happily Ever After' without falling into the sequel trap of 'bigger is better.'"
"Terminator 2 Judgment Day tells the story of another attempt by Skynet to assassinate a crucial corner."
"This is just, like, a regular old comic book universe where in this one Batman and Commissioner Gordon are dead, and it's up to this ragtag team to move on, and mourn Bruce Wayne, and solve some of his unsolved crimes, and clean up the city."
"Hope Valley will continue, and I think it's the best way to move forward with the story."
"There will be more of this story to tell."
"And speaking of Riddler, Joker did promise him a comeback story, so it looks like we haven't seen the last of him too."
"But there you go, guys, that is part seven of Dumbledore's Big Plan."
"Time for a whole new life, complete the story of Vault 111 begins."
"Mary Poppins Returns really is the next chapter."
"There's so much left to the story and we can't wait to find out."
"The world just kind of continues after the ending that we get, and you can assume what happens, but I'm still looking forward to it."
"We thought that was the end of him but by some unknown power beyond our understanding he slipped away into the misty mountains never to be heard from again."
"I think it's just the middle part of a trilogy, so it doesn't feel like a sequel like Terminator does."
"Grindelwald is defeated, but the board is set for Harry and Voldemort to take the spotlight."
"This tribe has come far but the rest of their story is your story."
"There's a direct link between Lizzo opening the BET Awards and Monique's groundbreaking moment."
"It's hope but it's not the end of the story."
"I'm excited to see where they take these characters next..."
"I plan to tell a complete story with Manchester United, and the series is likely to go on beyond the beta."
"A mystery once thought solved, Allen Wake 2 reopens the case for what's possible in its genre. It's a delight to relive classic horror titles through Modern mistakes."
"It's up to us to use social media to continue the narrative and to humanize the narrative."
"Each character's personal journey in Digital Devil Saga 2 completes their character development from the first game."
"The threat had passed, but none of that mattered if the Reapers were still out there."
"The battle for Monster Prom might have ended then, but there were still plenty of battles left in that war called youth."
"I want to know what happens next, I want to see."
"This feels like a continuation and growth of a character that never really had a chance to grow."
"It's just Luke saying nope, the war is just beginning, the rebels are back and this ain't done."
"There's so much more story to tell and I'm excited to do that one day."
"Majora's Mask, a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time."
"I'm already so in love with it. I mean, because this is the fifth book to a series, there's so much that's happened, the narrative just basically starts with a bang."
"The story is not over until the story is over."
"But this of course does not mean that the story is over."
"But that rebellious, antagonistic character lives on."
"Keep writing, keep thinking; the story doesn't end here."
"Servant of Evil serves as a complimentary piece of the previous song, The Daughter of Evil."
"With new leadership and new circumstances following the conclusion of the story, how do these people change? How do they learn and grow?"
"Even so, this still isn't the last we hear of this mysterious creature."
"This new saga of Kingdom Hearts is set to remind us of all of that."
"Endings are no longer periods but commas, impermanent pauses until the next entry comes along to pick up where the previous left off."
"You're playing a dangerous game, boy. I think it's about time you win, to be continued."
"This built upon the law given to us in Half-Life 2 and the bringer of Twitter account as it essentially continues the story Mark Laidlaw has spoken about green grub and stated this basically it's me writing Dr Brian fanfic."
"I just wanted to add to it. To be like another chapter of that story."
"The cliffhanger leaves us eager for more, as we move on to check in on someone else."
"The Sound of Drums does a fantastic job at continuing the story, building off of Utopia's setup and adding its own build up to the last of the time lords."
"I can finally find out what happens next we left off on a pretty big cliffhanger."
"You have triumphed against me, but as night follows day, so too must you prove yourself against my husband."
"The movie ends with Cole headed to Hollywood to make contact with our top recruit, an action star by the name of Johnny Cage."
"The rebellion continuing our march on the Empire."
"I guess you escaped this week, Baron Blade, but believe me this isn't over."
"This looks like it's finishing the job that The Last of Us started."
"You now move forward as a threesome and Sam immediately reminds me why I loved him in Uncharted 4."
"Ahsoka and Sabine's new mission: Ezra's out there somewhere and it's time to bring him home."
"Aloy's journey picks up roughly six months after the end of Horizon Zero Dawn."
"However, the story of the woman behind her just turned a new chapter and will be there to watch it unfold."
"Now you know women can't come back, Felicity's dead, star city's fallen."
"I hope you all eagerly await the next installment of the series."
"With the threat of the abuser eliminated, the group set off for Yokohama."
"If you do not greatly anger her, she will continue on and talk about the Lady of Decay."
"What I will say is that maybe it's not the best idea, maybe it's not the best message to send to a company just entering the gaming space."
"Signifying that she's not done with the Crusade just yet."
"I was satisfied with myself in this way, but of course, the story doesn't end there."
"Despite what Luke says at the beginning the movie doesn't actually think the Jedi should end after all at the end after Luke has learned and grown he straight-up says I will not be the last Jedi."
"Abby carrying Lev at the end of the game, just like Joel with Ellie."
"Season three begins in the immediate aftermath of season two's finale."
"This movie has the balls and the brains to actually push ahead and continue what the first one did in 1993."
"We've got more story to tell from here on out."
"The story does not end there, no, not even close."
"After the battle with the shadow dragons, Goku has left with the eternal dragon Shinra."
"What happens next, like after the resolution of this plot, after Dawson identifies with Jake Paul, realizes that they share a basic interest in each other's success, understands that they are far more alike than they are different, where do we go, what left is there to say?"
"The sacrifice has been happening again; they found who should wear the starry crown."
"I think the plot warrants a sequel because we have you know it feels like a setup."