
Content Warning Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Intense emotional rollercoaster awaits, viewer discretion advised."
"This game is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed."
"This information is so graphic, I really need you to stay to the end because the ending is going to make sense."
"Warning: This video is made for a general audience. It may contain adult themes, consumer advice, and information that can be enjoyed by all ages."
"Viewer discretion is advised on that one. That's how it plays out sometimes too."
"Content warnings in advance for racism, specifically antiblackness."
"Some of them are children as well so if any of that is something that you don't feel like you can watch right now I'd completely understand please click out of the video and look after yourself that is the most important thing."
"Death Trap Dungeon: Was it actually any good? Quick warning: This video contains giant spiders and creepy clowns."
"The main content warnings here: racism and Islamophobia. If any of that is something that you feel like you can't watch right now, I completely understand. Please click out of this video now."
"This video isn't for the light-hearted among you, all you have been warned."
"Thank you all so much for watching this rather troubling video."
"My channel and my content is not made for children nor has it ever been so if you are a child please go away and do not come back until you are at least 13 years old or watch this from a grown-ups account."
"This video does contain spoilers for Spider-Man No Way Home."
"Trigger warning for Stephanie, this is a very triggering livestream for Steph right now."
"I will give a trigger warning for rape and abuse in this book so be aware of that before going into it but if you're okay with reading it then I highly highly recommend picking this one up."
"We do not, in any way, shape, or form, condone anything this man says in this video at all."
"If this scares you, don't watch it in the dark."
"Parents, I know this is a family show but if you have children you may want to have them leave the room for this portion of the program."
"People were not kidding when they said check the trigger warnings before you read this book... this book is Loki traumatizing me in some ways... I'm just disturbed... I am disturbed."
"This stream is probably gonna be 18 and up, so you've been warned."
"Please nobody get upset especially about like the last seven movies or so that I mentioned a lot of them do contain violence and disturbing things and I'm not trying to disturb you guys obviously."
"This video will cover especially sensitive topics including but not limited to, discussion of HIV and AIDS, drug abuse and suicide."
"Wicked Whims mod for adult content (Streamer mode recommended)."
"This movie has everything: alcohol, cocaine, nudity."
"If you don't want to see one piece penises, well there's a high chance that you eventually will with whatever is trending right now on TikTok and Twitter."
"It might be a heavy one possibly a triggering one for some people."
"Welcome to Dr. Drew After Dark! Please be advised that Dr. Drew After Dark may contain sexually oriented content and be unsuitable for young children."
"Disclaimer: This video will be very triggering. We'll be talking about a lot of heavy topics."
"Conker's Bad Fur Day is a notoriously gross game full of vomiting and extreme violence."
"YouTube staff just slap a label on it beforehand to make sure you know what you're getting into."
"This game contains violence, blood, and gore."
"Conclusion number two: none of this is financial advice."
"Fair warning if videos come up like quad strike whatever you already know what to expect."
"And thank you one more time for 100,000 subscribers."
"PSA for viewers - don't be don't be under 13."
"This one may be a little bit disturbing but also really impressive."
"Maybe just look away, because I think there is a lot to take away from the movie even if you're not necessarily into kind of extreme or off-putting stuff."
"Every spoiler will be placed at the end of the analysis and will be sure to provide a proper warning."
"Well now the camera, I don't forget at all. You don't, you see, trust me. If, if I do a watch along with you guys, any, any parents watching with children, put them in the next room because it won't be safe for children, trust me."
"Fair warning before this story starts: it contains some very distressing material, so if you don't wish to hear that, please skip ahead."
"This video is gonna have profanity, it's gonna have sexual innuendo, hide your children, hide your grandma, hide your dog."
"I'm putting a bit of a Content disclaimer here because we are going to be talking about the literal worst thing in a franchise that is known for having some pretty terrible awful Grim dark stuff."
"I've never seen anything on Netflix come up with a warning like this."
"There's also a fair amount of sexual assaults in the series against both men and women."
"Warning: this video contains very disturbing subject matter and also graphic imagery. If you are sensitive to topics such as eating disorders, drugs, domestic violence, child war, please do not watch this video."
"If you clicked on this video wanting some scary books and you're like, 'Ah, these don't sound scary enough,' then maybe this is the one to turn it up or not."
"Please be advised this show contains adult language, violent acts, and triggering situations. Not advised for children under the age of 13."
"Do not tell anybody to commit die as a result of my YouTube videos."
"Vin Diesel gets in an accident and dies at the end."
"Many times here have had sexual illicit relationship therefore these are example last four tops pornography adultery homosexuality abortion fetish abnormal sexual desire linked to an object fornication molesting a child raping incest others"
"He said, 'I could shoot you. I could blow your head off.'"
"This content warning: this video contains heavy topics and is made for mature audiences. Viewer discretion is advised."
"This has a lot of triggers, so be aware of that going into it."
"He was raping on a hike, yeah. Oh, there was a hike, so a trail, that's where we were going. All these kids, when his Cub Scouts wandered away, the cops got a father from the Christmas story was raping this kid."
"Movements without brain function, a sign of possession."
"Have you tried sucking? Yeah, wait, is he streaming on both platforms? Suck YouTube, all right."
"The only thing missing is the gratuitous level of sex because Alex is 14 years old and no one wants the police called on them."
"A few content warnings before we get into today's video."
"It's definitely not for kids," she replied, her tone serious.
"I'll pay her for sexual acts right now."
"...if you guys ever want to consider picking up 'The Poppy War' I would recommend checking out the trigger warnings because it's a lot..."
"This is not for children, and not even because it's dark, but just because it's very complicated."
"What you are about to see is illegal in 47 states."
"Please note that this video will include some discussions of topics like abuse and that this video is intended for adults only and not for children."
"Due to the graphic nature of this program, viewer discretion is advised."
"This footage may be frightening or disturb some; viewer discretion is advised."
"Search up trigger warnings, but this is my favorite series of all time."
"The following program deals with mature subject matter and contains scenes of sexuality. Viewer discretion is advised."
"This book is not recommended for children."
"I'm reading the poppy war, the only thing I can tell you about this book is that it's graphic."
"You're going to want to skip the next one minute for your cat haters; for your cat lovers, you're going to be in heaven."
"It doesn't cost anybody anything to simply just put a trigger warning at the start of any of those conversations."
"Netflix, Disney Plus, HBO Max, all these services give you a little warning in the upper corner that specifically says if you're going to be seeing nudity or violence or disturbing imagery or whatever."
"My Pride is not intended for children and contains mature themes."
"Many of the comments and stories you're about to hear may not be suitable for some. Listener discretion advised."
"I think there are moments that could be scary for anyone who's like under 10."