
Environmental Justice Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Environmental justice, which means environmental issues are race issues, is using environmental protection for unrelated political purposes."
"Women are primarily affected by climate change."
"We know that low-income communities particularly communities of color do bear the brunt of the climate crisis."
"Environmental justice and climate action reveal the political nature of what is meant here."
"In order to truly dismantle the power of the rich, to reverse their environmental impact, we must establish democratic control of the means of production."
"It's not just about being able to breathe clean air; it's about equity."
"We are committed to facing climate change by delivering environmental justice."
"There is simply no pathway forward to the green and equitable utopia that necessitates the further impoverishment of the already poor."
"Data scientist was the number one job two years in a row."
"Environmental justice will be at the center of all we do, addressing the disproportionate health and environmental and economic impacts on communities of color."
"Climate change is a white problem, a capitalist problem, and a toxic male problem."
"Justice has got to be at the heart of this climate justice."
"Our goal is to provide is to help level the playing field for regular folks or for water providers and to make sure that everyone everyone has a right to collect good clean Safe Water."
"Climate change is already here and it's going to affect those at the bottom the most."
"There is nothing now or I'm pretty sure that has ever existed that has said that non-white people need to live next to pollution or that makes non-white people live next to pollution."
"Racism caused the climate crisis—such a relief to finally know."
"Justice at the heart of climate action because with environmental justice as well it's looking at how everyone deserves the right to a clean and healthy environment."
"One year in, this historic law is advancing by dynamics, by investing in America, lowering energy costs, advancing environmental justice, and rebuilding our economy."
"Our objective that time is that they cannot collect our oil without making our place okay for us."
"Our sacred forests, our homes have to give way to oil wells and no one gets much benefit."
"Wendy Bowman's enduring legacy serves as a testament to the power of community in the fight for environmental justice."
"His campaign has outlined an extensive proposal to secure environmental justice by directing 40 percent of its climate change spending to disadvantaged communities."
"Fossil fuel executives should be criminally prosecuted for the destruction they have knowingly caused. #GreenNewDeal"
"There can be no social justice without environmental justice."
"Nature in an integral, holistic, systemic way pushes us to do better in many realms of justice."
"Nuclear colonialism is not the solution to the world's problems."
"I organized my community because the state of North Carolina had chosen Warren County to bury over 30,000 gallons of PCB-laced oil."
"We know for a fact... the vast bulk of the consequences of climate change are hitting the global south."
"Decolonize the atmosphere, restore atmospheric space to developing countries."
"Who will stand with me now for mine and future generations to inherit a healthy, just, sustainable planet?" - Bernie Sanders
"The time has come for judging the dead and for destroying those who destroy the earth."
"It's time for a just transition and it's time to make sure that electric vehicles and those charging stations are inside of our community."
"This is not just about the environment, it's about the community, public health, jobs, and justice."
"Pakistan is responsible for a tiny percentage of contributing to the climate catastrophe."
"Fairness is right because you should not be able to pollute for free, particularly like the fossil fuel industry is."
"I mean, just think about this, Chevron drove to extinction five different indigenous nations in Ecuador, okay? Poison the land, gave people cancer. They still haven't paid the judgment that was found against them."
"We can get to Net Zero in a way that maximizes benefits and minimizes the harms by implementing a just transition where our policies and actions are informed by climate Justice."
"We want to see a plan that makes the big polluters pay their fair share."
"We need equitable distribution of resources to all different forms of life on the planet."
"That's the right thing to do, especially because the people who are experiencing the worst consequences of environmental disasters are those who have the lowest carbon footprint."
"Building back better meant building back with many more people participating and with environmental justice."
"The move to a low carbon economy could be a just one if we choose to harness geothermal energy."
"The movement for environmental justice is very much alive and well."
"To have to buy water when water is supposed to be running free, free of germs, free of poison, you know, to have to buy that is just a testament to what John Africa has been telling us over 40 years."
"The Injustice here of the emissions are from the rich countries and the negative effects are largely to the poorest countries."
"People are suffering, people are dying, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!"
"There is no social justice on a dead planet."
"Climate justice is social justice."
"I believe that everyone deserves to live in a home with fresh clean air, not just people who are rich or lucky."
"Environmental justice calls for us to address our shared history of racism, exploitation, and segregation to create an environment that's healthy for everyone."
"Environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income."
"We can't rebuild our economy and meet this climate crisis exacerbating the need for environmental justice."
"Promote a sustainable and regenerative material resource cycles; enhance social equity, environmental justice, and community quality of life."
"I'm passionate about climate, reducing waste, and environmental justice issues; that's why I'm so excited for an organization like Eden to become part of the rich fabric of this city."
"Environmental racism and how crucial indigenous sovereignty and activism is in regards to the climate change crisis."
"I sued ExxonMobil for lying about climate change."
"Environmental justice, climate justice is a human right."
"We want to be compensated for medical expenses, we want the neighborhood cleaned up, and we want that plant shut down now."
"Join the environmental justice pillar and our guest speakers as they discuss climate change and the effects on minority communities."