
Corporate Power Quotes

There are 408 quotes

"Rampant unchecked capitalism has eventually led to a dystopian future where super powerful corporations seize power from the government."
"The balance tipped in the year 2000 when the Institute for Policy Studies in the U.S. reported that of the hundred largest economies in the world, 51 were corporations and 49 were national economies."
"Nation-states and constitutional democratic rule are being swiftly eclipsed by expanding corporate conglomerates bent on gaining total manipulative control over the entire human population."
"Under our current capitalist system, where corporations hold significant influence with very little regulation, power is profits, and profit isn't ethics."
"We live in a dystopia where corporations basically control everything."
"If corporations own everything, they're essentially creating a new style of modern-day serfdom."
"Corporate power...is by far the most dangerous of all...effectively unaccountable private tyrannies."
"Without net neutrality, the companies will be controlling your behavior online."
"I for one salute our new corporate overlords."
"Private corporations are essentially privatizing tyranny."
"All of the protections we've built up to protect against government tyranny don't exist for corporate tyranny."
"Inverted totalitarianism retains the institution, symbols, iconography, and language of the old capitalist democracy but internally, corporations have seized all the levers of power."
"We believe that the biggest political story in the world today is the fact that the corporate form, the economic instrument of corporations, has eaten the state that created it."
"Corporate consolidation is not inherently bad; it's just super dangerous for liberty."
"If this goes unchallenged in the world community, within less than 10 years, a handful of global companies will own directly or through license the actual genes that make up the evolution of our species."
"Freedom from government constraint, that's noticed. Not freedom from corporate constraint, which is very severe."
"We have different points of view but the idea that a major multinational corporation can sue us for 15 billion dollars because the president made the decision that he thought right tells you what trade agreements are all about."
"As Americans give carte blanche to a bunch of powerful businesses to pollute our air and our water, to me America First means that you actually have to want this to be a beautiful place."
"It's not just the Republican Party, it's the Koch brothers, it's ALEC."
"What concern do you have about these private companies controlling the vast majority of communication between people and social media? It's extremely dangerous."
"BlackRock now owns stakes in every industry."
"Perhaps BlackRock defines the new era of our globalized world."
"Many corporations have budgets which are larger than many small nations."
"We're headed to a point where a few massive companies dominate this industry."
"It is utterly insane that small boardrooms of self-serving billionaires are empowered to act as though the only future that exists is in their stock portfolios."
"Is it really a good idea to have the entire planet's messaging in the hands of one company?"
"It's hard to argue with his point that once living animals are eliminated and replaced by patented plant-derived alternatives private companies will control the food supply and therefore control the people yeah right."
"I totally agree with what Fiorella said. I think the biggest thing that we've seen over the last couple of years is the merger of big government and big corporation."
"The melding of corporate power and government power is traditionally been what fascism has been defined as."
"Disney owns or has a big stake in Star Wars Marvel Pixar ESPN and more."
"Don't blackmail a guy worth a hundred and seventy billion dollars who also has the capacity to create 2-day delivery for anything right and has drones like squads have drones that work for him."
"300 million people's decisions in America is probably a lot more valid than the 500 CEOs of Fortune 500 companies."
"BlackRock has built a Global Financial web of control in data analysis that extends Beyond borders, regulators, and in most cases, even governments."
"Aladdin is BlackRock's own Black Box, the Beating Heart of the Global Financial Risk Management System."
"The Trade Federation is a cautionary tale about what happens when the government gets way too close to a corporation."
"We're talking about a single company having the power to shift the opinions of literally billions of people, without anyone having the slightest idea that they're doing so."
"If the major players in tech right now - and that's mainly Google and Facebook - banded together and got behind the same candidate, they could shift, we figured, 10% of the vote in the United States with no one knowing that they had done anything."
"Money corrupts the worker, but it only elevates the corporation."
"We're at a moment of unprecedented attacks on labor with corporate power unbridled."
"The founders certainly understood the power of a corporation that was in bed with the government."
"Elizabeth Warren is an existential threat to big tech."
"Conventional conservatives have only been focused on that as it applied to private corporations, whereas they needed to apply it more importantly to ordinary everyday individuals."
"Big tech lobbies for monopoly power to prevent market competition."
"That's a sad statement when we find out that the corporations are more powerful than the presidency of the United States, that's a problem."
"This is Google we're talking about here, the biggest company in the world with over a trillion dollar valuation."
"Crypto is not the craziest thing that's happening. We're living in a world where corporations have more power than nation states."
"Apple's so big and so powerful that the government's going to be forced to step in at some point or another."
"Corporations are allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money on politics."
"That's like attack of the corporation's right there, that's what that is."
"Only one thing matters to the corporate state: the primacy of corporate power."
"This is giving so much power to the corporation and so much less power to the creators, it's so discouraging."
"I support traditional roles... men should act like men... women, even if you don't have children, that nurturing side comes into play in the dynamics of a marriage."
"The power of the pharmaceutical companies will dissolve."
"What this means is that no matter how loud you protest, no matter who you elect, and no matter how robust International Agreements are, ultimately it will all be blocked by three corporate lawyers in a room."
"The goal is to take control of the world's governance with a corporation and then the censoring the speech is a byproduct of that or is a step on the way towards that."
"McDonald's grants Taylor exclusive rights, creating a monopoly."
"That's the real threat to Liberty that we face today not just big government not 1980 anymore it's this hybrid of big government and big business that together are able to do what neither one could alone."
"We have to focus on what the problem is in this instance and it's that these corporations have way too much power."
"One of the greatest threats to free speech in this country today is the growing power of the Silicon Valley oligarchs."
"Opinion: Large corporate interests - weapons manufacturers, the pharmaceutical industry, and fossil fuel companies - are some of the most influential sources of funding for both political parties."
"Some form of fascism, which is by definition the merger of state and corporate power, would be the likely end result of these developments."
"The power is still in the hands of Facebook, Google, Apple, YouTube. They dictate the power. They choose to keep you on or take you off. But it's still the power, isn't it?"
"In a world where seven of earth’s mightiest superheroes are owned by mega-conglomerate, Vought, there exists a group of mercenaries whose sole purpose is to expose the truth."
"Cyberpunk settings embody many of the anxiety-inducing themes of monopolized corporate power."
"There is growing evidence that a handful of gatekeepers have come to capture control over key arteries of online commerce content and communications."
"In America, drug companies can do whatever the hell they want."
"Property from poor people, it's it really is. If we want to revolt against anything, it's against the corporations, against the bank."
"Not everything will recover, but the juggernauts that rule the world today were created 20 years ago."
"The founding fathers borderline despised corporations, they said they are a danger to the republic."
"What's the only thing scarier than a ginormous corporation that owns all the media? An even more ginormous corporation running the delivery media."
"Who are the real tyrants? Political demagogues like Donald Trump or the immense, enormous unaccountable power of big tech giants?"
"The real issue is the corporate power exercised by big tech."
"Disney capitulated, this bill does not get signed today unless Disney bends over and lays down."
"Censorship and deplatforming might start with just one person but if they're willing to do it to the president of the United States, these companies are willing to do it to anybody."
"BlackRock controls an incredible amount of stock."
"We need to build unions in this country because it's one of the key ways that we can counterbalance the domination of our government by corporate power."
"Intel can make whatever the hell it wants to make." - Highlighting Intel's capabilities amidst a product dispute.
"They've got tons of money, 100 billion reasons to do it."
"What is at stake here is the question of whether or not we have the use and abuse of monopoly power."
"The only thing more powerful than the lobbying actions of corporate benefactors is people in their millions threatening their power by democratic action."
"They saved the world, they also saved their corporations and made an awful lot of money."
"There are solutions that governments could put in place to stop these companies from gathering too much influence."
"We should redistribute the wealth of the massive corporations and give it to everyone."
"It's a sad time we live in when corporations can remove individuals' freedom of speech at will."
"Big Tech is absolutely not only the biggest source and center of power in the United States of America outside of formalized government."
"The wealthiest and most powerful companies in the world have engaged in a coordinated campaign to silence ideologically dissenting voices and drive them from the public square. That's what's happening."
"By killing Madelyn, Homelander may have set a time bomb within his own mind, and within Vought itself."
"Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow."
"How do we teach people to see the ways in which excessive corporate power is trapping their lives?"
"Amazon, the super company touching all cylinders."
"We own you. You don't understand how much money we're going to make from this. Billions."
"We don't want an unlimited arbitrarily powerful government but corporate concentration of power is equally dangerous."
"In the financial collapse of 2008, the world was reintroduced to the concept of companies which are too big to fail."
"The question remains the same: Should an establishment be allowed to grow so powerful that it can control the entire world?"
"The government should be a lot more involved in breaking up these monopolies."
"Europe was able to take over the world because of the invention of the modern corporation."
"Reasonable steps must be taken to rein in Facebook's near unlimited power to violate our trust."
"The combined firm would have the ability to exclude Microsoft's Rivals from access to some valuable gaming content."
"Apple is still abusing their power to exclude competitors on their platform."
"Our democracy is breaking down because these companies have become too powerful."
"The aim of the corporate state is not to feed, clothe, or house the masses, but to shift all economic, social, and political power, as well as wealth, into the hands of a tiny corporate elite."
"I think it's dangerous when you have these big tech monopolies specifically Google and Facebook who have an inordinate amount of power."
"Big Tech cannot stop us from doing that even if they blew local off the store."
"You're giving low-level employees often a tremendous amount of power to manipulate search terms and the way these videos are distributed etc."
"Regulators are not there to dance to the tune of rich global corporations and enrich them further but to protect the general public's health."
"Nothing more than big tech showing that they are more powerful than the government."
"Dominion went out of its way to prove that it could inflict a lot of pain on everyone at the network."
"That's an incredible amount of power. In fact, that's dangerous for democracy, which is why that power needs to be broken up."
"Money is not speech and corporations are not people. We need to get our constitutional rights back from the corporations that have seized them." - Joe
"Governments create barriers to entry for smaller companies because those offer competition to the large dinosaurs."
"This is a problem that has become so large as these companies have become so large." - Bill Hagerty
"Through the shaping of the supreme court, the presidency, and in the highest levels of American industry, we see the evidence that the forming of this image is in process."
"These companies have just gotten too large and too powerful."
"It's the spin that only a billion dollars can buy."
"There needs to be a delicate balance between the size of the government and the size of the corporations."
"You give companies an inch, they'll take a mile."
"Executives have no choice but to bend the knee."
"Nowhere in there does it say that corporations can't act fascist-ly and take away our free speech."
"The Press does not hold the corporations accountable, does not hold a politicians accountable."
"Technology companies control the future of the human race."
"The corporations are the ones putting the hammer down."
"Corporate America has captured our government."
"I don't think we have truly reckoned with what it means to have trillion dollar companies that dominate so much of our waking life."
"A fruit company helped overthrow a sovereign government to protect their bottom line."
"Modern day monopolies have so much power that they're basically the equivalent to kings and queens."
"Republicans if people don't like a product they don't have to buy it and that is how the invisible hand works. Also Republicans we will destroy you if you don't buy our product."
"The Silicon Valley companies are foolish to think that they're gonna be the gatekeepers of who's can be able to consume this information."
"Corporations can do whatever is legal and determine what actually is legal by influencing our democracy."
"It’s our personal data that allows companies like Facebook and Google to exist in today’s world, where data is king."
"When some faceless conglomerate knows your most intimate secrets and holds more information about you than your own mother, you should be worried."
"Anything is remember all in the background all the time you've got big corporations who are growing in strength all the time as our government is dying around us."
"We must answer the same question that they did: Will we allow corporate power or do we stand with the people?"
"At a time when corporate capture of our media, our government, and our politics is nearly absolute, everyday working people need a champion to fight for them."
"If one company controls the metaverse, they will be more powerful than any company in human history."
"It's extraordinary the power that these companies are going to have in the end of all of this."
"This lawsuit... speaks to the bigger issue here that this big tech corporation has that much power to influence over our public discourse."
"Facebook is the problem. It's become too powerful, pays [__] all taxes, promotes fake news, and then it tried to bully us, your government."
"You now have these social media companies today that are able to do what no company in human history has been able to do which is to control the acceptable bounds of what can and cannot be discussed."
"Revealed emails show Zuckerberg funded group, Facebook overruling election officials."
"If a company... has become big enough to silence free speech, then the government has the right to stop them by any means necessary."
"Nobody has more unchecked power than Google does."
"Governments continue to prioritize corporations over the rights of people."
"The real answer to what a CEO actually does is whatever they want within the company."
"Companies that were once scrappy underdog startups that challenged the status quo have become the kinds of monopolies we last saw in the era of oil barons and railroad tycoons."
"PG&E is not only not in prison, it is still supplying power to millions of Californians who have no choice in the matter. And if you're thinking how the heck is that possible, that is what this story is about."
"Coca-Cola is such a potent company and business not just because of its endlessly successful Coca-Cola drink but also because the company owns huge beverage brands such as Dasani, Sprite, and Powerade."
"The money suits decide who's allowed to profit off your work."
"What we are seeing now is the lucrative merger of corporation and state, and it is nearly complete."
"The corporate oligarchy is pillaging what's left of our society."
"This is the moment in American history where we need to stand up to the corporate elite."
"I think something is seriously wrong with a beautiful system which develops this big, clumsy, aggressive government, huge corporations, with more influence over their markets than is desirable from the standpoint of free competitive theory."
"They own everything, the whole goddamn planet. They can do whatever they want."
"Because at the end of the day, even when they’re feuding, Republicans still care about people. Assuming those people are giant corporations."
"I just hate the idea that big organizations who have more money to spend on lobbyists get special treatment."
"Letting very big companies get even bigger is something that we should always be naturally suspicious of."
"Big tech, banks, multinational corporates, sleazy empty suits... they're all in it together."
"Everybody's ignoring the deeper structural reason for price increases: the concentration of the American economy into the hands of a very few corporate giants."
"All the politicians look to us for support, they're up against very powerful corporate interests and they need to hear from the grassroots."
"Apple is dangerous because they've got trillions of dollars."
"The American government works at the behest of corporations."
"It's about this much larger overreach and overreaction of a corporate entity that has all the resources and power in the world and is now choosing to react to its children's toy product with this level of extremism."
"The real fascism, the real authoritarianism is corporate branded..."
"Amazon can basically make books disappear for all readers and does so on a blatantly dishonest basis."
"This is about the little guy taking on a multinational corporation."
"Delaware has been for a very long time a Magic Kingdom for corporate."
"We're fighting basically neo-fascism. It's a fusion of government and corporations."
"Nintendo is a force to be reckoned with in the gaming industry."
"I want you to think about the East India Company like Walmart with an army."
"Private corporate prosecutions as a result of this refusal to take my appeal are now essentially legalized."
"You basically have corporations running roughshod over the people with government not doing its job of protecting the average person."
"Parlor right now is hosted primarily by amazon cloud services now this is again the big service that caters to apple to netflix or whatnot now if you think for instance at any moment amazon can come up with a new terms of service on their system."
"The bailout as an enormous theft and consolidation of Monopoly capital."
"Let's not leave tonight without recognizing that the person who has fought corporate power longer, more effectively, and with more integrity than anyone in the country, Ralph Nader."
"We're talking about genetically modifying it and poisoning and we're also talking about a system that allows a class-action lawsuit to apparently settle things for all time."
"This is about the wholesale takeover and artificialization of growing things."
"Are we destined for lives in the Matrix where our data is extracted so big companies can profit trillions of dollars and dictate everything we do with our time?"
"Who benefits here? Multinational corporations have a lot more power than governments."
"They control the refining, marketing, and production of any resource here."
"Sony is no angel either, but Disney losing even the tiniest bit of power in its industry is not a bad thing."
"No amount of awkward Dr. Strange scenes will ever be more important than keeping emerging monopolies in check."
"Truth leaking out even about how one company is responsible for shutting people down."
"If Joe Manchin doesn't feel more of a threat from losing his constituency because the narrative is out there about him not actually respecting their interests, then he's always going to choose the corporate backing."
"We cannot let a company, a hedge fund, or a private equity firm get to a point where they can move the market."
"These companies, because they are so large, have tremendous economic power and tremendous political power, and they're spending hundreds of millions of dollars trying to protect the status quo."
"Welcome to a world where the UFC can basically do whatever they want."
"There's miles worth of secret tunnels underneath a super rich multi-national corporations amusement park."
"In some ways the leaders of the largest corporations on the globe may hold more power than elected officials."
"Don't trust the board. They'll try to win you over with promises of wealth and power. But it's a lie."
"We are clearly being captured by extremely powerful corporate interests."
"For brief moments in the 1980s, PepsiCo became the sixth largest military in the world."
"Instagram, Oculus, Facebook... together they're far too powerful."
"What kind of a democracy is it when a private company can just silence the speech of an entire nation-state?"
"We got to take power out of the corporations. You guys saw what went on with Tyson Foods. Okay, they don't care about you. They just want your money. As soon as we pull our money away, they're going to start caring."
"Nothing we do matters in the face of massive corporations monopolizing every facet of our political, technological, financial, and consuming tendencies."
"Meta on the other hand has almost 4 billion users, an 800 billion dollar market cap."
"If any single corporate decision is such a big deal, it's a sign that corporation has gained too much power."
"If your company is big enough to create a global Supreme Court, it's too big to be held accountable."
"Liberals started to argue that we needed a bigger more powerful government to regulate these corporations."
"Inverted totalitarianism pays outward fealty to the corporate State."
"Goliath is very powerful, and he's also kind of a [ __ ], and what he's doing is he is taking all of the best players and he is forcing them together, and in the end, he's not going to know what hit him."