
Literary Analysis Quotes

There are 724 quotes

"We've had a few satisfying episodes recently, some very loyal adaptations that really understood the message of the source material."
"What they give to the narrative is something which Tolkien was very aware of, and which he often talked and wrote about, and which he valued very much, and that is depth."
"If you recall, a dramatic flaw fits all three: like how the hubris of Sherlock Holmes caused him to underestimate Irene Adler during A Scandal in Bohemia, leading to one of the few times Holmes failed to resolve a case."
"By deliberately breaking the rules of his chosen poetic structure, Tennyson is subtly drawing the reader's attention to his disgust at the blunder that caused the fatalities."
"The biblical imagery... highlights the almost awe-inspiring nature of the soldiers' bravery, that it's almost biblical in its kind of the way we should respect it."
"We can't be sure that this blind obedience is being praised; Tennyson can be seen to mourn the absence of individual freedom in the Armed Forces."
"Romeo and Juliet should not be viewed as a romance but a satire, a parody of romance and romantic plays."
"The ultimate message of The Little Prince is very similar to the message of Fooly Cooly: many aspects of the adult world make no sense. Adults are often too narrow-minded to appreciate the most beautiful and the simplest things in the world."
"As a thought exercise, imagine how different the Harry Potter series would feel if it had been written in first-person instead of third-person POV."
"This book is so suspenseful; it really has a sense of the uncanny."
"Reading good books that you admire and trying to analyze them can be helpful for a lot of us."
"Alan Wake ends on a fantastic line where, having saved everyone else, he reflects on this new place he finds himself trapped: 'It's not a lake; it's an ocean.'"
"Holding Squirrelflight to a standard where she would have to be submissive in the face of both cruelty to the Sisters and incompetence through the other clans is just wrong."
"Salahi is a great character, and I love the way he cares for Leonardo and vice versa."
"Understanding this chapter fully helped me better appreciate and understand the story of One Piece, things that I have forgotten, things that I hadn't realized; it forces you to think deeper about everything."
"There is a vital distinction between a theme and a message, one that many conflate."
"It exposed masculinity, trauma, racial profiling, and also the black body in modern Britain, and not a word is wasted. It's a masterpiece."
"Conflict is always held up as the most important thing in storytelling."
"Oda's obsession with parallels and inversion holds the secret to the final saga of One Piece."
"The Epic of Gilgamesh is the true and full story of Noah's Ark, a story that's not even close to being fully accurate in the biblical text."
"Central to the horror genre is the struggle for recognition of all that our civilization represses or oppresses."
"The true subject of the horror genre is the struggle for recognition of all that our civilization represses or oppresses."
"I think just because it's written so well, it seems very simple on its surface."
"We don't study the three-act structure to learn how to be more creative, but to be more critical of writing and aware of what drives the momentum of a story."
"The dance that Elizabeth and Darcy have... literally acts out their mutual fascination."
"Katakuri really has deliciously transcended what it is to be a One Piece antagonist."
"An author's magic system is usually a very good way to examine authorial intent."
"Neville Longbottom might actually be the real hero of this story."
"Find your mission in life, whatever it may be. Maybe mine is literary analysis, talking to you guys about manga and doing what I do." - Lucy Steele
"Wisdom is understanding that Frankenstein was the monster."
"The essence of Lord of the Rings is not morally gray; it is a clear distinction of good and evil."
"This obviously wasn't the intended reading, but it totally works!"
"I'm sure you could because I could read this again and find a lot of interesting symbolism."
"Our only hope for Frodo and Sam to succeed is that Sauron cannot imagine anyone would want to destroy the ring."
"Hatham is as charming as it gets and he might be arguably one of the most charismatic gentlemen bastards in the entire series."
"Moby Dick is more than just a novel. It is the ultimate cipher and skeleton key to understanding the history of the United States."
"One thing George Orwell noted in his book 1984... in the notes he has at the back of it because in the notes he has at the back of 1984 George Orwell really broke down into and defined the concepts that he was observing."
"This is a time of good fortune and abundance."
"This is Shakespeare level writing in terms of its density its complexity the beautiful external internal rhymes."
"We have literary minds that respond to plot, character, and details in all kinds of writing."
"A pioneering classic of sci-fi and horror, Frankenstein remains one of the most influential books ever written."
"The language in the poem suggests that the duke is proud, possessive, controlling, vain, condescending, disingenuous, self-obsessed, and irrational."
"The way that Tolstoy writes a person, he really takes into account almost every single time like the language that a person uses."
"Shakespeare had no problem with depicting women as wiser, smarter, funnier."
"In his work Steven has articulated this struggle better than anyone I've ever read."
"Smeagol is one of the most pitiful characters from The Lord of the Rings."
"Like knight and canterbury are again alluding to to holden's kind of like uh sort of paladin outlook on life in his is kind of allegory like yeah it's it is a shame that perhaps more people should should pay attention to this kind of thing."
"Each of these levels, there is something that like ties them all, there's this string like a little parabola that's arcing and mapping."
"The diary of an Edwardian lady is just absolutely stunning."
"The Book of Giants: a surprisingly action-packed story, imperfect creatures not so unlike us humans."
"The unironic cliches have been a trick; the real story is the collision point between the power fantasy and the unflattering detail this genre normally omits."
"There's a lot more to these characters in Outsiders than what I'm about to discuss."
"This video essay experience will never equal, replace, substitute, or pretend to be anything measuring the authentic house of leaves."
"Characters' contradictions are what make them most interesting."
"The story [in Homer] seems almost to tell itself."
"A climax is earned when the rising action builds to a certain point in a well structured story."
"Even in the tense, even in the choice of words, there is such hypersensitivity that does not exist in any other literary form."
"From its plot twist to its symbolism it's one of the best writing I've ever seen."
"By the time chapter 907 came around you'd think that shanks could no longer surprise us but he does in a big way."
"It's a theme that runs in many of his works. We can all relate to the idea of home, many of us are moving around constantly from one environment to another."
"Yueh is a traitor, but he’s not some one-dimensional villain – he’s a complex layered character."
"The horror and the corruption and the emptiness of Tywin Lannister's legacy."
"Despite their plot differences, in the end, both the novel and its film adaptation provide different yet equally chilling and empowering experiences that stand out through the trees."
"Classic fantasy is to blanket of a term and instead we need to acknowledge the fact that this genre it deserves the academic approach of looking at each decade individually."
"Lightbringer, for me, is still one of the most interesting magic systems."
"The author comments on human nature itself through Light's character arc."
"Wheel of Time’s kind of place in the genre, in my eyes, is to kind of take fantasy out of the shadow of Tolkien and move it forward."
"Ava and Luna are undeniably two of the most fleshed out and developed characters in Monster."
"In the last century Leo Tolstoy wrote that every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way, line Dekker found that it's still true and still makes good reading"
"Many of the mod Lodge that we've talked about are fundamentally tragic stories about desperate people trying their hardest to improve their lot in life, only to fail in any devastating or hilarious fashion."
"Satan appears to be the tragic protagonist, one who suffered defeat because of his own pride."
"Marion Graves... just like grabs you and will not let you go at all."
"I'll be honest, when it comes to Peter Pan, the dark sides are there. It's the racism, okay?"
"She's taken the idea of finding [her good points] seriously, which is truly the character arc that you want to see."
"Chie represents the seeker... her whole arc is about the act of seeking itself."
"Call me Grinch Pat, but I think that the Grinch's actions are actually kinda defensible."
"Despite the werewolf’s widespread appearance in folklore, I’ll admit I haven’t really given the werewolf the attention it deserves—until now."
"That is one of the most powerful love stories found in Midnight Sun and quite possibly in the entire saga is the story of platonic and familial love."
"My real focus, my real interest is and always has been the metaphorical meanings of the lore."
"Star Wars is a complex, well-built universe, but it's nowhere near as tight as Tolkien's Middle Earth."
"The challenge of inimitability encompasses depth of meaning, coherence, and spiritual power."
"What de Beauvoir shows in 'The Narcissist' is although women are cast into narcissism, they nevertheless managed to find agency, pleasure, and power within it."
"For a book that is so bittersweet as this, filled with so many dark and somber moments, the legacy of Jack Kirby lives and breathes throughout Mr. Miracle."
"Does J.K. Rowling know more than she's letting on?"
"What really is incredible about the novels is how many facets of this idea may be understood and how Martel attempts that deftly succeeds at explaining each and every one."
"As painful as it is, we need Charlos for One Piece to have the full depth that it does."
"The reason there's gonna be a billion motivational views today on YouTube is that people love the feeling of being motivated. They don't like putting in the work to do something about the feeling."
"There could be so much pulled from these opening lines. I love it."
"The main characters die... you also get to look at life from the viewpoint of death."
"I really, really like how it's becoming a lot more understandable. I don't know when I read Fire and Blood, Otto Hightower just comes off as ambitious, power-hungry."
"It's probably one of the best adaptations in terms of taking what Shakespeare wrote and then just refashioning that and keeping the heart of Macbeth intact."
"I'm going Romeo and Juliet because you can't imagine either of them without the other in the way that you can with potatoes and gravy." - Link
"How does Dante ascend through purgatory because if there's hope that means purgatory is not the end right you first get to a group full of people who have salvation kind of by a de facto matter."
"Neat and tidy, one day, one location, one plot, stemming from one central conflict."
"She was meant to depict a girl's real self and act as a relatable character for his female readers to latch onto."
"As Harry Potter gets older, the Dursleys are more threatened."
"The only real bad guys of Omen of the Stars are the cats who live in the dark forest."
"His characters work is unrivaled in many ways."
"Jiraiya's backstory brings together the hopes of himself, Minato, and Nagato."
"Characters aren't black or white. They're more like gray."
"What kind of story is George RR Martin trying to tell here?"
"Why is he doing that he's doing that because he's stuck on Winds I continue to believe that if George had the Winds of Winter plot he would have the book out."
"It's a story of Matt Murdock, it's also the story of Wilson Fisk."
"The poet felt the two did have a true loving relationship."
"Choosing Ivy pool would be a good decision on the parts of the authors simply for Ivy's popularity."
"Paul Atreides' arc is genuinely outstanding."
"Harry Potter books are mystery books disguised as fantasy books."
"Harry never shows any interest in Ginny until the sixth book, the Half-Blood Prince, which is a book that heavily focuses on potions—like, heavily."
"This is a book that people love to hate because Harry is dealing with PTSD."
"It's strange that Little Women supports traditional gender roles given Alcott's personal beliefs and involvement in social reform."
"For me, the really great literary achievement of The Lord of the Rings is its portrayal of evil."
"Saruman's entry to the story and turning to evil are foreshadowed in an early conversation between Gandalf and Frodo."
"So, is Saruman woke? Of course, Saruman doesn't represent the complete tapestry of modern woke politics, but his corruption does convey several critical messages about the problems with the woke movement."
"It’s impossible to talk about Death Note without diving into justice because at it’s core, justice is the underlying theme of the entire series."
"Light is not only a physical element to these people, it is also a mental and spiritual element."
"Appreciate both the impact that themes can have on a story, as well as the triumph of the original arc in conveying a powerful and complete thematic message."
"The three-eyed crow isn't of course an actual crow, it's a representation of someone in a dream."
"Harry's connection to Voldemort is actually a cool plot point that has been developed well over the series."
"It wasn't really a theme, it was just a motif for Khan."
"In my mind it is these really rather human flaws that make Smaug such a compelling villain."
"I always assumed that he never felt the need to include an intimidating Bond villain-like antagonist because he was far too good a writer to need one."
"This chapter I think was definitively Oda kind of saying like you should at least start looking at the possibility or the plausibility of Luffy being able to do certain things that would have been unthinkable 80 chapters ago."
"From a structural standpoint, the main problem with Susan is that she has no arc as a character because none of her real problems are addressed..."
"Life is unbearably transitory and light, hence the Unbearable Lightness of Being."
"There's no Arc for him to have, so it just boils down to him being socially ostracized and getting mad at Rowley for leaving him behind, leading to a fight and makeup that doesn't matter or hold any major significance."
"Reread stories to better grasp themes and ideas."
"Characters in this series consistently vilified themselves by trying to live out lofty ideals rather than simply existing as human beings."
"Elizabeth, stronger than Afton, leaves him in despair."
"BioShock Infinite is a critique of social Darwinism, theocracy, and unfettered capitalism."
"Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works."
"What Malcolm wrote was literally the opus of Shakespearean black feelings."
"They don't just tug at the heartstrings, they literally yank them."
"Our collective concept of Elves and Orcs comes nearly entirely from his original outline."
"starts happy there's some foreshadowing with her happiness apparently overflowing like a cup running over and she needs reassurance for that this is smart and good writing by the way"
"So I know it’s been debated on whether Galadriel and Sauron’s relationship is supposed to be romantic, but I’ll just say my stance on it hasn’t changed on that."
"Who is the hero of the Lord of the Rings and why? It's easy, it's 100% Samwise."
"Charlie in the Chocolate Factory is basically the kids version of Saw."
"This book was less about the particular struggle Harry faced and more about finally learning why Voldemort was the way he was."
"This is where the book series really kicks up into high gear."
"The way that Kawabata explores color in 'Snow Country' is amazing."
"In other words, it always comes back to romance."
"Interpretation is what we bring to the text."
"Madame Mim is the antithesis to Merlin, the yin to his yang."
"What makes this story so good? Was Jane Austen just like an incredible writer and nobody will ever be able to match her genius? Yes and no."
"What makes Elizabeth Bennet a strong female character? What makes this whole story so satisfying and unforgettable? Why does everyone love Mr. Darcy? There's a scientific explanation behind that."
"You can't read Shakespeare without knowing the Bible."
"Tyrion tells him at the end 'I am you, writ small.' Everything Tywin accuses Tyrion of being is basically a reflection of himself."
"It is perfectly normal for literary works to begin without a reference to their author's name."
"Oscar awakened his powers and got a power boost all in the same chapter, so that's interesting to keep in mind."
"It represents the endgame of militarization."
"The scouring of the shire is the penultimate chapter of The Lord of the Rings."
"The worst part of the Order of the Phoenix is, well, the Order of the Phoenix."
"The remains of the day really taught me that non-genre fiction are not so much about the premise of the book like the premise of the book doesn't have to be interesting for the book to be interesting to read like it's more about the execution."
"Mark Twain has a similar effect, and we connect him with a smarmy, witty, affectionately curmudgeonly type of writing."
"If Lolita isn't a bad horrible no good disgusting book... what's it trying to say?"
"Lolita is about the murder of Dolores Hayes, 12 and typical, by the pentapon monster Humbert Humbert old and ignorant."
"Charles and Sebastian become such close friends, you just want them to be together."
"Genre is a tool that helps us understand and categorize the shape of stories."
"Becoming better readers and better writers in the process."
"The beauty of Stephen King's novella is that as much as it is a story about surviving monsters in the mist, it's equally about the monster lurking within each human being."
"It's always wonderful to see how different people identify with different openings for a wide array of reasons."
"This poem perfectly captures the nihilistic philosophy of the character."
"You cannot finish a story like Game of Thrones. What made him brilliant was the way he took the necessary inspiration from the lord of the rings to write the opposite story to the lord of the rings."
"What makes Alice in Wonderland such a powerful book is the very fact of Carroll's repressed attraction to Alice."
"Little references like this indicate that it's in the new universe when the chapters already contain major concrete examples of characters from the old Universe."
"For me, this is a very powerful and strong first chapter, it left quite the impression seeing how that is weaved into the second third fourth and so forth amount of chapters after it."
"Aaron has been on this track for quite a bit of time we as readers have been experiencing his journey over so many years but finally we have seen the face of a person that is desperate."
"So maybe a good place to start is what is currently considered canon inside the Wizarding World?"
"Returning Andúril to the City of Kings and uniting the Dúnedain is pretty much Aragorn's main motivation throughout the whole story." - Melanine
"Each and every element feels completely unique and powerful in its own way."
"But perhaps the most important question of all is: who is Lady Allison Hightower really?"
"I really really like the more and more I think about Nagisa being the main character just realized how perfect of a main character he is for this story."
"This Arc is so thematically dense and poetic, and it has so much going on. It reminds me as a tandem with Skypeia because Skypeia is to me the most thematically potent poetic Arc."
"He has tased Rama ties so many of the things I write about in this book."
"Sherlock Holmes had never died just as he had never lived."
"Being out of the Fire Nation, you end up finding that Zuko is far more emotional and far more complex."
"Zuko is one of the greatest literary characters of all time."
"Owen Meany is very charismatic character Jonathan writes him amazingly well you kind of fall in love with him in that sense it's really a good book and worth reading for that kind of thing alone."
"Every time I reread it, I still pick up on things that I might have missed before, like the amount of foreshadowing, there is a lot, just jam-packed in it."
"The way that he's able to lay these chapters out with subtle but firm bridges between them is just freaky fan that it works."
"The Gospels are just basically rewrites of each other, each author trying to change it up the way he wants."
"The American dream, as articulated by Fitzgerald, is just that. It's money, it's houses on Long Island, and big cars swimming pools."
"He remains the pure, unblemished, too-good-to-be-true hero we remember from his tales during the Golden Age, but he attains a depth and complexity that he never truly had in those days."
"Even Uncle Scrooge has a story, and he has his reasons."
"He's certainly not a hero. There are no heroes in A Clockwork Orange."
"All the information you need to really enjoy a poem should be there on the page and anything else is just extra. It's a bonus."
"To Dante, the underworld isn’t something that you can just pop into and out of, because the underworld, ie: death, IE: Exile, is a much more permanent deal that he needed to come to terms with."
"Comparing and contrasting these two works forced me to digest what they have to offer." - Comparison
"Pitting a self-professed and self-righteous straight-edged savior against a devil-may-care candle burner was a stroke of genius."
"Tolstoy does many extraordinary things with realism and estrangement, and he is deeply and endlessly profound."
"Division of interpretations when it comes to Midsummer's ending."
"Puss in Boots, Noah's Ark, and other tales show how death or ambiguity can pave the way for new beginnings, a recurring motif in storytelling."
"This book's exploration of real-life grief is powerful."
"Because it is extremely unlike Harry Potter or really any fantasy story to introduce a prophecy and then just let it go unresolved."
"Nick's last words to Gatsby: 'They were a rotten bunch, and he was worth more than all of them together.'"
"Considering Ichabod disappears... it seems like this slice of Americana should be a pretty dark spooky tale."
"Old man shakes old man shouts at cloud - that is a lot of the energy of especially the later books to me."
"The Narrative isn't solely about doom and retribution it underscores a fundamental truth that even in the bleakest moments salvation remains Within Reach."
"As I was reading deeper and deeper into the book and how, like, he planned to do all this thing to, like, this entire family, I was like, 'Damn, this guy just, like, really came in and just, like, [expletive] up this entire family for no reason.'"
"I appreciated that level of agency and independence, especially when you look at the way Claire has kind of grown in the book."