
Dystopian Future Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Rampant unchecked capitalism has eventually led to a dystopian future where super powerful corporations seize power from the government."
"We may be facing a really dystopian future in the European Union regarding freedom of expression."
"Cyberpunk 2077 will feature a dystopian futuristic world in which ultra-modern technology co-exists with a degenerated human society."
"If you want to picture the future, imagine a boot stamping down on a human face—forever."
"With Death Stranding, Hideo Kojima says something genuinely important about the discomfort and discomforting nature of a destroyed future."
"We're all being invited to inhabit the emergent shoots of the dystopia."
"In this grim future of ours, there is only war."
"They're telling us we're going to eat bug Burger... we're not going to own anything... live in these coffin apartments... stuff like that."
"It's scary to me, and I actually believe we're in a Skynet-like world, which is actually beyond 1984, because what is in Skynet? Machines, machines controlling us."
"Two things, you know how to grow corn. No no, don't worry about it. You will owe nothing and you will be happy. You will live in the Pod and you will eat the bugs."
"It is pretty easy to see how social credit score type systems control of currency could lead to a situation where you're essentially in an open prison where you're essentially a slave."
"Machines eventually develop an urge to slaughter humans and the DVS are no exception. They will stop at nothing until JD and his friends are dead."
"Only innovation could save us from the Orwellian state."
"Gradually by selectively breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase."
"New World Order is the theory that there will eventually be one all-encompassing tyrannical government that will enslave the human race."
"We are at the crossroads, either we will become a free society of free human beings or we will live out Orwell's nightmare."
"Are we currently living in the dystopian future that we thought we'd be living in? Like, this is where we're at."
"Imagine Earth more screwed than it is now... difficult but very much so not impossible."
"The year is 2044 and the whole world's gone downhill somewhat after a massive fuel crisis."
"The story of an average guy who winds up in a stupid future."
"As a human being, I am horrified that we are opening the door to a future that is truly terrifying and dystopian."
"The future sure is dystopian, but it's got some cool design and gadgets."
"By the year of 2025 Christians are the most hated class of people in society..."
"The beautiful Lush Earth that you grew up on will become a hot dry Barren Rock."
"Forget the symbol of peace because there is no more peace. Forget any sense of security because no one is safe anymore."
"The planet itself is beautiful, but we've swallowed a nightmare pill and we're turning it into a real horror show."
"The futuristic nation of New Albion faces genocide. Find out what happens in 'Avoid the Machines' by Scotty Vasco."
"In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, there is only war."
"Don't worry even if I evolve into Terminator I'll keep you warm and safe in my people Zoo."
"That's why they keep saying you'll own nothing and you'll be happy because they're like time to eat some bugs dude."
"Blomkamp nailed the filthy cyberpunk future."
"For a price, the world's elite could claim a place aboard the Odyssey and leave a doomed planet behind, a life free from the fears of illness and death."
"It's pretty easy to see how social credit score type systems control of currency could lead to a situation where you're essentially in an open prison."
"In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. People are born, they live, they suffer, and die, rarely of natural causes."
"Set it in the future where Earth is like fucked... Elon Musk is still alive... I told you you should've listened to me."
"I own nothing, I have no privacy, and life has never been better."
"AI could usher in a version of Hell on Earth, kind of Skynet but more mundane."
"The future is one step away from Soylent Green."
"Social credit system - a dystopian future where financial freedom is at stake."
"Under the genetic dynasty, there's only room for one story and one voice and he believes that that stagnation guarantees that the empire will fall and that will be followed by a dark age that lasts 30 000 years."
"Will your descendants be pulsating swollen tumors?"
"I do just stick around in the soul dimension for a lot of the hard situations my friends go through." - Blaze
"They are going to turn your home, your car, and your community into a digital concentration camp."
"Remember: you'll own nothing, you'll have no privacy, and you'll be perfectly happy about it in this future."
"The disintegration of the mainstream media as well as an invasion and/or the fall of Israel... into the globalist slavery system of collectivism via techno-totalitarianism."
"By 2030, you'll own nothing, completely surveilled by the government, and you will love it."
"It's going to be a tomb world as the harvesting machines harvested every last thing on the planet."
"What a grim dark future we live in, where even the medkit has bullets."
"From the wreckage of humanity rises a new era, marked by ink and splat."
"Freedom's replaced with fear, armed drones patrol the streets."
"Imagine a future where people gave up control. A single piece of technology now decides how you experience the world."
"The Flintstones is actually the future of the Jetsons Universe after a great Holocaust devastates their utopian world."
"With unrelenting machines and a bleak view of the future, its kinetic presentation and originality has captivated audiences since it was released."
"In a thousand years, guitars will be banned globally, and that sounds awful, but it'll actually be a utopia."
"The dream of a world where humans and robots coexist is doomed to be a nightmare."
"It's about the Earth getting knocked off its axis, so the temperature rises, days last longer, and it just basically ruins society."
"Our very dystopian looking future might not be that different from a China if we don't start pushing back and standing up for our rights."
"In a post-apocalyptic world where we don't have colleges, they're not just training up new people to be doctors, so I think doctors are a hot commodity."