
Web Development Quotes

There are 4930 quotes

"To conditionally render content we can use the logical AND operator."
"Firefox's CSS inspectors are so good... for CSS, Firefox is literally leaps and bounds above where Chrome and other browsers are."
"You get these little hints along the way, it is absolutely amazing."
"One of the coolest ones here that Firefox has is the fonts... you can actually see all the fonts that are on the page."
"Google recommends that your website should be loading at under three seconds."
"HyperText Transfer Protocol is the protocol, the set of conventions, that browsers use when talking to web servers."
"In the world of HTML and CSS, you can actually introduce a programming language, as well, to make your websites even more dynamic using something called JavaScript."
"With all of this new clean code that you're going to be writing, you're going to need a place to host your websites."
"Angular has often been described as what HTML would have been if it were created for dynamic web applications instead of just static websites."
"My name is Kyle and my job is to simplify the web for you so you can start building your dream project sooner."
"HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are called the Holy Trinity of web development."
"The reason for building a website is so that people can see you out in the world."
"Rather than 'learning how to code,' you should have an idea for a website or an app and then work backward."
"HTML... is the basis of defining how websites are actually defined."
"Welcome back to Web Dev Simplified, my name is Kyle, and my job is to simplify the web for you."
"As you think about your journey, do what makes sense for your users, your site, and your company."
"Web development has changed a lot over the years."
"The idea behind this website was to build a portfolio for myself to just display some of my work, showcase some of my articles, any past projects and just build a platform for somebody to be able to come in and get to know me a little bit better."
"Display flex is a way to structure your layout. There's also one called grid which is pretty powerful."
"Making your website perfect for the phone and tablet is an absolute must."
"Semantic HTML means you should use the appropriate tag based on what is occurring contextually in that area of your HTML."
"JavaScript, along with HTML and CSS, when all three of these things work together, you call that the front end."
"You don't need to know a thing about coding or know any HTML whatsoever because everything in this video is done with a free drag-and-drop page builder for WordPress."
"Making websites with Divi, it's just so easy... This is the most intuitive page builder out there, period. This is the easiest page builder out there to learn."
"That was an incredible moment in time because everything was so new. We were defining the standards of Web 2.0 at that time."
"If you're using Web API, you want a JavaScript powered website for a front-end? Not a problem."
"But let's write a program that not just prints hello world, but generates a web page containing hello world."
"With JavaScript, we have this amazing power now to change what's inside of a web page by just asking the server for more data."
"Next.js... will definitely take you from a mid-level front-end developer to a senior."
"If you can create simple to advanced web applications, front and back-end, if you can create a secure REST API that can handle requests and you can send back responses and fetch data from a database, then you should be able to get a very good job or run your own business."
"VS Code just makes web development much easier. It's very fast, intuitive, and has great extensions."
"The first two technologies that you're going to want to learn are always going to be HTML and CSS because these are the building blocks of the web."
"Okay, time to learn web development. Let me just pull up the Odin Project. That's what people told me to use and oh my gosh, do I really need to know this? It's huge! I can't possibly learn that much."
"It's gotten much easier to build websites, but learning to actually get a job as a web developer has gotten much harder."
"If your New Year's resolution is to become a web developer, I'm going to give you all of the steps, technologies, and tools that you need to learn right now."
"Learning some form of front-end framework right now the most popular is by far React."
"By the end, you should be able to use both of them to build your own well-structured websites which look awesome as well."
"The body tag, everything inside this, this is the stuff that actually gets rendered to the browser."
"The head tag is for page information like the title."
"If you're ever wondering on a website how they've done something or how they've coded something, you can just right-click that element and see how they've created that HTML code right here."
"Front-end developers use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build front-ends."
"CSS Grid and Flexbox are probably the best additions to CSS."
"Headless CMS's are different because it's just the data part... You can build your front-end with whatever you want."
"This course is designed to get you up and running with both of these, HTML and CSS, in no time so that pretty soon you can start making your own awesome websites."
"The benefits of the JAM stack are better performance, cheaper and easier to scale because our deployment amounts to a stack of files that can be served from absolutely anywhere."
"HTML is the foundation of all websites. It allows your websites to display text, images, videos, like anything you see on websites today."
"CSS cascades, in other words, this means that styles cascade down or are inherited from parent to child."
"Through hands-on projects, you'll have an opportunity to take those ideas and put them into practice, designing multiple web applications of your own, culminating in a final project of your own choosing."
"Django is a web programming framework written in the Python programming language that we're going to use to make it easy to design and develop our web applications."
"JavaScript is going to give us the ability to actually modify parts of this DOM as well."
"And finally, we'll take a look at one last feature that Sass is going to give us. And that is something called inheritance."
"The entirety of Facebook has been written in StyleX and they've been able to make great improvements in reducing the size of their CSS while also making it easier to write and change in the future."
"We're gonna be building a dynamic landing page with the time and it's gonna change this greeting here, it's gonna change the background image based on the time of day."
"Vue.js, in my opinion, has less of a learning curve than something like React or Angular."
"CSS grid makes HTML much cleaner, no need for special markup."
"The Knights look mostly accurate, some of the best armor designs I have seen in a video game."
"And then what? I finally rest, watched the Sun Rise on a grateful universe."
"I cannot even tell you how thankful I am to have Squarespace."
"Building a mobile version of your site... and you do the same thing for your tablet version."
"It's perfect for people who want to create their first website, but also great for those who want to learn a new skill."
"As long as the foundation for the website is built everything else is going to be super easy."
"So much dynamic data and we're doing so much here—combining Web 2 with Web 3, freaking awesome!"
"Go where you want the web to go and the rest will follow."
"We are shifting from web 2.0 to the internet of persons to web 3.0, the internet of things."
"So when it comes time for you to build that website that you've been procrastinating, turn to Squarespace."
"Literally in a matter of seconds, you have a fully functional home page."
"Angular 5 animation allows for dynamic and engaging user experiences by animating elements within the application."
"Components, interpolation, property binding, two-way data-binding, event binding, and animation—key concepts in Angular 5 development."
"The combination of the URI and the http verb that is sent with each request tells the API what to do with the resource."
"In short, 'Controller' is for MVC web applications and 'ControllerBase' is for MVC Web APIs."
"Separation of concerns: HTML for content, JavaScript for behavior."
"When the server creates a new object or a new resource, you should return that object in the body of the response."
"If we don't have a course with the given ID, we return the 404 error and exit the function immediately."
"Tailwind CSS has kind of just taken the world by storm."
"Final projects will synthesize knowledge from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript."
"Standardization on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript has been increasingly compelling because it solves problems."
"Why build a REST API in the first place?... Connecting your Django project to any third-party service or client."
"Stick with Django 1.11 because it's gonna be supported for at least the next three years."
"We create endpoints, develop them, use HTTP methods with our clients, and validate data using serializers."
"Generic views give us a bunch of convenient methods... shortcuts everything for us."
"There's so many different specialties that you can get into when it comes to web development."
"No matter the trader the Builder the project or otherwise the future to this industry is being able to transition from web to web 3 seamlessly."
"By utilizing all of these different advanced tools and features of the web, they're able to create an application experience that is not only highly performant, but also has all of the advantages of being an application on the web."
"Do you need to create a beautiful website without the hassle? Squarespace has got you covered."
"It's kind of what it looks like boils down to that's what Timothy Berners-Lee has been saying for years."
"JavaScript is going to enable us to write code that actually runs inside of the user's web browser."
"JavaScript is going to give us the ability to directly manipulate the DOM."
"Squarespace makes it super easy to start a sleek, modern website."
"What I want to do is really create a new element that I'm going to add into my body of the HTML."
"To create a new element for my document, I can run a function called document.createElement."
"We've been able to see how our pages are able to store data in order to just make the user experience a little bit better."
"Now I draw the image on canvas by using built-in HTML canvas method called draw image."
"I hope it gave you some value and brought you one step closer to becoming a master of web animation."
"Any expert web developer needs to have a solid understanding of vanilla JS."
"JavaScript is the universal language of the web."
"JavaScript is the language of the web and we need to go ahead and inspect how it works."
"Visual Studio Code is, in my mind, the most popular and most powerful text editor there is, especially in the realm of web development."
"VS Code is the best, the most popular, the most powerful editor for lots of different things, but specifically for web development is where it will really, really shine."
"Shadow DOM: self containment for encapsulated markup and styles."
"When in doubt about how these things are working, about what query selector is returning, the JavaScript console can be a very powerful tool."
"To create JavaScript, all you need is a text editor."
"JavaScript can make web pages interactive and responsive."
"Django is all about getting as much output with as little input as possible."
"This is kind of like an ingredient or pattern you can use whenever you're trying to position an absolute element."
"It's a huge headache on large apps to try and do something without webpack or something comparable."
"JavaScript is one of the main languages of the web and it's the one that makes webpages do things."
"Frameworks like React and Vue offer tools for building single-page web applications."
"JavaScript is used in native application development, virtual reality, and building chat and voice-controlled bots."
"JavaScript is used to build interactive websites and applications."
"But if I show you index.html again and greet.HTML again, odds are to someone's mind there's an opportunity for improvement."
"GET is not necessarily the best verb to use even though it's the default when submitting forms."
"Maybe your final projects, if you want to see what's going from browser to server."
"Step by step... from an absolute beginner to having a full-blown professional website."
"AngularJS syntax starts with 'ng-'... to avoid clashes with HTML tags."
"Express.js is a complete web development framework."
"Let's now create our actual sign up template."
"Otherwise, we'll tell the user there's an issue."
"So, now that we have that password defined, what we need to do is add this account to our database."
"Account created! That means we actually did create this account."
"Now that we have that, what I want to do is I want to talk about adding notes and yeah, and then at that point, we're going to be pretty much done."
"We're going to be toggling the existence of the form hidden class between the login and the sign up form depending on what the user selected."
"That right there is how to create a login signup form using HTML CSS and JavaScript."
"We want these to be random colors when we hover over the squares."
"We want a way to see what this thing looks like in the browser every time."
"That's the power of responsive design with media queries."
"Choose a domain name that's memorable and easy to type."
"Blazor efficiently updates parts of the page through WebSocket connections, reducing data transfer."
"Is there a career that you want to inspire kids to go into? Well, the best way you're going to reach the kids these days is by building a website."
"There's only one place you want to go to build your website and that's Squarespace."
"HTML coding is all about opening and closing tags, making it simple yet effective."
"Fear, mistrust, division; werewolf ravages your town."
"It's clear as you exchange glances, you all have a firm idea individually, a firm idea you believe the werewolf is."
"You don't want to do multiple fetch requests if you already have the same data stored, just to save a bit of network usage."
"Optimizing your critical CSS can be a bit of a time investment but is something that can just make sure that your page is getting styled as soon as possible."
"JavaScript is simply the trigger that calls the CSS transition animation to run exactly when needed."
"Use Emmet for shorthand, dramatically speeds up HTML and CSS workflow."
"You can be 13 years old, you can be 65 years old, and you can walk away knowing how to make a WordPress website."
"You're going to learn how to make all these different websites step-by-step with no steps skipped."
"That's how you can create any style of button that you want."
"WordPress is by far the most popular way to make a website in the entire world."
"If you follow the steps, you're going to have a website and it's going to be amazing."
"Hopefully you learned a whole bunch and now you're able to control your entire website and make it just like you want it."
"Our website is done setting up our homepage."
"Blazer has CSS isolation, new file types, and huge performance improvements."
"Wow, what an amazing training in this training we learned how to create this really cool hover menu with automatic clicks..."
"CSS grid introduces new units and functions that allow us to cede control of the grid to the browser."
"That's it, you guys have now set up your classified ads websites and allowed people to accept payments on your website. Congrats!"
"The first 10 people to drop a comment with their custom domain name, I will personally review your websites."
"CSS properties for animations: transition and animation."
"Web animations API: widely supported in modern browsers."
"Angular animations module: simplifying animation implementation."
"Implementing fade in and fade out effects in Angular."
"Reuse animations in multiple places for efficient code management."
"Thank you Squarespace for making websites great."
"Try Squarespace today, no credit card needed and get a 14-day free trial. Use the coupon code 'portfolio' and get 10% off."
"A very modern, meta-endorsed, well-maintained SSR golden path."
"Any time the metadata that comes down the wire matters, SSR is a better choice."
"CRA will continue to suck... it regularly frustrates me."
"Remix's docs tell you exactly how you should use remix."
"Create react app: Ancient decisions around webpack."
"If you have a success page right after the form submit, I would always take this as a clear sign."
"We're going to do much more of this stuff later on when we start to work with the DOM and the browser."
"Python is mostly used on the web and in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data science-related tasks."
"WordPress allows you to edit your website visually."
"The web has become the most ubiquitous application platform ever."
"Web assembly in the death of JavaScript and I'm gonna say no it's it's not gonna die..."
"When HTML defines something, you know that it's important."
"It's always a good practice to have an alt tag for your images."
"With these inline elements, you can just store them right next to each other in the file, and that's the difference between the two main display types in HTML: block display and inline display."
"Dialogflow then makes an HTTP request with JSON describing what the user wants."
"The beauty of Wix is you can actually get started completely for free."
"You'll be able to connect your own domain name and have a full affiliate marketing website."
"Import cost: forces you to look at the size of your third-party JavaScript packages."
"This is the difference between a semantically thoughtless document and a semantically meaningful one."
"By the end of this video today, you'll be able to set up your own professional-looking website and easily sell your own online courses."
"Most of the major websites in the world are built on WordPress or have some form of variation that have used WordPress in the past."
"I wanted to build something helpful that was way better than my static websites."
"We're going to build this layout using flexbox principles and elements."
"I'm really spending a lot of time opening up those hips and groin area increasing that range of motion."
"This looks pretty big, the background of the SVG graphic."
"Before you watch this course, you should have some familiarity with HTML."
"You can see that the text title here is red."
"What's great about classes is that they allow you to use the same CSS styles on multiple HTML elements."
"Holy [__] I fell in love with Tailwind fast. It didn't feel like a component Library like this big opinionated thing forcing me to do stuff in a certain way. It was just CSS but easier to write."
"Bootstrap is a style system itself. A single class in Tailwind usually results in one line of code of CSS."
"Do you see why I get confused when people say Tailwind is like bootstrap so you should use my UI instead? Do you see why this line of questioning annoys me? It does not make any sense at all."
"With Tailwind, you're only using the things that you use. When you add a new class name in Tailwind or in your UI when you're using Tailwind, the Tailwind compiler sees that and it adds that Tailwind into the CSS file that gets compiled out."
"Tailwind's changing a lot of things in how we architect our applications."
"It made me care so much more about these things when before I would just shrug at the conversation."
"If you've been doing this for a while, like if you've been working with CSS for a while and you remember using floats, even far back as you know using tables for layouts, CSS Grid and Flexbox are a godsend."
"If you're new to web development, consider yourself lucky because it used to be a hell of a lot worse."
"At the heart of innovation lies custom properties."
"Docs main grid - grid template columns: 1fr, 2fr"
"Most HTML elements have a set of default CSS that is applied to them."
"Pixels are the unit that you use most of the time when defining content sizes."
"With these simple rules, you can get started and create any basic website that you want."
"CSS Houdini is going to change CSS more than grid and flexbox combined together."
"A view is a website and it's the HTML code that you can modify."
"The pages should be there, so in the next section of the tutorial, we're going to create the database."
"Each one of these pages has already been created for us automatically. The database is in the background."