
Financial Analysis Quotes

There are 1540 quotes

"True inflation may have peaked in late 2022 at 18% and still hovers around 8%."
"This isn't financial advice, but I've been analyzing financial data."
"If you extrapolate that to a week, I've spent $30,000 a week on food. Factor's less expensive than that by a large margin."
"Now I can see projected revenue and then actual revenue which in a lot of states looks like it actually surpassed our projected revenue, so that's pretty good."
"Bitcoin's been appreciating against the dollar at 200% a year for the past decade. It's doing pretty good."
"Earnings per share growth is something that I'm always looking at."
"Contemporary art has outpaced the S&P 500 for the last 25 years by more than double, appreciating more than gold, real estate, and the S&P when inflation is high."
"The point I'm trying to make is, we make a lot of judgments by looking at the price of something on a daily or weekly basis without having a clue as to the seeds that are being sown today—good and bad—that are likely to bear fruit a year, 2, or 3, or 4 years down the road."
"Advise based on the fundamentals of the project whether it's good or not."
"You will do portfolio optimization, you will do optimal control, you will do machine learning."
"The total comes to $240.50, and so the savings are $90.50, which is actually better than the Tyranid Start Collecting."
"Average hourly earnings are rising fast, they are up 7.4% at an annualized rate."
"A balance sheet tells you where the company stands, what your assets are, what your liabilities are, and what your net worth or shareholder equity is."
"Once you are in a recession or financial crisis, you have to ask yourself in a more qualitative way rather than a quantitative one what is going to be the shape of the economic recovery."
"We've gone from a regime of capital abundance to a regime of capital scarcity."
"Bank of America is telling us that the CPI inflation for the year should end up continuing to moderate."
"The intrinsic value can be defined simply: It is the discounted value of the cash that can be taken out of a business during its remaining life."
"Nationally, rent is more than 20% higher than the start of 2020."
"That is a remarkable turnaround from the plunge of 31.4 percent the economy registered in the second quarter."
"Interest rates are still too high for the economy, and now we're seeing the events play out that were set in motion years ago."
"The options market is implying an average move for these stocks higher or lower of more than 45%."
"Just because bond spreads are low doesn't mean we can't have a recession. It also doesn't mean that earnings can't come down markedly; it just probably means that we won't have a Lehman event or some type of major default cycle within the markets."
"We should be taking advantage of one of the greatest gifts these crypto winters afford us: time to build, without all the distractions of bull market mania."
"The banking crisis is real, and all you have to do is look at where the money is going. And when you follow the money, you know what's going on."
"The cost of education rose 65 percent in the last ten years."
"Robert Shiller later popularized this method with his version of the cyclically adjusted price to earnings, or the CAPE ratio."
"You as an auditor for the financial statement audit are able to undertake a peculiar form of time travel where you can review what's happened essentially in the future by comparison to the financial statement figures that you're reviewing."
"With the unemployment money going away and the Federal Reserve Bank saying that they want to stop bailing out the stock market, some experts are saying this could lead to a stock market correction or even a crash."
"Technical analysis is an art, not an exact science."
"We stick to the data, not to my opinion. This is what the data suggests."
"How is the economy working for most Americans? The numbers really don't look good."
"Inverted yield curves are one of the best indicators we have of coming recession in the data series."
"Bitcoin now too important to ignore, says Deutsche Bank."
"We are in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression."
"It's totally under the radar. It's less than $100 million market cap compared to some of these $20 billion, $30 billion market caps." - Hxro's potential in the market.
"Things you find on the higher time frames such as the monthly and weekly hold more weight."
"I tend to look at things like annual growth instead of quarterly growth... I like to compare years to each other."
"One of the most important things on this balance sheet here is looking at total assets, are they growing or are they declining?"
"Only 22% of actively traded funds have actually beat the market over a ten-year period."
"Now let's go through when specifically the probabilities will be the highest that we will see this economic crash that a lot of these indicators are pointing towards."
"Monetary policy: M2 growth still slowing down."
"Follow the money and understand where you are in the market."
"We think that's the bigger risk now out there: deflation."
"Inflation is setting in. It is not transitory any longer."
"The payment ratio spiked to 47 percent which is above what it was at the peak of the last housing bubble."
"These candlesticks tell you a story... they're telling us exactly what the market's done in the past and from that information using historical data we can really make a decent assumption as to what the markets going to do next."
"It's very interesting today to see markets across the board down."
"Brand is an important financial asset to be used."
"The economy is going to be just continually decimated, just non-stop."
"The main purpose behind the show, it's all about the global financial collapse."
"Here's a chart: Bitcoin's flag over flag configuration showing how oversold it is."
"Jeremy Grantham's big claim is that the market always goes back to its trend line."
"I would see the destruction of these currencies probably within the next year to 18 months or probably two years at the other side."
"The CCP's warfare on ideology includes Confucius Institutes, a Trojan horse under the banner of cultural exchanges."
"Investors tend to go straight for [the profit and loss account], but cash flow statements are often overlooked."
"Cash flow statements deal with operating cash flows, investing cash flows, and financing cash flows."
"Scientology is an abusive family-destroying cult."
"You don't need to be a cash flow statement expert, but the three bold headings that hit you in the face in my cash flow statement are well worth a quick look."
"Anytime you get an inversion of the yield curve you get this fear that we might be heading towards recession."
"We're expecting a lot more analysts to revise down their Q1 forecasts."
"Technical analysis is basically astrology for Traders."
"Interest rates were actually above 58% and over the course of the last 18 months or so, they've remained above 50%."
"They were in total denial about it, they just dismissed it saying that inflation was transitory and you know Yellen said the same thing and so basically everyone just ignored the data for six months."
"Investors who use ESG ratings to supplement financial analysis can gain a broader view of a company's long-term potential."
"Cryptocurrencies in the last few weeks have actually had a pretty rough time."
"This is really just a staggering blow to the economy."
"Math is very effective... when it comes to pricing an option."
"If energy went down we have plenty of indicators saying maybe maybe the year-to-date ready is a fagazi maybe it's just another bear Market Matty."
"Plaid is a really good company. Visa paying $5.3 billion to acquire Plaid, I think this is a good deal."
"Bitcoin as we do this is trading above 11,000 which is a very high value compared to it was you know a year ago."
"Fundamental analysis tells you what to buy, technical analysis tells you when to buy. That's big stuff, you know."
"Every level...is meant to be broken and they're meant to be probed above and below...levels are meant to be broken."
"Tesla not only tried, they’ve succeeded. They’re now producing over a billion dollars of free cashflow every year selling NOTHING but electric vehicles, solar and battery storage."
"Inflation is higher than it's been in 40 years."
"Valuation matters: understand the cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio."
"I believe the valuation of the company is attractive."
"Meanwhile at Goldman Sachs... people have been downgrading economic GDP growth projections for the entire year." - Goldman Sachs
"China capital markets... are the most volatile they've ever been."
"Charts just fit into that super easy and then I realized that almost everybody I know in macro comes at it via charts because there's simply too much to analyze and too much to hold in your head that the charts make it super helpful."
"I calculated Cardano's potential peak two different ways and both fell on around eight bucks."
"The market moves like a pendulum, going back and forth."
"Technical analysis works a hundred percent of the time in hindsight."
"Goldman CEO says he sees real wage inflation everywhere... after 33% jump in pay expenses."
"Tesla stock today: $865 per share. Best risk-adjusted opportunity in the stock market."
"This bull market is actually a much better, much healthier bull market."
"It could dump hard, but wherever it dumps to, I think it'll be a true support."
"It's an extremely powerful way of trading, a powerful way to predict what the market's likely to do next."
"Bitcoin and Ethereum movements compared across cycles."
"As a trader, what I recommend to reinforce in your brain is that any sort of financial market is a representation of mass human psychology."
"Does the future earnings potential of the United States need to be 20% of where it was one month ago to be a real crash?"
"The economy was shriveling up and the uncertainty was growing."
"You cannot argue this chart. It's just been a beautiful chart."
"How can a company worth that much money be undervalued?"
"It's all content like it's it's actually very hard to answer the reds are particularly hard to evaluate so obviously we didn't recoup our cost from just that one you're so expensive video not even not even close."
"Bitcoin is still one of the best performing assets of all time despite this pullback, and this pullback is actually very normal for bitcoin."
"Price action alone is looking really good. The recovery here has been great, with continuous days of green since July 21st."
"When a stock forms a lengthy base like that and just starts to break out then oftentimes that's where the best opportunity can lie."
"The demand over time driven by the fact that no one can print more bitcoin, it's like the issuance is algorithmically set in stone, that I think over time just creates a positive feedback loop where the thing gets more valuable and more valuable."
"I shared with you four companies all are good I told you the good the bad the chart the levels everything I shared with you."
"The only thing that matters is the Bitcoin chart."
"I do think long term over this bull run this one is going to crush it."
"If we wind up coming down and making a lower low, this is what's interesting..."
"Bitcoin isn't likely to burst in the near future or ever. Institutional demand is through the roof."
"The main thing I look out for is if the company I'm investing in has an increase in free cash flow year on year."
"Wow guys if R breaks $40 next Target $68 wow wow wow we got this here that's massive you're 5x in in what a month 5x in a month guys that's what we've gotten on this channel like it's it's incredible."
"Final thought on AMC: when I think about the big winner here, it's Silver Lake."
"If you think about it, guys, right now we could be at BTC new low for the next SP Market. That's correct, the next SP Market, if we have one, could be like 80k for bottom."
"An increase of 2 percent in just four months - that's a really big deal."
"Earnings definitely have come down for 2023... but I think they still have a lot more to go on the downside."
"But my point is is we're still a year away and people are beginning to call BS on these numbers right so it may not hold up um as the smoke screen that they're hoping it will."
"Nicholas Panagearzulu believes that Bitcoin's dominance is the trend indicator to watch."
"You guys say okay, you've got five notable top and bottom indicators saying we're not at the top."
"A 34% drop in GDP probably won't be the end of the age of innovation, but it does show that things may not always be as easy as just throwing money into the abyss."
"January is always a very critical year for the stock market. It's kind of like the barometer to get a vibe on which direction the market's going to go."
"Expert says gold could hit 100,000 in a very short period of time."
"Without an intrinsic backing, all paper currencies in history have failed."
"The incorrectness of data, uncertainties of the future, and irrationalities of markets, complicate the work of the analyst but they do NOT nullify it."
"Every single massive run we've had starts with a green dot."
"Progenity's short interest, FTDs, and utilization make it a squeeze candidate."
"We've got inflation indicator posted its biggest year-over-year gain in nearly three decades."
"Financial ratios help build a better picture of a company's health and value."
"Price breaks above, comes down, and retests, and then slowly but surely we get a moving average crossover."
"What we're dealing with potentially is a bee wave or bear market rally."
"The problem with Bitcoin may actually be that it's actually too bullish."
"If this is a healthy bull market, we need to see Bitcoin coming back down to test its 21 moving average."
"Multi-timeframe analysis positively affects all stages of a trade."
"If you're high timeframe is bullish...we like to buy dips."
"Assess levels on their own terms and timeframes where possible."
"Both numbers higher than expected, this was the largest 12-month increase since..."
"Bottoms occur around apathy, not when everyone is calling for it."
"The ingredients that have led to the adani short selling targeting are ingredients that are not specific to adani."
"Whatever reversal we got would not go down all that far."
"Technical analysis is simply a tool to make probabilistic forecasts of future price behavior based on price history."
"If a company goes up that much in such a short period of time, you have to expect some share pullbacks."
"Tune in for analysis, charts, and breakdowns on these projects."
"The risk is definitely there. I wish it was not the case." - Danielle DiMartino Booth
"ETF in the bull and bear market would not have the same effect that it would have in a bull market."
"Gold is the best performing asset class year-to-date."
"Retail spending has fully recovered and is now at an all-time high."
"All the Wall Street analysts did not believe that solar was going to ever stand on its own without subsidies."
"Rising inflation expectations and declining real yields."
"The biggest danger is that the stock market is not yet pricing in earnings expectations going down."
"Everything is crashing with Bitcoin and Ethereum hitting their lowest price levels since the year 2020."
"If you look at Solana here's its prior all-time high... now it's sitting at about 10x that or more like 12x that."
"The candle charts that you see are not just candles and lines on a chart. What it actually is is a visual representation of mass psychology."
"75 80,000 Bitcoin that would be a new alltime high that's pretty spectacular."
"The fact that it's continued to thrive in the face of that says a lot about this asset."
"All songs and pop music and rock charts that are in the top five make the same amount of money really okay on radio airplay and that's where all the money comes in."
"There is no asset class on earth that has a risk-reward that looks anything like that."
"If you're just watching the charts and just expecting the Crypt is just going to go up because of how great it is or how much value you see in it..."
"As altcoins go from around a 300 billion dollar market cap of 325 billion where they were back here in early August down to potentially 200 million or maybe even down towards 150 billion..."
"Cardano looks extremely bullish going into September and going into the end of the year."
"We saw during the year that despite record low earnings or a big hit to earnings during the year we didn't see share prices take such a hit." - Nick Reese
"If you see a candle that's moving like this one way and it's going up like this foreign candle it's one single pass like that and it creates a fair value Gap that fair value Gap is labeled a buy side imbalance outside of efficiency busy."
"Bitcoin's consolidation is normal. Analysts set 80,000 bitcoin price target."
"Markets may actually rally fairly hard here in the short term."
"Despite all kind of the negative media headlines and the world's coming to an end and blah blah blah, the market's actually done some fairly bullish activity over the last couple of weeks."
"There's no shortcut to it, you will go into charts, you will study, you will look at old data, you will back test."
"Market's been way more bullish than the headlines."
"It's real easy for you guys to look at coinbase and look at these stories and say things are bad."
"Now let's get into part two their juicy financials and a peek at their valuation."
"We're in a firm uptrend, mimicking every other uptrend we've ever had. We're gonna have 10 to 15 and maybe even 25..."
"Income, balance sheets, cash flows... very powerful stuff."
"Stats rarely tell the whole story. So, you've boiled down your search to a few companies based on numbers, the ones that you've learned in this presentation. You've eliminated a lot of the bad apples."
"Pltr is one of the more obvious value plays."
"Tesla isn't priced on their cash flow, Tesla is priced on their ability to grow and maintain margin."
"Bitcoin dominance has been one of the most bullish metrics, if not the most bullish metric in the cryptoverse this year."
"Gold in my experience and in my opinion has some really strong tendencies to trend very very strong."
"Gold has outperformed everything on the planet since 2000."
"Prices rose in November compared to a year ago by almost seven percent, that's the highest annual inflation jump since June of 1982."
"It's about pips, it's about percentages, and then there's that many be able to make that percentage compared to other investments."
"This excess already... we will have inflation in the six to nine percent range going into 2024."
"Initial value 43.6, final value 63,000. That is a 44.49% increase."
"Candlestick analysis... gonna help you make not random decisions."
"The overall market cap doesn't seem to have gone down that much."
"BNB tends to dip more than other 10 cryptos and the market dips and of course then when it rebounds stronger it goes up more than the other kryptos in the top 10 do."
"In 42 days that will be 28 times the daily Supply absorbed by one ETF if this does not horrify you I don't know what will."
"I am not quite ready yet to hang my hat on bitcoin being an indicator of inflation because we've never actually seen it exist in an inflationary time period."
"We talked about Tesla... I started running all these numbers and start going down the list."
"It's very bad; it's telling you a recession is around the corner."
"You're teaching yourself to see this pattern over and over and over again in price action."
"Indexes are very much driven by PE multiple expansion... if you get the reverse of that, you're going to see PE multiple shrinkage."
"It was 11, it jumped up to 18.92 in the off hours when you have a parabolic move like that, it's always going to retrace."
"The difference between a stock's current price and its estimated intrinsic value becomes your investing opportunity."
"Remember amp when it starts an upward Trend if we get it anywhere where it starts to cross over sentiment in any way that typically indicates a run coming in."
"I do think Cardano ADA is going to be one of the best return on investment cryptos out of the top 10 here. Massive upside potential in my opinion."
"Overall inflation right now is technically a 13-year high."
"Assets are assets and Gaddafi has the most of any known person thus far this century by a huge margin."
"Bitcoin surpassed silver in overall market cap."
"Confidence level for me is at an all-time high right now. If you guys have been watching the sort of the damage that we've been putting on this market over the last couple weeks, we had the best January."
"Bitcoin becomes a reserve asset... coexisting with the dollar."
"Rocket Companies' numbers are some of the most insane numbers that I've seen for a company yet."
"Fundamental analysis is going to be the next, it's going to come back strongly."
"The best buys have been when the numbers almost tell you not to."
"The market goes up too high, you're discounting earnings seven, eight, ten years out because everything is overpriced."
"It's imperative to go through a series of steps to determine the asset's true value."
"Art has had the lowest correlation to the stock market of any major asset class according to a 2020 report by Citibank."
"If anything seen a particularly low share price is likely a warning sign to look into the business further."
"The entire market cap gains for the S&P 500 this year came from the top 15 largest companies."
"The reason stocks keep making new all-time highs? While most financial analysts keep predicting a crash, it isn't in the data."