
Comparative Analysis Quotes

There are 685 quotes

"Hello, my beautiful watchers, and welcome to Lost in Adaptation, the review show concerning films based on books and how the former compares to the latter."
"The reputation of a country is a lot like the reputation of a company, individual, or anything really."
"Something doesn't become good just because it's less bad."
"I come here and I see things that are missing in my own country."
"Socialism, given equal levels of economic development, is an objectively better system."
"Allah blessed Adam over Iblis intellectually; we are at the top. And so Allah told Iblis to prostrate to Adam, not the other way around."
"Our education system in the United States is abysmal. We rank behind third world countries."
"We built the greatest economy in the world, greatest economy in the history of the world, better than China by a lot."
"Smoking kills more people each year than alcohol, AIDS, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders, and suicides combined."
"Democracy is the worst system, except for all the others."
"Comparing our modern global economy to even the greatest empires throughout history is like comparing a jet engine to a donkey."
"Whether measured as a natural disaster or an act of war, it is one of the deadliest in human history."
"Stars is the best software by a large margin."
"Jupiter's gravity is nearly two and a half times stronger than Earth's."
"T-rex had like quite literally a phenomenal sense of smell... several times stronger than a bloodhound."
"The United States has more people in prison and spends more money on criminal justice than any other country in the world."
"America's economy and America was better when he was president."
"Playing a lot of other games made me appreciate WoW a lot more."
"Oreo cookies dropped his LDL cholesterol twice as much as a Statin."
"A lot of the tactics and methods in Scientology are also there in watchtower."
"If the devs had put the same amount of thought and planning into their main vanilla storyline as they did with Far Harbor, the game probably would have been very good."
"Capitalism is the worst economic system except for all the others."
"People like that are infinitely more dangerous than mere crooked politicians."
"It's not about which answer is right, it's about which answer's more right."
"The conservative movement has done more to help me as an other person than the progressive movement."
"I deserve to be included. I'm a Starbucks customer. Hang the American flag. You listen to me and you listen to me clearly."
"Total War: Troy's launch was okay, better than Thrones of Britannia."
"Of all the things to judge consciousness, us humans are better... we're empathy machines."
"Well, to me, that's even more holier than Christ."
"It's a myth to say between that comparison that an electric car is worse for the environment than a gasoline car."
"Britain comfortably outperforms countries such as France in anti-discrimination protections."
"Even though we had the highest number of cases, per capita we're number 34."
"The quality is there in comparison to similar Technologies."
"Australia has more arable land than Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos combined."
"China was acquiring weaponry at a rate 'five to six times faster' than the United States."
"Southeast Asia and India will be the best parts of the world just like China did, even better than the United States."
"I would say the u.s. Civil War is one of the biggest ones behind world wars 1 & 2."
"Certainly sounds better than ice milk, that's for sure."
"Most tackles, let alone in college, but even in the NFL, most tackles can't keep up with the first step like that."
"While it never quite reached the heights of franchises like Mario Zelda or even something like Final Fantasy Castlevania is still remembered as an absolutely classic series."
"The Surgeon General in the U.S. is warning that the United States could be worse than Italy."
"They were highly intellect way more intellect sure than us right now."
"I got more views on Tik Tok in one month than I've gotten on YouTube in years."
"The XGIMI Halo performed extremely well in this test with an average score of 9.75, followed by the other two 1080p projectors the AAXA and the WEMAX and then the Anker and Benq 720p projectors."
"Loneliness is actually a better predictor of early death than smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"Every other place on earth is plagued by issues far worse than the United States."
"I didn't see much of a difference in results if you're using this blue wave versus the Wave Trend for free by Lazy Bear."
"If Russia and America were businesses and you were trying to decide which of them to invest your money into as it sits right now the USA looks a much better bet."
"Roy Thomas was a larger contributor to Marvel comics than Stan Lee."
"Not nearly as epic a boss as the final hazard from SA2 but an all-around better boss fight than perfect chaos from SA1."
"The nuclear family is the worst form of family except for all the others."
"There are pros and cons to both the film and the book, but both very much get a 100 percent recommendation from me..."
"Deaths from fighting terrorism compared with terrorism itself."
"Isn’t a story you enjoy, told by the person you enjoy it from, translated into different media … shouldn’t be taken collectively instead of comparatively?"
"You can read that book, you can watch that movie... one will always enhance the other."
"One of the best fruits in the game... but how does it fare in the One Piece universe?"
"It's the difference between seeing the movie and reading the book."
"Bernie's more honest than all the other ones."
"Artificial intelligence is far more dangerous than nukes."
"Different genres have different expectations. Who's to say one genre's conventions are better than another's?"
"I think the strongest argument to put forth when somebody says, 'Oh, I'm gonna vote for Trump because of the Second Amendment,' I would point out that the Obama Biden administration was more pro-gun than Trump ever was."
"Russian losses are much less than Ukraine's."
"You know, when I heard it, I don't think beans or Jadakiss' disses stack up to Ether."
"Because while we do have some of the best general purpose vision in the animal kingdom, our eyes are really poorly designed."
"The after-action report of the Capitol shooting was three times that length."
"The Megalodon puts the great white shark to shame." - Narrator
"Result is more consistent than the flanking Z1 entries."
"For some, it might not seem like a big deal supporting a 2015 smartphone in 2022, but keep in mind Android phones are lucky to get more than two years of support and none of them have ever even gotten close to seven years, at least officially."
"One of the things... tale of two industries."
"What separates Teen Titans Go! from shows like Johnny Test...is Teen Titans Go! is incredibly arrogant about how far they've gotten."
"The show is still entertaining as hell even at its worst it's still better than most movies it's just not nearly as intense or intelligent as it used to be."
"Dune succeeds in comparison to its other counterpart franchises that really do try to emulate the success of a successful franchise."
"Cultural nuances and the perception of vaccine hesitancy in India versus the West."
"The proof's in the pudding, guys. I watched those two teams today and they are leagues away, levels and levels and levels above us."
"So, if I stack that against all of the other claims that are made on the god side, I would say that I have a whole lot less to prove with mine than yours. So how can we discount mine and still have yours?"
"This is the clear best option to go for out of the three from nearly every angle."
"Life is not easy at the very least you can say it's way better in America in terms of safety, security, and comfort."
"Cross-cultural comparisons are pretty much worthless."
"Every day that Joe Biden is President, Donald Trump's legacy looks better."
"It's bad, but it's not a uniquely American situation."
"The second half was not nearly as strong as the first."
"Comments that mention Nick on average are more positive than comments mentioned on Melina."
"The first five minutes of Starfield are enough to tell you that it's a lot better, a huge upgrade over Fallout 4 in just about every way."
"Model 3s emit 65% less CO2 than Mercedes C-Class."
"For the purposes of this list, it doesn't matter that this is the worst Star Wars movie, if anything, the musical score here is way better than the movie it's attached to."
"His claims around safety, while every city has their challenges, what we are seeing the cities that Jim Jordan represents have far higher incidence of violence than New York City does."
"This is two-part; I think it's maybe his worst album, but it's still way better than most people's best."
"Think about how bad people have to view the level of corruption in the Democratic Party to think of Donald Trump as a remotely preferable alternative."
"Compared to how it could be, and how it has been in many places and how it is most everywhere in the world and how it was for much of the 20th century, things are so good here that it's absolutely beyond comprehension."
"It's much better than I was expecting it to be and better than most the predator movies that come out."
"While there is no such thing as a perfect system, and Norway is no exception, there are ones that are clearly better than others."
"He's an anomaly, like myself, unlike anything else."
"It's another example as to why you need to be very, very careful about taking comparative statistics in isolation and out of larger context."
"These guns are more than usable but very rarely would you pick these over others in the list."
"Comparison is a powerful tool, as it taps into things people already have connections to, and because of this, it has easily become one of the most common lenses we use to discuss, evaluate, and analyze games through."
"Every other country is doing the same thing and in many cases they're doing it to a greater extent."
"It was fantastic. Whoever made it's better than fox news."
"This HUD is pretty horrible, but the actual animation of getting a player, that is better than FIFA 19, I'm pretty sure we can all agree to that."
"I see the good that digital currency did in China for poorer populations, and I believe it can do the same in the United States."
"Halo 5 made people retroactively appreciate Halo 4."
"If we have to have this lot in, I'd rather have Rishi than anyone else because I do think he's very talented and very bright."
"Only a million monthly active users, that means way more people watch our show in a month than are active on Truth social."
"Out of the entire four-part quadrilogy, the first Walking Dead game was better."
"Cardano is heating up and the charts say that its breakout when compared to Polygon, when compared to Polkadot, when compared to Solana or Binance Smart Chain is just beginning."
"If we're talking about power I've got to give it to Korra."
"Independence... I think that is so important for seniors but also for everyone."
"Top Gun: Maverick exceeds both of them by a long shot."
"The avenger was the best torpedo bomber of World War II, and not by a small margin."
"Money is not everything. That's what the makers of The Cave found out after they released one month after Neil Marshall's The Descent."
"I don't think it's quite as good as Ragnarok myself, but that's where I'm at."
"Cases are mild, better managed, almost like the seasonal flu."
"The aggregate value of all those human beings combined doesn't even amount to a drop in the ocean compared to the value of God."
"John Campbell stuff reminds me of Aseem malhotra's uh system of belief and uh we'll see we'll see where this goes we'll see who's correct let's see."
"Trump administration has been a lot harsher on America's foreign policy adversaries than the Obama administration ever was."
"Look at the facts, look at the data, look at the fact that we have one of the lowest case fatalities in the world."
"Given the size of my community, I think I do better than any other content creator on the entire [__] internet at managing them."
"They really think the rest of the religions in the world are just insanely stupid."
"Kids are not getting this particularly young kids. If you're under the age of 20, the statistics suggest you're more at risk from the flu than you are from this."
"Just these two chapters are technically longer than a single playthrough of the original 'Undertale.'"
"Unfortunately, when it's removed from a vacuum and put into applied yuging, it becomes clear pretty instantly that this card sucks."
"In a bit but Oblivion and Morrowind before are better role-playing games."
"I think the economy’s going pretty well. My only point is it’s not that much better than what it has been."
"The United States, a nation set apart or just another country?"
"I think the quality of my pawns could be higher than white's."
"At least under Trump things weren't this bad."
"I think this is the definitively superior version of the film."
"The US Navy is only the fourth largest but it's by far the most capable."
"There's a lot of stuff he could do better, but Biden is everything that people accuse Trump of being but worse."
"I didn't see it being any more or less successful."
"There's almost no end to the ways that we could compare the two but this will suffice for now."
"Primeape's Cross Chop hit harder than Hitmonlee's High Jump Kick."
"The real beef is Harry Potter fans trying to convince us they are at the greatness level of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars."
"I don't think it's perfect, but it's definitely the worst of all the S's."
"Dragon Ball Super was much better about bringing back characters than Z was."
"That's not the end of the world that's a world that's much much better but slightly less better than it otherwise could have been."
"Age of Ultron is one of the weaker links in my opinion of the MCU."
"It blows most superhero films out of the water."
"I think it's almost guaranteed to be the best of the three."
"Research shows they are no more likely to catch fire than ICE cars."
"When it comes to sad Back stories nobody has anything on this man..."
"I think the same thing happens to guys and it probably doesn't happen at the same rate but it does happen a lot."
"One aspect that's oftentimes not talked about in Turkey is that Erdogan is more popular than American presidents."
"The stunning results proved that Central America once had a civilization roughly as advanced as the ancient Greeks or Chinese during its heyday."
"Kanye West worst day is probably better than a lot of these [__] best day."
"It's probably the best Uncharted game I don't think it's as good as the Last of Us but I but it's like saying like which masterpiece is the best match yeah."
"Sweden pays extremely high taxes compared to the US, but people are willing to do it because they feel like they get the benefits out of it."
"Michael Bloomberg is a greater threat to democracy small D democracy than Donald Trump and I think Donald Trump is an imminent threat."
"Capitalism is merely the best system that we have."
"I think he's not bad, but I don't think he measures up to any of the other supports here."
"The worst part about this ending is that other games before and since have done it better."
"Between these two motorcycles, the rs660 does both things better."
"Shrek 2 is Shrek one on steroids and it goes on a very short list of sequels that are better than the originals."
"Bravery itself does not win wars, and the Turks were certainly no braver than the English or the French."
"Curtis Jones succeeds where Harvey Elliott fails."
"The Bible has the same value as Shakespeare."
"We're not even in election season, and we have more enthusiasm now than we had even before the election in 2016."
"Estonia ranks fifth on the list of countries with the best education, surpassing even Finland."
"The risk of breakthrough infection with the Moderna vaccine was about 50 to 60 percent lower than with Pfizer vaccine."
"He's actually fulfilled more promises than he made and I have."
"There are pros and cons to both Schumer's proposal and Romney's proposal so let me know in the comments what you think of each."
"I would take the G80 with the 3.3-liter twin-turbo engines before I took the BMW 5-series with their 2-liter engine or the A6 with the 2-liter engine as well."
"I think DS is just maybe more mature, more successful overall."
"We can learn so much by comparing one country with another."
"Conservatives really care more about the good of the whole, I think much more than liberals ever did."
"I probably would still take Poch over Ancelotti."
"So conservative that she's now to the left of Bill Maher on many issues."
"I mean, if you think religion is this great thing, this life-transforming, wonderful thing upon which you base most of your behavior, how are you gonna say atheism is just another religion?"
"Tier lists in any aspect of anything are always matters of interpretation and opinion."
"It's interesting you bring that up of like the apples to apples comparison. I think you said it so well, Paris, it's like I think we look at these and we just go tick for tat right of like they got that why don't I get this."
"Conservatives are happier than left-wingers." - Michael Knowles
"Conservatives understand the left more than the left understands conservatives." - Michael Knowles
"Italians and Europeans in general are much more open-minded than Americans are."
"I overall prefer this interior to the one that we find in the Audi A6."
"If United were run like Chelsea, what would we be doing now?"
"Ample headroom, the most of all these cars today."
"Intimidator 305: A coaster that absolutely shits on others when it comes to intensity."
"The 1990 movie, in my opinion, is still the best one to date."
"For every dollar Republicans donate, Democrats donate three dollars."
"But the best way I can describe combat Jedi fallen order is if Sekiro sucked."
"I'm actually enjoying the second season a lot more than I enjoyed the first season."
"The question should always be: Is that also true of democracy, and if it is, which is going to be worse?"
"Next out of 76 was, and I'm aware that's not the highest bar in the world, it's a huge step forward."
"Probably Trump just because DeSantis is doing things and Trump just opens his stupid ass mouth."
"This movie feels like it pulled it off way better than the first one."
"The experiences are broadly comparable and that kind of makes me happy."
"Had we just done what China did right from the beginning, we could have stopped this pandemic."
"The Last Airbender" movie was quite the opposite as it rivaled "The Room" in being called one of the worst movies ever made.
"Things are still looking good for me, which is more than we can say for the king of Sweden."
"Let's start looking at these games seriously: Roblox might be worse than Fortnite."
"China is prepared for this pandemic while the US is not."
"When it comes to performance, there's no doubt that the Stinger is definitely the winner here."
"It's now as expensive or in a lot of cases more expensive to stay in an Airbnb than a hotel."
"Symbolically, I don't think there's much of a difference."
"Both games were not as powerful story-wise as the ones that came before them."
"Super Mario Sunshine is a sizable improvement over 64."
"Who would Indiana Jones have more respect for and why?"
"Without the crashing waves, he's just a lake."
"Many of these games have stories and mechanics that are so well developed that some of them eclipsed their contemporaries."
"The threat from within is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave than the threat from outside forces."
"It's just a lot less interesting than every other animated film out there."