
Arithmetic Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"What you don't want to do is multiply 15 by 12 because you're going to get a larger number and it's going to be harder to simplify."
"If we divide negative 6 by 1, we'll get negative 6... But one plus negative 6 is negative 5."
"Numbers are very prevalent when you start counting petals on flowers, making it a great exercise for teaching arithmetic to young kids in school."
"Arithmetic is calculating with numbers, whereas algebra is reasoning about numbers."
"Arithmetic operators in Python include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus, and exponentiation."
"If Johnny had 16 apples and Mandy gave him four more and Johnny ate one, how many apples does he have all together? 18."
"For any multiplication problem on our x axis, our y values will always form a valid sum."
"Kermit encouraged child's by collecting arithmetic and racing all to all three math gates."
"Chuck this video a like if you want to see my arithmetic call a genius manifests itself as a haiku next video."
"Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %, **, //."
"When you divide two fractions, you can really just multiply by the reciprocal."
"We still have to do the same thing with adding and subtracting one; we want to save the transitions."
"Square roots ask the question of what number times itself equals a given number."
"If you add two digits together and it goes above 10, then you carry the one."
"I mean, come on now. 1+ 1 equals two. Come on now."
"How do you guys not know what two plus two is?"
"...if we partition it into two equal halves, then each of the halves would be exactly 11, right?"
"Of course you'll lose customers if you raise your price but the number of customers you lose may not be as many as more than makes up for it in the price increase it's simple arithmetic anybody can do it."
"4 and 151 over 165 is equal to 8, 11 over 165."
"We're not going to do division here."
"That's four times three, correct?"
"If we use binary connect algorithm that uses floating-point arithmetic you can get really good."
"'Now, Benny, don't you see,' she began, 'that if you have two things and somebody takes away one, that you must have one left?'"
"Addition is putting numbers together."
"It's simple with double digit addition."
"I wonder if you could now add 50?"
"Octopuses have eight arms. Woah, together we have four, one, two, three, four. Times that by two, and then you have eight!"
"I know that one plus one equals two, and it's me and you."
"This is how it works: you take the number in each group times the number of groups, and you get your answer."
"The two numbers are five and six. Five times six is thirty."
"There's a metaphorical structure to basic arithmetic that's beautiful."
"The arithmetic of the investment starts to shine through over time."
"And just as easily do minus 10 we could even do times two and we could do divide by two."
"Extension, overloading plus, from adding natural numbers to adding matrices."
"Adding, adding, adding's such a nifty thing to do."
"The reason why I'm interested what it means to study arithmetic is to study prime numbers but okay that seems like a random arbitrary thing but it's not the reason why I'm studying prime numbers is because they actually build up all of the whole numbers."
"Conway introduced arithmetic operations that agree with the real number subfield."
"Numbers can be joined together to make bigger numbers, which we call adding, and we can take away numbers from bigger numbers to make smaller numbers, which we call subtracting."
"So, we are going to need to implement our knowledge of multiplication and addition in order to solve this correctly."
"Especially this one, the one plus two plus three equals one times two times three equals six, that one is magnificent."
"Do yourself a favor and go back and review, you know, arithmetic and stuff. It's actually pretty cool stuff."
"If Johnny had three apples and Monica took two, how many apples does Johnny have left?"
"In any system of mathematics where you can do basic arithmetic, there will always be true statements that are impossible to prove."
"Three plus three times three is not three times three plus three."
"This is a product of three consecutive numbers."
"The pattern here is previous number plus the sequence number multiplied by two."
"If you take 15 times itself, 15 times 15, you will get 225. It's a perfect square."
"Sometimes things are just arithmetic."
"Everything you learn back in elementary school, you're going to follow those same rules of arithmetic with algebra."
"Arithmetic is completely independent of any physics."
"Addition and subtraction are inverse operations; they somehow kind of undo each other."
"...the young Warrior had learned arithmetics; he now can understand that it was logical to sacrifice one life to save many others..."
"You have to organize your life in a way that makes some arithmetic sense."
"How on earth can a mechanical system like just a chip in a computer - how can it actually do arithmetic?"
"90 is the number that's 50 percent greater than 60."
"If you understand really well how you multiply to get these answers, then working backwards is a little bit easier."
"A lot of algebra is just arithmetic but with letters."
"Any number multiplied by two plus one is odd."
"The sum of the first n numbers is one plus two plus three plus four all the way till n, equal to n times n plus one divided by two."
"Sometimes it is as easy as 1 plus 2 equals 3."
"If purchasing shoes for a spider, how many pairs would you need?"
"Cells joined by an X contain digits that sum to ten."
"Don't be afraid and don't think it's a waste of time to really strengthen your ability to work with fractions, make sure you're good with positive negative numbers, order of operations."
"This section is testing your ability to use some basic reasoning skills to set up your arithmetic problems."
"The lowest common multiple of seven and five is 35."
"I'm not a very good mathematician, but I can at least do basic arithmetic. One plus one always equals two."
"Adding 10 percent to something and then taking it away again doesn't necessarily take you back to the same place."
"If we can identify arithmetic, look how much work it saves us."
"Master the basics, master the fundamentals, and of course, fractions are a big part of that."
"The dimensions of this rectangle: our width is 11 feet, our length is... if our width is 11, how much is our length if you just add 5 to it?"
"I can add these numbers together in any order."
"You're just doing the inverse operation for either multiplication or division."
"There are true statements about arithmetic that are true but not provable."
"My three consecutive integers whose sum of the least and greatest would be equal to 32 more than the middle integer would be 31, 32, and 33."
"If you had two dollars and I took away a dollar from you, then you would still have a dollar left."
"The total amount is equal to the number per item or units, multiplied by the number of units."
"Pappas theorem... enables us to extract arithmetic from geometry."
"The big thing to remember here is when you multiply and when you add."
"Fantastic, loved it, really clever puzzle, not terribly difficult if you knew some tricks and did a little bit of arithmetic."
"Arithmetic reasoning is testing your ability to do arithmetic and to use some reasoning skills to set up your arithmetic."
"The mean or the average is fantastically simple: add them up and then divide by count them."
"If you know how to work with basic fractions, you are good in arithmetic."
"Your total is 4950 because the sum of 1 to 99 is 4950."
"This operator here is going to give you the remainder of dividing two whole numbers."
"If a number is divisible by two and three, it is a multiple of six."
"The opposite of addition is subtraction; the opposite of multiplication is division."
"You cannot divide any number by zero."
"Digits in a cage must sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage; digits cannot repeat within a cage."
"You need to go back to the basics, make sure you really understand your arithmetic, your fractions, and stuff like that because it will come back to haunt you."
"The key to understanding the arithmetic in this quotient is really to understand how it is that 5Z sits inside of Z."
"If m and n, which are natural numbers, can be written as the sum of squares, so can m times n."
"One plus two plus three... up to n is n times n plus one over two."
"Anytime you add two and two it come up five."
"True or false: Josh has two quarters, four dimes, and four nickels, then he has just enough money to buy a bag of chips for $1.10."
"That's the sum of the numbers from one to nine."
"In mathematics, to have an arithmetic, one needs more than a collection of objects."
"Subtraction is not commutative; four minus X is not the same thing as X minus four."
"If I have two oranges and five oranges, how much do I have? I can say I have seven oranges because the identity of the components I'm talking about is exactly the same."
"If you have a product, you can break the logarithm into the sum of the two various logs."
"It's very useful to have facts in your head and some notion of how to put those together arithmetically so that you can do estimates."