
Tactical Planning Quotes

There are 452 quotes

"Perfecting that style of playing things safe and making sure that they take the correct fights at the right time."
"Things are going exactly how I was hoping they would, but we still need to keep picking up first downs."
"In naval strategy, there's more to it than 'my battleship's bigger than your battleship.'"
"It's not about having the best players; it's about having the right tactics."
"Interesting approach to divide and conquer like that."
"Silly with the great shots... that's all he has to do, he has the entire right side of A."
"It's all part of the tactical plan, ladies and gentlemen, to drop below 15% so that we can deal more damage."
"It's sort of trying to bring like a white weenie sort of strategy to commander a little bit."
"Had he just made a simple check list of what he shouldn't do this game, Warwick would've probably gone to bed happy with his free LP."
"Whoever controls the distance manages the damage, whoever controls the clock manages the opportunity."
"Doesn't necessarily have to be someone who stands toe to toe with Guardiola tactically."
"Position first, and then attack. That is the rule to win fights."
"You may find yourself in a situation where you want to do strategic bombing very far away, but the strategic bombers by themselves are getting shot down by enemy fighters, so you might have to have them escorted by heavy fighters."
"Let's test it on that mob. Oh yo, the hunters are here and I am not ready for this."
"A game of incomplete information: Starcraft is a game of incomplete information; you don't always know what's out on the map."
"I just blind second and make him go first and then I just try to absolutely rip him to shreds."
"He wants to stay close and make this a good boxing match where he can showcase his boxing skills but do that from the inside."
"Every skill costs action points. You should think how to make the best of them."
"Deciding which upgrades you want for this specific match, but also the exact order that you want them in - which is spreading several decisions across the entire game."
"Stealth is less about not being detected and more about delaying that detection long enough that you can perform your mission and then get the hell out of there before the enemy can react to it."
"I'm down for that either way, spectra it's important to build 14 cannons to defeat two chemicals especially cannons that cannot see up."
"Each player has to change up one army camp, can't use the exact same army back-to-back."
"Success in battles hinges on wise Resource Management."
"Smart adventurers know how to use stealth, subtlety, and infiltration to sneak past really deadly foes, slip past the guards undetected, and get in and out of the dungeon or any other environment while keeping your head on your shoulders."
"Attacking tactics let you choose how your team plays in each half of the pitch."
"We should do is defend the castle and slowly clear the zombies out over time."
"We're almost at 30 killed; we still need to kill one more elder guardian; we need to clear up some of these guardians first."
"It you're trying to kill them in a new interesting way which is 21 total damage so as you can imagine there's lots of different things to think about you know."
"If we kill this guy next, it'll take a lot... Yeah, if we're just sitting here watching him, that's probably not gonna be the best."
"Sideways creates results, it's actually preparing for a move."
"Devils use deception; ideally, the party should never know they are fighting Devils, only their proxies."
"Once you climb up there clever yet simple these nodes are important though as it determines where enemies can move when you encounter them."
"Now if you do go for all of these infusions, when you're next at twenty-five might, it's sort of like you're instead at twenty-seven might."
"Positioning is key... You always have to be adjusting, always have to be thinking about that."
"It's gonna be basically to zone away once the Sion and the Jarvan jumps in."
"The most important thing that we always try to do is make sure the fight lasts as short a time as possible."
"Remember, if we can just get his Bishop away from the diagonal, we will win the game."
"More damage means you'll be able to get through fights faster but because of this you'll be fighting more."
"I'm really liking this, I think pawn takes and c5 is the way you gotta play."
"You must know and understand your enemy better than your enemy knows and understands you."
"The ability to not interrupt even if I whiff on the incubator or I don't kill quite enough he still can't."
"I think what's a lot more interesting is what you can do before the combat even starts if that makes sense - the setup."
"The cards are the star of the show... opening up so many tactical options."
"Do you think link summon will actually give players a chance to go past 10 turns or 6 turns?"
"Just make sure you get what you need. If you're feeling too squishy, get life. If you're feeling too low damage, get damage."
"Testing your opponent matters so much. Like, you push bot in and Ryze is at the turret, start drag and make them show. It's a test. If Hecarim shows up to kick you off, then you know it's just like a gentleman's agreement."
"Understanding the situations in which a pick works."
"My sweet daughter, you have done well. I am very pleased. You have been prepared for every moment and surrounded by those who love you."
"In other words: take the initiative; attack first; attack fast; attack where the enemy is weak and prevent him from concentrating his forces."
"The culmination of these various factors... led to dynamic gameplay, in other words, gameplay that made you rethink your strategies as new information came up."
"If your opponent's just sitting there doing nothing... you need to do something or he's just going to win the cycle for free."
"Success in FIFA is about finding the right balance between attack and defense, exploiting your opponent's weaknesses, and capitalizing on opportunities."
"AR-15s make a lot of sense, especially in being able to work out at distances a little bit further."
"You want to be valuing your passive stacks, you want to be understanding your weaving in Auto Attack stacking up your conquer, you want to be utilizing your W."
"This is good in our meta, where we have a lot of two-drop and three-drop permission commanders running around."
"You have to kind of build your deck to be... able to pull off this kind of win."
"At the end of the day, the only thing that you should care about is getting load out down."
"Recon is really valuable... you can play around it."
"It's very mission adaptable in that case, then, because like you're saying, you're changing roles, you're going from, you know, machine gunner to medic to lead, whatever it might be."
"You don't need to put every single pawn on a light square, but you need to look at how to negate the development of the enemy light squared bishop."
"Pawn breaks can be a way to open the position and create play."
"Positions don't have to be closed for a pawn break to occur."
"Dimitri's advantages all come down to one thing: information."
"Identity, strategy, tactics – that's the hierarchy of building a team."
"If he picks the team right, against Arsenal it will be totally different."
"The primary objective was to regain control of the air by defeating the enemy's air force."
"Proper use of your Heroes is going to determine how your game goes."
"I'm going to put it at doom stack because you definitely can make a doom stack out of it."
"Two armies, two fleets, attacking from both land and sea from two directions. Many independent moving pieces with no single point of failure. Classic Agrippa."
"This is going to be about percentage rear and it's all about those two bombers."
"It's very good. Yeah, you really need bodies in this deck."
"New player roles allow you to instruct your team exactly how you want them to play."
"I could just save up and grab a load of bursts there."
"Frozen heart is good on units that jump around a lot and I don't have any of those right now."
"This move is such a brilliant move because of what it leads to."
"What if we asked not which type was the strongest on its own but which two types are the strongest when combined?"
"Overall seems pretty scary a big beat down gun line with a whole lot of general purpose Firepower big re-rolls from Gilman and some very scary desolation happening with the enemies units getting hoovered up by the Desolation Squad..."
"The B3 has good enough armor in the strongest parts, a good enough round to deal with every enemy with some good aim, and good enough mobility to get where you want to be in the map."
"We're confident we're going to prevail here."
"We knew they were good at that map and they're gonna pick it but yeah just overall we're playing well together for the most part and we just we have an idea of what we're doing now in search."
"The key is making sure we get Dan James playing in these positions, threatening behind."
"Modern football is so well coached now that corners and set plays are a crucial part of football."
"My dual lathe ship is doing a better job of clearing the map than my headquarters ship. It might be a valid strategy for a rush."
"The lower the enemy's health, the more executes you want."
"Identifying when your opponent doesn't have Elixir to defend so you can apply offense and defense at the exact same time simultaneously."
"A solid read right now from Cloud9." - Strategy and anticipation can turn the tide in competitive gaming.
"Preemptively stop this guy from being able to run, it's gonna be beneficial on our end."
"The biggest problem at Man United is still yet to be solved. We don't have a fluent, cohesive plan in the final third."
"In a real fight, he who manages the distance manages the damage that can be done."
"They planned for all troops to Ambush and Magic units to attack at the same time."
"Our goal remains unchanged: holding our positions, exhausting the enemy by inflicting maximum losses," - Alexander Siri.
"Tactics will always work, always remember that."
"The question is how many bullets do you have?"
"Pin it with the queen... black is going to struggle with this e5 pawn."
"Whoever throws out a figure in a negotiation first loses."
"Having a teammate get knocked is tough. You can kind of play this though by faking a revive."
"We don't save guys, last time you go red one and I go down here below."
"Stage 2 and stage 4 carousels will always have one of every component."
"The best way to beat zone is by flooding it."
"I really like the Tau now, I'm definitely going to experiment with some more lists."
"Force your opponent to make moves you've already predicted."
"Each nation has their own specific features, strengths, and weaknesses that offer a multitude of opportunities to devise your own tactics."
"Emotec's strategic genius is unmatched, orchestrating simultaneous wars across dozens of worlds."
"You always want to launch our offense from an ideal position, and get back to safety."
"The goal is to keep all five drones alive...if we lose more than one, we have failed our prep phase."
"Remember, designing a tank force is really all about addressing the circumstances you are likely to find yourself in within the limitations of your resources."
"Moving on to Brock, I'm gonna set up three meditates."
"A very important thing when you're lacking space when it comes to pawns is you have to find a way to chip away at those pawns."
"Blue, if you're good, let's push up to this concrete wall on Drewski."
"So let's hold one of our smokes for the hit and smoke somewhere on the side and TP into it and go crazy."
"We've done the movement now it is time for the trap to be sprung is the shooting phase."
"How to win battles? Making plans and proper execution thereof."
"There's always more than one way to approach an enemy base or an objective."
"The light buy is the time to experiment think about what the enemy's pattern has been and what weapon would be the best fit to countering it within your budget pick up a little armor if you can and cross your fingers."
"You gotta have that freedom for Paul Pogba to allow him to play his game."
"The first step to victory is knowing where the enemy is, finding their weakness, and striking there."
"The fact that you can get this down on turn two, morph on turn three, and then when you can attack with the morph, you flip it up and draw a card immediately, it's a nice little curve."
"A lot of the meta in this game is figuring out what you have and how you can rally that into a victory for yourself."
"In-game adjustments are critical for success."
"Strategically timing your charge move can tip the balance in battles."
"Off one card right here, you potentially have three interruptions already built in."
"I'm surprised we haven't seen one player using an air deck here."
"Apollo is a solid pickup. If fights are happening in the mid lane every three seconds, Apollo will control all of that."
"You need to have a little sticky note that like past the 15-minute mark if mid and top are not pushed I'm doing something wrong right like it just has to be pushed if I'm radiant it's mid and top if I'm dire it's bottom and mid."
"Let's boost our decoy and bring in our supernova and get going. Do I want damage with the wraith cooldown reduction? I think damage. Let's just pour it on, let's pour it on."
"Making more positive elixir trades is the name of the game."
"Make sure at least one person has strong poke damage."
"Discover the path to dominance, whether through diplomacy or force."
"Let's remind the fans... if Barça did score then Juve would need a two-goal difference."
"DDG is a pretty decent-sized deck, especially when you go first. Those are smartly going first kind of answers."
"Now with 3.10, engaging any ship with turrets is going to make a pilot think twice."
"We might be able to kill three more of his generals this turn."
"Setting up defenses could be our game-changer."
"Think of how many bodies I just put on the ground. The logistics of just dealing with that..."
"Healers choosing their targets... couldn't have planned that any better!"
"Yeah it's simple we want this pawn gone so queen h1 will be made and knight h3 is a good way of doing that fork thinking of the queen good."
"Okay, wait till we see him. Don't light it yet. Just because we hear him doesn't mean anything at this point."
"There is a pathway to victory here, especially after sideboarding."
"This bomb shooter strategy is just like super cracked, it just works way too well."
"Towers are deterministic... I know what four abilities you have, play around those."
"An organized offense is gonna beat a disorganized defense every single day of the year."
"The Raven Guard are the sneaky sneakertons of the Horus Heresy genre."
"I actually really like the team's smart bans, targeting strengths and weaknesses."
"The OODA loop stands for observation, orientation, decision, and action."
"I think the best way to play League of Legends from level 6 onwards is playing mid to bot or playing both to mid and controlling bot river."
"Last for Karen is her Houndoom, so I switch to Justin as Houndoom goes for a greedy nasty plot, and then a waterfall cleanly knocks it out, winning us the battle."
"Always slam items when you have four item components or more."
"For cloning him. He gets a passing grade as well. You just have to be very very careful to not 1: feed the enemy team 2: to get in a position to actually get value from the whole hog."
"Thank god it didn't, but getting back to the fight, he did a brilliant job, Fury, of knowing the right fight plan."
"Definitely puts you at the level where you could very easily put 100 Space Marines on the board."
"I told you, I'm here to weaken Manchester City, I'm gonna take away points from you, your best defender belongs to me."
"Establishing vision control is the most important thing for any objective."
"Lots of good things to like and lots of variety for list building."
"I know in the last week, Lamont, he did not do a lot, but seriously hear me out, okay? It's 2 AP for Deflator, it's one for Enforcer, and it's one for Lurker."
"We want to bring Siege to be more tactical, more purposeful, and more strategic than ever before."
"It's all about manipulating the defense and getting outside their hips."
"It's one dude left, inside the house. I'm gonna first aid, okay? Think about this, Bolin. He just walked up the stairs to the second level."
"We are indeed now coming very close to the end game."
"Being both fairly shooty and fairly fighty is a real advantage for the Redemptor."
"Pathing needs to be emphasized. It's about understanding the battlefield and making crucial decisions."
"Orders of operations: kill the sectoid first, then follow up with the shredder rocket, then finish strong with a Papa Bear heat ammo special."
"In this battle, we need to focus on the trebuchet first because of how much damage that thing can actually create."
"I want to run a team full of support and defense for cooler that's it cooler carries all the offense and every other option on the team is a defensive wall that's the team I want to run."
"Floor 33 remains my favorite floor in the tower for strategic development."
"Honestly though too, I feel like it is a lot about the incorporation of large AOEs as well."
"Try not to lose material, then you can start seeing these sequences which win."
"The villages have to be the central point of focus of the way to fight this kind of war."
"Just put all of your infantry units in the front and your range right behind them."
"LMF knows what he's doing, perfect knowledge of Archer Queen range."
"The focus for this week was all about airburst making the explosion valid for damage scaling changes."
"You go in with overwhelming force... if you go in with just barely enough, you'll probably lose a bunch of stuff."
"Most of this game is actually Russia's it's not just uh it's not just building your towers in certain places or anything like that is rushing people at the right times in the right areas."
"The principles are the same, prioritizing ammo storage on the front."
"Splitting the map is really good here from TSM."
"Be careful about the move g4; this kind of move can be incredibly difficult to stop."
"A couple turnovers early and then just be smart."
"Our goal is to take out a few of you, maybe just one, then we're leaving."
"There's just an abundance of tactical ideas here for white."
"Just don't make it easy, mix up your coverages, mix up your rushes, make pressures harder to read."
"The drowned necromancer should be inside and I'd have the most chance of survival if I snuck inside to fight him."
"We gotta make it to the river, and that means that we won the game!"
"Just like in mid lane examples, we push the wave to pin down the enemy and then pivot elsewhere."
"Chinese food so good, make you want to slap out!"
"One storage versus eighteen hog riders, a baby dragon, an archer queen, and some wizard firepower. No, I think it's gonna go down."
"Remember six perks is what you need and make sure on your class setup, the attachments that you want are attachments that increase your bullet velocity."
"This forces you to use more soldiers and have like multiple squads like an a squad of B squad and a C squad kind of thing."
"The rogue idol is gonna be brilliant for dealing with the dwarfs."
"Secondary objectives completed all of our agents were exfiltrated equipment acquired five-on-five classified documents acquired five-on-five beautiful start let's rock and roll now chapter one."
"Great angle of attack when it's going to come to go off-road."
"She's going to need some sort of naval force."
"It's important that you wall in the drainer now so that your opponent can't really build a mill around it."
"If your opponent is not in feudal age before like 10 minutes, it's obvious that they're fast castling."
"Those homing missiles on the side of his ship shouldn't be able to reach me."
"Designing a good slug is hard enough, but designing a die to make that slug is even harder."
"The early strategy is to basically become Byzantium."
"I am hoping they go Dolkadir because that one's relatively easy for me."
"That's how you need to be thinking about like counters in the late game and like what to play around."
"Don't focus elites until your run has its engine that starts to, you know, like for example you have corruption barricade and true grits or something."
"Xploud ensured slow, bulky teams could never get too comfortable."
"You put a veteran team like Jack and Acorn on high ground this late in the game, and then with mystical bomb, with decent materials, triple heels and whatnot, I think it's a no-brainer."