
Exam Preparation Quotes

There are 339 quotes

"So that's it for this video and so thanks for watching and I wish you well on your exam on simplifying rational expressions and have a great day."
"Hopefully, you found this helpful and can try and implement this into your own exam revision routine."
"You gotta relax the night before a final, otherwise you're just going to be stressed all night."
"The more we shift our focus towards writing questions and answering them, just the better we'll do in our exams."
"The GRE is already a very stressful exam, and if you can come to the table with this organization already in mind, you're gonna hit the ground running."
"Flexibility allows anyone to have the best possible exam preparation no matter where they are located."
"Testing yourself is the single most important thing you can do to boost your exam scores."
"You're doing real tests under exam conditions in order to establish your weaknesses."
"Past papers are really really great and if you have access to them then definitely use them."
"Don't let any day go to waste. Solve some questions or do some previous year questions."
"Give all your mock tests like they are your main paper and take your main paper like it's a mock test."
"Practice as much as you can with these types of questions and they will become easier."
"Raised sprinkles come in before they take a test."
"Memorize this detail now, research more if you need to, and smash that exam!"
"You have everything you need to pass... if you have a plan."
"Watch the films. Not only does it give you a good understanding of the storyline as a whole, it also helps you remember key quotes and visualize it when you come into the exam."
"Hi from Germany. Studying for the bar exam in Chicago, only a couple of weeks away."
"Practice questions should be your number one focus when you're preparing for AP exams going over material is great but it's crucial to go through old practice tests online old FR qs old practice questions."
"For anybody who's looking to set exams and write essay questions, ultimately you look at what you're being asked."
"Possibly the best advice that my history teacher at A-level ever gave me was that you can actually plan the first sentence of any essay months before the exam."
"It's very important to read the explanations of both the right and the wrong answers when you do these tests."
"I would say you should give a minimum of four months of devoted study for the USMLE step one if you're working at the same time."
"Your previous scores will still be valid, no need to worry."
"Even if they increase the score requirement, it's still achievable."
"It's not because people are not smart enough to take the NCLEX or that they don't know the knowledge. It's because people struggle with answering NCLEX style questions."
"Proper guidance and mock tests are essential for success."
"Like studying for a test and then saying, 'I'm not gonna use any of that for this test,' right?"
"Ensure answers match the instructions - use no more than two words and/or a number."
"Those are my friends, the nine key tips to getting a good score in the IELTS."
"Keep in mind the number one reason students don't get the score they want is they fail to write on topic and they fail to answer the question."
"Get a good night's sleep. Never pull an all-nighter or try to study last minute for the CPA exams. It just does not work."
"Know them well know how to draw them know how to use them in both analysis and evaluation you will smash it you'll impress your examiners."
"Regaining composure, Hizashi returns to his seat, exchanging determined glances with Kuromiya Rei. Together, they brace themselves for the challenges posed by the upcoming exams, a testament to their shared commitment to giving their best effort."
"Some of the studying that I did for the USMLE Step 1 exam, I'm now seeing in these lectures that I'm going through."
"Ensure you're totally focused on your prelims preparation in the final week."
"In IELTS speaking, you'll never know what topic you have to talk about on test day. To get a high score, you'll need to know how to talk about a range of topics."
"Practice more tests and get into a habit of identifying key points. Practice makes a man perfect, and practice makes a man experience."
"You should think of this test as like extra credit."
"Practice without a timer first, then introduce the timer when you're ready. Build your skill step-by-step."
"You should at least do one practice test under exam conditions before you do your real test."
"Before your vivas, talk to someone who has already given that viva."
"How do you revise a year's worth of undergrad work in a month? Scope the subject."
"Believe in yourself, have confidence, enjoy the exam."
"If my AS grades counted, I would've been so much more chill this year."
"Subscribe, hit that like button, and make sure you watch the rest of these videos to help you get ready for the AP test!"
"I am 10 days out and I actually feel probably the calmest I've ever felt in any exam season ever"
"I highly, highly recommend getting an SAT or ACT tutor... They really know all about the test and help so many kids your age study for this test."
"None of you will need a 265 to pass but you can glean some of the best practices of studying to pass with flying colors and look like a rock star on your third year clerkships."
"Marina's friend hasn't studied for the big exam today."
"Our focus is all about AZ-305, so that's really that final exam towards that architect certification."
"Flow logs are essential to know for the exam as you should know the capabilities and use cases."
"It's really important that you cover the core topics which are important for you to understand to pass the exam."
"Master your exam technique because this could actually be more crucial than your revision."
"Make the most of your practice exams. Understand what your mistakes are and why you're making them."
"Everyone benefits from a variety of sources, so mix and match the techniques you like best as you prepare for the exam."
"Using the resources I've provided you here, I find most candidates are ready to take this exam and pass on their first try in less than one day."
"Interleaving is important because it is the last piece of the studying puzzle which relational prioritized learning and flash cards do not cover."
"Whether you're watching this video before or after April 15th, 2024, it's intended to lay a path to a win on exam day without wasting time or money."
"You want to strengthen the networks in your brain which are activated when you do the exam."
"The most important part in getting a Grade 9 in any subject is exam questions and past papers."
"If you just do simple things everyone else is doing, the examiners are just going to get tired of people repeating the same thing over and over."
"The single most important thing that literally no students do is look at the syllabus and specification of what you actually need to know and what's going to be asked about in the exam."
"For language and literature, the structure of your answers is probably the most important part. You can know every single quote but structure your answer wrong and not do well."
"Regardless of how complex or simple it is, all of these are things that have popped up on the AC math exam before, so these are all going to be helpful for you."
"This series is designed to help you ramp up quickly by focusing on the key aspects of topics that will help you drill down and choose the correct answers more effectively on exam day."
"As you are preparing for your exams, not only review the material but also practice the skills."
"I love these practice exams, these are the practice exams I wish I had when I was taking my Security Plus."
"Stick to the objectives. If you know all of those bullets in the exam objectives, you will pass your exam."
"Treat your mocks like they are the real exams."
"Reviewing as much of the content as you can with active recall is the number one way to improve your exam score."
"Why would I spend my time reading an entire novel to get acquainted with all of these irrelevant details when I know that the exam question is going to be something vague about the themes of the text that I could write in my sleep?"
"Make sure you read through the wrong answers as well, because everything in the book is from exam objectives."
"So, you're missing a huge percentage of the 601 materials."
"So, that's my recommendation to you. Don't worry about it. Focus on the exam objectives. Focus on knowing the material."
"Stick to the objectives. If you know the objectives, you're going to pass your exam."
"If you are someone like me that takes six months to get through an exam, you may have to make a tough decision about taking the 501 or the 601."
"Don't go take the 601 exam. Go take the 501 exam. You're going to be much better off. It's going to be a much easier experience for you."
"I took the 501 on February 2nd and I passed it. Thank God because I was lost with the questions you just asked right now."
"Because so much is different on these newer exams."
"Everything being asked of you was in that list of bullets. Stick to the exam objectives and you'll be fine."
"If you can do good on these, you're probably going to do good on your real exam."
"So if you can explain every single course objective that's on the exam before you take the exam, then you're gonna be all set."
"So hopefully that can help you too so if you're someone who is really working towards earning these certification exams make sure you study from the right materials and make sure you take the right version of the exam."
"By using Studicata to help me prepare for my final exam, I was able to score the highest grade out of my class on the final."
"The exam stays very, very close to these objectives. If you know everything listed in these objectives, you're going to pass your exam without a problem."
"Our exam content, we've got these science practices that you see on the right-hand side here. Emphasis on the math for the FRQ, emphasis on visual representations and data."
"If you know everything on the objectives, you're going to pass your exam no problem."
"Taking an exam can be a stressful process. Hopefully, that's given you some ideas of things that might help for you when looking through the exam and what's there."
"Just know the primary ones because you're not going to get asked a question that's like name this bone. That's not how the exam is going to be."
"Study every single day because if you don't, those skills that you have to practice in order to pass the skills portion of your state exam, you will fail."
"Working through practice tests before doing the actual exam is extremely useful."
"If you go into a CFA exam without having had memorized all the formulas that you know will be applicable to that exam, you're like setting yourself up for massive failure."
"Make sure you watch this video multiple times to maximize your chance of passing your test with flying colors. Good luck!"
"All of the topics from the performance-based question come directly from the exam objectives."
"Linux utilities are an important group of info, not only for exams but for real-world tech work."
"All of these utilities and all of these descriptions again do come from the exam objectives makes you are familiar with them."
"So make sure you read through these. Those policies are going to be incredibly important on your exam, especially if you're taking the exam at home."
"This video is your complete guide to what the exams are, which ones you should take, and how it all fits together."
"Regardless of which side you're on here, let me start by giving you some core principles about exam preparation."
"The secret to passing this exam is the mindset. It is not about memorizing a bunch of stuff, it's about understanding."
"Conserving time for the exam is a perfectly fine strategy."
"The orals exam is a performance. It is not a test of knowledge or intelligence. It is the test of a particular performance of knowledge under unique conditions of stress."
"Passing NCLEX is not about knowing the absolute right answer for every question, it's about good guessing."
"You can, you will, and you must pass NCLEX. Let me show you how to do it."
"...keeping yourself anchored and grounded and confident as you approach the testing center."
"Any question that you see on NCLEX about tetracycline, because we studied, you now can believe that I can, I will, and I must pass NCLEX."
"The NCLEX virtual trainer is the best training system for nursing students who need to pass the exam."
"If you know everything listed in those exam objectives, you're going to take this exam, you're going to do great."
"I passed NCLEX on my first attempt with Remar Review's Virtual Trainer and Quick Facts. Regina's teaching was well-organized and prepared me for success."
"You've already learned something new about the exam topics that are in the 1101."
"You want to pass the exam as soon as possible and start preparing for the other factors rather than spending too much time on the exam just to pass it."
"The best way to prepare for this exam is obviously the Microsoft Learn modules."
"Even if the exam is pass/fail, you still need to prepare for it. It's important for your medical studies."
"Use the point sheets, model answers, and actual performance tests to reverse engineer the test."
"I'm big on practice exams. I think they're the best way to prepare for a certification exam."
"Your first step in never failing your NCLEX again is to read the report that they gave you."
"You want to do paid online practice exams that simulate the real exam."
"So, let's cover network cables and media. All your bread and butter stuff for the exam."
"Nothing is overkill everything you learn and do will go into you passing your exam don't ever think to yourself you're doing too much don't think that just don't do as much as you can get help make friends have fun in your journey and you should be good."
"Between those three, ATI, Mark Klimek, and NCLEX High Yield, for sure, that's the reason I passed."
"If all I did was give you the strategy you need to pass this exam, would it be worth it? Check yes. But what if I gave you access to other teachers, taking the test, for myself and Sarah, would it be worth it? Of course, it would, right?"
"Practice questions are like gold for exam preparation."
"Welcome back to the CCSP Exam Cram Series 2023 Edition. In this installment, covering every topic in the official exam syllabus for domain 5 of the CCSP exam."
"One month of full-time GMAT prep is better than six months to a year of part-time prep."
"Dedicate enough time to practicing exam questions, it's crucial for application."
"Visualize yourself doing well in the exam, picture yourself answering questions with confidence."
"The CFA exam can be a little daunting, so I try to do these videos to help you so hopefully you can pass and succeed."
"Huge because that's one of the questions that comes up the most."
"Know where you're going for the exam."
"Bring a clock or wristwatch if you're concerned about time."
"My last posted videos I did actually go through one type of question on everything that hasn't appeared but this is going to be slightly different in more of an exam style format."
"I felt like a lot of EnvMs have these super random questions that are out of the blue and the actual exam didn't have quite that bad of the blue stuff."
"Know this material before taking the test."
"The most important thing to know for this exam is the big ideas and the major developments."
"Step 2 CK is gonna be incredibly helpful for all of you to do well in Step 2 CK and be competitive applicants for residency in the match."
"Get familiarized with USMLE style questions from very early on. Start seeing the specific details you should focus on."
"Somehow if I manage to pass this exam I'll make a structured video to share my experiences... so that anybody who is trying for the certification can get some help."
"Remember, the NCLEX world is about application of knowledge and showing the NCLEX that you are a safe nurse."
"Y'all, fundamentals is critical for passing NCLEX."
"I want you to remember this for your exam: Certificate Signing Request."
"Use a process of elimination to tackle challenging NCLEX-style questions."
"Hope you can use some of these tips when you're preparing for the CISSP exam."
"Revision timetable when it comes up to exams. I'm not talking, you know, the week before. I'm talking several weeks, months before. You need to be getting some sort of revision timetable."
"All these videos here are designed to supplement your revision. They are specifically tuned to the exam board and use the specification to make sure that it's relevant for you."
"They also provide an exam pass guarantee, so they're definitely worth checking out and they will help you a lot in terms of preparing for your final exam."
"You can go to your test feeling calm, confident. How would you want to feel?"
"You should be able to get 80% just off your logic from your studying."
"It really helps students in that last step of preparing for the ASQ certification exam."
"Check out my ultimate review packet, it's a great resource that'll help you not only in your AP human geography class but the national exam as well."
"Your goal should not be just to pass the exam; your goal should be to pass the exam on the first try."
"In the last month, focus on a lot of mocks, analyzing the mock, this is very important because without analyzing the mock you're not going to identify which are the weak spots."
"The teacher gave us a comprehensive review for the exam."
"You're not going to struggle. Understand the questions, understand the answers, no matter how they word it."
"My main strategy is to do exam papers and then when I identify a topic that I'm weaker on, I'll go and do topic specific questions on them."
"The more practice questions you do, the better you get at solving similar questions."
"You should never plan to resit the exam; you should plan to pass the exam with flying colors."
"Taking those practice exams, that's like my number one tip."
"You really need to practice doing all these questions together in that exam time situation."
"Untimed accuracy is one of the best ways to build speed in exams."
"When you're trying to study for an exam like this, you want to make sure that you try to keep things organized so that you do not get overwhelmed."
"Vocabulary is the number one reason people fail boards."
"If you score 70 or better overall on your predictor exam, then you're highly likely to pass the certification exam on the first attempt."
"Remember that you've got one hour 45 minutes for the English Language Paper One exam."
"Take your time to prepare for the exam."
"All you need to do is to practice well; OSCE is simple, and NMC tests are brilliant."
"The number one predictor for standardized exam success is how many questions you take."
"Vocabulary is the number one reason people fail NCLEX."
"Take regular mock tests, monitor your progress."
"If you learn my mnemonics and spend a little bit of time, it is free points, and we don't want to leave free points on the table because that's how we can pass these exams."
"Check out the ultimate review packet."
"Our goal is, first and foremost, to help you review the essential content and skills of the course that you're likely to need on the AP exam."
"The more you spend a little bit just looking at your stimulus and reading that question and underlining and taking your time, it will save you time down the road."
"Welcome back to Citizen Surgeon; I'm here to help you get comfortable on the wards, in the ICU, in the operating room, and of course, to crush your exams."
"The OET Get Started Checklist will help you get started and keep you on track from beginning to success."
"Learn how you're scored; the more that you understand the scoring, the more you can perform in a way that the examiners will be happy with."
"If you write to the criteria, then you can certainly improve your chances of success."
"If you can get to the point where you can just tell that story and group things into acute AML, ALL, CML, CLL, and then tell the details of each one of these, you'll be perfect for the exam."
"Doing the Olympiad past papers is possibly the most important thing because obviously when you're preparing for an exam, then the best thing to do is to do the past papers for that exam."
"You will be 100% prepared to pass."
"Change your mindset towards the exam."
"Being mentally fresh and staying motivated after studying so hard for the week only to get a low practice exam score really hurts."
"Just close your eyes a minute and imagine how incredible it would feel to go to your test feeling excited, feeling calm, feeling confident."
"Set yourself up for success on the multiple choice, use your time wisely."
"We have a wonderful online portal which has more video content, it has multiple choice questions about 750 of them, it has flash cards and it has lots of mock written questions and answers."
"If you're actively preparing for the anlix, this channel will help you improve your critical thinking."
"Our mission here is to definitely be able to keep things easy and simple for those of you that are taking your state exam."
"I pray over every viewer right now... help them so that when they see the same content on the next exam, they are able to figure out what's being asked of them and answer the question correctly."
"The more confident you're feeling yourself, the better you'll end up doing in the paper."
"You have to become familiar with the material, you have to master every concept, and finally, you need to remember everything on exam day."
"We're all going to do great on the exam."
"Past papers are your best friend."
"Reflecting on your past exams or reflecting on how you study previously can help."
"I took a practice exam every three days... That practice is really what makes the difference."
"By spending this time preparing, I truly believe that you can pass the PMP."
"Welcome to this webinar about how to teach an exam class for B2 First for Schools and C1 Advanced."
"You want to be able to have the confidence and the knowledge to go and find information and know where to look for information. That is the key to passing both the FE and the PE exam."
"Breaking down the complicated information into the simple spec points that you need for the exam."
"Success in the exam basically works on how well you can utilize your phrases and words that you've memorized throughout the year."
"The best way to prepare for the exam is to really go through the old exams and get a sense for what kind of problems and questions you're gonna be asked."
"In the exam, you'll spend less time thinking about what you're going to write and actually just write it, which is amazing."