
Government Response Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"We want to make sure that hardworking Americans have liquidity while we wait to reopen the government."
"In the face of deadly heat waves, the city has appointed an extreme heat official."
"We will continue to bring the full resources of the federal government in coordination with our state and local partners to see to the health and well-being and to the effective response to the coronavirus here in the United States of America."
"Fear propelled the kind of massive, disproportionate overreaction that we saw by governments."
"It was worrying for everybody, but it wasn't really the people who are panicking or getting really concerned first, it was really the government doing all of this stuff."
"I signed an executive order invoking the Defense Production Act, giving us powerful new authorities to help state, cities, and hospitals procure needed supplies."
"The reality is this: the Emergencies Act is not something to be taken lightly. It's not the first thing you turn to, nor the second, nor the third."
"Our government's ability to respond effectively has been undermined by hollowing out our agencies and disparagement of science."
"This proclamation is part of the Biden Administration's whole-of-government, decisive, and science-driven response to the COVID-19 pandemic."
"President Biden also officially appointed a COVID-19 response coordinator to create a unified national response to the pandemic."
"We have a wartime president fighting an invisible enemy, and we have the full force of government coupled with the full power of private enterprise bearing down on this problem for the American people."
"Nobody was prepared for this. What we've done nobody can even imagine."
"Intentions from results and if public safety is dropping down, if people are feeling unsafe not as a matter of perception but hard reality, that demands action."
"We're deploying every tool, resource, and power at our disposal to protect our seniors and Americans of every age and background."
"It's a humanitarian crisis. What is the Biden administration doing about it?"
"We're speeding urgent economic relief to the American worker and families."
"We're in the midst of a serious financial crisis, and the federal government is responding with decisive action."
"The government response was deficient, chaotic, and dysfunctional."
"The government wouldn't send the police to protect the black small business owners and families in Minneapolis but they have managed to keep rioters out of the CNN headquarters. Priorities on display, wonderful, isn't it?"
"The government knew full well about the shooter and did nothing."
"Help is on the way, and at the president's direction, we're gonna leave no stone unturned."
"We're very excited about the full activation of FEMA."
"The president has signed the federal emergency disaster declaration."
"How about when a Democratic governor of a state says that the feds are doing their best in providing help you say oh that's good news instead of is it enough"
"The entirety of DoD's focus was to combating this virus."
"When we need something, because of the Act, when we need something, we order something."
"I would have a certain sympathy for anybody who's in government when a pandemic hits but... I'm still waiting for some to kind of wake up and smell the coffee."
"Whatever's running the government would have so many backups upon backups and they would just start churning out propaganda."
"The previous administration engaged in an unprecedented campaign of political interference in the federal government's pandemic response."
"At a time when American families are under increasing financial pressure their government cannot sit by and watch millions of pounds of food turn to waste."
"Our stock market is collapsing. Our government is reading the table of contents of a 700-ish page bill."
"We are sparing no expense, we're doing whatever it takes, we're marshalling the full resources of the federal government to respond to the challenges facing communities impacted today by the coronavirus."
"And I mean, here we are almost a year into this pandemic and the most response that we've seen from our government in this year about the pandemic has been in response to demonstrators upset about the murder of George Floyd."
"One can only hope that this time the government will listen to the scientists before it's too late."
"A non-vote is a political action... it embarrasses the government."
"Our strategy is to save lives and to protect the NHS."
"The 2008 financial crash was a wake-up call for many Western governments."
"Not one person with all of the size of our country and all of the people that were sick, not one person that needed a ventilator didn't get."
"Our government's failure to respond properly to this virus has been a disregard for public health expertise."
"We hope the federal government, over the next two, three weeks, but I mean, just astonishing pictures of thousands of people in line waiting to get canned goods, goods from a food bank."
"We've done a great job and I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about Mike Pence, the taskforce, I'm talking about the Army Corps of Engineers."
"What does this tell us about how the administration is handling the pandemic?"
"Thank you for the work that you're doing to protect Americans and give us one of the lowest mortality rates in the entire world, thank you."
"To me, this looks extremely, extremely aggressive, extremely productive."
"People are going to see this money at the beginning of next week. It'll be very fast."
"The good news is that almost every week we literally have like a new thing that they're doing this emergency type of stimulus like every week we have like something new coming out."
"If it makes 185 million dollars on opening weekend less than a handful of films in history i've ever made those kinds of numbers you've got to consider that a smash success."
"This is a package that will help get the pandemic under control."
"This is about as local an election issue as you can get, but the reality is, if you're the Biden administration you have to say, is this a bellwether change now?"
"Authorities responded to a disaster not with openness, but with obfuscation."
"The federal government has had two months to put itself on the war footing, which means that you look at every element of solving the problem."
"Tonight, I'm announcing we will increase the average pace of shipment across the country of free monoclonal antibody treatments by another fifty percent."
"Violence will never be the answer because the government will never turn down an excuse to use more force."
"Few Americans would want to see another pandemic like covid-19 and the government response that followed."
"We feel that the Chinese government knew about the disease and did nothing to contain it."
"This is America. We mobilized for World War II. We are the sleeping giant. Why the [__] can't we get vaccinations out?"
"How a government makes sense of political violence directed against it usually tells us at least as much about the nature of that government as it does about the nature of its violent opponents."
"All the efforts of all federal agencies in cooperation with state governments and local health officials is reflective of the decisive leadership the president has brought this early on."
"I said that the response to the government was completely out of proportion to the size of the Menace."
"Every single public official dropped what they were doing in Canada to handle this."
"We're using the full power of the federal government to fight the China virus."
"The president has to surge more equipment to New York and other places that are clearly in distress."
"These documents confirm abuse of U.S. diplomatic personnel by the Chinese government. The Biden administration doesn't seem to have done much about this abusive anal swab testing."
"The American culture of freedom and anti-government is what made it great but it is also the reason it's responded to the virus poorly."
"The drama of mascot towers has forced governments to act on the national defects issue."
"I do very harshly criticize the response of the American government to this virus. I think they've really dropped the ball."
"The coronavirus pandemic itself and the government's response have turned out to have been the single most destructive event to take place in the United States in our lifetime."
"We reviewed all of the documents provided by Maricopa County in response to our requests and the answer is that none of the documents that they created meet the requirements."
"If the United States government stays on the dollar and then we have this Bitcoin ecosystem that in 10 and 15 years allows people to transact 90 outside of that, that's probably the best-case scenario."
"We're going to continue to bring the full resources of the federal government and enlist the full resources of American industry to keep the American people safe."
"Every time you have a war, the powers of the state grow... This war against this virus is exactly that kind of war."
"and got them there are Americans currently stranded in Kabul the question is are you going to go out there and are you going to say them well one of the."
"There will be peace when the people of the world want it so badly that their governments will have no choice but to give it to them."
"Under my leadership we have marshaled the full power of government in our fight to end the opioid epidemic."
"What is it good for when you have that human right of protest and then the government doesn't listen?"
"The scariest day of my life... we were going to be needing 130,000 ventilators... this is the system we inherited."
"I think everybody knows millions of people are hurting, they are scared to death and as a government at the federal state and local levels we've got to do everything we can to protect our people." - Bernie Sanders
"If the CDC has any function, if it serves any purpose, if we need the CDC at all, then you would think the last 18 months would be the time when they would leap into action and I don't know, do something."
"The silver lining during the '19 has been the federal government and local governments are recognizing the urgency and efficiency in delivering direct resources to struggling Americans." - Representative Omar
"I think there are enough people in the United States, both on the left and the right, to recognize that the precedent that's being set by the Canadian government here and how they respond to this is very dangerous."
"Trump invokes defense production act as coronavirus response."
"It's clear that there is a great deal of need for assistance."
"There's an urgency to delivering relief to the American people."
"The Department of Justice felt that they had to do this to counter lies from the Trump team."
"Our house is on fire, and it seems like they're doing nothing to put out the fire."
"Any way you cut it, this is going to be bad." - Senior medical advisor at the Department of Veterans Affairs
"Throughout this pandemic, the federal government has seemed extremely reluctant to provide aid directly to individuals."
"In the face of this epidemic tsunami, the Xi Jinping government has chosen to lie completely and utterly flat."
"We saw a government that after Maria were more worried of taking pictures with bags of ice... than with actually those dead eyes and gas and food getting to the people."
"Central banks and governments are combining to deal with the problem that we have today."
"These balloons scare the hell out of me. What are you guys going to do about this, man?"
"I am more concerned at this point of what the governments will do in response to this virus than the virus itself."
"That's proof that if the government pokes the bear, the bear will bite back."
"The incident that made the Brazilian government take the phenomenon seriously however occurred at 2 am in early November of that year."
"If this was something of an extraterrestrial nature or of a threatening nature, literally the government, especially the military, would be on ultra-hot."
"The government aren't denying this is that their response is kind of out of step with most other countries."
"The responsiveness of the administration throughout this hurricane has been extraordinary."
"The way shielders have been handled... probably the most disgusting element of the whole government response."
"The American Rescue Plan is a solution that comes to the moment and is a solution that helps deal with the crises we face in this country right now."
"The states were not slow to respond. The federal government was absent."
"It almost seems the government still emphasizes a herd immunity mindset."
"What President Trump has made clear to industries around the country is that we're gonna do whatever it takes. We understand this is an extraordinary moment in the life of our nation."
"What if three million people did turn up and 'storm it'? I mean, if you're gonna have guns pointed at just a handful of people, what would the government do?"
"The response of the federal government has been abominable throughout this process."
"The response from the federal government has been pathetic."
"The truth is, whatever the media says, our 'whole of America' approach has been a success."
"The president sees the crisis at the border to be a real one."
"Very good news for stimulus. The president said that the most recent weak economic reports clearly show the need for extra stimulus."
"Not one person who needed a ventilator didn't get a ventilator. How incredible is that?"
"During the pandemic they printed trillions of dollars but more people were laid off in our lifetime than ever before."
"People could get together and raise their voice so strongly... the government was forced to listen to them."
"Recently as cases have increased and today i'm directing fema to stand up new sites in areas where there is a high demand."
"I'm very taken aback, as I expect you are, by the attitude of police and mayors and governors not hesitating to use very serious force on student demonstrators in order to squelch the speech that the government hates and fears."
"The federal government must start taking these online threats seriously to ensure they don't cross into the real world violence."
"Everybody died and those who did not were just so uh locked down in grief and the incredibly hard work of caring for people in the absolute vacuum of any kind of government response."
"The actions are going to continue until the government gets back to us on that demand... no new oil and gas."
"As we move down this path, giving the response here that we're gonna have more and more fiscal responses is a popular thing at this point."
"The government will do everything it possibly can to help the local community and those affected."
"Rays of hope resurfaced among the people when the Indian government seemed to listen to their cries for help."
"He has directed his Intergovernmental Affairs staff to remain in contact with governors and mayors in the path of the storm."
"It requires that the federal government respond directly to the release of substances that may pose a threat to human health or the environment."
"...the policies he instituted and the steps that he took provide an example of how government should respond in times of economic hardship."
"We have a huge clash right now between the largest economic downturn we've had in generations contrasted with the largest-ever government response."
"The government's reaction and intervention and the way they handled it was crucial to the health of your country."
"Confidence was contagious as well as a virus, and it was important the government remained measured in its response."
"The government has these protocols and things in place to go in and help the people like immediately."
"President Biden has approved our emergency declaration today."